Rockstar Daddy (Decoy Series)

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Rockstar Daddy (Decoy Series) Page 23

by K. T Fisher

  "Hi Jax."

  He smiles sweetly at me but that doesn't mean it doesn't make me cream a little.

  "Kendal, you look beautiful."


  I feel the guys come closer and Max clears his throat.

  "Erm I'll speak to ya later Kenny."

  I nod and they all salute there goodbyes to me. They obviously want to give us some alone time. I look him over, fucking hell he looks sexy as sin standing there in his suit. I look down at his feet and laugh at his Converse.

  "Did none of you guys want to wear shoes."

  He scrunches up his face and looks a little disgusted.

  "Can you really see us in shoes?"

  "No probably not. But you look good in a suit."

  Too good actually, I just want to rip it off him.

  "Not as good as what you look like. You look amazing babe."

  He steps closer and strokes my arm that is now covered in goosebumps. His hand travels up my arms and onto my neck. I look into his beautiful gray eyes and I think about what I have to tell him tomorrow. As he leans in forward I hear the bridal room door open and I step away from Jax. The spell now broken. I look and I see Tanya standing there with her eyebrows raised. Shit she knows I was just about to kiss Jax. I WAS JUST ABOUT TO KISS JAX. Fucking hell, I said I wasn't going to do this but it's too hard.

  "Hi Jax."

  Jax turns and goes to give Tanya a friendly hug.

  "Tanya, it's good to see you."

  "You too. Kendal? We need to finish up."

  That's me being summoned back into the safety zone and I gladly take it. I say a quick bye to Jax and enter the room of women all looking at me. I see that in my absence Milly has changed into he flower girl dress and oh my she looks adorable. Her dress is white and has a navy sash around her waist and them fluffs out.

  "Wow Milly! You look just like Sophie!"

  She giggles and spins around.

  "I look like a princess like auntie Sophie?"

  "Yes! So pretty."

  She looks very happy now and I don't look at my friends who are waiting for me to look at them so they can give me a look just like Tanya did.

  Chapter 24


  As soon as Rhys told me Leo and Max had gone to see Kendal I ran straight up there too. I hated the thought of them seeing Kendal without me, childish but I don't fucking care. When I saw Max holding onto her chin and talking to her quietly I wanted to kill him. I know they were just friends and Max would never betray me like that but it still hurt seeing her so close to Max when she hasn't even hugged me since seeing her again. They brake apart and I'm taken back by how gorgeous she looks. As soon as she took that one step towards me I knew what she wanted and I closed the distance and held her in my arms. I couldn't help the groan that escapes me when I feel her sexy little body against mine, it's been too long. I appreciate when the guys leave us alone.

  I like that she seemed to take in my appearance and by the goosebumps all over her arms she's just as affected as me. I can't help but gently pull her towards me and move closer, those full lips tempt me but as soon as the door behind me opens she breaks away. For fuck sake I cannot catch a break! Every time I come close something happens. I turn to see it's the feisty little Tanya, her friends are all quiet feisty but Tanya is something else. I used to really like her and we used to get along great. I hope she still likes me but by the look she's shooting at Kendal I don't think she approves. I go and give her a friendly kiss and I'm relieved she softly chuckles against my chest. When Kendal walks into the room I look at her great legs and fucking hell look at those shoes! If those aren't fuck me shoes I don't know what are. I see Tanya give me a knowing look and she shakes her head before closing the door. I was stood frozen in front of the door for a while listening to Kendal make Milly laugh. Hearing Sophie's dad coming up the stairs snaps me out of it and I go back down and search for the guys.

  I don't have to look for long because there waiting for me near the double doors leading out to the garden. Rhys is out in the garden talking to guests who are now all seated and waiting. Leo shakes my shoulder from behind me.

  "How you doing?"

  "Fine I suppose. I still can't believe she's here."

  "Yea I know weird right? Those new friends Sophie was bragging about were Kenny and her girls."

  "Come on Rhys wants us."

  I see him waving at us to come over. It's time to stand in our places and I don't really want to talk about Kendal right now. I can't stop thinking about her though, if Rhys hadn't of found out about Kendal before today fuck knows how I would be reacting right now. I'm still a little shocked and I've had two days to get used to it but I'm not. I wanted to find her and get her back but it's a shock seeing her and finding out she's got a son. That don't matter to me, I know I'll love the kid because his apart of Kendal but seeing her all over again is a little hard. She's more beautiful and she seems different, maybe she's changed because she's a mum now and doing it alone has made her toughen up. My feelings for her came running back as soon as I saw her and it shocked me a bit, I knew I still had feelings for her but I didn't expect them to come back full force.

  We make our way down and stand behind Rhys in a line facing the guests. Max leans forward and mutters loudly to Rhys.

  "Rhys man, how did you not know?"

  "Shut up Max. Whenever Soph spoke about her 'new friends' she had met she didn't really use there names she would just say 'the girls' or other girly nonsense."

  "Well I duno about you but if I was you and heard she made friends with a girl named Kendal I would at least ask her about who she was. I only know one Kendal."

  Rhys shoots Max a hard glare.

  "Look I've had a lot to think about lately, first it was moving back here and trying to find a place to live while also planning how I was going to propose and then persuade her to get married before we started writing up our new album. Then I was worrying about you guys with my stag, so sorry for not listening to idle female chit chat."

  I do remember Sophie talking about them and most of the time she would say 'I'm of to meet the girls.' Shit like that. Yea sometimes she would drop a name sometimes but I never thought twise about it. I really wasn't expecting Sophie to bump into my ex and her friends and become part of there little friendship group.

  "We didn't think it would happen. Leave it."

  Max drops it but Leo bites his lip.

  "Is Tanya here too then?"

  I frown and nod at him.

  "All of them are here, Kendal said James, Mark and Sam are coming later."

  I catch Leo looking up to the sky.

  "Ah Tanya. She was so dam sexy."

  "Yea well, Kendal's all grown up to be one hot woman now."

  I punch Max in the arm, I manage to snakily do it so none of the guests see.

  "Chill man, I would never go there but I aint blind."

  "Are you gonna be alright today Jax?"

  I look over at Rhys, he doesn't need to be thinking about my problems today.

  "Yea, course."

  We all stand side by side and wait for the wedding to start. I don't know how I'm going to be today, spending all day with Kendal looking as sexy as she does. I can feel a hard on coming on already.


  I managed to shake off the girls. Sophie and Maisy think this is all meant to be and romantic but I can see the worry on Tanya and Jessica's faces. Still in there roles but I know from a text off Jessica this morning that she's starting to drift to Sophie and Maisys side. She had said that when I was with Jax I was so happy and she loved seeing me like that. She told me seeing me down and putting on a happy face for Finley was hard for her. She knows I still love Jax and thinks he still loves me for some reason. She must have been talking to Sophie. All I can do is get through today and keep thinking that this is not romantic at all. Awkward, scary and nightmare all come to mind first. Sophie's dad walks in while I touch up my make-up.

  All ready, fl
owers in hand, Milly has her little basket of rose petals like the ones on the arch they will get married under. Sophie is holding onto her dad with a death grip when we all leave the bridal room. I'm walking directly behind Sophie along side Jessica, she grabs onto my hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze. When we get to the bottom of the stairs we see the designed walkway of navy drapes that leads us to the empty room at the back of the house with the big open doors which lead to the ceremony. A young man standing by the doors gives a thumbs up to someone I can't see and I hear the music start. The voices outside all stop and wait for the bride. Sophie gives Milly a kiss, Steph reminded her what to do. She gives us all a thumbs up and walks slowly down the aisle, I move a little so I can see her. Everyone is looking at her and smiling as she sprinkles her rose petals as she walks. Sophie turns to face us all, still gripping onto her dads arm.

  "Right girls, this is it."

  She beams a big smile but her bottom lip is quivering. We all have tears in our eyes, I can feel a sob waiting to be released in my throat. Sophies dad wipes at his face and clears his throat.

  "Come on girls, lets not mess those pretty faces."

  We all laugh and collect ourselves because it's time for us to walk down. We all get back into out two by two behind Sophie. I'm holding my flowers in one hand and still holding onto Jessica's hand with the other. I don't realize I'm holding onto her so hard as we begin to walk until I feel her squeeze in return. We both look to each other and smile, as long as I have my girls I'll be fine. I relax a little and look up but I look right into the eyes of Jax but I can't look at h8im right now. I look to Rhys and I feel so happy for him as I see his eyes are filled with so much love as he watches Sophie as she makes her way down to him. Before I start to cry I see Leo who gives me a wink and I can't help but look back to Jax. When I look into his eyes my heart pounds so hard, his eyes tear at my heart strings because his looking at me exactly the same way Rhys is at Sophie. I'm shaking and I keep eye contact with Jax until I can't anymore as I stand behind Sophie as her dad gives her away. I feel a little relaxed now I've escaped his intense stare but listening to Rhys and Sophie is no easier to deal with. When I hear Sophie crying my tears fall too, I'm so happy for them but when I hear Rhys voice break a little as he repeats his vows to Sophie I don't fight the emotion anymore. I look behind me and see Maisy, Tanya and Jessica are crying just like me. Why are weddings so emotional.

  Chapter 25


  Rhys starts to get all nervous and bites on his nails when the music begins but when he sees his little niece Milly walking down he breaks into a smile. She's happily bouncing down the aisle while throwing down petals. Even I know she shouldn't be chucking them down on the floor like that but because she's only five everyone finds her adorable. Milly sees her dad, Rex and walks up to him and he shows her where her mum is sitting. That's when I see Sophie walking down looking beautiful. I'm so happy for these two, happy that my best friend fount the love I had found in Kendal but lucky for him he didn't loose Sophie. Rhys used to be just like Leo and Max until he set his eyes on Sophie. Hell, I used to be like Leo and Max until I met Kendal. We met at a mutual friends house party where Decoy were playing. I spotted her bright red hair first and then I watched her for the rest of the night. She was eighteen and I was twenty, as soon as I spoke to her that was it. She had me and I had to have her, she was by far the sexiest girl I had ever seen and I couldn't see any other girl. It's still like it today, I haven't met another girl as beautiful as she is and as I see Kendal walk behind Sophie it's like I'm back at the party. I see nobody else, only Kendal. I can't take my eyes off her, she looks amazing.

  The dress she's wearing shows her great tits off, I'm mesmerized by them as I watch the top of them bounce. I notice some men watching her as she walks down and I want to walk up to her and show them she's mine. I see Kendal smile at Jessica and then her eyes lock straight onto mine, she's caught me watching her but I don't care. I want her to know I'm watching her. I'm so thankful for Sophie that she found Kendal. I keep my hold on her as she walks closer, watch as she struggles to hold onto me. Why did she leave me? If she was bothered about attention back then why did she laugh it off like it was nothing when we were spotted in the park? I was pissed at the time but when I saw the photo the next day I loved it. It's just me and Kendal and you can see the desire on her face. I've actually gotten that picture for myself and the one from the night I took her to dinner in that fucking sexy red dress.

  Her eyes are back on me now and we hold each other until she's behind Sophie where I loose sight of her. Until Sophie's dad goes to sit down and I can see her again but I don't think she even realizes because she's watching Sophie and Rhys. Her eyes are wide and look wet, she's biting on her lip which is what she does when she fights her emotions. I see her wipe a tear away but when Sophie starts to cry Kendal's tears fall aswell as all the other women here. When it's Rhys turn to say his vows I hear his voice break and I realize I'm getting emotional. I hold it back. When they lean in to kiss I wink at Kendal whos looking at me now and she laughs. I see the ice break around her a little and I grin back, I get to spend the hold day with Kendal today. Maybe not with her by her side but I can see her. Creepy as that sounds. Sophie and Rhys start to walk back up the aisle and I realize that all of us best men and bridesmaids all walk out side by side and it's just my luck I'm walking down with Kendal. She gives me a happy smile and I'm pleased it's the best one she's given me yet since I've come back. I know the meal is next and I know I can't go through it and the dreaded speech without talking to her again so as soon as we walk back through the doors I take hold of her hand and lead her through a piece of blue sheet and into a private room. Seeing her earlier and watching her just now has proven to me that I want Kendal back, I don't want what Leo and Max have, I want what Rhys has.

  "Jax, what are you doing?"

  She looks a little alarmed when I shut the door behind me. She's biting hard on that gorgeous mouth of hers, I wish I could claim her mouth right now.

  "I just need to talk to you before we eat."

  She licks her lips and I hold in a groan. No sex plus seeing Kendal equals horny Jax.

  "OK, what do you need to talk about?"

  I swallow hard trying to wet my suddenly dry throat.

  "Why did you leave me Kendal?"

  She looks down to her feet and I immediately feel like shit. I shouldn't have just thrown it out there like that. I take a couple of steps toward her and I'm about to tell her don't answer but she interrupts me.

  "Look I can't tell you but I will."

  I take some more steps closer so I'm standing right in front of her.

  "What do you mean? You can tell me now."

  She shakes her head fast, still looking towards the floor. What's the matter with her? I hold onto her face with a hand on each side of her head. She looks like she's going to cry.

  "I can't Jax. Not here, not today."

  "Kendal you can tell me anything."

  "I will, tomorrow. Come to my house tomorrow."

  She straightens up and holds her head high. She wants to go but I want some more alone time with her. I bring my face closer to hers and she whispers softly.


  She's telling me to stop but I can't, I need to kiss her. I want her so bad. I brush my lips against hers, I feel her hands on my chest and see her close her eyes. I don't even hear the door open.


  Standing in the doorway is Max and Jessica. I let go of Kendal and whisper to her.

  "I need you back Kendal."

  Before I walk out.


  God I wished I had grabbed his face and kissed him but I shouldn't. It doesn't stop the images that continue in my mind though. Someone doesn't want us to kiss because every time Jax tries someone disrupts us. When Max and Jessica come bursting into the room I don't know if I'm angry or relieved. Nothing could have prepared me for what he said to me though, he wants me back? I don't
get too happy with that thought because when he hears what I have to say tomorrow he wont want me.

  Max leaves after Jax but Jessica comes straight to me and gives a much needed hug. I was so upset with myself that I nearly started to cry when he told me I could tell him anything. I was so scared that he would push too hard and I would come out with it. Today is an emotional day and I do really want to tell him. I can't let a bomb drop like that here, on Rhys and Sophie's day.

  "I saw him take you away, I tried to come in sooner but Max said to give you a few. You OK?"


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