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Rockstar Daddy (Decoy Series)

Page 25

by K. T Fisher

  "Ah man Tanya is still smoking."

  "Leo do you always think with your dick?"

  Leo and Max look at Rhys like his grown an extra head. I guess it was a stupid question to ask him. Jessica is looking at Leo shocked who has his hands up in surrender.

  "Hey, I'm only saying. Beside I was trying to get Jax on Kendal's good side."

  I cringe, I can only imagine what he said to her.

  "What did you say to her?"

  "Well we talked, she told us where she lived. Unlike you did. Max told her that she was blind to not see you only wanted her pussy and no-"

  I cut him off glare at Max.

  "You fucking said that?"

  Someone fucking give me a break here. Max shrugs. Oh just great. Sophie and Jessica are laughing. I'm glad someone thinks this is all so funny. Sophies still laughing when she tells us it's time to go and sit down.

  I let Jessica and the guys walk in first and try and cool myself down before I go in. I need to be calm. When I walk past Kendal's table I see she already has a half empty glass in front of her. No guessing it's alcohol. I'm going to leave the questions for today. She's had enough and we all need to enjoy today. I watch as I see Jessica pull Kendal into her arms, Jessica looks at me over Kendal's shoulder and gives me a thumbs up. I can't help but smile, at least I have her best friend on my side. Leo looks very pleased with himself sitting next to Tanya with a big stupid grin on his face. I can remember he used to be the same around Tanya.


  During the delicious meal Leo and Max have been making us all laugh and after two vodka and lemonades I'm beginning to relax. As the desert dishes are taken away Max taps my on shoulder, his on my left where Finley would have been sitting. Even though I'm missing Finley like crazy, I'm glad he didn't come because not only would today have been more awkward but Leo and Max's table conversation definitely wasn't suitable for Finley's little ears. I turn away from Jessica and Maisy's conversation and look to Max.

  "Can you remember our song?"

  I laugh in embarrassment, I do remember. If me and Max were out together and we heard Nicklebacks song Rockstar we would dance and sing every word. It quickly became our song and it fit that Max wanted to be a rockstar.

  "How could I forget?"

  "Yea well if it comes on later I'm coming to find you. You can't sing our song without me."


  I talk to Max about places we did sing our song, they were some crazy nights. During my chat I I have the feeling that I'm being watched. I've felt like that though most of the meal and whenever the guys would make me laugh. I know without looking it's Jax again, our table is right next to the top table and he can probably hear everything we say. Max wraps his arm around my back and leans in close.

  "Kendal, since you left he hasn't moved on. I'm not gona lie, he did try. I can tell he still loves you Kenny."

  The thought of Jax being with someone does hurt but that's my fault.

  "Max, I just wana have fun today OK? All this serious shit can wait until after the wedding. I'm meeting Jax tomorrow again and we will do the grown-up talk."

  Everyone around the table has heard me and nods, I have a quick peak at Jax who is looking right back at me. I quickly look away and see how Rhys and Sophie are doing, I watch Rhys look at Jax and then follow his line of sight to me and he winks which makes me smile. I'm so happy for Rhys and Sophie, I still can't get my head around how this has all happened. All this time and none of us figured it out.

  Sophie's dad makes his father of the bride speech which makes me cry and most of the other women here. It was so emotional, so glad I have waterproof mascara on today. Sophie stands next and I can tell she's a little nervous.

  "Thankyou all for coming today, it really means a lot. I know the bride doesn't usually make a speech but I just wanted to thankyou all. You all mean the world to me and Rhys. I just want to thank Rex, Jax, Leo and Max for not getting Rhys into trouble on his stag and for returning him to me in one piece."

  There's a chorus of laughter and Max and Leo raise there drinks to Sophie.

  "First I want to say thankyou to our beautiful little niece Milly who is our flower girl. She looks just like a little princess today and Milly we have a little present or you."

  Milly bounces up to the top table and Rhys gives her a kiss and hands her a big Disney Princess bag that looks full of goodies. She looks like she struggles a little so Rex gets up to help her. By the looks of her huge smile she's a very happy girl.

  "Thankyou to my four amazing bridesmaids. There not just my best friends but there my sisters, I love you girls. They have helped me with the wedding a lot. Maisy helped me transform our house for today and you have done a fantastic job. Jessica helped with all the treats that will be out at the reception and she made us two wedding cakes. Trust me there delicious! And Tanya and Kendal, who I kept very busy this morning. Being hairdressers and beauticians gave them the job of making us all look beautiful for today. You all look gorgeous, don't they guys?"

  Wolf whistles fill the room, me, Tanya, Maisy and Jessica all look at each other and giggle. I'm shocked to see Tanya blushing along with the rest of us. Max stops whistling and shouts

  "Dam right"

  Leo follows but his looking straight at Tanya when he shouts,


  Which makes her duck her head and blush even more. Very unlike Tanya and Maisy and Jessica think so too as we all share a knowing look.

  "My girls gave me an amazing hen trip. Two nights is sunny Barcelona! We got drunk in the sun, had a party on a yacht and we had some very useful lessons that I can show Rhys tonight thanks to one of the girls wedding presents."

  Rhys looks confused and but we're all giggling.

  "Thankyou to my amazing husband Rhys who has made my life perfect. When you asked me to marry you I didn't think I could be happier but today has topped that."

  She wipes tears from her eyes and I do too, her voice cracks when she looks at Rhys.

  "I love you so much."

  Rhys stands to hold her and through the microphone that's been placed on the top table I hear Rhys say,

  "You make me so happy."

  Jessica shoves a handful of tissues in my face and I'm so grateful because I'm a blubbering mess. As Rex walks up to the top table to give his embarrassing big brother speech Max leans forward into the table and whispers to me and the girls.

  "Girls? Whats the lessons Sophie was talking about?"

  We all laugh but I want to see his reaction so I tell him.

  "We all had lap dancing and pole dancing lessons in Barcelona."

  Oh wow the look on his face is priceless.

  "So what is the present you guys got him?"

  I turn to Leo with a mischievous smile on my face.

  "It was Tanya's idea to get them a dancing pole for there bedroom."

  His eyes go wide and his eyebrows shoot up. I look at Max and he looks the same, they look so funny. I try not to laugh over Rex's speech. Leo looks at Tanya with a very intense look, he eyes look heavy with lust and even I blush. What is with these two? I thought they hated each other, whenever I would talk about them Tanya would call Leo every name under the sun. There's clapping and I see Rex sitting down from his speech, looking around the room everyone's smiling. Must have been a funny speech and I'm gutted I didn't hear it. That teaches me for winding up Max and Leo. I see Jax stand up, I forgot he was making a speech! At least now I have an excuse to look at him, take him all in. How can a man be that sexy? His thick black hair looks more tidy today and I can see the shine from the gold hoop in his ear. He also has his right eyebrow and his bottom lip pierced too but he has plain diamond studs for those for today. They just add to his sexy rocker look, in his black suit he looks good enough to eat. He still manages to look like a rockstar even without his back skinny jeans, tight tops or leathers. His deep voice comes out the speakers as her speaks into the microphone and it sends chills all over me. I am taken over by Jax, on
ly he has my attention.

  "Hey guys I'm Jax. One of the best men. I met Rhys when we were fourteen and I'm so happy to see his found Sophie. I can see that you two are made for each other. Everyone in this room can see that. Ever since we had our first guitar lesson we shared a dream of starting our own band and playing in front of our fans. What we both didn't realize is that the dream isn't worth living if you not surrounded by people you love and who know the real you. We were lucky that we found Max and Leo and we acted more like brothers than friends. Our crazy life can be hard and Rhys has Sophie to welcome him home, after a day of people just looking at the band side of you it's good to have a good woman who knows the real you. That makes me really jealous of you Rhys.

  He glances my way and I swear my heart has stopped beating. He looks back to the happy couple. I can hear that everyone on my table is quiet.

  "Rhys, do everything you can to make your girl is happy because to be honest, we can't figure out how the hell you managed to get such a beautiful woman to fall in love with you."

  People laugh but I'm not one of them and I feel Jessica grip my hand. Tears are lingering in my eyes.

  "But seriously I love you guys, I'm so happy for you both."

  He sits down and he smiles around at everyone but when he looks at me he gives me the sweetest smile. Almost as if it's a shy smile. I can't help but smile back. It really is scary how much father and son look like each other.

  Chapter 27


  I forgot that my speech connected with my feelings towards Kendal. It was very hard not to look at her throughout the whole of the speech. When I did look at her, I saw the sweet tears in her eyes, she knew it related to her. We shared a little moment in that second stare. We definitely need that talk tomorrow but today we're going to have fun.

  Looking at her now, I know I still have feelings for her. How can I not? She's beautiful but it's more than that. It's who she is and like I said in my speech, Kendal knows the true me. It's time for Rhys speech now so I take my eyes off Kendal and look at my best friend.

  "Thankyou to everyone who is here today. Thankyou Milly for being our little princess today and to our very beautiful bridesmaids, we love you all. And now for my wife, Jax is right about you being way too good for me Soph, your way out of my league. I'm so lucky you walked into my life. The fact that you put up with me is amazing, my crazy lifestyle and my messy habits. Everyday I wake up and see you lying next me and I realize it's not a dream. You are mine and it blows my mind. I can't wait for us to start a family, you're going to be the best mother a child could ask for and I will be right by your side, doing the best I can. When you agreed to move in with me and travel around with me I couldn't be happier. I was terrified to propose but you said yes and it wasn't until I saw you looking absolutely stunning, walking towards me down that aisle that it actually sunk in that you are going to be my wife. You have taken my breath away today and you will do for the rest of our lives. I can't wait to start our married life together."

  Rhys pulls a sobbing Sophie up into his arms and whispers,


  Everyone hears and when they kiss everyone claps. The soppy bastard. I thought that I acted like a girl when it came to Kendal but I guess that's what women do to a man. I glance over to Kendal and see she's sobbing just like Sophie, infact I think every woman here is crying. After kissing Sophie, Rhys clears his throat and holds his drink up.

  "Right, now we have to go outside so they can clean this place ready for us to party and get drunk!"

  Everyone cheers and raises there glasses to the happy couple. We all do as Rhys told us and we make our way out the marquee as staff rearrange tables and chairs. Outside everything from the ceremony has gone, some tables and chairs are being moved outside. Waiters are walking around offering drinks, I take one and spot Leo and Max. There way over by the other side of the house all alone. I can't see anyone else I want to talk to so I walk over to them. I walk over as quietly as I can so they don't know I'm near, I want to hear what there whispering about. Thats when I hear Leo,

  "Fucking hell man, why didn't you tell me?"

  "It wasn't my place to."

  "Kendal is like a sister, I would want to know that she's raising her son alone. What man does that?"

  "Well she looks fine to me."

  "What do you expect her to look like?"

  "Don't think your the only one, I wana find him and show him a piece of my mind."

  I decide to step in.

  "Let me know when you have a name."

  They both turn to me wide eyed and looking guilty. Leo steps on his cigarette and rubs his face with both hands.

  "Sorry man."

  "No, it's fine. I feel the same way."

  Max shakes his head and looks into the crowd. I do the same and see Kendal standing with Steph and Rex. Laughing and looking gorgeous as always. Max speaks but I'm still looking at Kendal.

  "Look at her Jax, how can someone do that to her? Get her pregnant and leave her."

  "Yea well I'm back now."

  "Erm, where all back and we can all help."

  I look at Leo and then at Max and smile.

  "Yea sure."

  Max scratches the back of his head.

  "Cool speech man."

  "Yea, you had Kendal crying."

  "He had her crying in a good way."

  "Yea that's what I meant. So you gona make a move?"

  Leo does some embarrassing dance moves that make me and Max laugh.

  "I duno."

  I take a big sip from my glass and decide to take the conversation away from Kendal.

  "So, you and Tanya looked cosey."

  Max lightly shoves Leo.

  "Yea man, you couldn't get enough of her."

  Leo shrugs his shoulders.

  "I already said she's hot."

  Max frowns at him.

  "What happened that night?"

  "What night?"

  "One night when Kendal and Tanya came along to a gig in the beginning. I saw Leo and Tanya sneak off and then later on I saw Tanya all pissed of and Kendal took her home."

  Leo stays quiet but I can remember Tanya being pissed and asking Kendal to take her home.

  "What happened? You make a move and she said no?"

  Max laughs,

  "Is she why you love blondes."

  Leo looks uncomfortable and we stop laughing. Holy shit I think Max has got it right.


  "Look at those two, grinding on each other, you would think they were lesbians."

  I'm laughing at Jessica as she watches Tanya and Maisy dance with disgust. I know she's dying to get in the middle of them and grind with them really. There's been plenty of times where we have all danced like that and I'm sure Jessica was doing it in Barcelona. The reception has now started, the marquee has had one of the sides taken off so it's open and everyone can see the DJ. I'm busy laughing at Tanya and Maisy when I feel someone tap on my shoulder. I quickly turn and it's Sam with James and Mark standing behind him. I'm so happy to see them, I give Sam a hug.

  "Tough day?"

  I look up to him and tell him all that has happened. James and Mark come closer and listen in too. When I've finished Mark takes me in his arms.

  "You want me to have a word with them?


  Mark and James never really got on with Jax, Rhys, Max and Leo. The last thing I need is Mark to start something.

  "I can if you want me to."

  I step back so he can see how serious I am.

  "No, it's fine. I mean it."

  Tanya joins me and points at Marks chest.

  "Don't start no shit."

  Mark huffs and goes to stand by James and Sam. Tanya grabs hold of my hand.

  "Come on Kendal, lets get drunk."

  She pushes through the crowd and drags me to the dance floor where Maisy is standing at a tiny table which already has drinks waiting. She hands me a shot of I don't no what but it burns m
y throat anyway. Then a glass of vodka and lemonade which I happily take from her.

  "double vodka."

  She whispers to me and I'm thankful, this is what I need.

  A few songs later I dismiss myself to go and ring Finley before I get too drunk. It's about his bedtime so I can say goodnight to him. I walk through the big double doors into the house and then into the hallway. I want to be able to talk to Finley without people or music disturbing me. I dial my mums number and it only rings twice before Finley screams down the line.


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