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The Marked One (The Marked Series Book 1)

Page 11

by Chevoque

  Professor Li seemed indifferent. “How much did Dr. Ramadan help you?”

  Aaliyah frowned. “He just explained the basics, helped with collection and how to mount the microscope slides, but then he gave me a guideline—” she showed the flimsy file “—to study and use to identify and count the diatoms. I haven’t seen him since Monday, when he left me here in the lab with the microscope work.”

  She didn’t seem convinced, but Aaliyah hoped that the professor would trust her. “Very well, just write up a basic undergrad practical report, nothing too extensive, and hand it in on Monday. I assume four days is enough to handle that, and you can be excused for the rest of the day. I want you to continue working with Dr. Ramadan on a new project tomorrow morning. Something more in the zoological field, but I will let him know.” She made her way toward the door, and stopped and faced Aaliyah. “If you don’t feel like going home yet, I know Professor Dennis-Patrickson is cleaning the tanks of the aquatic animals. So if you are not squeamish, you can find her there.” The woman actually smiled at Aaliyah. “I hope to see you advance and stay on with us. Enjoy the rest of your day.”

  “Thank you, Professor, you too.” When Aaliyah was once more on her own, she began collecting her things and a small smile crept on to her lips. She felt proud of herself for seemingly have impressed Professor Li. Most of the other scientists she had met in the short time there said Prof. Li was a hard case to crack.

  With her things collected and her bag packed, she decided she would help Professor Dennis-Patrickson with the tedious job of cleaning the tanks. She had favoured the middle-aged woman the most of all her mentors thus far. Even with a dozen of lab technicians, who could’ve been asked to do the jobs no one ever wanted to do, she would do it herself, saying it was the best way to show that no matter your status, you can always do things for yourself.

  Heading to the first floor, she found the very woman keeled over the side of a tank twice her size, with one tilapia in it. “Come on, big guy, the quicker you get into the net, the quicker we will be done.” Aaliyah knocked to make the professor aware of her presence. “Ahhh, how great it is to see you.”

  “I was wondering if I could help, maybe?”

  “There is no need, but I would appreciate it. Still three more tanks to go.” Aaliyah was about to put her bag down when the woman spoke again, “Before you do, take a break. I know you just came from your first practical evaluation with Professor Li. She was just here…apparently amazed by you.” She smiled, showing that it must’ve gone pretty well. Before Aaliyah could protest the break, she continued, “Dr. Ramadan has been more stressed out than you look, but I am aware you have been up there all morning. And…” she pointed toward the door “…I know I have no business with him, so he must be here for you.”

  Aaliyah turned around and faced Tristan. She felt guilty first, because she had been consciously trying to avoid all thoughts of him the past few days. What had felt perfect between them seemed inane after the last time she had seen him. She thought it clearly had the same conclusion with him, as they truly were still just strangers. Though she was focussing solely on the diatom project, in all honesty, she was using it as an excuse.

  “Mr. Gerardo.” She nodded in greeting.

  “Ms. Labuschagne,” he said in return. “Professor Dennis-Patrickson, how are Harry and Sally?”

  “Fat as ever, but I’ve finally gotten Michelle to go jog with them more often. She wasn’t glad about that, because it messes with her training, but oh well.” Aaliyah didn’t even need to ask, as her face had clearly given away her confusion. “They are dogs.”

  “Oh, I thought you were talking about children.” Aaliyah realised she might have stepped over a line, “Sorry, that was—”

  The professor was laughing at her. “Oh my, I do hope you chose to stay here. I like your wit.” This made Aaliyah feel her cheeks attempting to catch fire. “Now go take that break. I’ll be here. It was nice seeing you again, Tristan. Please tell that son of mine to come say hello before he leaves, assuming he is with you.”

  “He is in the hallway.” Tristan looked to his right and then back at Aaliyah. “A moment?”

  Panic took hold of her, so as a safety net and excuse, she decided to put down her bag on one of the tables to show she intended to come back soon. “Sure thing.” She stepped out and into a hug from Ivan, who winked at her and mouthed that he’ll talk to her later and then went to greet his mother.

  In the hallway, the awkwardness was killing her as she faced Tristan again. “Is the cafeteria okay? Are you staying long?” She thought about it. “I’m glad to see you of course, but I don’t want to be keeping you.”

  “Of course you’re not.” They made their way to the elevator and went up to the floor where the cafeteria was. Luckily, in Aaliyah’s opinion, it was basically empty and after grabbing something to drink, they sat at the farthest side from the door, looking out at the river and city. “So how are things going here?”

  “Uhm…busy, learning a lot and I’m really enjoying it.” There was a short silence, then before he wanted to speak, she said, “Oh, I didn’t know Professor Dennis-Patrickson is Ivan’s mother?”

  “He really likes you and yes, it was actually her recommendation to make Ivan my assistant. I regret every minute of that choice,” he teased and she chuckled at him while thumbing the edge of her water bottle’s label. “Aaliyah.” She finally made eye contact with him. “This last week has been a bit busy, but I do hope you aren’t avoiding me.”

  “Tristan, I don’t know exactly what is going on between us and it is far from what I’m used to, but I enjoy your company, if that helps.” This was awkward and it was killing her, but with him actually in front of her, she did feel like she had on their date…content.

  He rested his chin on his palm. It wasn’t a casual gesture, but more one of trepidation. “I would like to see you this evening.”

  It was like crushing a kid’s dreams. “I can’t. I’m sorry, I just need to catch up with Madeline and I have a report to write.” She didn’t want to go as far and say because Madeline had called to finish up some details on a portrait of her.

  He sighed. “I understand. And I want to apologise for not calling you more often. It just got—”

  “I didn’t either,” she said, trying to take some of the blame as well.

  A half-smile attempted to shape his lips, but it was weak. “I wasn’t sure you even wanted to see me again.” Guilt shot through her like arrows. “It is not your fault, Aaliyah. I just know I want you to trust me and know I won’t hurt you. That is the biggest reason why I wanted to spend the evening with you.” A look of longing and pain showed in his eyes. “I don’t want to be alone.”

  It was the last remark she expected. It seemed far too intimate. “Why don’t you want to be alone, Tristan?” She searched his eyes, the gold flecks bright between the dark hazel of his irises and they told only one thing, but he didn’t want to talk about it.

  It only proved to her once more why she was also struggling to open up with him. Neither seemed to want to and she wasn’t going to be the first to give in, as the risk was too high and she was far too acquainted with the consequences.

  I have only known him for more than two weeks. I can’t. She attempted to stay kind. “Well, you are here now. We can talk a bit and maybe plan something for later this week. The report I need to write is due Monday, so the weekend works, as I’ll likely finish it up as soon as possible.”

  “I would like that,” he said with a bigger smile.

  “That woman,” Ivan said from the other side of the room.

  Aaliyah had never been more appreciative of a distraction than in that moment. “I love her, but damn, she can talk a lot!” Ivan sat down at the table and held a hand on his shoulder, “She might have dislocated my shoulder with her hug, so I need to take the weekend off.” He said to Tristan and then turned to Aaliyah. “This is me basically saying that I am required to visit with my mothers. The two
of them will drive me insane before the end of the year, just you wait and see.”

  Aaliyah chuckled at him.

  “Oh! How was the date I planned for you two?” A gleam of evilness crossed his eyes.

  “Ivan, honestly, you need to—” Tristan’s cell phone rang. “I need to get this, excuse me.” He rose from his seat and the look of concern made Aaliyah feel awful for what she was about to ask when he answered the phone and was out of hearing distance.

  “Ivan, what is going on with Tristan? I barely know him, but he looks like a car crash today.” She wished she hadn’t said it out loud, but he seemed off and she was worried, because deep down she knew she shouldn’t even try helping, but she felt like this was something she needed to know for them to actually start opening up with one another.

  Ivan sighed. “I wish I could explain, but it is not my tale to tell.”

  “Of course, sorry, I just…he puzzles me.” Aaliyah shook her head.

  “How so?” Ivan’s brows knitted tightly together.

  She was about to answer when Tristan returned. “Ivan, we need to go to the office. Mr. Marx says there is an issue the board wants to discuss immediately.”

  “Should I call the lawyers to go to the boardroom as well?” Ivan asked as he stood.

  “Yes, call them. Get Fredricks and I’ll greet Ms. Labuschagne.”

  “Sure thing.” Ivan faced Aaliyah. “It was nice seeing you again. Goodbye.” He gave her a hug and with concerned-filled eyes, he headed out.

  “Is everything okay?” Aaliyah asked, uncertain if it was appropriate for her to do so.

  “Just a personal problem they are making far too much of a fuss about,” he stated.

  “That makes me feel a bit worried on your behalf,” she mused.

  “Please, don’t be. I’ll explain on Friday.” He seemed like he truly needed to see her.

  She sighed at the oddity. “Sure, I’ll see you then.”

  “Aaliyah.” She looked more deeply into his eyes. He leaned forward, and their lips touched.

  Warmth so unfamiliar pleasantly filled her veins and she softly moaned. Her tension dissipated to nothing, and she felt like she was at the right place and moment. Even if the moment lasted no longer than a few seconds.

  He drew away. “Goodbye, Aaliyah.”

  She still felt unbalanced, but nodded. “Bye.”

  He smiled; it seemed close to cocky and made her shyly smile back. She watched him walk away. It was clear from that kiss that she wanted to try being with him, if only she could muster up the courage to do so.



  Tristan felt like he was going to lose it. The board was furious over something that truly didn’t even concern them. He rather wanted to be locked up in his house and away from everyone who might pass judgement.

  “Please, ladies and gentlemen.” The thirty or so people slowly settled. “I assure you this is none of your concern. There is absolutely no reason for anyone to worry that my divorce, which is finally coming through, would cause any of the shares to be lost or stocks to fall. Mrs. Gerardo hasn’t even lived in the States for nearly a year, and she has no control or claim over the corporation.”

  Ms. Fredricks stepped closer, her shapely body the attention of some of the board members.

  “I have had the lawyers, specifically Ms. Fredricks who drew up the marriage contract, come here today to reassure you of this by showing you all my marriage contract. It should allow you all to rest assured that Gerardo’s will be unscathed by this. It’ll only be me who will be a little embarrassed and very hurt that you have thought me unprepared.”

  Some of the board members looked ashamed of themselves.

  “Ms. Fredricks here will provide any of you all the information you might need.” The board members looked at him, some still not settled. “Is there something else we should discuss?”

  Mrs. Kurstin, a market breaking entrepreneur of Native American heritage, cleared her throat. “Mr. Gerardo, though we all know it is your personal life, I believe you are aware that our concern is only sparked when we fear we might lose some of our investments.” She paused and then said what seemed to have been on her mind, “The concern mostly lies with you seemingly dating someone while you are still married to Mrs. Gerardo.”

  Tristan was slowly getting infuriated at the constant reminder that pursuing a relationship with Aaliyah was not his best decision ever, but luckily Ms. Fredricks stepped in.

  “Due to the trial separation being set in motion by Mrs. Gerardo and her being the one who has refused to sign the divorce papers, Mr. Gerardo is allowed to move on with his life with the exclusion of him being able to get married until this period is over. Mrs. Gerardo will not gain from this in any way, as she was the one who had chosen this to be added to the prenup.”

  Some of the board understood, as if they had the same arrangements. Others looked like they rather should’ve had this method drawn up before they got married, and some seemed like they were contemplating to do the same once they got married. It didn’t mean that a small handful still wasn’t settled by the news. They asked Ms. Fredricks questions about his marriage contract and it was killing him to sit there and hear their exchanges, as if he was not present.

  He, himself, only found out a year before that Valerie’s intentions weren’t pure, after they had returned from their honeymoon and she said she was leaving him. Which meant she was sticking around, while the separation allowed her to milk him, and the “thereafter” he was still anticipating.

  Calling himself a fool would be a kindness, as he knew it was a mistake. He was lonely, and Valerie—the temporary assistant he hired while working in London—had been there to fill the loneliness. As she was planning their big wedding, she began using lines like, “I wish Gabriella could’ve been here with us” and “Gabriella would’ve been a beautiful bridesmaid.” In those moments Tristan had felt like maybe Valerie was the best thing that could ever happened to him, but it was a false love and she had only been after his money.

  About a half hour later, it seemed the board had been convinced, if only partly, but Tristan needed to leave before his sanity left him. He found his feet. “Thank you, Ms. Fredricks.” She nodded at him and he continued, “Now, if you will all please excuse me, this was my day off, so I would like to go back to that. If there are any more questions, please leave them with Mr. Marx or Ms. Fredricks. Good day.” He didn’t look back. He just headed for the door, but was stopped by Mr. Marx.

  “Will you be at your parents’ house this evening as well?” Tristan shook his head. His parents held a dinner for their friends to remind them to move forward in life, while remembering only the good about Gabriella. But when you’re the reason a person is gone, that coping mechanism didn’t really work so well. “I’ll be thinking of you. See you tomorrow.” The old man patted his shoulder and returned to settle some more of the board members souls.

  When he got out of the boardroom and stood at the elevator, Ivan quietly appeared next to him. “I know it is not my place, but does Aaliyah know about Valerie?”

  “It will be over soon. I don’t want to scare her off with something like this,” he said, beginning to sound sombre.

  “She might be more hurt if she finds out some other way,” Ivan warned, sounding truly concerned about her.

  Tristan thought it through. “I’ll tell her. Soon. I just don’t want her to have one more reason to not trust me.”

  “Then don’t give her any,” Ivan said and Tristan knew it was his best bet. Aaliyah wouldn’t open up if he didn’t give her all of him. If she could understand all of his issues, then he was sure she would accept him and maybe even come to trust him. Or it may all have been false hope, but one thing he was certain about, was that they both needed to stop hiding themselves from one another, if they ever wanted more from their relationship.

  Chapter Eight

  Tristan spent the rest of Wednesday in his house with Isabella, watching old movies o
f him and Gabriella as children, and reassured his mother—three times—that he was fine and that he wouldn’t do something stupid…again. It was becoming a tradition, but the one change that made it all the better was when Aaliyah called.

  She sounded shy and uncertain, but she was saying hello and wanted to ask him if she could maybe take him on a date Friday, instead of the other way around. She sounded excited, maybe a little concerned about him, but he reassured her that he was as fine as can be. He could tell she hadn’t believed it, but she’d accepted it and the call ended.

  Thursday passed by barely noted, and Friday was mostly the same, up until the moment he knocked on her door.

  She smiled at him, her peridot eyes shimmering against her caramel skin. Her face was exposed. “Hallo, Tristan,” she said. She hesitated and then leaned in for a kiss. Her cherry-stained lips met his with sweet seduction and his hands itched to grab hold of her face to kiss her into next week. But the greeting ended, and she moved to the side to allow him to enter. “Please, come in.” She smiled at him, and he entered the dodgy little warehouse. He immediately saw the dinner she had prepared for them.

  “Aaliyah, wow, this is really nice.” No one he had ever dated, let alone Valerie, cooked a homemade dinner for him.

  She blushed. “It is all thanks to the amazing opportunity you have set in motion for me to live my dream.” Her smile was sincere. “Of course with the added bonus of you basically giving me a bursary to get to work with all the great mentors, I had some extra to buy a table and two chairs…” she looked quite proud of herself, “…which allowed me to host a proper dinner for you to say thanks.”


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