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Tangled Dreams

Page 12

by Jennifer Anderson

  The ring from the bell finally shook me out of my deep thoughts. Gavin got up and hurried out the door in front of me and disappeared down the hallway. The rest of the afternoon blew by quick enough. Before I knew it the last bell rang and I headed to my locker to put away my books to find Clay standing there waiting on me. “Hey, I thought you had practice?” I said walking up to him smiling.

  “I do but, you didn’t think I would let you leave without saying bye to you, did you?”

  “Oh, well that’s very sweet of you.”

  “I know.” Smirking.

  “Well, what we do know for sure is modesty is not your strong suit.” I said teasingly poking him into the ribs.

  “Hey now, you might hurt my feelings.” Now exaggerating a pout.

  “I find that really hard to believe, but I do have to go because Gavin is waiting on me.”

  “Hey, someday explain to me why I shouldn’t be jealous of you spending so much time with him?”

  “Well, Clay I do live with his family.”

  “Yeah, you want to explain to me how that works?”

  “It’s really complicated. Someday maybe. That’s all I can give you right now. I’m sorry.”

  “Well, I know one thing that would make me feel better.”

  “And what’s that?”

  “I know a kiss would make me feel better.” He said sulking. Looking at him trying to decide since I had never kissed him before. “Alright, a quick kiss won’t hurt.” Leaning up I gave him a quick kiss on the lips, and he felt like he had won a small battle. It also sent all the tongues wagging behind them. Giving me a huge grin he pulled me in close for a hug and walked away happily.

  Turning around to leave my eyes connected with Gavin’s. He was halfway down the hall in a sea of people that with his height he towered above. I knew he had seen the kiss the instant I seen the hurt in his eyes. At that moment I knew the damage had been done. Although, it was necessary to move on, I still felt like I betrayed him in every way. The hurt and anger in his eyes was undeniable and it was breaking my heart.

  Turning around to walk out he wanted to leave her ass at school. Better yet he wanted to kick Clays ass. If I ever met him in a dark alley I swear his ass would be toast. But, since there are no alleys in this damn town, I will have to settle for somewhere else. Anywhere else. His eyes still a blaze he got into his truck and slammed the door, waiting for her to come out. I just can’t stand to look at her right now. Yeah, I agreed I would stay out of it but, that doesn’t mean I have to bare witness to every god damn kiss and fucking hug.

  Great, this will be a fun ride home. Getting in I didn’t say a word it felt like anger was radiating out of every pore on his body. Heading home he just stared straight ahead. His calmness almost scared me more than if he’d just get mad and yell.“Gavin?” I said as I reached out to touch his arm.

  “Not now Madison.” he said between clenched teeth.

  “Alright.” I said pulling my hand back quickly.

  Feeling immediately guilty for making her so skittish, I looked over at her. “Babe, I just can’t do this right now.” He said slowly, making sure she understood and backed off. Not that he would ever hurt her, he would rather cut off an arm than cause her any pain at all. He just didn‘t want to say something he knew he would regret later.

  “I understand, sorry.”

  Looking forward he was relieved to see the house. Pulling in he barely had it put in park and shut off the engine before his whole body was lunging out of the truck. Striding quickly into the house to change into his work clothes to do chores, and most importantly get away from her.

  The first week of school was a whirlwind. I even talked to Andrea again and we really hit it off well. I actually felt like I made some semblance of a friend. She’s a very pretty girl, with dark short hair, pretty face, and most of all really smart. Better yet, she doesn’t belong to the popular crowds. She’s somewhere in the middle, and could care less what anyone thinks of her. Which at the moment makes her a pretty decent candidate for a friend. Of course, I don’t tell her much about my life. We mainly talk about my old school and boys. Well she mainly talks about boys, and we also like to study together in our free hours at school. The only person I’ve opened up to since I have arrived has been Gavin and I don’t intend on adding to that list anytime soon. I know even though we are not getting along right now, no matter how angry he got at me he would never betray me. All and all, I’m just glad to have someone to hang out with besides Clay and his testosterone filled buddies.

  Although, I hate to admit Clay and I have been becoming closer and Gavin and I have been falling completely apart even worse than the first time. I have even seen him flirting with a couple different girls. Really pretty and popular, “well endowed in the chest area girls.” Not that I’m lacking in that last part, I would still like to scratch their eyes out. I know, “catty.” Some nights he is even leaving to go into town, probably to meet a girl. I know I have absolutely no right to be jealous but, it’s hard when your heart doesn’t listen to your brain.

  After much pestering from Clay all week I finally relented on going over to his house to go swimming. I even went with Andrea this week after school and bought a bikini. I wanted a one piece however, Andrea let me know her Grandma has a one piece. She picked out a two piece that she said would make his eyes pop out of his head. The one she chose was this red number that barely fit my chest. Who ever designed these things needs to be told the average woman is not so average from head to toe. Showing a little more than I was comfortable with, I knew I was going to be self conscious but, I can’t show up in shorts and a t-shirt like when I was six. Trying to put it off as long as possible but, summer is winding down and fall was sneaking up fast. Each night seemed to get chillier. Looking at the clock I hurried myself putting my bikini on underneath my skirt and tank top. Glancing into the mirror to take a quick look at myself and I had to blink a couple times. I could have sworn I seen my mother staring back at me. Mad about that fact, I guess if there was one thing to inherit from mother it would be her looks. Stubbornly, I had to admit she is very beautiful. I never dreamed I would ever compare to her beauty, not in a million years. So, I guess a million years has gotten here because I look more and more like her every day. A constant reminder of the person who was all to happy to leave me behind after daddy died. Staring into the mirror I had to smile because, at least I cheated fate and got daddy’s eyes. Honest eyes. That wasn’t a bad thing to inherit. I still try to make him proud of me even though he’s not on this earth anymore. Slipping on my sandals I could hear the faint sound of the door bell.

  Opening up the door Clay was in a cut off pair of khaki’s with a lose t-shirt, sandals, and a pair of designer sunglasses on.

  “Hey Madison. You look great gorgeous.” Leaning forward to give me a quick kiss.

  “Thanks, you look great to. Let me grab my purse and I’ll be right out.” Running into the kitchen Gavin was standing in front of the fridge with the door wide open leaning down to get a soda out. You could tell he’d been outside working already. He was covered in dirt from head to toe and had already discarded his shirt and had sweat dripping down his tan skin looking good enough to eat. Looking up as I grabbed my purse he glanced at me and shut the fridge door. “Um, can you tell Julia, I’m going out with Clay to a movie and I’ll be back before supper.” This is the first time I’ve ever had to lie to Gavin and it damn near killed me. I couldn’t tell them where I was really going, they would never let me go over to Clay’s house especially since his parent’s are not home.

  “Sure, whatever.” He said looking away annoyed.

  “Alright, bye Gavin.” I said trying to get him to look at me, with no avail. I don’t think we have made eye contact since that day at school, at least no longer than a couple seconds.

  “Later.” He said walking out of the room.

  Walking back to the front door, Clay was still standing waiting, “Ready Gorgeous?”

�Sure.” I said glancing back through the door as I shut it but, there was no sign of Gavin. I don’t know why I’m so disappointed he told me he would stay out of it and he kept his promise, that is Gavin. That’s one of the things that makes him so special.

  The ride to Clay’s wasn’t very long he lived barely on the outskirts of town. Pulling into his driveway, the house was very big and very modern. I don’t know what exactly I expected but, I don’t think I expected gigantic. It was a beautiful white house with four tall pillars in the front with perfectly manicured bushes lining the front porch. Perfectly weeded flowers, perfect lawn furniture with a nice perfect fence. Are you sensing a trend here? I suddenly felt way out of my league.

  “Hey, what’s wrong? You look pale all of a sudden?”

  “Nothing,.Your house is really pretty.” I said as we came to a stop in front of it.

  “Thanks. Oh I hope you don’t mind but I invited over a couple of my friends. Actually, they kind of invited themselves over.”

  “That’s fine.” When really, I didn’t care for his friends. They were all rich and snobby, and even cruel in some aspects.

  “They won’t be here for a couple hours though. I needed some time alone with my girl.” Now flashing me his game winning smile. I had to admit that I have a hard time resisting that smile.

  “Alright. Sounds like fun.” I said reaching down and grabbing his hand. Him looking just as shocked as I. Realizing that was the first time I had ever initiated holding his hand first or even touching him first. You could tell how genuinely happy he was at that moment.

  “Alright, the pool is out back here.”

  Walking around the house we came to a huge in ground pool with a hot tub sitting right beside it. It was inside but outside, part of the back of the house had glass doors that completely opened that whole side of the room up. I had never seen anything like it before.

  “Wow, this is amazing.”

  “Yeah, it’s pretty cool. There is a bathroom right there if you want to get into your bathing suit. I’m just going to go inside and grab my swim trunks.”


  Walking into the bathroom it looked more expensive than my whole apartment looked like when I lived in the city. It had a full complete shower with a jet tub, a double sink and of course a toilet. Looking around they even had a phone sitting right next to the toilet. Now I know I’m in a rich house. I thought pulling down my skirt and folding it nicely and placing it on the bench that was sitting right next to the tub. My stomach was doing flip flops. The only guy I have ever let my guard down for is Gavin. Letting another guy see this much of my body was making me feel uncomfortable. Looking at myself in the mirror, “Quit being a baby Madison, it’s nothing to wear a bikini. Girls do it all the time.” Pulling off my tank top I was still talking myself into staying calm. I know I’m not fat or anything. I guess I’m the exact opposite I feel to shapely. But, I am growing up this is inevitable. I used to tell dad that I never wanted to grow up. I wanted to be his little girl forever. He used to tell me he didn’t want to me grow up either and that he was going to put a brick on my head to keep me from growing. I used to look at him wide eyed and for the longest time I believed a brick would actually do that. It was a good thing there was no bricks around our apartment building. I might have tried it.

  When I got the courage to come out, Clay was already in the pool floating on his back.

  “I warn you I don’t know how to swim very well.” I said walking to the side of the pool.

  Looking over at her he was not prepared for the sight she made. She looked like she walked off of the cover of a swimsuit magazine. “God, Madison you about made me drowned. You look gorgeous as usual.” Salivating from the mouth. He could think of a couple different things he wanted to do to her besides sitting in a damn pool, and he kicked himself for letting his friends come over.

  Swimming over to me I sat down on the side letting my feet dangle in the water. Starting to blush because, I could feel his gaze scorching through me.

  “It’s okay. I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise.” Looking sweetly up at me.

  If this promise came from Gavin I wouldn’t of thought twice about getting in. This isn’t Gavin however. “You won’t dunk me?” Eying him suspiciously.

  “I swear.” Holding his hand up like he was taking an oath. At this point he’d agree to anything to get her in the pool and closer to him. “Besides, I know how girls don’t like getting there hair wet.”

  “Alright, I’ll trust you for now.”

  “Great.” Reaching up and grabbing me by the waist. I rested my arms on his shoulders and he gently brought me down in the pool.

  “See? Painless.” Smiling at me.

  “It’s not even cold.” I said amazed. I didn’t even care that his hands were still on me.

  “That’s because it’s heated.”

  “I should have known.” I said smiling jokingly.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Nothing. Nothing at all.” Heading for the side of the pool again for something to hang on to.

  “Hey where are you going?”

  “I’m going to a solid structure that I can hold on to.”

  “No, your not. Not for that comment.” Pulling me back to him laughing. I had to giggle myself. It was nice just to laugh over being silly. Pulling me back to him he wrapped his arms around my waist holding me close.

  Looking into her eyes, he couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have something so beautiful so close to him. Sure, he’s had pretty and popular girls here before many times. They were however, nothing of her magnitude. Gavin always got the interest from the really pretty girls and when he decided he didn’t want them or like them. Then they would come around me. He thought still pissed off about that fact. But, not this time. I got her first, he thought triumphantly. He hoped anyways. He could see how Gavin and Madison looked at each other. You would have to be an idiot not to see the chemistry between the two of them. Working my hardest right now to keep them apart. However, never knowing what they are doing when they are at home. That thought driving him crazy.

  Looking into his eyes I could tell he was troubled. “What’s wrong Clay?”

  Snapping out of it. “Nothing, gorgeous. Are you having fun so far?”

  “Yes, I am. We were so close that when our lips touched I really didn’t know how it happened. His lips tasted a little like chlorine but, they were soft and wet and kind of nice.

  Taking this opportunity he tightened his grip around her waist and prolonged the kiss dipping his tongue in her mouth. He was worried he would get pushed away but, was excited when she did the same, tightening her grip around his shoulders. Finally, pulling away from each other.

  It was a nice kiss. But, nothing near as mind blowing as kissing Gavin. Almost disappointed I knew right then, he was definitely no Gavin. There’s no point in trying to compare the two.

  “Madison, I want to be your boyfriend. Just you and me. I really like you a lot.” He proclaimed searching my eyes for an answer.

  “Clay, I like you to.”


  “It’s just that my life has been nothing but, a crazy whirl wind lately. I feel like I need to get on steady ground again.”

  “I try to understand but, you won’t tell me anything. I can’t understand if you won’t tell me what’s happened.”

  Looking at him I knew I had to give him something. It just wasn’t fair to leave him totally in the dark. “Alright, I’ll tell you the main reason I moved here but, after that I really don’t want to talk about it until I’m ready.”

  “I can live with that.” Staring into my eyes giving me his complete attention. Water dripping down his handsome face.

  “My father died recently and that’s why I moved here.” I blurted out as fast as possible.

  “I’m so sorry Madison. I had no idea. If I had known. I didn’t mean to pry.” Finally saying after much rambling.

of the reason besides, the obvious, that I don’t tell anyone is that I don’t need, or want sympathy. Got it?”

  “Got it.” He said pulling me closer for a soft kiss and a hug.

  Inhaling her scent in deeply he realized he could really like her. At first it was all about looks and trying to piss of Gavin but, now he knew she really was a nice girl. He almost felt guilty about his intentions. Which were at first primarily getting her into bed. But, now he knew he was going to have to take it extra slow, or he would scare her away. “No, worries Madison. I got nothing but time. But, try not to make me wait forever.”

  “I promise.” I said looking up into his eyes.

  “Now lets talk about something more fun.”

  “Like what?” I said perking up a little.

  “I don’t know. I just wanted to change the subject.” Laughing nervously.

  Laughing back at him. “Well, it worked. Subject changed.”

  “Lets get into the hot tub.” Pulling me to the side of the pool where the hot tub was.

  “Alright.” I said, hesitating having flashes of all the movies I had seen where two people got into the hot tub. They all pretty much entailed some sort of making out and that made me feel a little uncomfortable.

  “C’mon, gorgeous.”

  “Alright.” Stepping out of the pool I lowered myself down into the hot tub on the opposite side of him.

  “Get over here. You should know by now that I don’t bite.” Sliding over to him he grabbed me by the waist and slid me next to him and draped his arm over my shoulders. “For what it’s worth, I’m really glad you moved here. You are so beautiful.”

  “Yeah, I suppose everything happens for a reason. I just wish Dad wasn’t the reason.” Sitting here he wondered where her mother was or what happened to her but, knew not to push. Just as we were finally getting comfortable with each other we heard a commotion coming around the back yard and realized it was his friends.

  Sighing, “Well, I guess were not alone anymore.” Leaning into me he gave me one last long kiss before we were distracted.

  “Hey, we’ll have none of that.” Eric said walking up to the hot tub.


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