Yes, My Mistress

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Yes, My Mistress Page 5

by Jennifer Cole

  Despite everything she’d learned over the weeks Dani hadn’t been able to reel in her own desire, and she had dropped to her knees in front of Mike. Her hands had caressed the length of his powerful, toned legs with firm pressure, needing to feel every ripple and divot of the taut flesh making up his limbs.

  Dropping the washcloth to the floor, Dani ran her soapy hands over her body, her mind racing with thoughts of Mike.

  While on the floor she’d found herself facing the most delicious looking length of cock she’d ever laid eyes on. The fat crown at the end was swollen, a deep purple color, and leaking with mouth-watering droplets of pre-cum.

  She’d never needed to taste anything as badly in her life.

  Mike’s erection had looked both painful and inviting as it bobbed before her. Knowing she wouldn’t be able to fit the whole thing in her mouth, she was prepared to gag herself silly just to sample him. She needed him on her tongue. Filling her mouth. Unloading himself inside her.

  Leaning forward she’d parted her lips to taste her fill, and then… Without warning, or any reason for doing so other than to be a dick, Troy stopped her. The rotten son of a…

  “That’s enough for today,” she mocked in the steam swirling around her. “The nerve.”

  For the moment Dani opted not to give in to the desire to bring herself to orgasm. Oh no. She decided that on her way home she was going to stop by the adult store around the corner from her apartment to purchase a new dildo that resembled the size and shape of Mike’s cock. If she wasn’t going to be permitted the real thing, for now she’d have to settle for an imitation. The situation bit, no question, but she’d make do. For now.

  Reaching down to turn off the water, she slid the glass door to one side and stepped out onto the bathmat. A knock sounded at the closed door as she wrapped one towel around her hair and another around her body.

  “Come in. It’s open.”

  The door swung open, and Troy took a couple of steps inside. “I’ve brought you something to put on.” He held out a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt. “I thought these might be more comfortable than the lingerie you had on earlier.”

  Glancing up, she met his gaze and narrowed her eyes. “Why did you stop me?”

  “Control. You were about to lose it.”

  “No, I wasn’t,” she argued, snatching the clothes from his outstretched hand. “I just wanted to…to…”

  Troy leaned against the doorframe and grinned. Tugging the t-shirt over her head, she dropped the towel to the floor, stepped into the fleece pants, and pulled the drawstring tight. Both were miles too big for her. Unwinding the towel around her head, she began vigorously rubbing at the damp locks.

  Damn right she’d been about to lose it, but she didn’t want to appear weak and admit that. She glanced over at Troy, who was still grinning, watching her, a knowing glint sparkling in his gray eyes.

  “I’m not Domme material,” she admitted with sadness.

  “No, not entirely,” he responded in agreement, and pushed himself away from the frame. Approaching from behind her as she stood in front of the vanity mirror, Troy reached for the towel and took over drying her hair. “What is it you were looking for when you came to me a month ago?”

  “I wanted to be in control.”

  “Of what, specifically?”

  “Of my sex life.”

  “Okay. How so?”

  “My sex life has never been fulfilling. Hell, I even let myself down sometimes.” A nervous giggle slipped past her lips, but Troy simply nodded. “My past lovers have always been in such a hurry to race to the finish line, I’m left to tend to my own needs. It’s my own fault though.”

  “In what way?”

  Troy tossed the wet towel on the vanity, and wrapped his arms around her in a friendly embrace. They still stood staring back at one another in the mirror.

  “I’ve allowed the man to take the lead, expecting him to know what I want and what I need. And in doing so, I’ve learned that men don’t know jack-shit about how to please a woman.”

  Troy laughed. “True, some don’t, and some don’t care to know. But there are men out there who do, and want to. And if they don’t know how, they’re willing to learn.”

  “That’s all well and good, but this whole time I’ve been concentrating on how to make my submissive feel good. What’s been in it for me?”

  Troy quirked a half-smile and tightened his arms around her. “Think about it, kid. What was different about today than every day you’ve spent with Ransom?”

  Dani began to mentally replay the couple of hours she’d spent with Mike.

  “Think it aloud,” Troy said. “I want to hear it.”

  “First off, Mike had an erection,” she replied. “The whole time. The poor guy looked so pained.”

  “He’ll get over it,” Troy said with a wink.

  Dani gave him an elbow to the ribs. “That wasn’t nice leaving him in that condition.”

  “No, it wasn’t. I admit it. Don’t worry, he’s already planning his revenge on me, I assure you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “In case you haven’t realized it, Mike finds you incredibly attractive, and has been making my life hell since you came in that first day.”

  Dani’s eyes widened as she looked at Troy’s reflection. “R-really?”

  “Yes, he’s threatened to kill me, slowly—”

  “No, not that. Hell, I’m seriously thinking about killing you after today,” she said. “He thinks I’m attractive?”

  “You saw the boner he was sporting. It was all for you.”

  Dani stood silent, excited to learn that Mike was interested in her.

  “Come on, you’ve seen the way he looks at you. Have your past experiences been that abysmal? Has no one ever looked at you with hunger?”

  She shook her head. “I can’t honestly say that anyone has.”

  “That’s a real shame, because you are a beautiful woman, Dani.”

  “Thanks,” she said and dropped her gaze.

  “Okay, back to what it is you seek in being a Domme.”


  “Expand on that.”

  “In coming here I’d hoped to learn how to be in control of my own sexuality. In doing so, I’d be more apt to ask my lover to do things that bring me pleasure. I want to experiment, try new things. The idea of bondage thrills me. I’ve never been restrained, except when you and Ransom were showing me, but never while playing with a lover. I don’t know if I’d like to be tied up, but I liked being in control. Setting the pace, possessing power over the situation, not necessarily my partner. Maybe it’s because I don’t feel like I have much control with my life in general.” Dani blew out a breath in a huff.

  Troy remained silent, his eyes encouraging her to continue.

  “That came out wrong. I have friends I adore, and would do anything for—by the way, you and Ransom rank right up there, too…”

  Troy’s right eye winked.

  “I love working with my parents, and my customers are terrific. I’m stuck in a sexual rut, and I’m tired of going at it single handed. But I guess I’m just not cut out to be a dominatrix.”

  “Who says you’re not?”

  “Well, I do. I think I’m even more confused than I was in the beginning. The training has been helpful, but I need to see if I’ve got what it takes, for real. In a real setting without you and Ransom to back me up.”

  “We didn’t interfere today.”

  Dani cocked a brow. “Oh, really?”

  Troy ignored her. “Listen to me. Some people want, or in some circumstances need to be in control one hundred percent of the time. Some folks have what it takes to remain in control of their emotions and desires, all of the time. Others do not, and there is nothing wrong with it, either way. People do what they are comfortable with, or at least they should.

  “You want to explore your sexuality, and you should embrace that. You want more than a vanilla experience, to try ne
w things. Sex is supposed to be fun, Dani, and if you aren’t having fun, you’re not doing it right. I think it’s terrific you want to explore what’s out there. More people should do that. If people were less sexually repressed the world would be a better place.

  “Believe me, for you, sweetheart, with the right person you will find you gain pleasure and complete satisfaction in either position. You have what it takes to be in control, but you also possess a desire to submit, to be pushed beyond your limits. The right man will make you see stars. All you have to do is reach out and seize the opportunity.”

  “I was just about to do that when you stopped me.”

  “Get over it. I stopped your fun, because next time—”

  Dani spun around in Troy’s arms and smiled up at him. “Next time?”

  “It’ll be worth the wait.” He pressed a friendly kiss to her forehead. “Control, Mistress Dani. Oh, and I heard you muttering something about a giant dildo while you were showering. Don’t bother. There’s no substitute for the real thing.”

  Taking a step back, she glared at Troy. “You and Mike?”

  Throwing his head back, Troy laughed. “No. Mike’s a great guy, but not my type. He’s hetero, with no interest in trying out the other side.”

  Dani sighed with relief. She wouldn’t have been put off if Mike was bi, but she found herself wanting to be the sole focus of his attention, if the opportunity presented itself.

  And she intended there to be an opportunity.

  Dani stepped out of Troy’s arms, turned back to the mirror, and finger combed her hair. “I’ve got to go,” she said. “My body is still on fire after the session, and if I don’t get myself to the diner I’m going to stop by the naughty store to pick me up a new toy, and call in sick.”

  Troy chuckled, placing his hand against her back as they walked toward the door. “Savor the anticipation,” he said. “The next time—”

  “Yeah, you already said that. You think—”

  “There’ll be no stopping it. Listen, Ransom and I have been talking, and if your friend is interested, we’d like to meet her.”

  “Cool. But I don’t want her to feel like it’s a set up. I was hoping the encounter could be more spontaneous. You know, like maybe we’d come here together, and nature could just take its course?”

  “We will not force her,” Troy said.

  “No, of course not. Forcing is wrong. But if she were to ‘cross the threshold’...”

  “You are a very sneaky girl, Dani.”

  “Yes, I can be,” she agreed with a grin. “Meg’s got some baggage,” she continued as they left the suite.

  “A lover?”

  “Nothing like that. She hasn’t been involved with anyone for years. Gave up on dating long ago. Her baggage is her dad. He’s the senator who lobbied tooth and nail to stop this place from opening.”

  “Hmm, interesting.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” she asked over her shoulder. “Meg’s not like her parents.”

  “I meant nothing at all, Dani. Just thinking aloud. How about we arrange something for Friday night?”

  “Okay. I’ll see what I can do.”

  At the bottom of the stairs Troy opened the door to the bar area.

  “I need to use the little girls’ room. I should have gone before I left your suite. I’ll see myself out,” she said.

  “All right. Take care and we’ll see you tomorrow,” Troy said.


  Dani strolled toward the corridor leading to the restrooms. After relieving herself she started to cross the bar to leave when Mike entered through a door marked PRIVATE, stopping in her tracks. His chest was bare, and sweat glistened on his torso. Though he attempted to dry himself with a towel, the delicious rivulets of his spent energies trickled freely.

  Warmth in her lower belly became hot, burning as it traveled south toward the clenching between her legs. A second later the crotch of her borrowed sweat pants dampened. She felt herself inching forward, prepared to throw herself at his feet and beg him to take her right then and there, but a feral glint in his eyes froze her in place. Chills ricocheted throughout her body as her arousal gained momentum. This was what Troy was talking about. It’s all about being with the right man. At the moment Dani wanted to dominate him until she had her fill, and then submit to his wants and needs.

  “Sorry about my appearance.” The deep smokiness in Mike’s voice made her nipples harden even more. “I’ve been working off my frustration in the gym.”

  “I feel terrible you were left so uncomfortable,” she said, her voice shaky. “I wasn’t much better.”

  Mike cocked a brow in her direction.

  “I’m told it will heighten our anticipation for next time,” she added.

  The front of Mike’s pants began to come to life. Dani felt a surge of confidence. She stepped forward until she was standing a couple of inches from him. The musky scent of him after working out made her knees weak. The sight of his muscles twitching under her gaze made her toes curl. The heat radiating from his body seeped into her despite the short distance separating them. Mike’s breath was shallow as he attempted to control it. A thick vein in his neck pulsed in time to the throbbing between her thighs.

  “Friday night,” Dani said hoarsely, and bent her weak knees.

  When her face was aligned with his mid-abdomen, she stuck out her tongue and leaned forward. Dipping the tip into the indent of Mike’s belly button, she began to rise slowly, pressing the flat of her tongue against him. Up the center of his body she traveled, savoring the salty taste of his flesh and the trembling of his big frame. On her tiptoes, she stretched to catch a trickle of sweat racing down the divot below his Adam’s apple.

  Though feeling far from sated, she took a step backward and licked her lips. Fire burned in Mike’s brown eyes as he stared at her. At the sides of his muscled physique his right hand gripped the towel he’d been using to sop up perspiration, and in the left he’d crushed an empty plastic water bottle.

  “Friday night, nothing will stop me from finishing what I start with you.” The promise was clear in her steady voice. She fought the urge to cheer in triumph when a grin began to curl his full lips.

  “Until then, my Mistress,” was all he said.

  Dani stepped around his frame, and walked through the front door. Once outside on the sidewalk, she drew a deep breath and held it. After exhaling, she pulled in another and released it slowly. As she was about to open her car door, someone called her name.

  “Miss Miller.”

  Dani turned to find a man jogging toward her. As he drew near, she recognized him from her friend Natalie’s work place. Max Renfrew. Natalie had a huge crush on the man and talked about him nonstop. Dani didn’t understand why Nat just didn’t tell him how she felt. But then, she herself seemed to lack the nerve to tell Mike she was hot for him.

  “I’m sorry to bother you, but I was hoping to catch you before you left today,” he said, drawing to a stop before her. “I’m Max Renfrew.”

  “I know who you are. You work with my friend Natalie at the magazine. I’ve seen you many times when I’ve gone to meet Nat for lunch.”

  Max looked a mite taken aback, and then grinned. “Has she, uh, ever mentioned me?”

  “Only all the time,” Dani said, and then bit her tongue. “I really shouldn’t have said that. Just strike that from your memory, would you? Please?”

  Max shook his head. “Not a chance. I’d like to ask your help with something.”

  * * * *

  After Dani left the club, Mike stared absently at the closed door, replaying what she’d said. Friday she was going to make him her sex slave, and nothing was going to stop her. Fifty-two hours seemed like an eternity. How in the hell was he supposed to wait that long, and remain sane?

  Mike glanced at the clock on the wall behind the bar. Fifty-one hours, fifty-eight minutes to go. He was going to die from the sheer torture of it all. A throat clearing behind him c
ut into his thoughts. He turned to find a grinning Troy watching him.

  “You’re welcome,” Troy said.

  “I could kiss you,” Mike replied.

  “Oh, I don’t know, it was sort of fun around here when you wanted to kill me.”

  “Like right on the lips, I could kiss you,” Mike added.

  “The hell you can.” Ransom chuckled as he walked in on their exchange. “Well, wait a minute, maybe you can. What did he do?”

  “Presented the big man with a golden opportunity,” Troy said. “To have his lust slaked by a curvy little brunette.”

  “You do owe him for the stunt you pulled this afternoon,” Ransom said. “Poor guy. I watched him kick the shit out of the heavy bag in the weight room for an hour nonstop, chanting your name over and over. I thought you were a goner.”

  “Yeah, that was kinda’ cruel. Water under the bridge now, right Mike?”

  Mike chuckled and shook his head.

  “So what’s your plan then?” Troy asked.

  “Dani seems to like me strapped to something, and you aren’t going to catch me complaining. So I think I’ll move the portable St. Andrew’s cross up to my suite. The one with the Velcro restraints.”

  “I’ll give you a hand,” Ransom said.

  “Thanks. If this works out like I’m hoping it will, I’m going to have to set up a playroom like you guys have. But I’ll be damned if I’m going to be the one tied up all the time.”

  “Yeah? You see Dani bound and gagged?” Ransom asked, and then chuckled.

  “Bound to a spanking horse, yes. Or maybe a bondage chair, spread eagle for my enjoyment. Gagged, no way. I want to hear her screaming my name. Hey Troy, do you think you could call your guy and order that paddle she wields so well? The damn thing stings like a bitch on contact, but I’d like to give my girl her very own.”

  “Already done,” Troy replied.

  * * * *

  “Hey, anybody around here going to take my order?”

  Being near closing time the only occupants in the diner were a couple of regulars, so the suddenness of a familiar voice caught Dani by surprise. She blinked herself back to the present and turned toward the sound of the voice that had interrupted her x-rated daydream of Mike.


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