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Trickle Up Poverty: Stopping Obama’s Attack on Our Borders, Economy, and Security

Page 26

by Michael Savage

  To be redundant, there have been zero cases in Florida for the last 80 years. But according to a report by public health officials in Florida teaming up with the Centers for Disease Control, during the last 30 years a number of “locally-acquired cases have been confirmed along the Texas-Mexico border.”39 That’s code language. What they’re really saying is that illegals who are breaking into our country aren’t just breaking the law—they’re introducing a disease which has been long eradicated from this country.

  I warned you about this years ago in my bestseller, The Savage Nation. I told you that your grandparents and great-grandparents were screened for diseases at Ellis Island on the East Coast and Angel Island on the West Coast before they were permitted to enter. If they had a disease, guess what? They were quarantined until they could recover or were even sent back to where they came from. I realize the faaaairness police of today wouldn’t stand for that. But that policy of prevention prevented an avalanche of diseases from infecting our people.

  Tuberculosis, for example, was almost wiped out in the United States until it was reintroduced by immigrants who were no longer screened or who entered here illegally. Left unchecked, it’s possible we’ll see cases of Dengue fever spread from Key West to the heartland of America. We’ve already learned about one woman visiting Key West who fell ill with Dengue fever and then transported the disease to Rochester, New York.40 That’s the first domino in this deadly game of unscreened illegal immigrants and the spread of epidemics.

  Many illegals carry diseases that would otherwise cause them to be declined entry. This means that in many areas emergency rooms and hospitals are taxed beyond their limits dealing with diseases that are resistant to conventional treatments. The cost of providing medical treatment in emergency rooms and at free clinics for illegals in the United States is estimated to be $4.3 billion annually. If illegal aliens were covered under Obama’s healthcare insurance legislation, that figure would rise to more than $30 billion annually.41

  That ought to make you sick.

  Illegals and The Vote: How the Obama Administration Plans to Stuff Ballot Boxes

  Finding ways to enable illegal aliens to vote, especially in national elections, is one of the cornerstones of Barack Obama’s plan to seize total control over you and your life by the left wing of the Democrat Party. The strategy is already well-developed; we’ve seen evidence of it in the 2008 election, and it will only get worse as this administration further implements its voter fraud agenda. Let me illustrate with three examples.

  Voter Intimidation: During the 2008 election, Attorney General Eric Holder called Americans “cowards” because they were unwilling to engage in a public debate about “race.” Holder cemented his reputation as a racist when he looked the other way regarding the prosecution of members of the New Black Panther Party for voter intimidation on election day 2008 in Philadelphia. Remember that one?

  The Panthers, dressed in black and wearing black berets, wielded nightsticks and shouted at potential voters approaching the polling station. A civil rights activist described the incident as “the most blatant form of voter intimidation” he had ever seen, including during the days of the voting rights movement in the 1960s. The Justice Department had won the case by default when the defendants failed to respond to the charges. And yet, despite the fact that the case had been won, Holder dismissed the charges against all but one of the miscreants. The one against who the charges remained was told, not that voter intimidation was illegal, but that he had to wait until after 2012 before brandishing a nightstick at an election site again.42

  Holder is the Obama administration’s “Bull” Connor.

  Where Connor called out firemen and policemen to prevent blacks from demonstrating in Birmingham, Alabama, in 1963, Holder looked the other way when members of the New Black Panther Party brandished weapons and shouted insults at white voters, intimidating them in a way similar to that of Connor’s thugs forty-five years earlier. Look for more of the same in the 2012 elections from this administration.

  Buying Votes Using Stimulus Dollars: Among the most telling statistics regarding the Democrat vote-buying initiative is the way stimulus dollars are being used. According to a study conducted by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, nearly three-quarters of all stimulus dollars spent through early 2010 had gone to Democratic congressional districts. But of course you probably don’t know that because the media didn’t report it.

  What’s more, no correlation whatsoever existed between the number of unemployed people in areas receiving stimulus dollars and the amount of money received. In other words, Democrats are rewarding their own, essentially buying votes with taxpayer dollars, arguably in violation of the very law under which the money is being distributed. In addition, significantly more stimulus money has gone to high-income areas rather than low-income areas, where it is certainly needed more.43

  Rigging the Census: In a press release issued to Hispanic organizations, Obama’s U.S. Census Director, Robert Graves, essentially says that the administration intends to count illegal aliens in the 2009 census. Ominously, the press release appeared on the website of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), the radical leftist organization whose president, Andy Stern, should be paying rent to the White House, given the inordinate number of times he’s spent the night there.

  The press release reads, in part, “We have the enormous challenge of convincing everyone in the country to participate in the national count—regardless of race, ethnicity, or citizenship status. To reach the Latino community, we are counting on community-based initiatives like ya es hora to partner with us in spreading the word that the 2010 Census is easy, important and safe.”44

  In other words, Democrats are going to subvert the law by not arresting illegal aliens discovered by census takers in order to swell the ranks of Democratic voters. Such an initiative has the potential to see redistricting favoring Democrats on a broad scale, and it promises to channel additional federal funding to districts with large populations of Hispanic illegals.

  The 2010 census questionnaire, incidentally, is the first one not to ask if the persons recorded on the form are citizens. While it asks questions about race and ethnicity, it fails to note citizenship. That’s an outrage! In addition, several key players involved in administering the census “are part of an umbrella group called the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda, an organization that loudly advocates amnesty for millions of illegals.” Of course, NCLR is at the top of that list. The group also presses to make it easier for illegal aliens to vote in this country. Nor is the census bureau screening applicants to work on the census as to whether or not they’re U.S. citizens.45

  In addition, census officials “are going to release data on prison populations to states when they redraw legislative boundaries next year.” That opens the door to prisoners being counted in the areas where they’re imprisoned or in their hometowns … or both.46 It’s obvious that the census is turning into yet another tool for Democrats to increase their constituency, the group of voters that is beholden to them.

  Of course, Hispanics are already intentionally committing voter fraud on a very large scale. Southern California Democratic congressional candidate Francine Busby was caught on tape telling illegal aliens that they didn’t need identification in order to vote. She explained that she was only telling her potential constituents what other Democratic candidates across the country were telling similar groups.47

  Most voter-registration centers across the United States have very limited ability to check whether someone registering to vote is an American citizen. Often the only verification of citizenship is a question on the registration form asking whether the registrant is a citizen. In other cases, identification such as a driver’s license is all that’s required. For that reason, the drive by Democrats and leftists to allow illegals to obtain drivers’ licenses also has implications at the ballot box. A driver’s license is, as I’ve said, a “breeder document,” and amon
g the things it enables illegal aliens to do is register to vote … fraudulently.

  New Jersey Republican strategist Janice Martin puts it this way: “Americans would be shocked to discover that hundreds of thousands of general election voters are illegal aliens, green-card immigrants, and criminals who’ve murdered, raped and robbed U.S. citizens. And guess which party benefits the most from their votes? The one that’s pushing for amnesty and a bag full of free goodies.”48

  A corollary to counting illegals in the census is the drive for Universal Voter Registration. As it has done with its health care legislation, the Obama administration will try to push through “universal voter registration,” possibly this year, certainly before the 2012 election. Universal voter registration essentially transfers the responsibility to register to vote from each individual citizen to the government.

  As Wall Street Journal columnist John Fund explains, “What is universal voter registration? It means all the state laws on elections will be overridden by a federal mandate. The feds will tell the states: ‘take everyone on every list of welfare that you have, take everyone on every list of unemployed you have, take everyone on every list of property owners, take everyone on every list of driver’s license holders and register them to vote regardless of whether they want to be.”49 Of course, there will be virtually no capability to crosscheck lists for duplicates, and no way to check for fraud. Essentially everyone, including illegal aliens and convicted felons, would be eligible to vote under the proposed legislation.

  Conservative political strategist Michael Baker puts it succinctly: “While the liberal media and the liberal establishment ignore what is a huge scandal, American voters are having their rights violated. When an illegal alien or felon or other person prohibited by law votes, their votes cancel out those of American citizens.”50

  Finally, the Dems plan to top it off with a second comprehensive amnesty bill for illegal aliens. In addition to Senate Bill S 9, President Obama and Democrats plan to reintroduce Comprehensive Immigration Reform legislation, more popularly known as Amnesty for Illegal Aliens.51 While the particulars of the bill have yet to be drafted, it will no doubt mirror the failed 2007 Immigration Reform bill, the one rejected out of hand by the American electorate and by legislators at the time it was introduced. At best the bill is another gift to illegal immigrants in the United States, another opportunity for Democrats to demonstrate their superiority by arrogantly forcing through legislation directly counter to the will of the American people.

  Barack Obama is after nothing less than to bribe the illegal aliens in this country to vote for him and his party in perpetuity. He’s about to offer them amnesty and a path to citizenship again. He’s prepared to ignore the crimes they commit by refusing to deport illegals who are arrested in the United States. If you throw in free medical care and free schooling paid for by American citizens who still have jobs or are trying to run small businesses, you have a voter base of fifteen to twenty million illegal aliens, along with about the same number of out-of-work Americans who depend on unemployment and welfare to get by.

  These people are not about to jump ship and vote against socialism.

  These people are not about to bite the hand that feeds them.

  Toss in ACORN and you have the perfect storm for a Marxist-Democrat takeover. Even though ACORN, because of the voter fraud scandals of the 2008 election, is technically not eligible for federal funds, the group will still be active in the 2010 elections. In fact, its tactics are being copied by other subversive groups participating in the census and the elections.

  ACORN’s strategy is built on registering Democratic voters, legal or illegal, and helping them vote, in many cases several times. The organization also tries to fraudulently register enough voters that the system for checking whether the registrations are legal is overwhelmed and brought to a standstill. ACORN’s lobbying efforts target minimizing voter identification standards so that voter fraud is easier to commit. Illegal aliens and disenfranchised workers are their primary target populations.52

  ACORN is, of course, the same corrupt bunch of redistribute-the-wealth vermin that Obama represented during his days in the mid 1990s as a community organizer in Illinois, when he was one of the attorneys who successfully argued for legislation that enabled the state’s residents to register to vote at the same places where they get their drivers’ licenses renewed. Our president also ran ACORN’s Project Vote during his organizing days in Chicago. His purpose was simple: to rig elections by making voter fraud the norm.53 And yet, the American sheeple fail to see the true motives and objectives of the Commander-in-Sneak.

  They assume Obama wants what they want.

  They assume Obama has America’s best interests at heart.

  They refuse to realize that Barack Obama doesn’t want you to succeed in your job or your small business. He wants to see you on your knees before him. In what way do I mean that? He wants you to be dependent for your very survival on government largesse. Exploiting the illegal immigration crisis to expand the Democratic voter base is one of his signature strategies for accomplishing this. He won’t stop until we boot him and the Marxist fellow travelers in his administration out of office.

  Arizona Governor Jan Brewer was right when she put out this statement: “President Obama, Broken Borders are not a laughing matter. No one in Arizona is laughing. Do your job and secure the border.”54

  Illegal aliens are illegal.

  What could be more clear than that?


  From Panthers to ACORNs—Little Dictatorships Grow

  Any group that says, “I’m young, I’m Democratic, and I’m a socialist” is all right with me … This rise of this Tea Party so-called movement [is a] bowel movement in my estimation.

  —Bertha Lewis, ACORN CEO1

  In 2009, two young activists, filmmaker James O’Keefe and his partner in exposing crime, Hannah Giles, blew the lid off the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). How? By revealing ACORN to be little more than a front organization for lawbreakers. Not just your run-of-the-mill lawbreakers, but also the kind who were perfectly willing to support the opening of houses of prostitution for underage illegal immigrant girls and human trafficking.

  What’s more, they had no qualms about defrauding the government in order to distribute taxpayer dollars to other undeserving degenerates. By the time O’Keefe and Giles exposed the truth, ACORN had established more than two thousand local offices around the United States and was raking in tens of millions of dollars in federal, state, and local taxpayer money to advance its corrupt leftist agenda.2

  Whore mongering and tax evasion aren’t the only things they excel at. In fact, they’re just the tip of the iceberg. ACORN’s stock-in-trade is election fraud. Voter registration fraud with the intent to influence elections in favor of their leftist cohorts is the group’s criminal activity of choice. As of October, 2008, ACORN election irregularities were under investigation in fourteen states.

  ACORN’s alleged illegal activities resulted in more than 57,000 voter registrations being thrown out as “clearly fraudulent” in Pennsylvania in 2008; five out of every six ACORN voter registrations found to be fraudulent in Virginia in 2005; and three ACORN employees pleading guilty in a voter fraud case involving more than two thousand registrations in Washington State in 2007.3 There are dozens more investigations of voting irregularities by the group under way on the state and local levels across the United States.

  Barack Obama’s association with ACORN, a group that has correctly been described as the “key modern successor of the radical 1960’s ‘New Left,” 4 goes back almost two decades. Toni Foulkes, a Chicago ACORN leader and National Association Board member, explains, “Obama started building the base years before [his election successes] … when he was organizing on the far south side of the city with the Developing Communities Project.”5

  In 1992, before he attended Harvard Law School, Obama also worked as an organizer on
“Project VOTE” in Chicago, partnering directly with ACORN. His responsibilities included conducting leadership-training seminars. His work on that project helped net Carol Moseley-Braun some fifty thousand votes.6 You can bet that Moseley-Braun’s victory was largely due to the voter fraud that ACORN has become famous for—and that Obama was instrumental in engineering it. ACORN volunteers turned out in force for Obama’s initial 1996 campaign for the Illinois State Senate and for his unsuccessful bid for a U.S. Senate seat in 2000, and they helped get him elected to the U.S. Senate in 2004.7 Obama cut his teeth on corruption during the ACORN years.

  ACORN, like the Obama administration, is corrupt down to its roots. If ACORN is involved, it’s a virtual stone cold lock to be illegal or unethical, and it’s guaranteed to be exclusively for and at the behest of Democrats. Democratic illegal activity associated with elections doesn’t stop with ACORN. It extends all the way up through the branches of Obama’s Department of Justice (DOJ) and to Attorney General Eric Holder. By now it should come as no surprise that the Holder DOJ, having received documented evidence of rampant voter fraud by ACORN from the organization Judicial Watch and after taking a cursory look at the overwhelming proof of “duplicates, underage, illegible and invalid addresses” in the registrations, decided to shut down its investigation, claiming “ACORN broke no laws.”8 Holder’s action is similar to one he took in another case of voting irregularities involving another leftist organization, the New Black Panther Party. Despite the fact that the Justice Department had actually won its case of voter intimidation against the organization, Holder dismissed the charges. In fact, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights explained that the Justice Department “repeatedly refused” to provide them with information about why the case was dismissed. A letter from Commission Chairman Gerald A. Reynolds to Holder explained:


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