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The Enchanted Crossroads

Page 4

by Dora Blume

  The couch was comfortable. I looked to Leif and realized he was watching me. “So, can we revisit why I was attacked in my apartment? I’ve never had anything like that happen to me before.” I met his eyes and saw the corner of his mouth drop.

  “Well, you’re a witch or mage as we call ourselves. Most everyone knows what witches are but no one typically knows we’re called mages. The guy who attacked you is called a Morrigan because they work for the evil God Morrigan. Witches are guarded by the Goddess Hecate. Speaking of which, you should have a sage assigned to you. I don’t know how it’s possible for you to have lived so long without knowing. Mages have a guardian assigned to them at birth. Sage families often spend generations with the same mage families. There’s no way you don’t have a sage assigned to you, if you were born one of us.” He scratched his whiskers with a pensive look on his face. “Haskell?” he called out.

  “Yes,” he purred walking around the corner from the kitchen.

  “How is it a mage can make it to adulthood without having a sage assigned to them?” he paused a moment. “Hecate wouldn’t let that happen, would she?”

  “Impossible, we have records of every mage born. The only way that would be possible is if her birth was hidden from the council. I supposed a knowledgeable mage could manage to hide it, but their assigned sage would have been obligated to record the birth. It shouldn’t have been possible without some serious breaking of laws.” He flicked his wrist and tapped his finger on his cheek. He slid his nail between his teeth. “I suppose it could be done, but it shouldn’t. Something like that would leave a mage wholly unprotected. Why would a mother want to do that to their child? Registry allows for a certain amount of protection. Without it, a young mage would be vulnerable to attack and draining of their powers.” He moved to sit on the other sofa.

  “Well, Kaira here is a mage. I can sense her energy. It’s faint, but it’s there. How is it possible she didn’t know about it herself?” he asked.

  Haskell studied me a moment. It felt like he was scrutinizing me, then he narrowed his eyes at me and nodded, like he’d just figured something out. “I’m not sure. I’ll get into it. See if I can find any record of her in our books. If you’ll excuse me.” He stood in one fluid motion and sauntered out of the room. I was impressed with his command of a room.

  “So what does this mean?” I asked, turning my attention back to Leif.

  “It means we need to find out who you are and how you don’t have a guardian. We are all trained to use our powers. Without training and protection, you’re vulnerable to attack. The guy in your apartment is only the beginning. The more Morrigans who find out about an untrained mage, the more danger you’ll be in. My house is protected, so for tonight you’ll be safe here.” He reached a hand out and squeezed my shoulder.

  “What about all my stuff? I don’t have anything to wear here.” I realized a moment too late the stupidity of my statement. Who cares about things? There were people trying to kill me.

  He quirked up his mouth. “I think I can find you something to wear.”

  I yawned. “Okay.” It had been a really long couple of hours.

  “Come on, I’ll show you to a spare bedroom and find you something to sleep in. You look exhausted. We can talk more tomorrow.”

  “Thanks, just what every girl wants to hear.” I scowled. I don’t t know where that came from, but suddenly I was in a foul mood.

  He shook his head at me and let out a small laugh. He stood, holding his hand out to me. I took it and he pulled me up. When I was on my feet, I stumbled forward, and my hand fell against his chest to steady myself. He placed a hand on my waist to steady me. “You okay?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I guess I’m more exhausted than I thought.”

  “Well then, by all means, let me get you to bed.”

  I looked up at him, eyes wide. He chuckled again, “Don’t worry Kaira, you’re safe with me. I promise.”


  “Hey, hey, Kaira, it’s just a dream.” I heard through the fog. I felt a hand on my shoulder. The darkness was all encompassing. “I’m coming Kaira,” the voice kept repeating. I saw the man from the apartment. His eyes glowed red as they glared at me. I couldn’t seem to wake up. My heart was beating out of my chest as I looked into the man’s eyes. I was transfixed. I couldn’t move. I screamed.

  The insistent voice was there again. “Kaira, you’re dreaming. Wake up. You need to break from the dream. Listen to my voice. Kaira, wake up.” I felt the insistent hand on my shoulder. I felt myself drifting away from the dream. Suddenly, I heard screaming. Oh shit, I’m screaming. I clamped my hand over my mouth quickly and rolled over.

  Leif was staring down at me. I was surprised by the concern I saw in his eyes. “I’m sorry, did I wake you?” I bit my bottom lip in embarrassment. I was certain he would throw me out if I continued to wake him up with my screams.

  He chuckled and brushed my hair back from my face. My heart skipped at the kind gesture and the feel of his skin on mine. “It’s fine, Kaira. Are you okay?”

  I searched his eyes. I’m not sure what I was looking for, some sign that his kindness was a lie. No one was this understanding. My screams had just woken him up.

  “I’m fine. I couldn’t get out of the dream. He kept saying he was coming for me. The guy from the apartment. This time though, his eyes were glowing red. Why couldn’t I get out of the dream? It was like I was stuck there” I asked. I was afraid to fall asleep again. What if he had some power over me in my dreams?

  “You’re untrained, so dream walkers can get into your head. He must have done something to you when he pinned you in the apartment.” He brushed his hand through his hair. He met my eyes. “You need to be trained. You’re too vulnerable like this.” He blew out a breath.

  “Something, like what, other than scaring the shit out of me? I was no match for him. He had me pinned against my bed in two seconds.” I closed my eyes as tears welled. One slid down my cheek. I felt Leif’s hand brush it away. I opened my eyes to look at him. I had been so scared back at my apartment. I thought my life was over after he had his way with me. I never wanted to feel that way again. I think Leif noticed the emotions flit across my face.

  “Don’t worry mi cielo. I won’t let anyone harm you.” He brushed back a strand of my hair. I felt a tingle go all the way down my body. I wanted to touch his hair, pull his lips down to meet mine. I wanted to feel him against me in this bed. I shook my head and closed my eyes. “What worries you?” he asked.

  “Nothing, I’m just scared. I don’t know what’s going on. Now, you say this guy can find me in my dreams. Is nowhere safe?” My voice rose in panic at the realization.

  “I will leave a few crystals around the room to keep him out. Sorry, I would have done it earlier, but I didn’t think he was with you long enough to affect your dreams. It was my mistake.” He brushed another piece of hair back, smoothing his hand over my tattered tresses. He bent to kiss me on the forehead. “Sleep, we’ll talk in the morning.”

  I closed my eyes and felt his weight lift off the bed. I heard him move around the room and peeked out of one eye. He was placing something along the floor of each wall. I could hear him murmuring something but it sounded like another language. When he finished, he stopped at the door to look back at me. I closed my eyes again and tried to relax. He closed the door and left the room.

  I tried to relax enough to go back to sleep. I didn’t want to see his face again. So far, every time I close my eyes he was there. I decided to focus on Leif. I smiled when I thought about our meeting in the bar. Him stubbornly not telling me his name, but laughing at my utter failure at talking to other guys. Then later in the bathroom, his stubble hiding his cute dimples. I drifted off with the image of the kindness in his eyes. Tomorrow, everything would make sense. I was sure of it.

  I woke again to the smell of bacon and coffee. I stretched. My muscles were stiff from either dancing or struggling for my life, not sure which. I stu
mbled into the kitchen. Haskell was standing over the stove. Several pans were atop it. I could smell cinnamon along with the bacon and coffee. Mmm, I loved breakfast. I involuntarily licked my lips. I looked to the table and Leif was smiling at me. “Have a good sleep?” he asked.

  “Yes, after you left, I slept great.” I sat in the chair next to him. “Everything smells so good.”

  “I’m a marvelous cook, love.” Haskell beamed as he slid scrambled eggs onto three plates. “I hope you like eggs, bacon, and cinnamon rolls.” He smiled as he set a full plate in front of me.

  “Wow, this is amazing.” I looked at the food, eyes wide.

  Haskell smirked, “That’s what all the ladies say about me.” He winked and set a glass of juice in front of Leif and me.

  “Haskell, do you think you could tone it down? It’s a little early for the innuendos.” Leif scratched the dark stubble on his chin before taking a drink of juice.

  “It’s never too early for innuendos. Right, love?” He turned his gaze to me.

  “I guess not.” I shrugged and took a bite of crispy bacon. I closed my eyes as a savored the taste. Oh, it had been so long since I cooked myself a decent breakfast.

  “I love how much you’re enjoying having my meat in your mouth.” Haskell smirked at me. I moaned as I took another bite of the crispy bacon.

  “Haskell!” Leif scolded.

  “You’re just jealous she’s enjoying my meat and not yours.” He chuckled and turned back to the stove.

  I was surprised at the growl I heard from Leif. I laughed. “Haskell, I bet you’re a lot of fun.”

  He beamed, “Well, of course, love.” He glanced cautiously at Leif. “If you’ll excuse me I have some research to do.” He started out of the room then turned. “Do you know your mother’s name by any chance, love?”

  “Um, my mother’s name is Laurie. She’s a nurse at Abbott. Do you think my mom knows about this guy or why he’d be after me?” My eyes were wide as I studied Haskell.

  He shrugged, “I don’t know, but I’m about to find out.” He walked out of the room.

  I looked over to Leif. “What is he again?” I asked.

  “Besides a pompous ass? He’s a sage. They are guardians of mages. He’s been my guardian since birth. Well, he was assigned to me when I was born. I think he was like ten.” We don’t really need guardians until we’re older. Our parents watch us and help with training. My parent’s guardians helped protect and train me as well. Raising a mage always involves their parents and their sage’s. It’s why both families are so close. Your sage family is as close to you as your own.” He shrugged as if he was discussing everyday life. Maybe for him, it was.

  “I guess that’s kinda cool. You’re born into two families. You get double the love.” I nodded. I liked the idea.

  “Yeah, I guess you could look at it that way.” He watched me as I bit into the cinnamon roll. “I’m going to need to help you figure out how to access your power today. I don’t want you to be completely defenseless. If you can access your power, you can start to use it. After a few days, you should be able to block any Morrigans from getting into your head.” He studied me then looked down to his plate when I nodded.

  “Okay, I still don’t believe I have a power, but seeing is believing, right?” I shrugged and continued to eat. When I was finished, I got up and rinsed my plate in the sink. I bent and opened the dishwasher. “Are these clean?” I asked.

  “Dirty, if they’re clean we put them away.”

  “Cool,” I set my plate in the dishwasher with my fork. I leaned against the counter. “Do you mind if I shower and get ready before we test my power?” I stopped, “Oh shit, I don’t have anything with me. Is there any way I can go back to my apartment to get a few things?” I blinked as I looked at Leif.

  “Not right away, I’m afraid. I have extra toothbrushes in the bathroom. You can use anything in there. I will see what I can find you to wear. I have some sweats and stuff. I’d like to show you some moves in the gym, since that guy overpowered you. I don’t want to see you in that, uh position again.” His eyes bore into mine.

  “Okay, um, not to state the obvious or anything, but you wear a different size than me.” I raked my gaze over his body as I spoke. His eyebrow lifted in amusement when my eyes reached his.

  “Yeah, I have some girl’s clothes. I’ll find you something.” He flicked a glance to me then away.

  “Other girls?” I cocked my head to the side. Did he mean other girlfriends? My cheeks suddenly felt hot. I wasn’t sure I wanted to wear his ex-girlfriend’s clothes.

  “Yeah, I have a sister. She doesn’t live here anymore, but a bunch of her stuff is here for when she stays. I think she’s close to your size.” He raked his gaze over to me. My cheeks flushed.

  “Oh.” I said. The relief in my voice was evident.

  “Whose clothes did you think I had?” His tone was piqued.

  “I don’t know, an ex-girlfriend or something.” I shrugged and bit the side of my lip when I looked down.

  He laughed. “Oh, I mean I probably have some ex’s stuff around if you’d prefer.” He smirked. My eyes flashed up to his. I couldn’t keep the blood from rushing to my cheeks when I looked at him.

  “Now that’s a lovely shade on you.” He stroked his thumb over my cheekbone. He dropped his hand. “Come on beautiful, let’s find you something to wear.”

  I followed him down the hall into another bedroom. The four poster bed had a plum bedspread and a mountain of pillows atop it. Leif walked to the closet and opened it. He moved to lean against the wall. He glanced to me, moving his eyes up my body. My face heated as he scrutinized me with his gaze. He smiled when his eyes met mine.

  “This was my sister’s room. You want to see if she has anything you can wear?” He moved his hand to the closet. He walked to the other door in the room. He opened it and walked in. I followed him into a bathroom. “There’s a full shower and everything you need in here. I’ll be in the study when you’re ready. You need anything else?” he asked.

  “No, I think that about covers it. Thank you.” I looked to the large standing shower. It was nicer than any I’d seen. I was starting to think this house should be on one of those HGTV shows for how amazing every detail was in it. Every single thing had a place. My house wasn’t anything like this. I couldn’t believe he lived in such a well-designed house.

  “Okay, well I’ll see you in a bit.” He met my eyes. He strode out of the room, closing the bedroom door behind him.

  I walked back to see if his sister owned any jeans. I liked my work clothes, but it was Saturday and I just wanted a simple pair of jeans. I found a drawer with jeans and breathed out a sigh of relief when they were my size. Leif hadn’t been kidding, his sister, and I wore the same size. I walked to the closet and found an olive blouse. I looked around the room to see if there were any pictures of Leif’s sister. I wondered if she had dark hair like Leif.

  After searching the room and not finding any pictures, I headed into the bathroom. A hot shower sounded relaxing. There was something about showering in the morning that always made me feel like I was ready for anything. Even if I wasn’t. I needed that feeling now more than ever. I had no idea what I would be up against today. Thinking back to Friday, I knew I had work I needed to complete before Monday. I’m not even sure how I would be able to go back to my job without going back to my apartment. Maybe if I got dressed, showed Leif I don’t have a power, I’d be able to go back to my life. One could hope.

  I peeled off my clothes and stepped beneath the hot stream of water. I didn’t want to leave the comfort of the warm water. I knew I couldn’t stay in here forever. I needed to face whatever the day held. I needed to find a way to get back to my normal life. I dressed quickly and went back out to the kitchen expecting to find Leif. The room was empty. I leaned against the counter for a moment before turning back down the hall. At the end, a door was cracked. Leif sat in a chair in front of a laptop. His eyes didn’t move from t
he screen when I leaned against the door.

  “Finding anything good?” I asked.

  “Oh, hey. I was asking a few friends about the Morrigan in your apartment. No one’s heard about anything unusual. Well, unusual for us at least.” He shrugged and closed the computer. “You ready to tap into your power?”

  “No,” I replied instantly without thinking.

  “I know you have one. I can sense your energy. It’s been growing since last night. I’m not sure what caused the sudden shift, but you should be feeling it too.” He looked at me expectantly. I shrugged.

  “I don’t feel any different.” I crossed my arms over my chest. I was lying, something did feel different, but I wasn’t sure how to describe it. I honestly didn’t want to admit it. I wanted to go back to my life. Angie would be calling me soon to check up on me. When I didn’t answer, she’d come check on me in person. I didn’t want her to find that guy there. I’m not sure he would have stuck around after I left. I didn’t want to chance it either. I figured the faster we got the power thing over with the sooner I could go back to my apartment. I really wanted to wear my own clothes.

  “You will. Come with me.” He reached out to take my hand. I’m not sure why, but I gave it to him freely. I liked to feel his hand in mine. I never felt like that with any other guy. Usually, I didn’t like the simple act of holding hands. I found it pointless. With Leif, it felt natural. I sighed as we walked down the hall into a room with mats on the floor.

  The room was large with maroon walls. There were dark cabinets along one wall. A few large swords hung on display. One side of the room held another set of cabinets with a small table in front. A bright blue cloth covered the table. There was a small black bowl in the center of the table.


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