Rockstar Daddy (Decoy Series)

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Rockstar Daddy (Decoy Series) Page 7

by K. T Fisher

  She pouts and goes over to the other side of the room to finish making our drinks.

  "Oh come on Kendal, I won't be able to ask you when Sophie gets here."

  I sigh in defeat.

  "I'm feeling OK Tan, don't worry. I told Finley last night that Jax is his dad."

  She stops and turns to look at me, her eyebrows shoot high on her forehead.

  "You did?"

  Tanya is one of my friends that really stuck by me these four years. Jessica has but she lets me know that she never agreed but Tanya didn't care, she just took what I said and agreed with me. Didn't say what she thought about it herself, she's very protective of me when it comes to the topic of Jax. I've always thought she agreed with Jess and the rest of them but she's never said. Mark has always sided with me to but I think he agreed with me 100%. I nod slowly

  "He asked me last night who Jax was and I couldn't lie to him. He thinks he lives far away."

  "Well until a few weeks ago he probably did babe."

  She sets my drink down in front of me.

  "What are you going to do? Are you going to try and find him?"

  "I duno, I want to but I'm scared shitless. I don't know how his going to react. He has a right to get mad at me. I carried his baby and kept Finley a secret and his four this year, he doesn't even know his son. I'm an awful person and an evil mother."

  Tanya slams her cup on the breakfast bar making her tea spill. I look up at her in shock but she has a pissed of look on her face.

  "Don't you dare say that shit Kendal! You'r the fucking best mum I know, you did what you thought was right! To be honest if I was you I think I would have done the same."

  She grabs me in a big hug.

  "Don't you dare talk shit like that again Kendal. You're everything to that little boy."

  She kisses my cheek and I hug her tight. I love this girl to death. My sister and one of my best friends. We break apart and she goes to wipe up her spilt mess. When she's done she sits on the stool next to me and places her hand over mine.

  "You still love him don't you?"

  I take a sip of my tea, ouch too hot.

  "Your still in love with Jax?"

  "Yes! I do still love him, I haven't seen him for four years and I still love him. Stupid, silly old Kendal crushing on him like all his fans."

  "Your not at all like a fan, you two have history and his the father of your child. I don't think it's stupid you still love him honey. I knew that was why you ended it with Harley. I thought you were mad at first, I mean who would not want that piece of ass!"

  We laugh and the topic of Jax is dropped. She understands I don't want to talk about it anymore. We talk and have a laugh, she asks for juicy details of comparisons on Harley and Jax in bed. Not long after Maisy joins us and then Jessica. Both of them are looking fabulous and dressed for the sunny day, Jessica has a blue maxi dress on and Maisy has a black boob tube and denim shorts with some black gladiator sandles. I notice that they both give me two kisses when they normally only give me one and they squeeze me a little tighter than what they normally do. How could I not love these girls? All of our phones beep text messages in own message tones.

  SOPHIE: Hey, just leaving. I cant wait 2 c u all. I have exciting news!

  We all look up at each other, yes we all got the same text. Maisy tilts her head to the side.

  "Huh, I wonder what the news is."

  Tanya gasps.

  "She's pregnant!"

  Hmmm, could be but I don't think it is. We spend the next twenty minutes talking our thoughts on what Sophie could want to tell us and what we plan on finding today. Tanya disappears in her living room and then we hear her shout,

  "Oh my god guys! Come here quick!"

  We all walk quickly to where Tanya's standing, shes looking out the window in her living area. Were all trying to hide even though Sophie probably won't see us because were on the fifth floor. We all follow her gaze and my eyes widen. Sophie is stood by a big black beast of a Range Rover kissing the driver. We can't see the driver because his hidden in the shadow of the car but it's obviously her boyfriend Reece.

  "Fucking hell Sophie's boyfriend is loaded."

  "Did you not hear what hotel I told you we met at?"

  "Well yea but a fucking Range Rover? That's a sexy car."

  Tanya gives us all an excited look.

  "I wonder if he has sexy rich friends!"

  Jessica places her hands either side of Tanya's face and leans in close.

  "Don't ask Sophie anything about her boyfriends money or rich friends."



  "Yea but h-"


  It's very rarely that Maisy shouts but when she does you listen and Tanya does just that. Good job too because Sophie has pressed the buzzer. Tanya huffs and mouths 'fine' to all of us and then stomps over to the buzzer. We all stand in the living area in silence waiting for Sophie. It's weird that her news has us all excited. Sophie gives us all a hug hello.

  "Hey Kendal, you excited for some shopping?"

  I say yes in reply, she seems excited or maybe happy? Maybe it's the news she wants to tell us all about. I look to Tanya and she has a strained look on her face. This is Tanya's problem, she has to squeeze all details from you until she's satisfied. She actually looks pained by holding it back. No doubt she wants all the details on Sophie's rich boyfriend and if he has any single friends. Maisy sees me looking over and looks at Tanya too, she rolls her eyes and drops into Sophie all about Tanya's hunt for a vibrator. Tanya looks better as she rambles on about her new toy.

  When Tanya has gotten that out her system and we all finish our drinks Jessica looks over to Sophie.

  "Sooo, what's this news then?"

  Sophie beams at us all.

  "I will tell you all at dinner."

  Tanya groans.

  "AW thats going to kill me."

  We all laugh and make our way outside. When Tanya's locking the door Maisy asks which car were all going in. Tanya shouts from behind us all.


  "Why mine?"

  "Because it's a nice day and you have a convertible."

  All the girls nod in agreement so I get my keys out my bag. Tanya reaches out to take my keys out my hand.

  "Erm no. If were taking my car then I am driving my car."

  Tanya walks away mumbling under her breath but I hear something about being a spoil sport. Jessica and Maisy roughly shove there hair up in a messy ponytail and I press the button to let the roof of my car down. Then Tanya and Jessica actually argue over who's sitting in front with me.

  "Bloody hell! Your acting like kids. "

  They decide Tanya will sit in front first, exactly like kids. Tanya switches the radio on and we all sing our way there with the top down. People look over at the car because I guess we are making a noise but were having too much fun to care. When we pull up it's 10:40.

  "Guys? Can we get something to eat before we shop? I'm dying to tell you and I missed out on my breakfast this morning."

  She blushes a little and I hear Tanya gasp next to me and spin full circle on the seat.

  "Sophie you slut, tell all."

  Sophie shakes her head and laughs so we agree to eat something now. At the front of the shopping center theres a cute little cafe so we all head in there, as soon as we sit down Maisy pounces on Sophie.


  Sophie's grin is so big I don't think it could get any bigger.

  "Alright I'll tell you. I an't hold it in any longer."

  The waitress approaches and we all quickly order something small to eat and a drink. She leaves and were all looking to Sophie.

  "So Reece planned a surprise for me on Monday. He wouldn't tell me where we were going so I played along. When I got into his car though he pulled out a blindfold."

  Tanya gasps loudly and places her hand over her gawping mouth.


  Jessica turns to Tanya and rolls her eyes.r />
  "Will you let the girl talk so she can tell us."

  Sophie giggles and carries on while Tanya narrows her eyes at Jessica.

  "He tells me he doesn't want me to see where we are going because it will spoilt the surprise. So I agree and let him blindfold me. When the car stops he tells me where not there yet so he doesn't remove it. He guides me out the car and leads me up some steps and buckles me. I feel like were moving again but its not like a car, more like a plain."

  This time it's Jessica who gasps. None of us say anything though because were all waiting to hear what Sophie says next.

  "A while later we stop and again he guides me outside and puts me in another car. We drive for a few minutes and then he guides me out and then when he stops he takes off the blindfold."

  It's dead silent, were all hanging onto whatever Sophie says.

  "Were in what looks like a very small elevator and he smiles at me. I'm about to ask where the hell his taking me and why did it take so dam long when the doors open and I'm left speechless. Were outside and it's dark, in front of us is a small table with lit candles on, the stars are out and I'm surrounded by white twinkling fairy lights. Soft music is playing in the background, we sit down and waiters appear from nowhere bringing us our food. Then as I'm looking around I realize where I am. He took me to Paris!"

  We all gasp, he blindfolded her and took her on a surprise meal to fucking Paris! I need me a man like that! I look at the girls and there all wide eyed and shocked like me.

  "Yea, I know but it's not just that, I look around and it hits me, I'm on the Eifel Tower!"

  Another gasp and Tanya got her hand on her heart.

  "He took you for a meal on the Eiffel Tower? Oh my god I need a Reece."

  Sophie giggles again but she's not done talking.

  "I know his so romantic. His friend knows somebody with there own private plane so he asked for a favor."

  I notice Tanya's eyebrows raise at that sentence, no doubt thinking who this friend is and if his good looking and single.

  "After we finish our delicious dinner we stand and he leads me to railings and I look out at the view. He says my name from behind me and when I turn around his down on knee."

  We all have our hands over our mouths gawping and gasping out loud. Again. I've lost count how many times we have gawped and gasped. Sophie has tears in her eyes and I can feel mine watering. I'm so happy for her.

  "Oh my God!"

  "Shut up"

  "Where's the ring?"

  I laugh at the girls.

  "Congratulations Sophie. I'm so happy for you!"

  I reach around and hug her. She reaches in her bag and takes out a little black box. When she opens it she pulls out a huge diamond ring, were all in that much awe of this ring we don't even gasp. We just stare as Sophie slips the ring on her wedding finger. She holds it out and admires it, I think if that was mine I would be doing that all dam day. Our food is bought to the table but we don't eat yet because were all pointing out our favourite parts of the proposal. Sophie wipes away tears. Maisy asks when the big day is.

  "Thanks girls, the wedding is in two months."

  We all gawp at her. I decide to ask her,

  "Why that quick babe?"

  "Well Reece might have to go away in about four months for work again for a little while but I want to be married before he does and so does he. We've been together for three years and I know I want to be his wife, why wait? We've even found our perfect home and we move in next week. We've been waiting for the decorators to finish. In fact Maisy I could do with your help tomorrow morning if your free?"

  "Sure, no problem honey."

  The rest of the afternoon is spent having a good girly time spending money on our new summer wardrobes. I treat myself to some new purple killer heels. Before we head home we enter a very saucy sex shop, me and Jessica can't help but giggle at Tanya looking so serious at all the vibrators. She's comparing all the vibrators so seriously. I'm a little scared to walk next to them to be honest. I didn't realize there was so many different styles, all with different functions and little add ons. Take the one Tanya is holding right now for example, it looks nothing like a cock. It's orange and zig zagged shape in fact that's it's name, ZigZag Shag. Maisy, who is the only one of us who has a vibrator became Tanya's go to woman so me, Jessica and Sophie had to walk out the shop. We couldn't stop laughing at all the sex toys and Sophie actually looked afraid of some of them. In the end we didn't even know which one Tanya bought because we left them to it, sat outside on a bench waiting for them Sophie was shaking her head.

  On the way back to Tanya's it's Jessica's turn to sit beside me. My best friends are children. It's wedding talk all the way there, Sophie wants it at her new house and has looked into it all already. Plans are underway already but I suppose when your getting married in two months you have to plan straight away. I've heard it takes some people a year to plan a wedding and here is Sophie planning in two month a little wedding in her garden. I guess that shows you what kind of girl she is really. Her boyfriends obviously has money and here she is not bothered about huge venues. It's 2:00pm when we get back to Tanya's apartment so we all head in and have a much earned cup of tea after a hard day shopping. Where sat in Tanya's living area when Sophie groans.

  "Will you girls please make sure none of that stuff in that sex shop makes no appearance at my hen do? I hate all that stuff."

  Jessica and Tanya look shocked. I thought she wasn't that kind of girl, especially the look of horror on her face as she looked at some of the sex toys.

  "What? Really? No cock straws? No blow up man with a hard on? No strap ons? No-"

  Sophie holds her hands out in front of her and stops Jessica's rant.

  "No! God please no!"

  Maisy sits forward on her place on the sofa.

  "So were going to your hen do?"

  Sophie looks around at us all and can see we all think the same as Maisy. Yes we love Sophie but we have only known her what? About three or four months now? We didn't expect to be invited to her hen.

  "What? You didn't think you were coming? Of course your all coming! In fact I want you all to plan it for me as a surprise. Any money you need let me know how much and I'll hand it over, there no need for you to all pay for it."

  "You want us to plan it?"

  Sophie looks to Tanya.

  "Obviously, your my best friends. That is your job when you best friend gets married. I can't believe you all thought yu weren't coming! Actually I have another thing to ask you."

  She looks serious, Sophie takes her time smiling at us all.

  "I was wondering, if you would all like to be my bridesmaids?"

  By our sudden jumping and squealing I think she took that as a yes from all of us. I can't believe she wants us as her bridesmaids! She told us not long after we met her that she's an only child and hasn't really got any close family. After we all calm down we ask her about who else is coming along.

  "It will just be us five. Reece's sister in-law can't make it and I don't want my mum there. She's too prude to come. My mum has actually planned a family meal for me so you all need to plan a fun hen for me."

  I feel like I could cry! We all hug some before we all start leaving. I take Sophie back to her hotel in my car. I have to go that way to get Finley from school anyway.

  "I'm really happy for you Sophie."

  "Thanks, I'm glad you can all be my bridesmaids. Reece is a bit nervous because he hasn't met you all yet so I guess we need to plan that."

  "Yea, I guess we do need to meet him before the wedding."

  We laugh together.

  "Yes I'd like that. There's also someone else Id like to meet."

  I raise my eyebrows at her, who else would she want to meet? She's met the guys.


  She's laughing at me but I'm slightly panicking. Oh shit, I didn't even think about that. How stupid of me, she's one of my best friends. Of course she want's to meet my son. I have m
anaged to keep it this long but I don't think I can hide him for much longer. I'm just so scared, I don't want to have to explain to somebody else why I did what I did. She will hate me and think I'm a terrible person.

  "Of course, sorry I didn't even think! Well, I guess we can all meet together. A meal maybe? Reece can come and Finley, I'll ask the guys."

  She gives me a big smile.


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