Book Read Free

The Sugar Cup

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by Helen Perelman


  CHAPTER 1 Dipping Pair

  CHAPTER 2 Minty Surprise

  CHAPTER 3 Mint Mess

  CHAPTER 4 Mint’s Promise

  CHAPTER 5 Feeling Sour

  CHAPTER 6 Mint Masterpiece

  CHAPTER 7 Sweet Apologies

  CHAPTER 8 Delicious Music

  CHAPTER 9 Frozen Mint

  CHAPTER 10 Sweet Endings

  About Helen Perelman

  For Teddy Hubbell, a sugar-tastic friend!

  Dipping Pair

  Dash the Mint Fairy looked around Peppermint Grove. The bright morning light made her mint candy crop sparkle. Each mint was superwhite and just right for picking. She grabbed her harvest basket and started her work.

  “Hi, Doopie,” Dash said to the tiny chipmunk at her feet. She bent down and held out a mint for the small animal. “Here you go,” she said. She watched the red-and-white-striped chipmunk hold the candy in her front paws and take a nibble. “What do you think?”

  Doopie’s happy squeak made Dash laugh.

  “That is how I feel about a fresh mint candy too!” she said. “I’m glad that you agree.”

  Picking mints from the mint bushes wasn’t an easy task. Dash had to reach in under branches to get the best ones. At times like these, she was happy to be a small Candy Fairy.

  Dash held up one of the larger mints. She slipped it into her bag. Secretly, she had been painting mints with her new set of white-chocolate paints. She had just started doing this kind of artwork, and she loved it!

  During the Sugar Cup Games, an event that was happening in Candy Kingdom soon, decorating candy was one of the five events. The annual competition among fairies in Sugar Kingdom, Candy Kingdom, Cake Kingdom, and Ice Cream Isles was an exciting time. Cocoa, Dash’s Chocolate Fairy friend, had competed in the Art Treat event last year. But this year Dash really wanted to enter.

  When Dash had a full basket of mints, she headed to Chocolate River. She was meeting Cocoa for chocolate dipping. Nothing was more delicious than a mint freshly dipped in chocolate!

  Dash was planning on talking to Cocoa about the Art Treat event. She just wasn’t sure how to tell Cocoa. All her friends knew Dash loved to eat mints, but they didn’t know how much she loved to decorate them! She loved the bold, bright colors swirling around and the messy, minty masterpieces she created.

  “Hi Dash!” Cocoa called. The Chocolate Fairy was waiting at the shore of Chocolate River. She had two dipping rods with her. “I see you have lots of mints!”

  Dash landed and put down her large basket. “Just picked! This is a good crop,” she boasted. “I even got Doopie’s approval.”

  “And such a big basket!” Cocoa exclaimed. “How did you fly with that?”

  “I might be small, but I am strong,” Dash said proudly. She held up her arms to show off her muscles. “Must be all those mighty mints I ate,” she said, giggling. She looked out at the swirling river. “The chocolate looks choc-o-rific!” She rubbed her stomach. She settled down next to Cocoa. “This is a great day!”

  Cocoa laughed. “I agree,” she said. “But it would have been greater if we had received a sugar fly message from Candy Castle about the Sugar Cup Games.”

  “That’s true,” Dash said. “The games are in five days.”

  “We should hear today,” Cocoa said. “This could be our year to win the cup!”

  For the past four years, Cake Kingdom, which was ruled by Princess Lolli’s sister, Princess Sprinkle, had been the winning kingdom. The kingdom that won brought home a golden trophy called the Sugar Cup. Princess Lolli’s parents, King Crunch and Queen Sweetie, were the judges, along with other noble fairies. They would score the events and tally the scores.

  Dash thought that now would be a good time to bring up the Art Treat. She looked over at Cocoa. “I saw Tula yesterday at Candy Castle,” she said. She strung her mint on her dipping stick. Tula was one of Princess Lolli’s trusted advisers and the one selecting fairies for the events. “She was asking me all kinds of questions about the Sugar Cup Games.”

  “I spoke to Tula too,” Cocoa told her. “She said she was going to change things up this year.”

  “Huh,” Dash said. She wanted to blurt out her wish to Cocoa, but she couldn’t!

  Cocoa strung a mint on her stick and dipped the candy in Chocolate River.

  Dash fluttered her wings. Now would be a good time to tell Cocoa. “Do you think we’ll be assigned different events from last year?” she asked. Her stomach did a tiny flip-flop.

  “I’m sure you will be picked for racing,” Cocoa told her. “Everyone knows you love racing the best.”

  “Hmm,” Dash said, dipping her stick lower into the river. “What about you?” she asked. “You loved the Art Treat competition, right?”

  “I did,” Cocoa said, not looking at Dash.

  Dash had a feeling that Cocoa wasn’t telling her something.

  Cocoa looked over at Dash. “Did you tell Tula what you want to do?”

  Dash’s face felt hot, like a cinnamon burst. “You know I love to race,” she said quickly. Oh no! Dash thought. I had the chance to tell Cocoa and I didn’t!

  Cocoa unhooked her dipped mint and dropped it into another basket. “That is what I thought,” she said.

  “Did you tell Tula you want to enter the Art Treat?” Dash asked. “I’m sure you already have so many ideas. You’re the best artist.”

  Cocoa shrugged. “Thanks, Dash,” she said.

  At that moment Dash wished she hadn’t told Tula about wanting to change events for the Sugar Cup. She didn’t want to upset Cocoa.

  The two friends sat on the riverbank in silence as they finished dipping the candy. Dash felt that Cocoa wanted to tell her something, and she wanted to ask Cocoa more questions, but when Melli the Caramel Fairy flew over, she lost her chance. Melli’s wings were fluttering twice as fast as normal.

  “Guess what? I am playing in the music competition and Berry is singing!” she exclaimed. “Raina has trivia again,” she went on. “No one knows more about Sugar Valley history than Raina the Gummy Fairy! She will probably win first place again.”

  “Wow,” Dash said. “Sounds like everyone got what they wanted.”

  Melli leaped up in the air. “And the best part is, the five of us were selected for the fast-fly relay race!”

  “The fast-fly is really important and worth the most points,” Dash said. “The five of us were picked for that?”

  Melli reached down and took a chocolate-covered mint. “Yes,” she said. “Can you believe it? We’re old enough this year and we were picked!”

  “Cool mint!” Dash exclaimed. “What about the other events?” she asked. She tried to act casual.

  “I’m sure a sugar fly will find you before Sun Dip,” Melli told them. “I’m off to see Berry so we can pick a song. This year we are going to try an even harder piece of music. Last year we weren’t so good. But we’ve been practicing.” She lifted off the ground. “Those chocolate mints are sweet-tacular! Bring them to Sun Dip! You two sure make a great pair.”

  Dash and Cocoa waved as Melli flew off.

  Just then two sugar flies landed on the rim of Dash’s basket. Cocoa and Dash looked at each other and grabbed their notes.

  When Dash saw her assignment, her wings tingled with delight. She was picked for the Art Treat! She looked over at Cocoa. Dash’s wings drooped and she looked away. If Cocoa wasn’t happy about her placement, Dash wasn’t sure the Sugar Cup would be so sweet.

  Minty Surprise

  Dash looked at Cocoa. She knew that she had to tell her friend about her event. She wasn’t sure how Cocoa would react. Would she be mad? Was it possible she wasn’t going to be in an event? Dash’s head began to swirl. Finally she
realized she had to just blurt out the fact . . . and get away fast! “I got picked for the Art Treat,” she said very quickly.

  Cocoa’s eyes widened and her mouth opened. Dash grabbed her basket and shot up in the air.

  “I’ll see you at Sun Dip,” Dash called from above. “Bye! See you later!”

  In a flash, Dash was off. At times like these Dash was glad that she was a fast-flying fairy. She felt awful—and happy at the same time. She was secretly so excited about being chosen for art. She believed that she could do a great job decorating a plain candy. She did a few dips on the way back to Peppermint Grove.

  As the sun got closer to the Frosted Mountains, Dash began to get that funny feeling in her stomach again. She knew she had to face Cocoa—and the other Candy Fairies. Would they all be mad at her too? Dash realized she had not even asked Cocoa what event she would be doing for the Sugar Cup. Now Dash felt even worse. Sometimes she was a bit too minty and rushed off without thinking. Maybe she would do something special at Sun Dip for Cocoa.

  When Dash arrived at Red Licorice Lake for Sun Dip, Cocoa and Melli were already there. Seeing them together made Dash even more nervous. Maybe Cocoa was angry at her for taking her spot in the Art Treat and was talking to Melli about what to do. Dash was about to head in the other direction when she heard Melli call to her.

  “Hey, Dash!” Melli called. “We were just talking about you.”

  Oh no! Dash thought. Are they both mad at me?

  There was no escape! Dash had to face Cocoa. She glided down to the red sugar sand.

  “You flew off so quickly earlier,” Cocoa said as Dash landed. “Were you all right?”

  Cocoa’s concern for her made Dash feel rotten. She lowered her head. “Yes, I just felt funny receiving my Sugar Cup news with you,” she said. She didn’t dare look up.

  “I’m sorry that I rushed off without asking about your event. Please don’t be mad.” She held her breath as Cocoa slowly responded.

  “Well, I got . . . um . . .” Cocoa stumbled over her words. “I got racing,” she finally said.

  “Racing?” Dash said.

  Cocoa leaped up in the air. “Don’t be mad, Dash,” she said. “Maybe there was a mistake and our sugar flies got switched.”

  “I don’t think so,” Dash said. She felt her shoulders relax, and her wings fluttered. She smiled.

  “Why are you smiling?” Cocoa asked. She gave Melli a worried look.

  “Because I wanted art very much,” Dash told her. “I spoke to Tula about switching events this year.” She looked down at her dress. “I just didn’t tell you.”

  Cocoa started laughing. “You mean we both got what we wanted? We both got what the other did last year?”

  Dash scratched her head. “You wanted to race?” she asked. “This is a minty surprise!”

  “Yes,” Cocoa replied. “Ever since we competed together at Double Dip on Meringue Island, I thought it might be fun.”

  Double Dip was a race that Dash and Cocoa had been in together. The two-fairy sled race had been new for both of them. And lots of fun.

  Melli took a deep breath. “Hot caramel!” she exclaimed.

  “This is going to be the greatest Sugar Cup ever!” Dash cheered.

  “It will!” Cocoa cried.

  “What is all the celebrating for?” Raina asked. She landed next to Melli. “Did everyone hear about their Sugar Cup events?”

  Melli fluttered her wings. “Yes, and it is unexpected,” she explained. “Dash is going to do the Art Treat, and Cocoa is going to race!”

  “Sweet sugars,” Raina said. “That is unexpected.” She looked at Dash and Cocoa. “But you both look superhappy.”

  “We are!” Dash and Cocoa said at the same time.

  “It’s almost time for Sun Dip,” Raina said. “Where’s Berry?”

  “She’s late, as usual,” Melli said. “And I’ll bet she is already figuring out what to wear for the music competition.”

  Berry arrived before her friends said anything else. “I chose that outfit a long time ago,” she said, smiling. “A fairy should always be prepared with the perfect dress. Especially when performing!”

  The Candy Fairies laughed.

  “This is going to be the sweetest Sun Dip,” Raina said. “We have lots to celebrate.” She spread a blanket out on the sand.

  “Especially with our freshly dipped candy,” Cocoa said, pushing her basket to the middle of the blanket. “Dash and I dipped these mints in Chocolate River today. Aren’t they choc-o-rific?”

  “Sure as sugar,” Melli said, popping a candy in her mouth.

  “Cocoa, I can give you some great pointers on the race,” Dash said. “You can use my sled, too.”

  “Thanks, but I’m borrowing a castle sled. Do you want to use any of my paintbrushes?” Cocoa replied. “And you can use my paints.”

  Dash saw a worried look on Melli’s face. “What?” Dash asked her. “Why do you look so concerned?”

  Melli shrugged. “Well,” she said slowly, “I was just remembering the Double Dip race.”

  Dash turned a flying somersault. “You mean the race that Cocoa and I won?” she asked. She flew back down and hit a high five with Cocoa.

  “Actually,” Melli said, “I was remembering how hard it was for you two to practice and work together.”

  Dash rolled her eyes. “Oh, Melli,” she said. “You worry too much. We’ll be fine. Right, Cocoa?”

  “Yes,” Cocoa replied. “These practices will be much different. We won’t be in the same sled!”

  Berry decided to change the subject. “Look at the colors tonight,” she said, pointing up to the sky. “There’s nothing like the colors of Sun Dip.”

  As the sun slid behind the mountains and the deep purples and pinks of the sunset grew darker, the Candy Fairies watched silently.

  Dash thought about what Melli had said. She looked over at Cocoa. Melli was always worried about something. Dash popped another mint into her mouth and gazed up at the pastel sky. Melli had nothing to worry about. She and Cocoa were perfect partners for candy, racing, and art. There was nothing minty about that!

  Mint Mess

  The next morning, Dash went to Chocolate Woods. She was excited to visit Cocoa and get some helpful art tips from her. Now that she was chosen for the event . . . she wanted to win!

  Cocoa greeted Dash at the door. “I have a surprise for you,” she said, grinning. “I had Berry make you a smock for painting.” She held up the white apron for Dash.

  “So mint!” Dash exclaimed. She slipped the apron on. “Now I feel like an artist!”

  “Come out to my garden,” Cocoa said. “This is where I love to paint. I especially like to paint my chocolate roses.”

  Dash followed Cocoa out to her rose garden. Cocoa was very proud of her chocolate flowers. She had set up two easels in the middle of the garden.

  “Sweet mint!” Dash gasped. She saw a new brush on a tray with small circles of colors. “Is that mine?”

  “Yes,” Cocoa said, grinning. “This is an artist’s palette.” She opened a case of paints and squeezed out some colors onto another tray for herself.

  Dash stared at the white canvas. Suddenly she was nervous. “I don’t know what to paint!”

  Cocoa sighed. “That is one of the hardest parts about being an artist,” she said. “The first stroke!”

  “I don’t know,” Dash said. She quickly started to splatter paint all over the canvas.

  “Wait!” Cocoa cried. “What are you doing?”

  “I am creating,” Dash said, smiling.

  “You are a creating a mess,” Cocoa told her. “Slow down, Dash! This isn’t a race. Art takes time and patience. You have to plan out what you are going to paint.”

  Dash eyed Cocoa. She had never thought of that. She never planned out her art. For her, the fun was mixing the bold, bright colors and splattering them. She took her brush off the canvas. “What do you mean?”

  Cocoa showed Dash a piece of ch
ocolate chalk that she used to sketch her ideas. “First I do the drawing lightly with a chalk,” she told her. “This way, if I make a mistake, I can just swipe it away.”

  Watching Cocoa try to draw the perfect shape of a rose was getting boring, and Dash slumped down on the ground. She looked at her spattered canvas. She liked the way some of the colors blended into one another to create new colors. So what if she didn’t have a plan? She was creating art . . . delicious art! Dash dipped her finger into the orange paint and tasted the sweet icing.

  “Dash,” Cocoa scolded, “if you eat the chocolate paints, you won’t have enough to paint with!”

  “Hmm,” Dash said thoughtfully. “The colors are so delicious-looking!”

  Cocoa leaned over to look at Dash’s palette. “And you shouldn’t mix all the colors together. You need to keep a neat work area.”

  “Says who?” Dash blurted out.

  Cocoa put down her brush. “I’m just trying to be helpful,” she said quietly. “You don’t have to be so minty.”

  Dash touched up a few spots and mixed a few more colors. Probably no one would be able to tell what she was making, but she loved the colors and swirls that spread over the white canvas.

  When she was done, Dash saw that Cocoa did not approve of her painting.

  “Well,” Cocoa said, “it is colorful.”

  Dash smiled. “Thank you,” she said. She knew that Cocoa was searching for something nice to say. She looked up at the sky. The sun was right above them. It was almost noon and she still had chores to do in Peppermint Grove. “Well, I guess I’ll see you later at fast-fly practice in Caramel Hills,” she said. She flopped her brush down and leaped into the air. “I’ll come back for my painting later. Thanks, Cocoa! You are supersweet.”

  Dash flew off and left Cocoa standing in the garden, staring after her. Dash figured that Cocoa was amazed at how fast she had finished her painting. She grinned. She was the fastest-flying fairy, and now perhaps the fastest painter!


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