Yes, My Mistress

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Yes, My Mistress Page 6

by Jennifer Cole

  “There you are.”

  “Hi, Meg. Sorry, I guess I was—”

  “As usual you’re staring off into space with your head in the clouds.”

  “Yeah, something like that. What are you having, girlfriend?”

  “Coffee, strong, along with something gooey and fattening. Did your mom make any pies today? Like maybe her award winning apple caramel?”

  “You know it. A day my mom doesn’t make a pie, is a day the sun doesn’t come up.” Dani disappeared into the back.

  When she returned, Megan had poured two cups of coffee. Dani cut generous slices of pie, and served Meg one.

  “Mom tried something different with the crust to make it less fattening.”

  “But I want fattening,” Megan whined, then laughed.

  “Well, she didn’t skimp on the caramel. Dig in,” she said, handing her friend a fork.

  Both girls slid a forkful of pie into their mouths, and sighed in utter contentment.

  “This is good,” Megan moaned.

  “Mom switched the apples up.”

  “Nat called this afternoon to say she’s off this weekend,” Megan said, clearing the last bite of flaky crust from her plate.

  Max had mentioned earlier that Natalie would be off. He arranged it with their boss, so as to set his plan into motion.

  “So I was thinking the three of us should paint the town red. It’s been weeks since we did something together, and I’m missing you guys. What do you think?” Meg asked.

  “Sound great. What do you have in mind?” Dani asked, collecting their empty plates.

  “I thought maybe you might want to pick what we do. Nat said she didn’t care, and I always choose.”

  “That’s because you always have great ideas,” Dani said. “But okay, I’m up for the challenge of deciding on the night’s entertainment. Let’s see… How about Friday night at Le Club d’Esclavage?”

  “The BDSM nightclub?” Megan’s tone carried curiosity, despite the fact she looked at Dani with wide owl eyes.

  “Sure. Why not?”

  Megan bit her lower lip, seeming to consider Dani’s suggestion. A moment later she shrugged. “Why not, indeed. I’m sort of curious to get a glimpse inside, since my dad fought so hard against its opening. And the article Nat’s magazine did on it was kind of intriguing. Wasn’t it?”

  “Oh, yeah,” Dani said in agreement. “Definitely.”

  “We’ll need reservations or something, won’t we?”

  “Leave it to me. We only need a reservation for the private playrooms, but if we don’t want to be waiting in line all night we’ll want our names on the guest list.”

  Megan raised a questioning brow in Dani’s direction.

  “So I’ve heard,” she quickly added. Friday night her friends would get a glimpse into her secret life. “I’ll take care of the details.”

  Megan sat and kept Dani company until closing time. At eight o’clock Dani locked up for the night, and then invited her friend back to her apartment to continue their visit. Popping a cork from a bottle of Chablis, the two sat out on the balcony enjoying the cool evening air.

  Dani was excited that Megan had suggested she pick the locale for their evening out. Since speaking with Max earlier she wasn’t sure how to broach the subject of spending Friday evening at Le Club d’Esclavage with her friends. With Meg on board all they had to do was convince Natalie.

  The two friends decided to keep their Friday night plans a secret from Natalie, until just the right moment. If Natalie knew they were planning on taking her to the hottest BDSM club within a hundred mile radius, she’d freak. She wasn’t a prude. Nat just despised the club scene all the way around. After learning that the object of Natalie’s fantasies was of similar mind where her interests were concerned, Dani didn’t feel the least bit bad dragging her friend into the nightclub. She suspected once they were inside, and Max made his presence known, Nat would relax and have a good time.

  Then there was Megan. Perhaps it was her dominant side that helped Dani to recognize her friend’s submissive nature. Before meeting Troy and Ransom, and experimenting herself, Dani hadn’t been certain what to call it. Now she knew. It excited her that Troy had agreed to meet Meg, and if she were willing, he and Ransom would show her the pleasures to be enjoyed at the hands of a man, or men, who knew how to push her beyond her comfort zone.

  Dani knew the rules regarding play at the club, inside and out. Nothing would happen if all parties were not in complete agreement on the terms. Forced play was never tolerated within the premises of the club. Her friends would be in very good hands.

  But what about her? Would she be in good hands?

  What did she know of Mike? Not a hell of a lot. In fact, nothing. She now knew he thought her attractive, and found enjoyment in the brief playtime they’d been given.

  The desire and hunger in his eyes when he looked at her made her pulse race. Not once in her past had a look alone sent her body soaring toward climax. With just a glance he set her body on fire. Never in a million years would she have thought it even possible, if she wasn’t experiencing it for herself.

  Dani’s anticipation level shot through the roof. She’d made a decision after leaving the club and Mike earlier, that to build the keenness for the both of them, despite wanting to, she wasn’t going to go back to the club until Friday night.

  This was going to be the longest couple of days of her life.

  Chapter 4

  Mike glanced around the spare bedroom in his suite, which up until now had been empty, and smiled. With Ransom and Troy’s help, he’d turned the twenty feet by fifteen feet space into a sexual playground.

  Several pieces of bondage equipment, all portable, were placed around the room. A St. Andrew’s cross, which Dani seemed to enjoy so much, sat kitty-corner along the far wall. In the middle of the room a bondage chair had been erected, complete with leather buckled restraints and adjustable back. The seat was split, so when he shackled Dani to it, she’d be completely exposed for him. Off to one side Mike placed a wooden spanking bench, padded for a sub’s comfort. It didn’t matter to him if tonight it went unused, visually it added to the ambience of the setup.

  A variety of tables, different heights, had been brought in, and the tops of them were decorated with pillar candles, bottles of lubes, and a dozen or so toys. Floggers and paddles were hung on one wall, mirrors placed on the others. By the time the men were finished, Mike’s spare room had been turned into a suitable dungeon for pleasurable torture.

  There was an agonizing twenty-four hours to go.

  * * * *

  Friday morning arrived and Dani was stoked. She’d barely slept a wink and was running full tilt on adrenaline. Nothing was going to bring her down today. After pulling the morning shift at her parents’ diner, she raced home to spend the afternoon primping for the evening.

  With the surface of her bed covered in lingerie it took over an hour for Dani to narrow her choices of attire down to six skimpy outfits—or rather scraps of silk and lace, and leather.

  “Now with my undies taken care of, let’s find something to wear over them,” she said to the fat cat curled up by the pillows.

  She searched her closet and decided on a red leather miniskirt with a black silk shell style tank top. Beneath the snug-fitting leather she opted for black lace thong panties and a matching demi-cup bra. The bra pushed her boobs up and out as more of an offering than for support.

  “Perfect,” she purred, examining her reflection in the mirror.

  Right on time a cab pulled up in front of Dani’s apartment with Megan in the rear seat. Together they rode over to Natalie’s. On the drive to the club, Dani and Megan chatted while Natalie, seated between them, gazed out the window, paying them no attention.

  “Okay, Meg,” Natalie said, breaking into their conversation. “Where are you taking me?” Her expression was one of annoyance.

  The two women giggled, and then Dani grabbed Natalie’s hand and kissed th
e back of it. Her friend looked so stressed out. “Nat, you really need to take a load off. You’re going to get all wrinkly before you’re thirty if you don’t let go of all that stress.”

  “Dani’s right, Nat. Now that the Marsden project is finished and on its way to print, it’s time you let those gorgeous curls down and cut loose! Hell, we haven’t spent any time with you since you were assigned that account. So tonight, you are ours.”

  “Well, for a little while anyway.” Dani wagged her brows.

  “What the hell is that suppose to mean? Oh God, what are you two up to?” Natalie asked. Her apprehension was evident in her voice.

  They just smiled mysteriously.

  Five minutes later the taxi rolled to a stop.

  “Oooh we’re here!” Megan and Dani squealed in unison.

  After Megan paid the driver, they stepped out of the car. Dani attempted to stifle a snicker at the stunned expression on Natalie’s face.

  “Oh…my…God,” Natalie gasped. “We are not going in there.” She shook her head as she gaped at Dani and Megan.

  “Damn straight,” Megan replied. She and Dani linked their arms with Natalie and headed for the front door, bypassing those waiting in line.

  As they approached, Dani spotted Mike, and nearly creamed her panties. He wore a black suit, with a red silk dress shirt under the jacket. The color matched her miniskirt. The waves of his dark hair had been neatly tamed, and the seduction-laced smile he flashed her threatened to buckle her knees. His brown eyes flared with desire, and arousal. The glimmer of curiosity sparkling in their depths made her belly flutter.

  Tonight was going to be fun. She was going to take control and rein in the man who’d been tormenting her sleep for the past month. Then maybe, just maybe, she’d relinquish some of that control, and give him the opportunity to tame her.

  “Hi, Mikey.” Dani tipped her head coyly, greeting him as he reached for the door handle.

  A couple of times Dani overheard Deirdre call him Mikey, and instantly fell in love with how easily it made him blush. His slight embarrassment at her using the name didn’t disappoint. The flash of color happened so quickly, she was certain no one but her saw it.

  “Good evening, ladies. Welcome to Le Club d’Esclavage,” he said, and then winked at Dani.

  Natalie spun her head around to gap at Dani, a shocked look on her face. “Dani, have you—”

  “Maybe once or twice.” Dani couldn’t contain her snickering this time. “Now come on. Let’s get in there.”

  Dani pulled them through the door Mike held open, and as she sashayed past him, he stopped her. “I’ll meet you in there shortly.” His suggestive smile sent her pulse racing. An eager giggle slipped out her mouth as she followed her two friends inside.

  Inside the club the music was loud and infectious. The vast open area pulsed with energy. The people on the dance floor moved as one in time to the throbbing bass.

  Several of her training sessions occurred during the club’s regular business hours, so Dani wasn’t the least bit surprised by the state of dress—or rather undress—of the club’s clientele. The majority of the patrons on the dance floor and mingling around the bar were scarcely dressed, in barely-there leather straps wrapping this way and that. Women wore bustiers that pushed their naked breasts up and out for everyone’s viewing pleasure. Many of the men wore leather pants with the backside missing, showing off ass cheeks of all sizes, or some type of pouch encasing their genitals.

  Sweaty bodies bumped and grinded against one another on the dance floor. Couples of every variety—males with females, males with males, females with females, and a few threesomes—kissed, stroked and rubbed each other as they swayed to the music.

  Dani glanced at her two friends who wore matching expressions of astonishment.

  The night is young, ladies, she thought. Just wait and see what’s in store for you.

  After a few minutes of silence, a look of acceptance crossed Megan’s face, and her shoulders relaxed.

  Good sign.

  A familiar song filled the room, and Megan began to move in time to the beat. She leaned between Natalie and Dani and said, “This is awesome.”

  Now to get Nat to let loose.

  “I told you so.” Dani giggled and started dancing with Megan as the trio made their way toward the bar.

  For the next hour the girls danced and chit-chatted. Dani was immensely pleased that her friends now seemed to be enjoying the atmosphere of the club. Natalie sat on a barstool and rocked back and forth to the music.

  A half hour earlier Dani had spotted Max watching them from the other side of the bar where the lights were much dimmer. Ransom was also in place. Neither man would approach the trio. The plan was for Dani and Mike to venture off first. Ransom would then gain Megan’s attention, luring her away from Natalie. Once Nat was alone, Max would make his move. As if on cue, with their backs turned toward the dance floor, a huge shadow blocked out the flashing lights.


  Fighting the urge to turn around and throw herself at him, Dani took a deep breath and attempted to get her raging hormones in check. As they spun around to face him, Dani put her game face on. It was beyond difficult to maintain her Domme persona when she met the heated look of a predator in his eyes. His six-five frame towered over her. That was something she loved about him. Just his presence made her feel safe, protected.

  “Are you finished for the night?” she asked evenly, her tone a complete opposite to the flirtatious one she used with him when they entered the club earlier.

  “I’m all yours, my Mistress,” he replied.

  Without a word she reached up, grabbed the silk tie dangling from his neck, and gave a light tug. “Enjoy your evening, ladies,” she heard him say to Megan and Natalie as he followed behind.

  As they strolled through the gyrating, sweaty bodies on the dance floor, Dani slowed, realizing she hadn’t reserved a room for the night’s activities. She couldn’t take Mike to Troy and Ransom’s suite. If things went according to plan, the two of them would have Megan up there in short order.

  Seeming to sense her sudden hesitation, Mike came through. “Take the stairs,” he said close to her ear.

  The bouncer at the top allowed them to pass, and from behind Mike urged her to continue down the darkened corridor. When they came to a closed door at the end, he reached around her, slid a key into the deadbolt lock, and gave a flick of his wrist.

  “Turn the knob,” he instructed.

  The warmth of his breath wafted across her cheek. She did, and they entered the passage. After locking the deadbolt behind them, Mike placed the palm of his hand against the small of her back, proceeding forward.

  “At the end of the hall, turn to the right.”

  When they reached their destination Mike slid a key into another lock.

  “This is my personal suite,” he stated, barely above a whisper, and pushed the door open.

  Dani stared straight ahead, silent. This was her moment of truth.

  “Are you ready to tame my beast?” he asked.

  A chill of arousal snaked its way throughout her body. Dani felt her confidence grow tenfold. “Yes,” she answered and stepped inside.

  “Then allow me to show you what I’ve prepared over the past couple of days.”

  “All right.”

  The heat of Mike’s hand pressing against the small of her back radiated throughout her body. As they strolled through the apartment, she glanced around. Simple furnishing served a purpose of practicality rather than flare. A worn floral patterned sofa stretched across the longest wall. A recliner held together with strips of duct tape sat in front of a moderately-sized television. Mike’s suite was cozy, comfortable. Homey. A place she could see herself living quite happily.

  Numerous pictures hung unevenly on the walls around the living room, the subjects smiling, enjoying each other. Dani spotted Mike in several, standing with who she assumed were his family.

  “You have a lovely
family,” she said.

  “Thank you. We’re very close.”

  “Where are you in the pecking order?” she asked, noting a couple of portraits of studio quality.

  “Youngest. My sisters are twins and seven years older than me. How about you?”

  A tinge of envy panged her. How nice it would have been to be raised with siblings. “Only child. But have great friends.”

  “Here we are.”

  Mike encouraged her to round the corner and enter the room. The breath caught in Dani’s chest as the room illuminated dimly before them. Her gaze darted around the room, taking in the smaller scale version of Troy and Ransom’s playroom. Mike’s was more intimate.

  “This is perfect,” she said, glancing up at him after taking a visual inventory of the supplies and decor.

  “You like?”

  “I love. Now,” she said, stepping into the room and dropping her purse behind the door. With a turn she met his heated gaze, and her belly somersaulted. Crooking her finger, she motioned him forward. “Get in here, and get those clothes off.”

  “Very well, my Mistress.”

  Mike entered, slipping his suit jacket off. He folded it neatly and placed it over the back of a chair beside the door, followed by his tie. With their gazes locked, his blunt fingertips slid buttons through button holes, then worked the dress shirt over broad shoulders. The same attention to folding was paid to the shirt. His chest muscles rippled, calling out for her touch.

  Dani ran her tongue across her lower lip as Mike reached for his pants. As he kicked off his loafers he pushed the thick leather of his belt past the brass buckle, and pulled it through the loops. He laid it on top of the dress shirt. A deft flick released the fastening of his pants. Then he lowered the zipper. Slowly. Teasing. Over his hips, down powerful legs, he pushed the fabric to the floor, along with his underwear. Mike bent over to retrieve the discarded pants. Before standing he tugged off his socks, tossing them under the chair with his shoes. He folded the pants, laying them on the seat of the chair.


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