The Marked One (The Marked Series Book 1)

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The Marked One (The Marked Series Book 1) Page 13

by Chevoque

  Slaves sung over the stereo about becoming more broken with age. She turned it off. It was too relatable. Heavily sighing and wiping some of the thick tears on her cheeks away, she found her cell phone.

  On the second ring, Madeline picked up. “Sooo…how did it go?”

  “I screwed up.” Her tone was dead.

  “Liyah, did he hurt you?” Madeline’s voice was filled with fury and concern, and it sounded like someone was mumbling in the background.

  “No, no, not at all.” Both sighed, but while Madeline sounded relieved, Aaliyah was fearful. “He opened up and I did too, but I got scared. I’m not used to this. Maddy. I just need a hug right now. Can I come over?”

  “Uhm…yeah, of course, but please let a driver get you at your door. That place is a danger zone.” There was a knock on Aaliyah’s door.

  “Hold on.” She walked to the door, keeping the phone in her hand. She asked, “Who is it?” She knew who it was before she heard the answer.

  “It is Vera, dear. Can I come in?” her landlord’s raspy voice responded.

  She opened the door, telling Vera to hold on as she continued her call. “I’ll come over in a while. I’ll text you once I leave.”

  “Okay, be safe, take your time.” As Aaliyah ended the call, Madeline’s response felt odd, but she figured Madeline would tell her soon, so she faced the landlady in her bright purple nightgown.

  “Evening, dear, I just wanted to know if you were okay? I saw your…guy friend leaving a little upset and just wanted to make sure…”

  “I’m fine, thank you, Vera. We just…” For a moment she wanted to say that everything was all right between her and Tristan, but it would be a lie. She had hurt him and she was so afraid to believe that he truly was the kind man she always hoped she would find. But she had lost herself in the fear.

  “Dear, are you still here?”

  She found Vera’s concerned eyes. “I’m sorry. It just sunk in that I had just maybe lost my biggest chance of being with someone who might actually accept how I look.”

  Vera nodded. “I saw you weren’t hiding your face. And, it is very clear you two fit together. How long have you two been a couple?”

  “This was our second date, well, third if him visiting me at the place I work counts,” Vera’s brows rose high. “See what I mean with lost?”

  “Dear, if a person looks at you the way I saw him looking at you, while I was peeking through my window, when you two had returned from your date a while back…” the woman added without a second’s hesitation ”…it was something remarkable to see.”

  Aaliyah shook her head. “I can’t be sure that it is real.”

  “Aaliyah, that man had love in his eyes. You can’t let your fears rule your future. Give him a chance, because the way he left, I imagined you two had an awful fight. He looked hurt and…I know our moms always teach us to be careful with the pretty ones, but the one you had just let go…seems to be a real deal.”

  Aaliyah chuckled grimly. “You don’t even know if it was real.”

  “Honey, a man in love is a sight far more beautiful than what Mother Nature has to display, but a bruised man, they show hurt even Mother Nature can’t fix.” Aaliyah frowned and Vera sighed. “You need to give that man a chance, because no matter what you say, you saw that he cared and you feared what it meant. You’re not used to it. You have hurt him, and I don’t think he should feel guilty when it’s clear that you know you feel the same way about him.”

  She thought a moment. “What do I do? I don’t know where he lives. I have his number, but…” She shook her head at herself. “I don’t think it is love yet, but, Vera, he makes me feel beautiful.”

  Vera carried the sweetest smile. “Then give him a chance. Call him, go see him, but do it soon. Wounded animals are skittish.” Vera turned to the door. “I hope you figure this out. Regret is an awful thing to live with.” Vera left. Aaliyah wanted to cry, shout, and laugh at the same time.

  After a few minutes, she had her mind set. She needed to apologise to Tristan, so she called him, but he didn’t pick up and she was afraid her indecisiveness caused him to just stop trying. But realising that it might be possible that he was still driving, she held out a little and called Madeline.

  She told her friend that she needed to fix her mistake and that she would make it up to her. The only thing Madeline was worried over was if Aaliyah was sure. It was then that Aaliyah realised Madeline was, in fact, with somebody. Aaliyah only hoped it hadn’t been Rick, Madeline’s ex-boyfriend, who always somehow found his way back into Madeline’s life, but it was confirmed when she asked. Still, Madeline had finally convinced her that she needed to go to Tristan and make things right.

  Finally calling a cab company, she then gave clear directions as to where she wanted to be picked up. After ten minutes, she tried calling Tristan again.

  He picked up. “Aaliyah, is everything—”

  “I need to see you. I need to apologise for being—”

  “Aaliyah…” She heard him sigh heavily. “I can’t do this if you don’t at least trust me.”

  “I know, but you leaving made me realise that I care for you…already. That is scary, but I want to be with you. Can you tell me where you live? Then I’ll be there as soon as possible, but I want to make this right.”

  “I can come to you instead.” She heard his relief.

  “I already called for a cab, so I can be there soon.” He gave her the address, and he sounded less detached. Right before the call ended, she heard him say “Thank you.”

  With a smile and a bouncing leg, she waited for the cab. When car lights illuminated down the road, she jumped up to go outside. She spotted Gerardo and a grey rat running to hide behind the building. She made her way to the cab.

  The cab driver obviously struggled to understand why a lady like her would stay in such an odd place. He kept telling her that if she was a whore, he didn’t want any trouble, so she gave up on trying to convince him that the neighbourhood wasn’t too bad.

  Stopping at the address Tristan had given her, she could only just see the beautiful house, as large trees filled the front yard. After giving the taxi driver his fee, she followed the small hedged pathway up to the enormous wood and glass door. The house itself looked to be a piece of history, sitting in one of the most amazing neighbourhoods of Pittsburgh. She hadn’t even known this place existed—like most of the city.

  Before she reached the door, it opened, allowing soft music from within to pour out. Tristan stepped closer.

  “Please, come inside,” he said lightly. She could see in his manner that what Vera meant was true.

  She had hurt him far more than she had thought. She stepped in, and the foyer area was stretched out to the sides, while several hand-carved wooden archways, wooden floors, and perfect Persian carpets made the house feel comfortable with a classic mansion setting. It was enormous, and its warmth made her rampaging emotions settle.

  “Tristan, this is breathtaking…” She turned and saw him admiring her while his hand smoothed over his subtly bearded chin. Awkwardly smiling, she tried to keep herself from getting distracted. “Sorry, I’m here to apologise and now I’m only seeing all the beauty in this place.”

  “It’s understandable.” He moved to the side, showing one of the archways for her to walk toward. What she could see was the living room with a sunroom further along.

  A brindle Great Dane came to greet her before she could move.

  “Hello, baby,” she greeted the overexcitable dog. “What was her name again?”

  “Isabella.” He was beaming and she returned it for a moment, before rubbing the large doggy’s ears.

  Suddenly, Isabella swung around and headed for the room at the back, barking wildly at seemingly nothing. Aaliyah smiled and looked back at Tristan. Remembering she was heading for the living room, she continued with him at her side.

  “I’m really sorry about earlier.” She shook her head as if shaking the memory away. “
I know how insane I must seem to you, but…”

  The side of her eye caught something familiar and as she turned her head, she faced The Marked One.

  In the portrait, her chin rested on one hand, which slightly enfolded her cheek, and tears glistened on her fingers. She was looking away, as her other hand attempted to cover her exposed birthmark. Her eyes showed sadness and fear in the beautiful green, which stood out against her skin. The background was the green of her eyes and it brought the entire focus back to the woman in the portrait’s eyes, to show the pain.

  To show her pain.

  “It was you who bought it.” Stunned, she turned to Tristan. Confused pain stabbed at her heart. He clearly wanted to speak, but she interrupted him. “This is why you wanted to get to know me? You recognised me from the portrait and thought you could just—”

  “Aaliyah, part of me felt connected to you when I saw it, but it didn’t mean…” She turned around and headed for the door. “Aaliyah, please, give me a moment.”

  She gripped the doorknob as he came to stand behind her. She could feel his body’s heat, and she wanted nothing more than to step backward and have him embrace her. She was confused with all the conflicted emotions playing through her. Aaliyah wanted to trust, to give in and forget all her pains. Feeling him step even closer, she turned her head away from him.

  “When I saw that portrait, I realised I had never seen anyone as beautiful as you. For a week I looked at it, obsessed over it, and then you stood in front of me. And it wasn’t your birthmark…” She winced as she fought unnecessary tears, which still pushed over her eyelids. She felt mislead, maybe even betrayed. “It wasn’t how you looked sad. It was the hope behind the pain in your eyes.”

  His shallow breaths along her nape made her sigh. Tingles trailed down her arms.

  “I’m in love with a woman I barely know and the harder I try to convince her that I won’t hurt her, the more she keeps running. Please, Aaliyah, I won’t hurt you. Stop running from me.”

  “How do I know you won’t? I’ve been tricked before,” she said defensively.

  “I am not a child. Aaliyah, please, trust me.” It was a plea. One so raw she felt certain he would never hurt her. Her face turned to his. Over her shoulder, his thumb smoothed her lower lip. He leaned forward and their lips locked. Her handbag made a loud thump as she abandoned it, along with her uncertainty. Drawing her tightly against his body, he held her hips, and the next thing she knew, she rolled them to show how much she needed him.

  Feeling his hesitation, she broke the kiss, swallowed, and said, “I trust you.” She drew his hands, which were resting on her hips, toward her chest. When he reached her breasts, they both sighed as she pressed his hands tighter against her.

  Her hands had let go of his and she steadied herself against the door. Her body drifted into a state so calming, her knees felt like they might buck. PVRIS was singing “Only Love” in the living room, and the lyrics echoed in her soul. She turned in his tight embrace and kissed him with complete disregard of what came next, while his hands moved over her skin aimlessly.

  Breaking the kiss and facing him, it seemed the passion calmed, not at all subsided, but settled, so she could take it in, take all of him in. She removed the T-shirt he was wearing and sighed as she saw his muscular upper body. Across his chest was a large tattoo with the year ‘1993’, and she let her fingertips trail over his pectoral. His muscles were subtly defined in a way that showed he was fit without looking too bulky. The way his sweatpants hung on his hips showed the waistband of his briefs peeking out at the top.

  As she ran her hand toward the centre of his torso, she felt his heartbeat thumping, and as she reached lower, she felt his stomach muscles respond to her uncertain touch. She bit her lip and looked him in the eyes again. The soft gold flecks in the dark brown seemed to have disappeared as he looked at her in fascination.

  His hand came to her cheek, and his thumb smoothed over to her parted lips, now a little swollen from their kiss. She let her hand glide lower, and slightly gripping his briefs’ waistband, she pulled it down, only to be pulled back against him.

  His kiss was far more passionate than before. He was devouring her, and she worked faster in drawing away the restrictions. Her dress slipped from her shoulders in unison with his sweatpants and he followed it by picking her up, kicking the discarded clothing to the side, and carrying her to the staircase.

  As he broke the kiss to find his way, she nipped at his neck, tasted his flesh, and felt her body awaken with lust and love so new to her she was slightly afraid of it. They entered the master bedroom. The room had wooden floors, a wooden seat filling the three large windows, and a bed of blue silks. Somehow it all felt too perfect.

  He set her down on the bed, hovering over her. She immediately met his lips, as the absence felt foreign. His hands caressed her skin with long, soft strokes up and down her sides and reaching her chest he pulled her tightly against his own. Their tongues tangled and teased while her body was heating up and her breathing felt erratic.

  Tristan smoothed his hands against her back and slowly worked on unclasping her bra. A second of uncertainty hit her again, but as she lifted herself away from the bed, to allow her bra to be removed, she found his eyes locked with hers. They showed so many emotions she even felt.

  When her bra slid away, his took in the rest of her as he looked down at her body for the first time. The parts she never showed were bared, and over her left breast, down to her midriff, a second, larger birthmark painted her skin, while down her right thigh, a third marked her.

  Like a moth to a flame, he leaned closer, whispering, “You are perfect.”

  She released the breath she had been holding. She believed him. Aaliyah could see it in his manner staying unchanged, see it in the way he still admired her, and she could feel it in his touch. His hands were once more searching her, to feel every inch of her skin. To make contact with every part of her, so it wouldn’t feel like a dream.

  Her response came as fervent as before. She wanted him, needed him to set her free. Their tongues danced seductively in sweet strokes without pretence, and the perfection of the moment was to forever be captured in her memory.

  They kissed for a long while before Tristan broke away. “Scoot up higher.”

  She did as he said and he left her with a kiss on her mouth. His lips left perfect promises over her forehead, eye, and then her cheek. As he moved lower, she anticipated his kiss more than ever as he teased along her clavicle and down her breast. The near, unfamiliar feeling of his mouth enveloping her breast made her entire body buck and she moaned out loud. The pleasure bolted through her core.

  He took his time exploring the expanse of her chest, and his beard left tingling sensations all over. She was left breathless as he moved lower to her midriff. The eyes that met hers were fascinated. He traced the lower part of the birthmark with kisses.

  An excited giggle left her as his boyish smile appeared, and in that moment, she stepped into a freedom she had never felt before. She actually felt confident and beautiful as his mouth caressed and pleased her skin. As he moved down her thigh, he slipped her underwear off, and with a sudden burst of excitement, she felt her flesh come alive. Her breathing became constricted with anticipation.

  Yet, he teased down her thighs and over her core, aimlessly worshipping her body and essentially her. When his lips touched her mound, a strangled moan left her and she felt like she was drifting off into space while he slowly moved her leg to the side. He gave soft bites along her inner thigh and when he kissed her silky folds, she fisted the sheet beneath her.

  His tongue crawled over the flesh, and her body bucked to meet him in the beautiful connection. She craved more and so did he. His tongue slithered over her sensitive flesh a few more times, causing her to lose most of her control. Her vocal cords being the first, then her hips’ countering movement. Her hands grabbed his hair and she lost herself completely to the moment.

  By the time
she tasted herself on Tristan’s lips, she wasn’t sure how many minutes had passed or how many times she had moaned out loud, but her body was quivering, seeking more and begging for another release.

  His kiss was calm and building, and as the rush from moments before began to build up once more, his hand, caressing her sides and thighs, slipped between her legs. Tristan’s nimble fingers caused another unfamiliar moan to echo in her mouth as she reacted to his ministrations.

  “That sound,” he muttered against her lips. He picked up a beat.

  A more strangled sound left her and she gained back some control of her body. She slung her arms around his neck, pulled him flat against her, and soon he was propped up on top of her. Their kiss broke and he looked down at her with hungry eyes.

  She couldn’t resist anymore. “Tristan,” she begged. With a quick kiss on her forehead, he moved away. She immediately felt the loss of his heat, but, as he returned a moment later, she saw he was sheathed and ambition all but left Aaliyah. He leaned over her once more.

  Their kissing had turned feral and at the moment of his entry, their connection became physical. Aaliyah looked into Tristan’s admiring eyes and knew that from that moment forward in her life, she wouldn’t be able to deny that her feelings for him already went beyond what might be considered normal. She felt care, compassion, and love so strongly, she simply kept her eyes glued to his.

  His hips began to rock back and forth, setting a tempo that showed no haste. He would kiss her, and in those moments, the emotions inside her only grew greater. It was like Wonderland, and Aaliyah had already followed the rabbit down the hole. She was now falling endlessly in that dreamy state.

  The release they shared was ridden out until it felt like the world was standing still and she alone was still left to orbit into the unknown. As he laid a final kiss on her brow, while she heaved, it was a sure sign that she was doomed in the best way possible. The disengagement made her softly moan and her eyelids became heavy.


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