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Billings, Rachel - Three Men and a Woman: Felicity (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 8

by Rachel Billings

  That call had left no doubt about Reinen’s intentions for her, and the dampness between her legs had made plain her response.

  “No. I can’t.”

  Wesley didn’t like it. He squeezed harder, rutted harder. “Answer me.”


  He didn’t mistake that for rejection. Understanding that she was refusing to answer, he swore. “Felicity.” He found her nipples through her clothing and pinched at them.

  Her breath caught and, desperately, she worked her fingers in between his, relieving that wicked torture. “Wesley. Please.”

  On a growl of frustration, he backed off. He stepped back but kept her enclosed with his hands on either side of her. He spoke slowly, almost dully, his forehead rubbing against her shoulder. “I like you, Felicity, a lot. I want you—also a lot. I get that you’re involved with Reinen, even if it was just one night. I won’t interfere. At the least, I’ll try hard not to.”

  He took a heavy breath and let it out on a sigh. “But I have to know.”

  Felicity hung her head, too. She rested her hands on the sink again and slowly moved them, so her pinkies just brushed against his thumbs.

  “I like you, too, Wesley. A lot. I’d want you, too, if…”

  Brusquely he turned her and took her mouth. Not the gentle touch of lips as before, but a full taking that involved spit and teeth and tongues. It was long and deep, and then he put her away from him.

  “I’ll take you and Juniper to the pier. I’ll probably find some place else to sleep tonight.”

  “You don’t have to do that.” She was already speaking to his back, but he paused at her words. “Reinen got us a room downtown.”

  She could see the heavy breath he took before he nodded his acknowledgement and left the room.

  * * * *

  Usually, the Navy didn’t host much of a welcome home party on the pier for such a short deployment. But the VIPs liked to make a big deal of humanitarian missions, and so they put a little effort into it. Today, like often in these cases, there were politicos and diplomats to impress.

  Reinen didn’t get to be first off the boat. By Navy tradition, that privilege went to men who’d had babies born during deployment, and, next, to the winner of the first kiss drawing.

  They’d been gone less than a month and so there were no new fathers among the crew of three hundred, no babies waiting to meet their daddies for the first time. And the first kiss lottery had gone to one of the engineers, a guy Reinen liked okay, but he happened to know the dude barely tolerated his wife.

  So he manned the rails with his shipmates, coming to attention to render honors as they passed a deploying carrier, and then at parade rest while the ship moored. Through it all, he was impatient and restless. At least he’d got out of staying on board to secure medical for in port, a duty assignment no one wanted. He’d volunteered for it in the past, so others who had families waiting could get to them.

  Not this time. He figured his buddies owed him.

  He spotted Felicity as they were docking. It helped that she had Wes next to her—his height made him easy to pick out. Regardless, he zeroed in on Fee like he had radar just for her. She was off to the side, back behind the gate. She wore a pretty little sundress, classy and even demure in comparison to the boldly revealing outfits some of the women wore.

  Still, she was the hottest woman on the pier.

  And having her there, waiting for him, stirred a primitive hunger in his soul.

  He’d never been so anxious to be on land. He had to hold himself back from pushing others out of his way, from breaking into an undignified run. When he got through the gate, he saw her hand little Juniper into Wesley’s arms and she took a few quick steps toward him.

  He stopped her just short of leaping into his arms. He put his hands on her head, cupping her face, holding her back just enough to keep their bodies from touching. Because they wouldn’t have just touched. They’d have fucking mated.

  “Felicity.” He gazed into those green eyes, then tracked down to her mouth. Her lips were parted, her breaths quick and short. “If I take you in my arms, I’m going to be humping you right here.”

  She laughed, a remarkable, heartwarmingly joyous sound. “Okay, then. Maybe this is better.” She had her hands at his wrists, her fingers insinuating themselves along his palms.

  “I’m not entirely certain.” He wasn’t. He wasn’t sure suddenly what was wrong with lifting her up, wrapping her legs around his waist, and filling her. Right there. Right then.

  She laughed again. “I missed you, Reinen.”

  He could tell she could see the answering need in his gaze. His eyes were dark, he knew, his face fierce. Her laughter ended, and he drew her to him.

  When his mouth took hers it was with longing and possession. He didn’t ravage her, but just brought her to him, uniting them. Bonding them. He clung to her with his hands and his lips, and she held him just as tightly.

  He was lost in it, like time halted and the sounds and scents and feel of the air and the pier around him were gone. Falling into her, it was like coming home in a way that had never happened to him before.

  Set adrift, he didn’t know how long he’d have stayed gone. Only one thing had the power to pull him back.


  Reinen lifted back from Felicity when Juniper’s tiny voice finally worked its way through his scattered brains. “Ei—” that was his name, in Junie’s little one-syllable world. He looked into Felicity’s eyes and they both smiled. Then he turned and took the noisy one from Wesley’s arms.

  “Junie, girl!” He lifted her up and nuzzled her belly, making her squeal, before he brought her in for the sloppy kiss that was her specialty. “That’s my big girl.”

  She clung to his neck as he held her, getting in the way as he gave Wes a good, warm, guy-hug. “How you doin’, man?”

  He and Wesley were close, and it had been several months since they’d seen each other, back when Wes’s ship had deployed. It was a warm, full feeling, coming home to this spectacular woman, the sweet kid, and his good friend.

  “All right, man. Where’s Andy? Did you finally toss him overboard?”

  “Nah. He was behind me by a bit.”

  They all turned and watched the exodus from the ship. Reinen kept his arm around Felicity, and Juniper had moved back to her arms before they finally saw him.

  With a big grin, Andy came toward them. When he was a dozen feet away, Fee put up her hand. “Stop there. Juniper has something to show you.”

  Felicity crouched down and set Juniper on her feet. “See Daddy, honey? Show him what you can do.”

  Playing his part, Andy bent down. “Juniper! Come to Daddy.”

  Juniper hung there with Felicity for a moment, making sure of her audience. Then, with a wild laugh, she launched herself pell-mell at her father. Giggling and throwing her arms out, she nearly got ahead of herself, her little feet barely able to keep up. She got to Andy’s arms just a split second before sure disaster.

  Andy lifted her up, calling her his big girl, while the other three adults laughed in a mixture of relief and goofy pride.

  Andy came close and greeted Wesley first, Juniper still clinging to his neck like a monkey. Then he went to Felicity. He put his hand on her shoulder and kissed her forehead in obvious, heartfelt gratitude. “Thank you, Felicity.”

  Reinen had gotten the relayed phone message Wes had sent about Juniper’s illness a little more than twenty minutes before the Red Cross notice caught up with the ship. He’d been able to get to Andy ahead of the Red Cross and assure him that Juniper was fine. Still, it hadn’t been easy on his friend. He’d stewed for three days, until he’d been able to get to a land phone and hear his daughter’s obscure chatter for himself.

  Felicity seemed to understand all the meaning Andy put into those words and nodded with compassion. “She’s good, Andy. She’s perfect.”

  Andy closed his eyes and breathed in his little girl, and Reinen knew he
fought back tears.

  Yeah, yeah, all good. Now Reinen just needed one thing. His woman. He tugged the hair at the back of her neck to get her attention. “I have a question for you.”

  She raised her eyebrows. He dropped his head and whispered in her ear, asking about a pink thong. When all she did was grin up at him, his dick took a leap of faith. He picked up his sea bag and slung it over his shoulder.

  “See you folks tomorrow. Say good-bye, Red.” He wrapped his arm good and tight around her and strode away from the little family reunion.

  His pickup was no doubt where he’d left it four weeks ago, and he figured the rest of them could manage to find their way home. Either way, they were on their own.

  He had stuff to do.

  * * * *

  Felicity practically had to skip to keep up with Reinen’s quick pace, not an easy proposition in her high heels. She didn’t normally wear heels, being a nurse who spent a lot of time on her feet.

  But she’d dressed carefully for Reinen, from the pink thong out. She’d shopped for it, even, buying the soft pink sundress with its fitted bodice and slim, subtly slit skirt especially for the occasion.

  She was glad she had, when she’d left the kitchen to dress that morning, after the not-quite-sinful but still guilt-producing exchange between her and Wesley. She was pensive about it as she groomed and dressed for Reinen, brooding a bit.

  Unfortunately, she couldn’t quite claim to be innocent in the whole deal, given that moment when she’d arched back into him, pushing her breasts further into his hands and her ass harder up against his cock. She had to own that behavior. So it soothed her a bit to prepare herself for this meeting, to remind herself that she had, indeed, spent four weeks waiting for this moment, and holding herself true.

  There was truth as well, though, in the words she and Wesley had spoken. Yes, she liked him, and she knew that he was drawn to her. In other circumstances, it was an attraction they might pursue.

  But not in this circumstance. She’d made a promise to Reinen. And Wesley wasn’t the sort to poach, not really, not when a friend was involved.

  It had all felt right when Reinen strode from the ship. His desire for her, his appreciation of her presence there and her appearance, had burned in his eyes. For just a moment, when he’d taken hold of her, Wesley’s being there at her back had hovered in her mind. Then Reinen had touched her, kissed her, and she was with him. Only him.

  And the care she’d taken with dressing, even the stupid high heels, were all worth it now. She felt the hot perusal of his gaze as he bent his head toward her. She knew when it touched her breasts, completely covered but still prominently displayed by the tight fit of the dress. He looked lower and then tilted his head, and she could tell he was watching as the back slit opened to reveal her thighs with each long step. She knew when he took in the heels, realized her dilemma, and slowed his gait.

  And then stopped.

  He faced her, looking her up and down—and up again, until his gaze met hers. “I like it,” he told her. “I like it all. But I’m in a hurry and those hot fucking heels are a nuisance. I could carry you.”

  He surely could. But she was pretty sure that being carried across a Navy base in the arms of a horny, he-man sailor would be a spectacle that could be hard to live down. “Or,” she offered. “We could slow down, walk at a reasonable pace to your truck, and spend the time anticipating what comes next.”

  He just looked at her. “That’s the best you’ve got?”

  She shrugged, and before the gesture was complete, he had her in his arms. And he was walking fast.

  “You do know what’s coming next, right?”

  “Umm.” She thought about it. “You’ll fuck me every which way to Sunday?”

  He laughed. “Uh-huh.” He spoke again in another few paces. “I got that testing.”

  “So did I.”

  “Fuck.” He stopped and looked around, clearly frustrated with the distance between the pier and his parking lot. As though he’d ordered up a carriage, a convertible pulled to the curb, a couple sailors in the front.

  “Thanks, Clay.” Reinen dropped her into the back, then hustled around the car and leaped in with her.

  “No prob,” the driver replied. “I was pretty sure you were going to embarrass yourself in about two minutes.”

  Reinen pulled her into his arms as he spoke. “You were wrong. I never could have lasted that long.” He kissed her then, and put his hand on her thigh, way up under her dress, to pull her close. It was a long, hot, nearly x-rated kiss. He pulled back from an indecent edge at the last moment, and contented himself with gazing hot desire into her eyes.

  Without instruction, Clay got them to the parking lot filled with motorcycles and sports cars and pickups, many with bumper stickers claiming a love of jet noise, somehow finding Ri’s truck among them.

  Reinen lifted her out, giving another thanks so cursory that Felicity thought it bordered on rudeness. His response when his shipmates offered him crude advice on his upcoming activities crossed the border.

  He tossed his sea bag into the back, opened the passenger door, and boosted her in. His gaze spent some time at the place where her hem edged along her thighs, and she knew he was considering getting a little look at a pink thong. But he sighed, shot her a glance like it was her fault, and reached across her to fasten her belt.

  “Stay put,” he instructed. “If you move so much as an inch, I’m going to spread your thighs and fuck you right here in this parking lot.”

  He didn’t seem to want any kind of answer. Closing her door, he jogged around the cab, and got in. Peeling out and leaving rubber, he used one hand to turn the air conditioning full-blast.

  It didn’t help that much.

  He took her to a stately old hotel in the historic district that had been lavishly refurbished. As he pulled her from the pickup, she snagged the shoulder bag she’d carried that he’d earlier stashed on the floor. She’d stocked it with the necessities—her toothbrush, a little makeup, and a couple small pieces of silk.

  He made short work of checking them in, then hustled her into the elevator and up to their suite. It was lovely, but she really didn’t have time to appreciate it. Other than making an immediate, facedown acquaintance with the high, four-posted bed.

  Reinen stood close behind her after he’d bent her at the waist and pressed her into the bed. He spoke as his hands worked rapidly, audibly opening the zipper of his fly and then sliding up her thighs, raising her skirt. “I’m sorry, baby. Sorry. I have to start with this. I have to.”

  “This” was exactly what he’d told her over the phone that he’d do to her. He pushed her skirt up just enough to bare her ass, just enough that the wicked slit revealed what she knew he wanted.

  She was certain of what he saw, certain that he liked it. The heels making her legs long, her bare ass, and a little strand of pink silk just covering the thing he wanted.

  As promised, he used his teeth to uncover her. And his tongue to ready her.

  “Oh, God.” He was going to ass-fuck her. His tongue pressing into her anus—pushing in, then gently reaming—was wickedly, impossibly erotic.

  “I’ve got lube in my sea bag, but I left it in the truck. Do you have any in that bag of yours?”

  His hands were busy in addition to his tongue—shoving into her cunt, sliding over her clit. It took a minute to process his words. Lube? No. Just, just… “No.”

  “Sorry, baby. This will have to do, then. Just this once.”

  He slid his tongue over her, in her, wetting her to the extent that he could. Then he lifted up and, while circling around with one hand to keep a good pinch on her clit, he placed himself at her opening.

  “Reinen.” She wasn’t sure what she meant to say. Whatever it was didn’t matter, because he pressed in. “Ah. Oh.”

  She’d almost forgotten how big he was, how base and taking and possessive this act was.

  He reminded her.

  He pushed in
, even as her body wanted to tighten against him, even as her breath screeched. He pushed until he’d stretched her around that big head, the widest diameter of his just-short-of-too-big cock.

  Her hands fisted on the bed as she fought the urge to clench against him, a primal need to protect herself from this wicked invasion. He held there, his thighs pressing her against the bed to secure her in place, his fingers rubbing at her clit.

  “Fee. Fucking bitch. Let it happen. Fucking accept me. Fucking give me your ass.”

  “Ah. Aah.” She wasn’t sure she could. It was too much. He was too big. Her breath came in short, harsh pants. She huffed out, moaning when he pinched her clit harder.

  “I can’t wait much longer.”

  She could feel his movements, and she knew he was rubbing his shaft with spit. She knew she wouldn’t be able to stop what was happening to her.

  He growled his instruction one last time. “Open for me!”

  And then, compelled by his will, she did it. She cried out and felt herself release.

  He knew what she’d done immediately. And he took full advantage.

  In a single thrust, he filled her completely. She felt the whole length of him push in, felt every inch make way, eased only by the barest of lubrication. She was filled with him, taken, subjected.

  “Christ.” He leaned over her now, his breath harsh against her neck. He kept one hand at her clit and slid the other under the bodice of her dress, finding her bare nipple. He squeezed there, one more sign of his possession. “Fuck me. Fuck me, Felicity. This is so damn good.”

  She wasn’t sure if he was instructing her or merely praising her. But in a few more moments it didn’t matter. He squeezed her nipple and rubbed her clit and the tension where he stretched her anus became unbearable. She moaned and—somehow—flexed in just the smallest way.

  He noticed. “Fuck, yeah. Fuck, yeah. Do that again.”

  Even that small movement was gritty and achy and—compelling. Even before he finished giving his orders, she rocked again, just a little. And then a little more.


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