The Marked One (The Marked Series Book 1)

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The Marked One (The Marked Series Book 1) Page 12

by Chevoque

  “You deserved it,” he nearly whispered.

  “Then let’s hope you like Cape Malay curry, because it is the only thing I know how to not screw up when it comes to cooking and thus it was the chosen main course…well, only course.”

  “Never heard of it, but curry always sounds wonderful.” He wanted to say something, but she showed him to the couch. The tiny stereo next to the couch whispered about a personified place. “Who is this?” He went to the stereo.

  “Kinky Robot.” She chuckled. “They are a pretty good SA band.”

  He smiled, but it fell short. “Aaliyah, I first need to talk to you about something quite important.” Her face fell and he saw her biting on the inside of her cheek nervously, so he went to sit on the couch and she followed him.

  “I hope everything is okay?” she whispered, sounding scared and nervous. When they were both seated, he looked into her eyes and knew the only way he would ever get her to trust him, to truly trust him, was if he threw her with the one thing that could ruin it all for their relationship.

  “Aaliyah, I am married, but before you freak out and kick me.” He only saw her swallow and worried she was planning his death. “I’ve been separated from my wife for almost a year, and in a few weeks, we will be legally divorced. The only reason why we are still legally married is because she left me and doesn’t want to sign the divorce papers because she is still getting money from me. It is long and complicated, but she tricked me, in the simpler sense.”

  “Do you still love her?” Aaliyah plainly asked.

  “Aaliyah, I’m stressing myself to death here. Why aren’t you reacting? This isn’t me telling you that I ate a sammich. I—”

  “I found out Wednesday.” She was the one looking guilty when he knew he should’ve been. “I was worried over why you seemed so…sad, and then I told Madeline and she basically looked like she knew something, so I asked her, but she just gave me her laptop with the Google alert she had about you. And before you think it’s weird, she is weird and has this idea that if people find out about me then it will show her and then her art sales will spike and…” She made a face.

  To him it was odd that she hadn’t mentioned anything about her being M. Spencer’s focus, but that was not his current concern.

  “This is sounding awful. But back on topic. I read an article about the shareholders questioning if you are the right CEO for Gerardo Corporations. I assume that is where you went on Wednesday?”

  He nodded, confused over how the situation could’ve been real.

  “And, well, I was furious. Then I read further and I got more furious at you for not telling me, until around before I called you. I realised that you likely didn’t tell me because it is basically two weeks away from being over.” She shook her head. “I realised I wanted to use it as an excuse to not have to see you again. But I enjoy being with you, which is rare.”

  “Aaliyah, I am so sorry—”

  “Oh no…” She looked shocked. “Please, don’t tell me you are getting back with her and this is you telling me whatever was between us is over.” Painful dread crossed her eyes.

  “No, Aaliyah. I wanted to tell you and have you know that I never really loved her and that I want to be with you and I can legally do that, but I needed you to know, because I was afraid that…”

  “That I’d do exactly what I intended to?” He nodded. “Well, I still feel the same about you, and I think the best way to show you is to offer you something to drink, before I set the food on the table and we have the evening we intended.” He saw the light in her come back.

  He smiled. “Just like that?”

  “Yes.” She was speaking the truth. He felt great relief as she rose from the couch.

  “Found out anything else about me?” he cautiously risked asking, but kept his tone light.

  She looked at him with suspicion. “Is there more to know that I won’t find out in the time we would get to know each other, traditionally?”

  “No, nothing.” He knew it was a half-lie. Telling her about Gabriella felt like a risk, even though he was near certain Aaliyah was nothing like Valerie.

  “Good.” She headed toward the stove with the softly bubbling pot of curry, stirred it, and faced him again. “Now, I don’t have wine that tastes even close to as great as those we drank on your date, but I do have other options, which include beer, juice, coffee, or tea?”

  “I’ll risk the wine,” he teased and felt close to overjoyed. He watched her svelte body move to the refrigerator.

  “Let’s hope you don’t regret it,” she countered with a smile and ease that felt comfortable, that felt right. Her image was perfection, as she looked back at him with the light falling in behind her. He saw that soft red shimmer to her hair, which created a tiny halo, and she brought him a glass of wine, making quite a show of it as she handed it to him. “Once you’re ready, please do make your way to the dining table.”

  “Anything I can help with?” he asked as he rose and took the glass from her.

  “Nah, I’m good.” He made his way to the tiny dining table and then her phone rang. She turned to him with a guilty smile. “I, uhm, it’s my dad. I really need to get it.”

  “Isn’t there something I can tend to while you’re on the phone?” He really began feeling guilty that he hadn’t helped with anything, as the smells were making his mouth water.

  She looked at the stove. “It’s all good. I’ll be right back.” She bolted out the door and he heard her saying hello with a clear smile in her voice.

  He didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but the thin walls didn’t stop allowing him to hear her, telling her father about her being with someone and that it is the same guy as last time, which obviously made him feel real chuffed with himself that she had spoken of him with her father. Then he felt a little fear as he realised it was her father.

  After a few moments, she returned with an even happier smile. “So, my father says hallo.”

  Tristan chuckled. “Glad to hear you talk to your father about me, but that has me a little concerned though.”

  “I only told him all the bad things, no need to worry.” She set her phone down and clapped her hands together. “Now.” She went to the stove and began to ladle some curry into a large serving bowl, did the same with some yellow rice speckled with raisins, took puffed up naan bread out of the oven, and brought it all to the table.

  “Wow, this is looking way better than Sunday lunch, which would highly upset my mother if she heard me say that.” Aaliyah smiled shyly and took a seat, and gestured for him to dig in. With his bowl filled, the aromatic flavours ruled any and all of his senses.

  He broke away a piece of naan bread and scooped up some curry before experiencing the exotic uniqueness, which he thought fit perfectly with Aaliyah. The curry held a fruitiness, while the full-bodied assembly of spices wasn’t too strong and it made him groan in delight.

  “Is that a sign of approval?”

  He eyed her, silently saying, Isn’t it obvious? She smiled and took her first bite. There was a while of pleasant silence and as she took a sip of wine, she looked at him more seriously. He could tell by the look in her eyes she was trying to open up.

  “I always loved it when my mum was still around and we’d take the dogs out for a walk. It was before she got sick. It is just one of those things that reminds me of the better times. It is weird how the little things are what you remember the most.”

  “Does it still hurt?” He had no idea why he would ask such a question, but somehow, he felt a deeper connection to Aaliyah than with anyone else. That’s why he’d asked.

  She made a squiggle in the condensation on her glass, looked right through him, and whispered, “Not always.”

  “There are good days and bad days. We just need to cope,” he said dully.

  She eyed him, uncertain and wary. “Is this one of those things I’ll learn about you traditionally over time?”

  He felt quite sour about the comment, but he noted she
had become much more closed off. “Maybe one day.” She merely nodded and they both went back to quietly eating and exchanging silly likes and dislikes and “what’s your favourites,” ranging from colour up to preferred movie genres.

  When it came to the colour, she only smiled at the mention of green, as he added her eyes would be the best example as to why he loved the colour. It was cheesy, most definitely, but it was the truth.

  After their main was done, they quickly cleared the table and she offered him some of her homemade blueberry sorbet, which was a refreshing end to a meal he was sure he wouldn’t easily forget.

  “This was fun,” Aaliyah said with a subtle smile as he took a seat on the couch, after everything was put away and cleaned up. She bit her lip and faced him head-on. “If you are still up for adventures, you can have a try at my makeshift spiced mocha.” Her eyes held that beautiful shine that made the green glow even brighter.

  “Sounds like quite an adventure,” he sensed she had become hesitant, as if him settling into the couch was too much for her to accept as normal. He rose, her eyes vigilant. “Aaliyah, I can feel you aren’t completely at ease, so why don’t I say goodnight?”

  “I’m sorry. I…I sometimes forget that my body language gives me away.” She shook her head. “I don’t want you to leave. Please. Stay.” Her eyes begged that she wanted him to, but she didn’t look at ease.

  “You do realise I would never—”

  “Of course. It is other people who have just made me cautious, but you are real and I appreciate it.” She chuckled grimly. “I sat on the couch with you earlier, but it is darker now, so I’m just being silly.”

  “Aaliyah, I meant it when I said I want this to work, but I would never push you into something you don’t want as well.” He tried to sound reassuring.

  “I also want it to work.” Her eyes searched his. “Now attempt not to laugh at my shenanigans.” She made her way to the kitchen area.

  He followed her and was trying his best not to laugh at her, but the way she panicked when the milk boiled over was comical and when she burned her thumb her sweet expression was adorable. Not that he found any pleasure to see her hurt, but she was fighting back involuntary tears.

  “See, I should stick to the curry,” she mocked while she did tiny jumps. The burn seemed to hurt her more than she had expected. Leading her to the sink, he opened the cold water and let her hold her finger under it to cool down.

  “At this rate, I’m more worried you’d bring harm to yourself instead of this place doing the same to you.” She kept quiet, so he turned to face her. The wonder in her eyes broke his heart, as her eyelids were a little wet with tiny tears. “Are you okay? Do you have cooling balm or—”

  “I’m fine. I’m just a little bit of a sissy.” She smiled. She drew her hand out of his and looked at her thumb. “It’ll be okay.” She went back to making their drinks and he kept a wary eye over her, fearing she might hurt herself again.

  He honestly just wanted to protect her, so when she turned into him, he held her by her arms and said the first thought he had since seeing her place, “I think I should have the labs give you a researcher’s apartment.”

  She looked at him. “You can’t fix everything with money.” He kept on looking at her. His thumb moved to her cheek, and he smoothed the pad across her silky skin. He sighed and it seemed that she could sense his tension. He stood closer to her. “Damn it. That was so out of line. I’m sorry.”

  “It is not your fault,” he whispered, mere inches from her perfect face, which now looked a little confused.

  “Tristan?” she asked in as soft voice. “Are you okay?”

  “I lost my sister.” He saw her surprised look. “It was my fault, and I—”

  “I’m sure it just feels like it was your fault.” She held his other hand. “My mother died of cancer and I still feel guilty.”

  “I can understand why it could feel that way, but it was really my fault,” he said and seeing no reason to hide the truth, he spoke again. “She had epilepsy. I was supposed to take care of her, but it was when I was in my early twenties. I couldn’t even take care of myself back then. I drank like tomorrow was a definite, I wasted money, and I screwed around.”

  “I don’t think I need and want to hear this now, Tristan,” she protested.

  He smoothed his thumb over her lower lip, in a manner to make her keep quiet and also to show, in a simple way, that he wanted to tell her. “She got an attack when my parents were at a gala event. I was too drunk to realise what was happening to her and when I did, I rushed to the hospital and got us into a car accident.”

  “I’m so sorry,” Aaliyah whispered against his thumb, which he then took away as he stepped back.

  “She died when they arrived at the hospital. I was fine. A few bruises and a concussion, but the thing that makes it worse is that, four days after, I couldn’t remember anything. I had amnesia.” He shook his head and looked down, unable to look Aaliyah in the eyes. He felt like a monster. “And because we have money, I got a special pardon after my father paid the judge. I only got a few months of community service instead.”

  He felt a warm hand on his shoulder and looked up to find Aaliyah looking at him the same way she had before. “You made a mistake, and while losing your sister is terrible and I can’t ever understand the guilt you must feel, you seem like you aren’t that person anymore. To use the obvious comforting words, I’m sure your sister wouldn’t want to see you in this state. I know whatever I say won’t change anything and you will still feel guilty regardless, but…” She sighed. “You are the kindest man I’ve met. I can see you’ve paid the price, but try and stop blaming yourself. Doing so only makes it harder to move away from the pain.”

  He reached out and traced his fingers from her forehead, where the birthmark disappeared into her hairline, down her cheek and then the side of her neck. He let his fingers only just graze over her skin, as he let his hand rest on her shoulder and did the same with his other. He sighed. “I’m sorry about that. About everything you had to find out about me in these few days.”

  “It’s nothing. I’m glad we are comfortable enough with each other so we can talk about these things, even if it is a quite advanced second date.” She carried a tiny smile that truly made him feel better.

  “So you see it as a date?”

  “Your charm has convinced me.” She continued to smile at him. Aaliyah looked completely at ease, and as much as he wanted to wait until she kissed him, he pulled on her shoulders and held her tightly against his body. She let out a tiny mewl as his mouth met hers. He used the moment of her parted lip to allow his tongue to explore.

  Her lips tasted like cherries, and her tongue still had the blueberry sorbet aftertaste. He wanted to kiss her forever, have her be his, because, as the kiss deepened, he swore he felt her resolve disappear with his. It was a type of freedom he thought he’d never experience again. Every moment he spent with Aaliyah was emphasised by the kiss.

  Until she pulled away, quite breathless. “I can’t. We can’t do this.” She stepped back a few more feet and looked like a deer caught in headlights. The sudden change had him baffled.

  “Aaliyah?” he asked with concern.

  “Tristan, you have been the first man that didn’t want me to cover up my face. The first person who, in fact, isn’t my close family or friends, who insists I keep off my makeup. It feels…overwhelming. And these emotions, they are even more so.”

  “I can’t see how there is a problem.” Tristan began feeling hurt by her words.

  Her eyes were afraid. “I’m scared, Tristan. What I feel for you…it is so unknown. I’m afraid I’ll get hurt.”

  “I won’t hurt you,” he whispered, attempting to get closer to her, but she stayed wary. “Please, trust me. I won’t ever—”

  “Since we are opening up…” She looked to be on the verge of crying. After she let out a held in breath, she spoke again and he could see all her pain etched in her eyes. S
he looked just like she did in The Marked One portrait. “I’ve only cared for one other person like I’m already caring for you, and he used me to make fun of me. And even if it was years ago and I was just a teen, I already feel something very strong for you and I’m afraid…I’m afraid you’ll do the same.”


  “You are a man who can have whatever you want, but you are here and you haven’t even tried to force me into doing something I’m not ready to, while other women will give you what you want. Why can’t you rather—”

  “Aaliyah, I want to show you that the world isn’t—”

  “The world is awful. You might not see it the same, but people always look at me as if I’m a freak when I’m not wearing makeup. But now I’ve been focussing on you instead, because I want to believe you aren’t going to tell me it was all just a joke.” Tears welled on her eyelids, expressing her pain.

  He stepped closer and saw her fear. “Aaliyah, this is no joke. I can’t tell you how beautiful you are to me, and with you around, I feel like I can be more. You look at me in a way. I wish to save you from the evils of the world, but you need to trust me.”

  She looked far too convinced that he was the enemy, and for the first time since that first day, he saw her turn her face away, ultimately hiding her beauty. He realised the best thing was to give her space, so he stepped back, and with a heavy heart, he accepted that she needed more time.

  Straightening his back, he dug deep to gain his courage. “Thank you for spending the evening with me and for making me one of the best dinners I’ve had. I hope to see you again soon. Goodnight, Aaliyah.”

  He turned and walked to the door. It was the hardest thing to do and when he turned to face her one more time, her eyes were closed, like she didn’t want to face the fact that he was leaving. He stepped out and faced the inevitable. She wasn’t going to let him in easily. At least not until she realised that she was in fact beautiful and that he was beyond in love with her.



  Aaliyah opened her eyes and her heart dropped at the realisation that she let him leave. That she was still so afraid of connecting, that she might have lost the only person who looked at her with true admiration. But she wasn’t sure if he was being honest with her, as the ever nagging fear of betrayal seemed to never let her go.


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