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Hungry Planet

Page 2

by Michelle Marquis

  Magnus laughed. “Baby,” he said, “these rooms only come with one bed."

  Beth made no reply. She studied the grimy-looking guests sitting on the soiled lobby furniture.

  The desk clerk handed him the key and gave him general instructions on where the room was located and what the check out procedures were. The man then disappeared back behind a checkered curtain.

  "Let's go,” Magnus said, heading toward the stairs.

  * * * *

  Beth followed stiffly behind him, her skin crawling. The stairs were cluttered with garbage and people, too stoned or drunk to make it back to their own rooms. Magnus glanced back at her. “You okay back there?"

  "I'm great,” she said. One gentleman, reeking of urine, reached for Beth and she promptly slapped his hand away. “What floor is the room on?” Her voice sounded alien to her own ears, like a lost child's voice.

  "One more."

  When they reached the landing, Magnus studied each door painted a different color. He matched their red key to the red door and placed it in the entry slot. The door popped opened.

  The room was neat, but had a foreign smell of a thousand different visitors all with varying hygiene habits. Magnus waited by the door as Beth entered. He punched in the “Do Not Disturb” sign. She inspected the bathroom, turning on the light and checking to see if there was any hot water. Of course, there was none.

  "Does it cost more for hot water?"

  Magnus sat on his bed and removed his guns. He placed them on the nightstand next to the bed for easy access. “They don't have any. It's a prison planet, remember? Hot water is an expensive luxury; they get enough business without it."

  Beth nodded, getting his point. She went to the window and pulled the beige curtain back, peering down at the street below. “What's it like out there?"

  He pulled his trench coat off and lay back on the bed with his hands behind his head. “Do you want the truth?"

  She turned to look at him, feeling cold. “Of course I want the truth. I might as well know what I'm facing."

  "It's hell on earth. It's roaming bands of convicts turned cannibal that would like nothing better than to capture a sweet piece of ass like you. It's not enough food or water for anyone. It's deadly bugs and disfiguring diseases. Some, I'm sure you've seen before, and others I'm positive you haven't."

  Beth chewed her lip and paced. She pulled out the chair from a small table and sat. If someone had told her a year ago she'd be in this hellish place, she'd have laughed. What a difference a year made. Reaching back in her mind, she thought about her son and horrible searing pain filled her heart. She wasn't ready to think about that right now. Not yet, anyway.

  She stared at Magnus. He reminded her of an animal—all instinct and raw nerve. She disliked him and hated being at his mercy, but she didn't dare refuse him. He'd surely leave her, and she'd be screwed. “You don't look to be too worse for wear."

  "I've learned to survive and you will too."

  "What is Doctor Masters like?"

  He tossed his leather trench coat carelessly over a chair. “He's nuts. He works all the time, and sometimes his methods are questionable."

  "What does that mean?"

  Magnus closed his eyes. “Listen, Beth, I know you're curious, but trust me, you'll find out soon enough.” He got up, pulled up a chair and sat on it backwards facing her. “Why don't we get to the sex?"

  Beth nodded and went over to the bed. He watched her move, grinning. She pushed down her nerves and sat on the edge of the mattress. “What do you want me to do?"

  The chair creaked under his weight as he leaned forward. “Take your pants and underwear off. Sit facing me on the bed."

  Beth did as she was told. As she crawled across the bed, she wondered if she should just refuse. It wasn't too late; she could still try and find someone else to take her to the clinic. But the moment she thought it, she shook it off. Any man on this hellhole will probably want the same thing. At least Magnus was handsome in a brutal sort of way. “Now what?” she said.

  He reached over to his coat and pulled out some tobacco and rolling papers. He rolled himself a cigarette and turned his full attention back on her. He pulled a long drag and the room filled with the smell of smoke. “Put a pillow under your ass and open your legs."

  Beth blushed and swallowed. Reaching over, she grabbed one of the pillows and placed it under her. It gave him a much better view of her pussy. What kind of weird game is this?

  Magnus placed the cigarette between his lips. He took one more drag, tossed it on the floor and crushed it out. Easing himself off the chair, he slowly stalked toward her. “Open it up,” he said, in a rich hungry voice. “Let me see that beautiful clit."

  Beth's cheeks burned and a tight, sexy tension fired her loins. She reached down and slid her fingers into her pussy, gently parting the thick outer lips as he had instructed.

  Starting at the foot of the bed, he crawled on all fours toward her exposed sex. Finally reaching her, he leaned down and dipped his face into her body. Beth sucked in a deep breath.

  Gently nuzzling her sex, he kissed the tender flesh, nibbling and sucking at her quickly swelling clit. Despite her dismay, she found herself enjoying his enthusiasm, and without thinking, she spread her legs further. His mouth moved deeper, seeking out every corner of pleasure within her and making her body sing with delight. Without thinking, she moved her hands under her shirt and massaged her breasts. A wave of hard lust flowed into her slick pussy. She groaned.

  Sliding his pants off, he moved his body up over hers. Beth wrapped her arms around him. Her mouth opened and welcomed his tongue and she sighed, taking in his carnal heat. Settling his powerful hips between her legs, his thick cock found the moist center of her core. He placed his hand around the shaft of his cock and ran it through her delicate folds. When she was unbearably throbbing and wet, he pushed his penis deep into her pussy. A stunning charge of rapture filled her womb.

  Beth had experienced plenty of sex before but nothing had ever been like this. Magnus was a fierce and relentless lover, pounding into her lusty pussy for longer than she thought any man could last. Each orgasm that overtook her was more delightful than the last. His kisses devoured her, sucking the breath from her chest. Finally orgasming deep within her, he ended his pleasure in a ferocious symphony of masculine growls.

  Chapter 3

  Magnus woke Beth with a kiss. She smelled sweet and warm, and his blood boiled to fill and enjoy her again. Waking slowly, she blinked once and looked at him. She stretched as he pushed his tongue into her mouth, then she returned his hungry kiss.

  Magnus broke the kiss and climbed off the bed. They needed to get moving if they wanted to make any progress today. “Ready to go?” he asked, feeling hunger gnaw at his stomach. He tried to remember when the last time was that he'd eaten. He'd need to get something soon or his mood would take a nosedive. “You hungry?” he asked, as she gathered her things and packed them tightly into her backpack.

  "Yes,” she said. “I'm starving.” She held up a hologram embossed orange card.

  "I also need to stop and get some drugs before we leave. They gave me this card to buy some supplies for the clinic."

  Magnus studied it and scratched his belly. “How many supplies are you supposed to carry with you?"

  Beth looked down at the card. “I'm not sure,” she confessed.

  "We're not going to be able to carry much more than what you can put in your pack. Anything can happen out there and you don't want to weigh yourself down by carrying a bunch of meds with you."

  Beth stared at him. “How far is the clinic from here?"

  He holstered his guns and leaned his back against the wall. “Far, and we'll be running every mile."

  A crease furrowed Beth's brow as she lifted her backpack up and placed her arms in the straps. “I'm ready,” she said.

  Magnus opened the door. The hall beyond smelled like old sweat and wood rot. “Good,” he said. “Then let's go."
  * * * *

  They walked out of the hotel and made their way to a restaurant with round metal stools and an outdoor grill. Magnus took a seat at the counter and read the digital menu above the cook. Beth moved onto the seat next to him.

  "Those prices are outrageous,” she said, staring up at the sparse menu. “And on top of that they don't have much."

  Magnus grinned at her outrage. “What do you want?"

  Beth turned around and watched people as they walked past. Most were men, tattooed and rough looking. She hunched and grew smaller in her seat. “Just order me whatever you're having."

  Magnus ordered the meatloaf for both of them. He plucked a toothpick from a holder and began digging at his front teeth. “Where do you have to pick up the meds?"

  "Someplace called docking bay four,” she said. Reaching into her pocket, she dug the crumpled instructions out to show him.

  He glanced at them and nodded. “It can't be too far from here. Over there is docking bay two."

  The cook tossed two steaming plates in front of them and Magnus paid him. Beth sniffed her meat and wrinkled her nose. She picked up her fork and toyed with it for a moment, then put it back down. “It doesn't smell very good,” she said.

  "Compared to what you will be eating, it's a gourmet meal. I suggest you eat it—you never know when you'll get another hot meal."

  Beth frowned and picked up her fork again. She wolfed down a few pieces then gave the rest to him. He ate everything on both their plates.

  After they'd eaten, they made way their way to the pharmacy and got the drugs she had been authorized. As Magnus expected, they authorized her far more than they would be able to carry, so she had to leave some and take a credit on her card.

  Outside, waiting for the transport, it was sunny but cool. The white morning sun was bright but did little to warm the vast desert landscape before them. Magnus kept his eye on the crowd, watching for signs of aggression. He had learned the hard way to never underestimate prisoners on this planet.

  Beth had been quiet, falling into that defensive Earth mode of avoiding eye contact with strangers. He'd have to train her not to do that. She couldn't possibly see danger coming if she didn't keep an eye on those around her.

  The shuttle pulled up to the landing dock and lowered the loading plank. It hit the platform with a bang. Beth winced. She moved forward to board but Magnus discreetly took her arm and held her back, as the others around them jostled their way on board. Beth gave him a questioning look but didn't speak. When everyone was on board, Magnus moved onto the ship and Beth followed. He took a seat near the front and made sure he could watch the driver's every move. Beth sat next to him, sliding her body along his to wedge herself into the seat. His cock filled the front of his pants and he grinned.

  Magnus spotted the driver watching them. A few other passengers nearby had given them some curious glances, but seeing Magnus’ tattoo and arsenal of guns, thought the better of bothering them. The driver, however, was a different story. Akron-Nine transport drivers all carried weapons of their own and they knew how to use them. They were armed to prevent theft of their transports and the practice worked well. Few transports were ever stolen because the ships ran a scanner over the driver every few minutes, to ensure that it was the same DNA as the one assigned. If there was a discrepancy in the match, the transport shut down. The security measure ensured dangerous prisoners didn't get unchecked mobility.

  Beth too seemed to sense something. She shifted in her seat and kept watching the passengers around them. “I need a gun,” she whispered in his ear. Magnus smiled. He liked a woman who could tell when things were hairy. He reached down and pulled out an automatic, handing it to her. She took it and rested it on her thigh.

  The driver watched them. A few prisoners were moving around the transport, changing seats to get closer to them. A rush of savage rage filled him. Magnus didn't care about killing the other prisoners but hoped he wouldn't have to kill the driver. They'd get stuck here and have to make their way to the clinic on foot.

  In a charged moment of silence, Magnus knew the driver was going to make his move. Women were rare on the planet, being a smaller population of prisoners in general. They either got killed off quickly, ended up as someone's exclusive property, or became more deadly than the male prisoners. It all depended on what they were made of when they got here. A good-looking woman like Beth was worth risking their lives for. Magnus pulled a revolver, cocked it and fixed it on the driver.

  The driver didn't react. He acted as if he'd expected the move. “Kind of nervous, aren't you, friend?"

  "You keep looking at what's mine. It's making me wonder if I should just blow your head off for your bad manners."

  The driver was unfazed. He shrugged. “You got a nice piece of property. Did you expect no one would notice?"

  The other prisoners stopped seat hopping and watched the exchange. They're waiting for an opportunity to rush us.

  With an almost imperceptible motion of his hand, the driver switched the transport over to autopilot and rested one hand by his gun. Magnus fought the urge to kill him. The man might be bluffing. Killing the driver was an absolute last resort. Magnus really didn't want to be on the flats without any transportation. That was a very bad situation indeed.

  He got up and moved closer to the driver, pointing the barrel of the gun at the top of his head. “Put the transport back on manual or I'll air condition your head."

  Beth was very jumpy. She kept watching the back of the transport. She was making way too much eye contact with the prisoners back there. They were like dogs; they'd only see it as a challenge. “I think they're going to rush us,” she said.

  "They'll probably try,” he said. “Just shoot the first one who gets out of his seat again.” Magnus turned his attention back on the driver. He tapped the man's head with the barrel of his revolver as a reminder. The pilot reached down slowly and switched off the autopilot. He took the wheel again.

  Suddenly, Beth cried out and shots exploded in the cabin.

  Magnus glanced back but, just as he did so, in the corner of his eye he caught the pilot clearing his weapon for a shot.

  Magnus fired two rounds in the man's head. Blood and bone fragments sprayed from the driver's head and splattered Magnus in the face and chest.

  The transport listed hard to the left and the alarm sounded. Reaching over the body, Magnus took the wheel, but the sensors picked up the change in DNA and refused to respond. No matter how hard he turned it, the wheel remained locked.

  Behind him, Beth struggled with two prisoners who had grabbed her. She fired off a shot hitting one man, but the other stayed determined. Death by gunfire seemed preferable to most other ways to die on this planet. Magnus fixed the remaining man with his weapon and shot him. The prisoner's body flew back a few feet and landed hard against some seats. The other passengers held up their hands and shouted for Magnus to hold his fire.

  The ship nosedived and headed for the ground. Magnus grabbed Beth and headed for the emergency door. Reaching it, he pulled the latch. Other prisoners were escaping through another door toward the front. A rush of cool wind hit Magnus in the face as the door popped off. He pushed Beth toward the opening. She pulled from his grip and hesitated.

  Placing his hands on her back he pushed her out. She screamed, and he watched as she hit the powdery sand and rolled several feet. She appeared unhurt but he couldn't be sure. As the ship neared impact, he jumped after her, hoping he didn't break his neck when he hit the ground.

  Chapter 4

  Beth couldn't believe she hadn't been killed when Magnus threw her off the transport. She might as well have been, for all the pain and aches she felt after she'd hit.

  Sitting on the sand she squinted into the sun, marveling at her good luck. She spotted him stalking toward her and stifled an angry outburst.

  Magnus seemed virtually indestructible. He was calm and unreadable, looking as casual as if he'd just returned from a day at t
he beach. Although his actions were justified, she had to admit she was disturbed by how easily he'd killed the driver. She remembered his face. He'd almost seemed to enjoy it.

  He walked up and stood over her, blocking the sunlight. “You all right?"

  "Yes,” she said icily, shading her eyes with her hand. “I'm all right despite your help. Do you think you could let me jump out of the transport on my own next time?"

  He gave her a cold smile. “Sure, baby,” he said dismissively. “Anything you want. Come on, we need to get moving before the cannibals arrive."

  Beth rose from the ground, rolling his last words around in her head. She really hoped he was joking. “What cannibals?” she asked, looking for any sign of humor in him.

  "The ones who don't visit the local restaurants."

  Beth remembered reading an article in a magazine a year back about the widespread acts of cannibalism on some of the prison planets. She remembered thinking how barbaric it was. Great, like I don't have enough to worry about.

  How remote this place had seemed then. A place she would never have thought she'd end up. The article had talked about the problems with transporting food to the planets, and how those transports were unreliable. Some of the prisoners had resorted to cannibalism out of desperation, others out of simple savagery. Water too had been a problem, with limited ground water on the planet. Engineers had been working to provide water pumping stations, but some of the gangs had immediately taken them over. So now safety devices were put in place to ensure a person couldn't stay at the water station for too long without being zapped by a laser cannon.

  Beth studied Magnus. There were so many things about him that didn't fit. He claimed to be a marshal, but the number tattoo on his neck looked very similar to the ones other prisoners had. The only difference in his was that his numbers began with an EX.

  There were other things about him that didn't fit too. She was sure the other prisoners on the transport had feared him and it wasn't just his guns. There was something about him that hinted at human, but mocked her just as she tried to decipher it. Not an alien mix to his blood, but something far more primitive and dangerous. Something animal. She had the feeling he could be dumped in any hostile environment and he would somehow find a way to survive. Despite being a big, muscular man, he always put her on edge. He just didn't feel like a law man.


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