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Rockstar Daddy (Decoy Series)

Page 28

by K. T Fisher

  "Rhys is definitely in for a goo night."

  "I can't believe the girls got Sophie a stripper pole, Rhys is a lucky bastard."

  Typical Max and Leo, sex on the brain. It is good to know Sophie is putting the pole to good use tonight though. The kinky bitch. Then I hear Jax who sounds really close to the door

  "Right the girls are in there, my rooms there so you two can choose from those."

  "The girls are in the room behind you?"

  "Yep, that's the pink room. Why?"

  "I was thinking of reuniting with Tanya. God she is so dam sexy."

  We all look at Tanya who is now blushing. No way! Tanya and Leo? Tanya is blushing! Jax takes my question from me.

  "Reunite? You and Tanya? When?"

  Were all still looking at Tanya who is now very red and biting on her bottom lip. She hasn't looked at me yet.

  "It was about a month before Kendal left. After one our shows at the party. I don't get it though because after she was gone and whenever I saw her again she would act like she hated me."

  I raise an eyebrow at Tanya who has finally looked at me and she just shrugs her shoulders. I can hear Max laughing, he would be finding this hilarious.

  "Aww too bad."

  "Fuck you Max. Jax you need to get her number from Kendal for me."

  "Whatever, I'm going to bed."

  A door close by slams shut and we all creep away to sit on the bed again. Nobody speaks because we're all silent looking at Tanya.

  "Fucking hell guys, stop looking at me like that."

  "You and Leo? I knew something happened."

  I whisper and Tanya rolls her eyes at me.

  "It was ages ago. I really liked him and he was always flirting and one night after one of there gigs I finally gave in and it was fucking unbelievable. I mean wow, his dick is like"

  Tanya's looking up the ceiling with a smile on her face.

  "Woh woh woh! Stop right there I do not need to know about Leo and his dick."

  Tanya laughs and we all stay silent waiting for more details, hopefully not on Leo's dick.

  "So it was amazing, the best and when we come out of his room and back into the party some girls approach him and his flirting with them right in front of me. He drops my hand like I'm a pile of shit and smiles at the girls like I'm not there. I mean, I know we weren't together but we had just had sex for fuck sake! Show me some fucking respect. I didn't bother with him again after that. He tried to talk to me and hook up again but I said no what he did hurt and I wasn't giving into him. He seems a little different now, he is his usual flirty self but when he looks at me, it feels like he only has eyes for me. Before his eyes would wonder to other girls but not tonight."

  Tanya still has a slight blush to her cheeks and it suddenly clicked. OMG! Tanya likes Leo! I'm a little worried because there both my friends and I love them both to bits but fucking Leo, the male whore. Don't get me wrong I love him to pieces. I'm worried if this goes any further Tanya might get hurt and as much as I love Leo to death, if he hurts one of my best friends I will kill him.

  The bed starts bouncing and I see that beside me Jessica is on her knees bouncing looking all excited.

  "Come on Tan! Details."

  We all laugh at Jessica looking like an excited kid on Christmas. Maisy jumps un and down with her and suddenly stops and points at Tanya.

  "Wait! Is he the reason you wanted a dildo? You said after 'this guy' you could never get off with anyone else. Was that Leo?"

  Holy shit Tanya's ducked her head. Tanya is never embarrassed about this stuff, she must really like him.

  "Woh, he must be good."

  "Ugh I don't want to think of Leo like that."

  "Ignore her, now get with the details."

  Chapter 31


  If I didn't know that the girls were in the next room, then I would definitely know now. I can hear them all laughing, at least I know Kendal is OK. I was worrying I had really upset her. I'm trying my hardest to try to go to sleep but I can't stop thinking about Kendal. I start to hear a thump, thump, thump noise, then laughing again.

  "Go Kendal! Go Maisy! Go Kendal! Go Maisy!"

  I can hear there chanting through the walls. What the hell are they doing in there?

  After another half an hour it's gone quiet next door. They must be finally asleep but unfortunately for me I still cant sleep so I grab my phone from the bedside table. I look through old pictures of me and Kendal I never could delete. I haven't looked at them for almost two years. It would always hurt to look through them and leave me in a shitty mood for days after. I would try and have a random hook up to shake it of, it would take the edge off but would never totally satisfy me. I stop at one of my old favorites of me and Kendal, it's the one I had printed out for her. I have a pretty ridiculous big smile on my face and Kendal is laughing. I close down the photo and start to write a text message. She's probably fast asleep right now but I can't help myself.

  ME: Hey its Jax. I cant sleep. I didnt mean to upset u,

  I'm sorry I couldnt help myself. U looked amazing today


  I hover over the send button, should I send it?

  "Fuck it"

  I hit send. I don't expect a reply from her. I just wanted her to know I'm sorry. If she was going to reply I didn't expect it until the morning so I was surprised when my phone vibrated five minutes later.

  KENDAL: Hey, I cant sleep either. Im squashed between

  Jess + Tan. U didnt upset me Jax, that was all me.

  I loved u singing 2 me again. I was just scared,

  I'm sorry I ran xxx

  She loved hearing me sing? I'm fucking happy to hear I didn't upset her. It's still upsetting that she ran away from me.

  ME: Well I have my big bed all 2 myself. I'm glad I

  didnt upset u. I love all our old memories, I

  think about them alot. R u staying 4 breakfast?


  After twenty minutes of no reply I drop my phone back onto the bedside table and try my best to get some sleep. Just as I'm finally drifting off I hear the loud sound of my phone vibrating on the table. I quickly grab it and see Kendal's name appear, I swipe across the screen. It looks like a long text.

  KENDAL: Im jealous of all that empty space in ur bed :p

  I love our memories 2, just being in ur arms again bought

  bk feelings and they scared me. I didnt no what 2 do

  with them. I always think about u 2 Jax, I hope we can

  have new memories together cuz seeing u 2day made me

  Realize how much I have missed u. We were good friends 2

  + Ive missed that. Yes Im staying 4 some breakfast

  but Im leaving at 12. U still on for that chat

  tomorrow? Seeing as I'm leaving in 6 hours I better

  try + get some sleep. Wish me luck with these bed

  hogging whores haha. I'll see u in the morning,

  if u can get up on time LOL xxx

  I read her text again. I don't know what I should text back. I know what I want to text back.

  ME: I look forward to making new memories Kendal.

  I have missed u alot. I want u bk in my life. Yes

  I still want to come by tomorrow. Just let me no

  when + I will b there. Ive set my alarm so I can

  c u b4 u go. Night Kendal xxx

  Almost straight away I get her short reply.

  KENDAL: Great, C u tomorrow. Hope Im not feeling

  2 rough. Night Jax xxx

  I roll over and close my eyes and then I hear my phone vibrate. Is that Kendal again? When I look at my screen it's Max. What does he want?

  MAX: Sorry if I woke u up. U want me to send

  u a pic?

  I frown and type back.

  ME: It depends what pic it is

  MAX: u will like it

  I wait, I hope its not one of him. Theres been a few times he has sent me pictures of a girl sucking his dick or once one of Le
o receiving a blow job and giving a thumbs up. I receive a picture message so I click it open and definitely like this picture. Its a picture of Kendal and Max from today. Kendal looks very happy, Max has his arm around her. My phone vibrates again and its another picture this one is of Kendal. Shes standing with Sophie and there both looking towards the camera. I remember Max taking this one, they were both talking and Max shouted them to look. Kendal has a great smile on her face, her soft curls resting over her shoulder. I thank Max for the pictures and then open the one of her standing with Sophie again and crop around Sophie so its just a picture of Kendal smiling. Full body shot picture looking gorgeous in her bridesmaid dress and fuck me heels. I keep the original picture but I save the one of Kendal on her own and set it as her contact picture. I set my alarm for 10:00am so I can get up to see Kendal before she goes home then wish I can finally get some sleep.


  I hear a scream in my dream.

  "Tan wake up now!"

  That wasn't in my dream. I squint open my eyes enough to see Maisy standing at the side of the bed. She has her hands on her hips and she's scowling down at Tanya who's lying on the bed laughing at Maisy.

  "I'm sorry Maisy. I was stretching."

  "You kicked me on the floor!"

  Tanya carries on laughing and that's when Jessica rolls over and slings her arm and one leg over my body. I take a look at her, she's still sleeping.

  "Erm Jess?"

  Tanya stops laughing and turns to look at me.

  "Looks like Jess is missing her Sammy boy."

  Wiggling her eyebrows at me.

  "Shes just sleeping."

  Then Jessica sighs in her sleep, scoots closer to me and rubs her hand along my stomach.


  My eyes bug out wide while Maisy starts giggling. Oh shit, she does think I'm Sam.

  "Jess! Get off me!"

  Jessica's eyes pop open and looks at me. I raise my eyebrows at her and nod to where her hand is still on my belly. She looks down but still doesn't move her hand or her leg. Instead she grinds on my leg and smiles at me.

  "What do ya say Kendal?"

  I shove her off a little bit harder than I was supposed to, so she rolls off the bed with a loud thud.


  I scoot over so I can see her lying on the floor and I can't help but laugh. Very quickly Jessica reaches up and yanks me down on the floor too. I land on the floor beside her and then Tanya falls on top off me. What the hell?

  "Ooo Kendal."

  "Your all fucking weird! Get of me!"

  Tanya gets pulled of me by Maisy and we all start laughing. I know what there doing. There trying to cheer me up and hopefully make me forget about yesterday but that is not going to happen. There's two double beds in here but four of us slept in the same bed. I honestly don't know why. When were getting ready I decide to tell them that I was texting Jax last night. I pull on my denium shorts and decide to just come out with it.

  "So, last night when you were all asleep me and Jax were texting."

  They all stop what there doing and stare. Tanya is the first to move again when she starts brushing her hair.

  "So your OK now?"

  "Yes, you don't need worry about me."

  Maisy puts her small arms around me, thankfully shes fully dressed. Unlike Tanya whos standing there brushing her hair in nothing but her bra and thong.

  "We were all worried about you yesterday Kendal. The fact Jax was here was major, you were amazing yesterday babe. How you handled the whole day, we were so worried about you."

  "I was fine."

  "Sure you was babe."

  After convincing them I'm fine they eventually leave me alone. I wasn't really fine until I received that text from Jax. He made me feel better. I was very tempted to go and knock on his door and share his bed last night. I couldn't though, I needed to tell him everything first and it was scaring me that his going to hate me when I tell him. But he needed to know. After we all packed our things away and hung up our pretty dresses it was 11:00 so we went to the dining room to get something to eat. I wasn't expecting anyone to be up yet but as we reached the dining room door I heard laughter. I'm shocked to see everyone here already. Sophie's hair is a bit on the wild side she also has a very satisfied grin on her face. Little tart. Tanya's walks right up to her and kisses her cheek.

  "By the looks of your hair and the smirk on Rhys face you two definitely sealed the marriage. Did you use your new pole?"

  I laughed as did everyone else while Sophie blushed.

  "Tanya! Your so embarrassing!"

  I go and give her a hug and sit by her. still giggling. Sophie runs a hand through her mess of hair.

  "Oh Kendal it's a mess, all the hairspray and curls from yesterday I forgot to take it out and I fell asleep."

  I look at her in shock and behind I hear Tanya gasp.

  "You left it in!"

  "Why? Is that bad?"

  Tanya pats Sophies shoulder and shakes her head.

  "Honey I need to go and get mine and Kendal stuff cuz we need to rescue your hair."

  "I can't believe you managed to sleep with all that in your hair."

  "I was tierd."

  Sophie blushes again and bites her bottom lip. I look at Rhys who's sat at the top of the table, with Jax at his side, both grinning at us. Tanya leaves the room while the guys are all laughing. I grab some toast thats in the middle of the table and eat some before Tanya returns. I can feel Jax looking at me and when I look up he gives me such a cute and sexy smile. I hope I'm not blushing. His looking very sexy this morning, which he probably always does. His hairs still a bit wet from his shower, jet black and sticking in every direction. His wearing a plain white shirt that clings to his muscled chest and the sleeves look tight around his strong bulging arms. Oh god he looks edible, I want to eat him for breakfast rather than this toast.

  "Good morning Kendal."

  "Morning Jax."

  "Good morning Kendalllllll."

  Leo mocks Jax which gets him a punch in his arm. Tanya walks in with a large handbag full of our hair products from yesterday. She sits back down next to me and hand me the necessary tools.

  "Is there any of those red clips in there?"

  Tanya hunts for them, there huge red clips and there my favourite to use on hair when I want to section it. She hands me three and I tell Sophie to turn her back to me. I section in down the middle and then half those sections and clip them away from each other. The hair I haven't clipped away is where I will start. Tanya hands me a de-tangler spray that has a little bit of conditioner in to help loosen the knots.

  "Sorry Soph but this might hurt a little. The bottom is worse than the top though."

  "Just got for it, don't worry about going soft."

  I hear Leo snort at her remark. She did sort of hand him that one. I cringe while I rip through Sophies hair, I hate that sound. I start on the second bottom section and it's just as bad.

  "Ohhhhh I'm so sorry Soph."

  "Kendal your making my wife cry."

  I gasp and drop the brush from my hand and run around to face Sophie. She's not crying but she has a lot of tears in her eyes.

  "I am not, ignore him. I need this sorted before you go."

  "Aw I'm sorry Sophie, I'm nearly done. Just the top now and thats not as bad."

  I'm glad the top half is a lot better and not long after the brush goes all the way through, clear of knots.

  "There. You want me to put it up or leave it down?"

  "Up please Kendal."

  Tanya passes me a hair tie and I put it up in a high ponytail for her. It looks really nice because her ends are still all wavy. She moans when I've finished.

  "Ohhhhh that was so nice after it stopped hurting."

  I laugh, everyone loves there hair being played with. I sit back down and see Jax is looking at me with a happy expression.


  He shakes his head and adorably looks a little embarrassed I caught
him looking at me like that.

  After some breakfast and tea it's time for me to go. Sophie pouts and gives me a big hug. She's going away on her honeymoon, why is she so sad? Rhys looks up from his food and asks if I'm leaving.


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