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The Wake

Page 32

by Linden MacIntyre

  2.Leyton, Dying Hard, pp. 114–15. From Elliott Leyton’s interview with Priscilla Turpin.

  3.Leyton, Dying Hard, p. 116.

  4.Rennie, The Dirt.

  5.Ellen Turpin, interview with the author, December 8, 2017. Ellen is the daughter of Roche and Priscilla Turpin.

  6.Ellen Turpin, correspondence with author, August 3, 2017.

  7.Leyton, Dying Hard, pp. 115–16.

  8.Royal Commission Respecting Radiation (final report), p. 33.

  9.Royal Commission Respecting Radiation (final report), p.214. “The variable degree of bronchial obstruction often leads to the development of emphysema . . . CO2 retention, anoxia, pulmonary hypertension and cor pulmonale and congestive heart failure.”

  10.Rennie Slaney, written submission to review committee.

  11.DeVilliers and Windish, “Lung Cancer,” p. 103.

  12.Royal Commission Respecting Radiation (final report), p. 261.

  13.Martin, Fluorspar Mines, p. 82.

  14.Judy Turpin, interview with author, May 16, 2017. Judy Turpin is Robert Kelly’s daughter.

  15.Royal Commission Respecting Radiation, evidence transcripts, GN139-125, GN139-136, The Rooms. The testimony from Boyd Stone and Edward Stapleton came under expanded terms of reference to include fatalities on September 15, 1967.

  16.Royal Commission Respecting Radiation, evidence transcripts.

  17.Leyton, Dying Hard, pp. 17–18.

  18.Dying Hard, p. 117.

  19.Royal Commission Respecting Radiation (final report), p. 35.

  20.Rupert Wiseman, testimony before the Royal Commission Respecting Radiation, GN 139, file 139.132, box 3, The Rooms.

  21.Loder, interview.

  22.Loder, interview.


  * * *

  1.J.R. Smallwood, letter to Martin Rennie, Coll.-075, J.R. Smallwood, 3.24.019, Newfoundland Department of Provincial Affairs, Archives and Special Collections, MUN.

  2.Neary, White Tie and Decorations, pp. 196–97.

  3.Neary, White Tie and Decorations, p. 193.

  4.Neary, White Tie and Decorations, p. 261.

  5.Neary, White Tie and Decorations, p. 261.

  6.Neary, White Tie and Decorations, p. 113.

  7.Neary, North Atlantic World, pp. 55–56.

  8.Joseph R. Smallwood, Newfoundland Miscellany (St. John’s: Newfoundland Book Publishers, 1978).

  9.Martin, Fluorspar Mines, pp. 105–6. Dr. Martin cites, with references, studies and updates from 1988 onwards.

  10.Rick Edwards, interview with author, September 24, 2018. His mother was Ena Farrell Edwards, a local writer and historian who photographed the aftermath of the US Navy shipwrecks in February 1942.

  11.Quirke, interview.

  12.Rennie, The Dirt, p. 119.

  13.Monica Kelly, interview with author, September 2, 2017.

  14.Martin, Fluorspar Mines, pp. 101–2.

  15.Martin, Fluorspar Mines, p. 103.


  * * *

  Hannah Arendt, New York Review of Books, November 18, 1971.


  The pagination of this digital edition does not match the print edition from which the index was created. To locate a specific entry, please use your ebook reader’s search tools.

  * * *

  Abbott, Benjamin, 62

  Adams, Ian, 294

  Agricola, Georgius, 229

  agriculture, 17, 108, 139

  Alcan. See also Newfluor

  finances of, 326

  insurance coverage by, 284

  labour relations of, 268

  mine closures by, 325–26

  Newfluor purchase, 154

  Quebec smelter, 324, 326

  St. Lawrence Corp. purchase, 274–75

  and tariffs, 264

  and working conditions, 259, 260, 266, 274

  Allan’s Island, 51

  Allen, Billy, 62

  Allen, Louisa, 62

  aluminum, 71, 135, 156

  Aluminum Company of Canada. See Alcan

  American Newfoundland Fluorspar (ANF), 153–54, 281

  American War of Independence, 28

  appetite, loss of, 155

  Argentia, Nfld., 171, 196, 200

  asthma, 287

  Atlantic Charter, 171

  atomic bomb, 171–74, 263

  Australia, finances of, 56

  autopsies, 291, 296, 316

  Aylward, Fabian, 294

  Aylward, Fintan J., 294, 299

  Aylward, Patrick, 160, 294

  * * *

  Bank of Montreal, 96

  banks, 106

  and the Dominion of Newfoundland, 90–91, 94, 96, 97–98, 99

  paycheques held by, 147, 148

  and St. Lawrence Corp., 236

  and St. Lawrence merchants, 130

  Bartlett, George, 36

  Bartlett’s Island, 61

  Bates, George, 209–10

  Bay Roberts, Nfld., 27

  Bay St. Lawrence, NS, 21–23, 29–30

  Beaumont-Hamel, France, 28

  Beck, Amos, 3

  Beck, Tom, 190

  Bell Island, Nfld., 27, 146

  Bennett, Mary Ann, 63

  Bennett, Raymond E., 240

  Bennett, R.B., 96

  Bergeron, Edward, 188–89, 190, 191, 192, 194

  beriberi, 109, 244

  biopsies, 242

  Black Duck mine, 146, 287, 327

  accidents and deaths in, 140, 149, 299, 315

  conditions in, 123–27, 231

  fluorspar vein at, 81–82

  Hope Simpson visit to, 134, 320

  illness in miners. See lung cancer; silicosis

  opening and closing of, 115–16, 259

  Poynter’s role at, 122

  road to, 122, 125

  in St. Patrick’s Day dispute, 162, 165

  Black Duck Pond, 124

  Blue Beach mine, 127, 274, 327

  collapse of, 253

  in St. Patrick’s Day dispute, 162, 165

  vein reopened, 327, 328

  bonds, 93–94

  bone cancer, 312, 313

  Bonnell, Amelia Alice, 48, 49–50, 59

  Bonnell, Bertram, 47, 48, 49, 50

  Bonnell, Bessie, 47, 48, 50

  Bonnell, Bridget, 48–49

  Bonnell, Clayton, 47, 48, 49

  Bonnell, Cyrus (husband of Mary Ellen), 47

  Bonnell, Cyrus (son of Robert and Bridget), 48, 49, 50

  Bonnell, Dinah, 47, 48, 49

  Bonnell, Elizabeth, 47, 48, 49, 50

  Bonnell, Gilbert, 48

  Bonnell, Jacob, 49

  Bonnell, John (son of Bertram and Elizabeth), 47, 48, 49

  Bonnell, John (son of Cyrus and Mary Ellen), 47, 48

  Bonnell, Mary Ellen, 47, 48, 49

  Bonnell, Mary Gertrude, 49

  Bonnell, Rachael, 37

  Bonnell, Robert, 48

  bootlegging, 219

  Boston, immigration to, 70

  Brake, Sarah, 44

  breathing problems, in miners, 130, 155, 225–26

  Brent, Frank, 259, 260, 266

  Bristol, Arthur Leroy, Jr., 200, 203–4, 208, 211

  British Columbia, 282, 287

  bronchitis, 287, 296, 322

  Brown, Cassie, 201

  Brushett, Carrie, 39, 61

  Brushett, Lillian, 39, 61

  Brushett, Pearl, 39, 61

  Buchans, Nfld., 146

  Burin, Nfld., 55, 134–35, 135–36

  tsunami in, 55–56, 60, 64

  Burin Cottage Hospital, 181, 223

  Burin Peninsula

  earthquake in, 34–35

  emigration from, 69–70

  isolation of, 15, 35, 203

  map of, xii

  roads in, 35, 55, 203, 260

  Butterworth, William, 193

  * * *


  cultural connections to, 16

  health and safety regulations in, 286<
br />
  Canada, government of

  and Canada Fluorspar, 328

  and the Dominion of Newfoundland, 57

  industrial health profile by, 244–45

  royal commission response of, 296

  in the Second World War, 170

  and St. Lawrence mine conditions, 256, 260

  tariff board, 262

  Canada Fluorspar Inc., 328

  cancer, 327. See also lung cancer

  bone cancer, 312, 313

  stomach cancer, 257

  Cape Breton, 21, 218

  earthquake and tidal surge in, 21–23, 25, 29–30

  Cape Chapeau Rouge, 181

  Cape North, 23

  Cashin, Michael, 92

  Cashin, Peter, 86, 92–93, 94, 96, 97, 98–99, 106

  Catholicism, 93, 113, 320

  Cave, A.E., 286

  ceramics, fluorspar used for, 135

  Chamber Cove, 189, 190, 191–92, 329

  Chamberlain, Neville, 99, 106

  charity, as alternative to welfare, 100

  Cheeseman, Ernest (Ern), 34, 63–64

  Cheeseman, John T. (Jack), 34, 63, 64

  Chemical Bank and Trust Company, 236

  chemicals, fluorspar used for, 71, 135

  Cherry, Dorothy, 65–67

  Christmas Seal (ship), 228

  Churchill, Sir Winston, 170, 171

  CJCB (radio), 16

  Clarke, David Joseph, 290

  Clarke, Harry, 288

  Clarke, Lucy, 83

  Clarke, Richard, 226

  clinic, floating, 228

  clothing, gifts of, 204

  Clutterbuck, P.A., 241–42, 353n18

  Coaker, William, 235, 348n21

  Cold War, 237

  Collins Cove, Nfld., 27, 68

  Commonwealth, 106

  compensation. See workers’ compensation

  Confederation, 210, 234, 235, 286

  and identity, 180–81

  cooperatives, 128–29, 141

  copper, 71, 171

  Corlett, A.V., 230–32

  Corner Brook, Nfld., 16

  cor pulmonale, 288, 355n9

  corruption, 57, 58, 86, 91, 99, 101

  cottage hospitals, 211–12

  Counsel, Mary Anne, 34

  court martial, 200–201

  crisis response, 87–88

  Cusick, James, 236

  Cusick, John, 69

  Cusick, Nora, 69

  Customs, 131

  Cuthbertson, D.P., 244

  * * *

  Daisy (ship), 55

  Dalhousie University, 25

  Darby, Helen, 35–36

  Darby, Mr. (of Great Burin), 38

  daughters of radon, 260, 265, 266


  miners’ age at, 318–19, 334

  cause of, 207, 240–41, 243, 316

  count of, for miners, 321–22, 327

  count of, in tsunami of 1929, 59, 69

  from lung cancer, 321, 354n7

  in mining accidents, 3, 140, 149, 206–8, 214, 298–300, 315, 317

  preparation for, 302–3

  rates of, 108, 174–75, 244, 269–70, 291, 298, 316

  from silicosis, 223–27

  time from dust exposure to, 318

  from tuberculosis, 108, 174–75, 244

  Defense Materials Procurement Agency, 237

  Delaware, refinery in, 236, 237

  Dennis (friend of the author), 2

  depression, 63, 68

  Derosa, William, 196

  deVilliers, Arnold J., 258–59, 266, 267, 269–70, 291–92

  Dibbon, Henry, 63

  diphtheria, 175

  Director mine, 281

  closure of, 325, 326

  conditions in, 153–54, 259, 300

  deaths in, 299

  illness in miners. See lung cancer

  inspection of, 230

  radiation in, 268–69, 300

  in rescue of US sailors, 189

  rockbursts in, 298–300, 313

  in St. Patrick’s Day dispute, 162, 164, 165

  strikes and walkouts at, 170

  uranium in, 265–66

  disease and illness, in miners, 176. See also lung cancer; silicosis; tuberculosis

  fainting, 231

  long-term, 300–301, 302–3

  negotiations on, 155

  poverty and, 244, 250

  working conditions and, 163, 244–45

  disease and illness, in Newfoundland, 202

  diversification, economic, 108, 138–39

  dole, the. See government assistance

  Dominions Office, 56, 107, 171

  Dominion Steel and Coal Corporation (Dosco), 118, 170

  Donohue, Alice, 21–22, 29–30

  Donohue, Jack, 22, 23, 29

  drinking water, 126, 155, 156, 163


  and disease, 244

  in Iron Springs mine, 176–77

  monitoring of, 243, 245

  radioactivity of, 261

  and silicosis, 229, 231, 255–56

  in St. Lawrence, 260

  in St. Lawrence mines, 125–26, 127, 163, 176, 177, 256, 289

  statutory limits on, 243, 256

  suppression of, 231, 256

  time to death from exposure to, 318

  ventilation and, 256

  Dying Hard (Leyton), 302–3

  dysentery, 175

  * * *

  earthquake of 1929, xi, 15–30

  communications, impact on, 10–11, 27–28, 35

  consequences of, 304

  epicentre of, xi, 25–26

  extent of, 25, 27, 28–29, 30

  geology of, 10

  news spread, 57

  reactions to, 33–34


  geology of, 9–10, 36

  in mines, 24

  Eastern Cove Pond, 42

  education, standard of, 139, 321

  Edwards, Bob, 299

  Edwards, Celestine, 190, 192

  Edwards, Ena Farrell, 356n10

  Edwards, Rick, 322

  Edwards, Sylvester, 290

  Emberley, Louise, 35, 38

  emigration, 69–70, 127, 317, 347n50

  emphysema, 287, 355n9

  Etchegary, Florence (Poynter), 167, 205, 273, 275

  Etchegary, Gus (of St. Lawrence), 18–19, 20, 65, 70, 174, 193

  Etchegary, Gus (of St. Phillips, Nlfd.), 348n1

  Etchegary, Louis, 16, 18, 131, 167, 187, 189, 193

  Etchegary, Theo, 193

  Europe, competition from, 252, 281

  Evening Telegram (St. John’s), 59, 94

  Ewbank, Robert, 146, 150, 349n2

  * * *

  false teeth, 314

  farming, 17, 108, 139

  Farrell, Aloysius, 129–30

  Farrell, Aubrey, 80, 82, 119–20, 129–32, 132, 167

  Farrell, Cynthia, 311–12

  Farrell, Howard, 129, 167, 169, 189, 190, 253, 255

  Farrell family, 120

  Farrell’s general store, 82, 130, 131–32, 148

  Fewer, Cecilia, 15, 65, 78

  fibrosis, 296

  First World War

  financial difficulties following, 107

  Newfoundland in, 28, 56, 108, 311

  reparations for, 101

  veterans of, 58, 101, 104


  cooperative ventures in, 128–29

  decline and collapse of, 82, 88–89, 116, 131, 281, 347n7

  dependence on, 26, 56, 90

  miners returning to, 289

  offshore, 16

  in St. Lawrence, 16, 17, 26

  fish exports, 29, 56

  fish prices, 15, 16, 29, 33

  Fitzpatrick, Herb, 345n14

  Fitzpatrick, Jack, 290, 294

  Fitzpatrick, John Joe, 345n14

  flooding, in mines, 124, 176, 253, 256, 259


  appearance of, 80, 115

  demand for, 80
r />   non-radioactivity of, 257, 259, 261

  pricing of, 262–63

  in St. Lawrence, 146, 260

  stockpiles of, 260, 262–63

  tariffs requested on, 252–53, 261–62, 263–64

  in uranium refining, 172–73, 263

  uses of, 71, 135, 156, 171–74

  in wartime, 156, 159, 170, 171–74, 218, 252, 263

  Fogo, Nfld., 27

  food vouchers, 86

  forestry, 108, 234

  Fortune, Nfld., 136

  Fudge, Anna, 62

  Fudge, Gertie, 62

  Fudge, Harriett, 62

  Fudge, Jessie, 62

  Fudge, Job, 63

  Fudge, Sylvia, 78

  Fudge, Thomas, 62–63

  * * *

  Gaelic language, 216

  Garnish, Nfld., 134

  geology, 7–10, 71, 265

  Giovannini, Adolph, 19, 20, 26–27, 65, 153

  Giovannini, Dinah, 19, 20, 26–27, 65, 141

  Giovannini, Ethel, 190

  Giovannini family, 120, 167

  boarding house, 113, 122, 152, 162, 188

  fish shop, 18, 19, 65, 76

  Glace Bay, 24

  SS Glencoe, 17

  Golden Gate Capital, 328

  Gover, Fred, 238, 353n15

  government assistance. See also workers’ compensation

  access to, 149, 150

  attitudes towards, 106, 241–42

  to business, 318

  cost of, to government, 100, 346n32

  dependence on, 106, 109

  to fishermen, 89

  food vouchers and nutrition on, 86, 95, 353n18

  inadequacy of, 86–87, 290, 324

  malnutrition on, 95, 244

  protests concerning, 86–87, 91

  rates paid by, 86–87, 96, 129, 227

  usage rates of, 29

  Grand Bank, Nfld., 133, 135, 136, 269–70

  Grand Banks earthquake. See earthquake of 1929

  granite, 259, 265, 354n15

  graphite, 173–74

  Great Burin Island, earthquake and tsunami on, 35–36, 38

  Great Depression, 29, 107, 122, 131, 244

  Greater Lamaline Development Association, 327

  Grebe’s Nest vein, 328

  Green Bowlers, 201

  Grindley, William, 200–201

  * * *

  Halifax, NS, earthquake in, 23–24, 25, 30

  Hare’s Ears mine, 80, 254, 270–71

  Harnett, Clement (Clem), 39, 40, 43, 345n14

  Harnett, Maurice, 39, 40, 43, 345n14

  Haskell, Augustus (Gus), 3, 206–7, 208


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