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Alpha's Mate

Page 9

by Moya Block, Caryn

  Violet offered to help Alena fix up her new house, as did her mother. Sergei showed up with Violet's suitcase, and Yelena checked his back. When everyone moved to the front room to talk, Dmitry pulled Violet onto his lap.

  After a while Violet felt drained from the day’s events. She snuggled into Dmitry’s side and let sleep take her.

  Dmitry brushed the hair from Violet’s face, and held her gently, as his family and friends talked around him. Sharing her strength with him, after the shooting, and learning of their lycanthropy, exhausted her. Everyone forgot that she wasn’t a Lycan.

  Grigori reported the hunter was nowhere to be found. His trail disappeared when he neared the river. Dmitry hated to think Lenka would try to kill him. Did the lack of mates cause this unrest in the pack?

  As night finally came to the Siberian summer, Dmitry bid everyone good night, and carried his mate upstairs to bed. He undressed her and tucked her under the covers, smiling as he realized it was becoming a routine experience. Then he undressed himself and settled in beside her.

  He pulled her into his arms, and she snuggled against him. Dmitry let the warmth of love and contentment wash over him. He could hardly believe she was in his home only one day and in his life for four days. How did he ever live without her?

  Chapter Ten

  The day dawned brightly. Violet dressed and snuck outside to have time away from Dmitry’s family. He left the lodge early, on pack business. She was used to spending all of her time alone and liked to go out into the surrounding woods with her camera. Feeling overwhelmed with all the people in the lodge, she needed to get away for a little while.

  Later, her lessons on what it meant to be an Alpha’s mate continued with Alena and Yelena. It was all very interesting, but Violet couldn’t wait for Illarion to come over after school. She liked to take him outside to explore the pack territory and play. She found the actual act of shifting shape amazing and Illarion liked to show off his skill. The temptation to take pictures of the act was overwhelming. But she promised Dmitry that she wouldn’t for safety reasons. A rainbow of light would suddenly appear around the human form, and then when it dissipated, a wolf would be in its place. Violet missed seeing Dmitry shift, but she was becoming used to the idea, and the wolves around her.

  The pack was very close, and the males were protective of their mates. There were only seven females still able to have children. Then there was Alena, and herself, who were newly mated. Children were needed, and somehow, as Alpha female, she needed to encourage all the women to try and get pregnant. It was easier to understand why Dmitry could be so bossy one minute and so tender the next.

  She was also learning about pack dynamics. The Alpha was the leader. Under him were several strong alpha males as his seconds, or Betas. Those seconds also led a number of younger males under them, sometimes family members, and sometimes groups coming together to support each other.

  Protecting their territory, and keeping their secrets, was their first goal. To this end, patrols were kept at all hours. If trespassers were found, they were escorted off pack lands. Pack members were forbidden to shift in front of a human. Several of the pack members seemed nervous when she was around. Having a human for an Alpha female was new to all of them.

  Violet visited with the school children and the elders who ran the school. The school was one of the few buildings receiving electricity and owned a generator for back up. She saw several pack members turn away when she came past with Illarion. But she learned it was considered an insult to stare the Alpha female in the face. Alena accompanied her, when she went out on pack business. There was so much to learn, and understand at times, it seemed overwhelming.

  She carried a basket of cookies and a blanket over her arm. She was taking Illarion on a picnic, since school was done for the day. They wandered down to the river and found a sunny spot. She settled on the bank with her camera, while Illarion played in the water, his pants rolled up. Suddenly they both heard a mental scream.


  Violet and Illarion froze staring at each other in shock.

  Violet? came Dmitry’s mind touch.

  It wasn't me, but it is close, Illarion and I are at the river.

  Don't move, lyubov moya, I am on my way.

  Violet looked around as first one large wolf and then another came running past.

  “Violet, what's going on?” asked Illarion crawling up the bank and kneeling next to her.

  “I'm not sure Illarion, but Dmitry said to stay right here, so here we stay.” She said taking his hand. She wasn’t sure who needed the reassurance more, her or Illarion.

  Violet handed a cookie to Illarion, hoping to distract him. Yelena ran up to them, her skirts flying around her ankles and her medicine bag in her hand.

  “Illarion, I need you to go to your mother right now, don't stop anywhere, go straight home.” ordered Yelena.

  Illarion looked at Violet, and she shrugged. She handed him the basket of cookies and ruffled his hair. They both got up, and Violet picked up the blanket and folded it over her arm. Her camera lay forgotten around her neck.

  “Go on, Illarion, it'll be alright.” she assured him.

  Yelena waited as they both watched Illarion run down the path. Violet rubbed her sweaty hands down the side of her jeans. What was going on?

  “Violet, I could use your help.” Yelena gestured towards the river.

  “Whatever you need, Yelena.” Violet obediently answered.

  “Then come, it is not far, just around the bend in the river.” Yelena headed off down the path with Violet following after. As they came around the bend she saw a small cottage set back into the woods. As they watched, Dmitry went running in. The front door hung at a strange angle as if something tried to rip it off. Yelena and Violet followed. As they entered, Violet saw Dmitry kneeling next to the body of a grey haired man. He lay in a puddle of blood, his throat a torn bloody mess. His eyes staring sightless at the ceiling. Violet felt her stomach heave as she watched Dmitry sigh and close the man's eyes. She handed him the picnic blanket to place over the man. Furniture and dishes lay broken and scattered on the floor. In the corner, was a young girl of about sixteen, her shirt torn and covered in blood. She was sitting on the wooden floor. She trembled and rocked, back and forth, her hands around her knees. She was clearly in shock. At her feet was a silver and gray wolf, bleeding from several wounds, the bright red of the blood looking garish against the dark floor. Yelena headed towards the wolf and started inspecting its wounds. Violet approached the young girl from the side and kneeled down. She didn’t appear to be injured. The blood must belong to the wolf or the man on the floor. Violet wasn’t sure what to do. The girl didn't seem to know what was going on. Her eyes were glassy and unfocused. Violet got up and crossed to a chair knocked aside in the struggle, where a quilt lay over the back. She picked it up and placed it around the girl's shoulders.

  A wail of anguish came from the broken front door, and a young man with light blond hair ran over. He leaned down and swept the girl into his arms. She finally roused as he held her, turning her face into his chest. He sat and rocked the girl, whispering to her, as she sobbed. Violet stepped back out of the way and watched as they held onto each other and cried.

  Dmitry walked over and drew Violet away from the couple. His hand linked around her wrist like a bracelet.

  “Violet I told you to stay at the river.” He said gruffly. Violet could see the anguish in his eyes. Whatever happened here, Dmitry appeared shaken.

  “Your mother asked me to come, but if you want me to go....”

  “No, forgive me, I am upset. Stay with me.” He pulled her into his side and locked his arm around her waist.

  Sergei walked in and looked around, then walked up to Dmitry. Kolya led a group of men in, and started to remove the body, while others started to remove the debris. Violet felt Dmitry pull his emotions back behind a barrier in his mind. He straightened, the aura of authority surrounding him as he turned to Sergei
to take his report.

  “It was Lenka and Igorek, like before at your parent's house. Sonya's parents defended her. That is the only reason she wasn't taken. Now her father is dead and her mother will follow. All because Lenka thinks he is entitled to a mate. Grigori has gone to Lenka's house, but I doubt he will find them there.” Sergei growled.

  “Your brother, Matfei is Sonya's mate? I thought it was Lukyan?” asked Dmitry.

  “Yes, Matfei realized it at her sixteenth birthday party. If you look closely the mating bond is starting to show. He has been trying to stay away from her, she is still a child. And he is five years her senior. But now....”

  “I will expect your family to help guard her and take care of her. She will move into the Alpha’s lodge. She will need the women of my family to help her deal with her loss. See her personal things are moved into one of the guest bedrooms. Matfei may stay as well, until she is better able to handle her grief.”

  “Certainly, Alpha,” answered Sergei bowing his head slightly.

  “They will be handfasted at the pack meeting. Hopefully with your brother's claim on her, we can keep her safe. I want Lenka and Igorek brought before me and the pack council. What they have done is unforgivable.”

  “I will have the guard keep looking for them.” Sergei looked determined. Violet wondered what would happen when they found this Lenka.

  Yelena finished administering to the injured wolf and motioned Dmitry over to her. Keeping Violet close to him, he held her hand.

  “Can you place her in the bed, Son? I will stay with her and make her comfortable, until the passing.” Yelena sighed and stepped back, allowing Dmitry to move close as he reluctantly released Violet. It was as if she was a life-line he needed to hold onto.

  “The passing?” asked Violet as she watched Dmitry carefully pick up the wolf and lay her gently on the bed in the adjourning room. Yelena and Violet followed behind him.

  “Margery will choose to follow her mate into the next world. I can only make her comfortable until she passes.” explained Yelena as she tucked a quilt around the wolf and petted its head. She slowly sank down on the chair, Dmitry moved up to the side of the bed for her.

  “But her daughter....”

  “Is now Dmitry’s ward and the pack's responsibility. It is our way, Violet.”

  Dmitry wrapped his hand around her wrist, as Vikenti walked in the door and went to Yelena.

  “Come, Violet, let me take you home. There is nothing more we can do here, it is all in hand.”

  Violet let Dmitry lead her out of the cottage and back down the path. Away from the horror and grief permeating the air. For once, the beauty of the forest was forgotten. Her thoughts were confused and in turmoil. How could they accept the death of Margery without a fight? Surely a child was a good reason to stay, even if it meant the loss of your mate. Violet tugged at Dmitry’s hand so he would release her wrist. Turning to him, she poked him in the chest.

  “I need you to promise me if we have children, and something happens to me, you will not follow me into death, until you know our children are taken care of.” said Violet.

  “The children of the pack are always taken care of, Violet.” Dmitry tried to explain.

  “But I want you to help our child cope, to say goodbye. I know it will be hard, I don't ask it lightly. But I cannot bring a child into the world, knowing if they lose one parent they automatically lose two.”

  “Violet, do you remember the agony you felt with your shields up? Think how it would feel if I was dead, lyubov moya.”

  “I would still stay for our child, Dmitry, even if the agony was tenfold. Promise me you will stay, until our child is well taken care of.”

  “Very well, since it means so much to you, I promise not to follow you into the next world, until I know our child is well taken care of. But I don't plan on letting you slip into death, until we are old and gray, and we have great great grandchildren.” said Dmitry trying to lighten the mood.

  “I hope it happens your way, Dmitry. Thank you for your promise.”

  “You are upset over what has happened, I understand. I am upset as well. I cannot believe members of my pack would attack others in this way. I will have to demand the blood oath.” Dmitry ran his hand through his hair.

  “What does a blood oath mean?” asked Violet.

  “It is a binding ritual, once completed I will be able to control all the members of the pack through it. If I order a member to do something, they will not be able to say no. I will be able to control them with my mind. It was something required long ago, I would not ask for it, but now we have two deaths and two injuries.”

  “Make that three deaths.” said Grigori as he walked out of the woods next to the path. Violet tried not to jump, but they all moved so quietly. “I came from Lenka's home, I found Pavel's body.”

  “He killed his own brother?” asked Dmitry.

  “It appears that way. I could smell no one but Lenka and Igorek. I am afraid they have gone rogue.”

  “This is worse than going rogue. Get the word out, I want them found. No one is to venture out alone, guards will work in pairs. Families need to stay together and keep their houses locked. Anyone alone needs to move in with another family or into the Alpha's lodge. I want the whole pack on alert.”

  “We'll find them, Alpha.” Grigori tried to reassure Dmitry.

  That evening, as the stars shone brightly in the sky. Violet watched with the other members of the pack, as Dmitry presided over the funeral of Pavel and Sonya's parents. Margery passed on within hours of her mate. Pack members spoke of the memories of their friends, and then Dmitry set alight the funeral pyre. As the bodies of their friends were sent to the heavens, pack members howled their grief to the stars. Violet stood quietly, tears running down her face, until Dmitry came and wrapped her in his arms. Sonya couldn't hold herself up, her grief was so great. Matfei gently picked her up in his arms, and let her cry into his chest. They stood with the rest of the pack as the fire burned hotter and hotter. Violet didn't think she would get the sight of the burning bodies out of her mind for a long time.

  When the fire was finally dying down, Dmitry motioned to Kolya and Grigori to finish monitoring the fire. When it went out, they would dig a hole to put the ashes in. Dmitry spoke briefly to Matfei who still held Sonya in his arms, and then they all turned to go back to the Alpha's lodge. Once back at the house, Yelena went to get something to help calm Sonya, while Matfei got her settled in one of the guest rooms upstairs. Violet squeezed Dmitry’s hand, and then went into the kitchen to start hot water for tea. Once the water was ready, Violet set out cups of hot tea and fixed a plate of cookies for the family to snack on. Alena came in with Anton and gratefully accepted a cup of tea. Then they sat at the table, hunched over with Anton's arm around his twin. Next Vikenti came into the room.

  “Thank you, daughter. We appreciate your kindness.” Vikenti picked up a cup of tea and walked over to join his family.

  Violet felt her heart warm at hearing Vikenti call her daughter. She admitted she liked hearing it. Knowing Matfei wouldn't leave Sonya. Violet fixed a tray with two cups and another plate of cookies and went up to Sonya's room. She knocked quietly and then entered to see Yelena coaxing Sonya to swallow the medicine. Violet handed Matfei a cup of tea and then placed the tray on the bedside table. Matfei smiled his thanks but his attention went immediately back to the young woman who lay broken in the bed. Violet let herself out of the room and headed back down stairs.

  When she returned to the kitchen, Dmitry joined his family at the table. He saw her and held out his hand. Violet went to him and let him pull her onto his lap and wrap her securely in his embrace. She leaned back into him offering her quiet support.

  They all heard the back door open and turned to see Kolya enter the room. He was covered in dirt, with soot and ashes streaking his face.

  “It is done, Alpha, they are returned to the Earth.”

  “Thank you brother, go get a shower and then r
est, the search for their killers begins in the morning.”

  Alena stood up and went to Kolya, she kissed him lightly on the mouth then took his hand and lead him upstairs. Violet could tell from the way they walked how strong their grief was for their pack members. This group was a family clinging to each other. The whole pack was hard pressed.

  When Yelena entered the room, Vikenti stood and went to her. Yelena wasn't crying but her face looked haggard. She and several of the other women helped prepare the bodies for cremation, since Sonya was too young, and Pavel had no one to see to him.

  “Why would one of our own turn against us? And to kill his own brother. I don't understand.” Yelena leaned into Vikenti's quiet strength.

  “Come, lyubov moya, let me care for you.” Vikenti smiled at his family and then led his wife to their room. Anton got up then.

  “I am on watch tonight. Sergei and Grigori have scheduled men to keep the patrols. If we find those murderers, I will rip their throats out.”

  “Easy, little brother, you will have to stand in line to deal with Lenka and Igorek. Even his uncle is against him for killing Pavel. They will be brought to justice.”

  Anton nodded, then went out the back door, locking it behind him.

  Dmitry buried his face in Violet’s neck, and she felt him tremble.

  “What could possibly be driving Lenka to do this. There is no mating heat, no sane reason he would do this. And to kill his own brother, a submissive wolf who needed his protection....”

  Violet turned and put her arms around Dmitry. His sorrow was coming through the mating bond, beating her like waves hitting the beach. But more she sensed he blamed himself, wondered what he did wrong, where he failed to cause this to happen.

  “Dmitry, you said it yourself, there is no sane reason, so the reason must be Lenka is insane, out of his mind. What else could it be? You are not at fault Dmitry. You are not responsible for the actions of a mad man.”


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