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Page 2

by Ann Raina

  Deran was not convinced. In his mind, he saw Mawanies with eyes like saucers staring at Kianto to decide which part they would rip out first. He still wondered what had become of Hanjek and his friends. The old men in his village growled that the Mawanies had cut them up to see what they thought or that they were flayed and eaten. Some even claimed to have seen Hanjek put to question by ten Mawanies and that he had been divided in equal parts when he did not yield and answer their questions.

  “Did you do something to anger them?”

  “No. Like I said, I applied for a job. There are always jobs around here, and they don’t get all the people they need. That was the rumor I heard.”

  “It’s because men are frightened.”

  “Because the Rahenians are proud,” Kianto replied. “But I’m my family’s eighth child and they don’t want me to be around. Just another mouth to feed, you know.”

  Deran frowned.

  “Are you so young? I thought you had a family of your own.”

  “I’ve seen eighteen moons and stars, and if I ever want to feed a family, I need to work for a living.”

  “It was not necessary in the old days.”

  Kianto snorted.

  “In the old days. You sound like my grandfather. In the old days, the Rahenians owned all of the land, the fruits, the plantations and all the animals in their herds. And, to be honest, there was trouble here and there. All that talk about peaceful sharing is just making it sound better than it was. But I agree with you. The Mawanies tell our people what they can eat and how much. All the rest is loaded and sold. And if you don’t have coin, you have to earn it.” He shook his head. “The old days are dead, Deran, and if you want to have a family, you should think about how to build a home and keep your wife and kids nourished.”

  Deran had not yet spent a fleeting moment on the thought of family and future. Still, he was shaken by the bleak prospect of maybe working for the invaders if he did not want to.

  “I won’t…I mean, I will be a field worker like my father.”

  “I wish you luck with that, Deran. But if that doesn’t work, do something in spite of yourself and work for the Mawanies. They are not bad people. Different, yes, but not bad.”

  Deran pulled back, feeling lectured. He frowned and shook his head.

  “I don’t know you. And what you tell me…”

  “I see, I was good enough to feed your curiosity. Now, if you don’t mind, you’d better leave. The Mawanies might come any time to take me with them. And if you don’t want to be number two tonight and show your young body without those pretty clothes, you’d better slip out as quick as you can.”

  Deran spun around as if the Mawanies were already waiting with a dip net to catch him. When the room was still empty, he climbed out on the rim. There he halted and turned back, seeing Kianto smile.

  “Are you sure you want to do that? Stay here?”

  “I will be safe. For now, anyway.”

  Deran nodded and climbed down.

  * * * *

  Donego watched the huge room fill with Mawanies. He exhaled and wished he had a lesser sense of smell. The aliens still smelled strong, like a bundle of spices that would not mix, and it clung to the back of his throat like molasses. They had nothing of the earthy, warm smell of the humans he had grown up with. He scratched his shock of brown hair. It needed a cut, but since the Mawanies liked their servants to have full and thick hair on their heads and nowhere else, the appointment with the hairdresser had been postponed. He would not dare anger his employers, Donego admitted with a grunt.

  He shifted his weight and listened to the chatter around him. He understood most of the musical sounds, even if two or three of them spoke at the same time. Sometimes he imagined their language to be a song and was content to just hear the music in it. The other times he understood too much to pretend they were singing. Mawanies were traders and rulers out of passion. And if they did neither trade nor rule, they had lustful entertainments on their minds, some of which he needed getting used to even after his long time of service.

  The light changed as if the Mawanies had a mutual understanding of level of brightness. Servants brought vegetable bites on large plates and bowls with soup. Praise went up as the Mawanies turned to eat. Donego had to look away to not retch. The Mawanies swallowed most of the bites whole and the food went down their long necks like marbles pressed through a straw. He had seen animals eat like this, but never intelligent creatures, no matter how small their resemblance to his own race was. And they threw food as a sign of appreciation. Within minutes the floor was covered with bits and pieces of food and full of puddles of soup while the happy chatter went on in higher tones. Some went so far as to smear food into their neighbors’ faces. The purring was louder when the one attacked took revenge with his bowl of soup. Purring filled the room when the splattered soup dripped from the small chin onto chest and floor.

  The human watcher cleared his throat and straightened his simple woven skirt and the bright red sash draped across his shoulder. It was a fine garment, much better than the one he had worn as a field worker. The memory of his entrance into the service of the invaders was both sweet and bitter. Sweet, because he lived a much better life now, and bitter because he was considered a traitor to the cause of Hanjek. All Rahenians who still dreamed of rebellion shunned him as if he alone manifested the Mawany rule.

  When more servants entered to clear up the mess on the floor, one of the female Mawanies clapped her long-fingered hands and Donego turned to watch the new man being led into the room. He inhaled sharply and ripped his eyes open only to quickly turn his head away so no one saw his longing. The man was muscled, he was hung, he was a dream come true, and he had come within Donego’s reach. Just the image of his member made his heart pound and his hands wet. The Mawanies around him shared his surprise and admiration. By what Donego understood, they, too, welcomed such an outstanding example of manliness in their midst.

  Slowly, irresistibly, Donego’s eyes were drawn toward the young man, who was introduced as Kianto. It took him all he had to not run and claim him at once.

  He was tall, strong and self-confident as if the chains around his wrists meant as little to him as being naked. He kept his chin high and smiled around, impressing the guests without words. When he stood in the center of the room he turned around to let everybody see him in his beauty. He flexed his shoulder muscles and stood straight. With open hands he challenged the Mawanies to comment on his appearance, but they seemed flabbergasted.

  “Now, will this test go on for another moon and stars, or do you want me?”

  Donego knew by the way the Mawanies squinted that they needed a translation of the double meaning. He grinned without offering help.

  “We have seen you now in all your pride,” the Mawany by the name Won Ta Ki answered. Her vocal cords had trouble with the Rahenian words, but she managed to be understandable. “You have impressed us, Kianto, and we accept your service.”

  “What service do you expect?” Kianto asked and lifted his shackled hands. “Standing around in the altogether with chains of various colors? I bet, I can do better than just standing around like a tree.”

  Again, Won Ta Ki seemed to ponder, head inclined, about the man’s words before she answered.

  “No, there will be more different ways to entertain us. With females and males of your race.” She moved her eight-fingered hands like playing an unseen instrument. “And other items that will be explained to you in due time.”

  Kianto frowned. Donego, frozen at his place, waited, his heart palpitating, for his decision. The Mawanies would not keep Kianto as a prisoner. If he preferred other work he would not be hindered to leave and another would, eventually, take his place. However, the short minute was enough for Donego to pray for Kianto to accept the offer and stay in the household of Na Ris Nei, to whom the palace belonged.

  “My payments have to be more than a bundle of grain.”

  Purring answered him from
all sides. Donego watched their faces as they played with their long-fingered hands and exchanged clipped tweeting. More purring followed. Then Won Ta Ki inclined her head and opened her large eyes even wider.

  “You will be rewarded generously for your service. No bundle of grain will be large enough to compare to our payment for your service.”

  “Good to know. So what exactly do you want from me?”

  Won Ta Ki turned to her guests, baring small pointed teeth.

  “Meet with the girls and boys we offer hospitality.”

  Donego took a deep breath and smiled like a child who was offered a fortune in sweets. He was one of the boys and all parts of his body were very happy to be there.

  Chapter Two

  “Mating rituals?”

  Donego nodded, smiling broadly.

  Two young women by the name of Sariti and Dianiki giggled in the back of the room. The sun shone brightly and brought out the beauty of both the women and their exclusive garments of silvery white cloth wrapped around their hips and completed with sashes that stressed their firm, small breasts more than they hid them. Both had long hair that was draped artfully across their shoulders.

  “They have learned a lot about this planet, but they still want to know more. And it’s entertaining for them, that’s all.” Donego shrugged. He had been through this phase of getting acquainted more often than he could tell. New servants were hard to find and if one left, the Mawanies made an effort to find a new one. Kianto’s payment was much higher than his own and he hoped the young man was worth it.

  “They’ve been here a long time. Why do they want to know now?”

  Donego sighed.

  “I don’t know. Just put this around your manhood if it fits.” He eyed the other man’s cock and balls. “You are tall in every way.”

  “If their tweet and chirp was an indicator, they haven’t seen anything like me for decades. Right?” Kianto fumbled with the ring that closed tightly around the base of his cock. “If they want us to show them mating rituals, why shall I come like this?”

  “Because they find teasing as entertaining as the real act.”

  “That’s truly an alien point of view.” He looked around. “And the chains and all? Why do they want me to be bound?”

  “They’ve seen many ways of mating before. This one will be new.”

  “Because they fear I might run away if I see something strange?” When Donego did not reply, Kianto laughed. “They don’t take dressing seriously, and by what I saw they don’t have anything compared to breasts or whatever, so I don’t think they can surprise me.”


  Donego lent a helping hand with the tethers to bind Kianto to a large frame that supported his weight and granted access to every one of his private parts. The servant was already high and horny without doing much more than watching the new apprentice. Kianto offered his sexuality with an ease that was amazing. Donego needed all of his considerable strength to just do his work and refrain from any touching.

  “Will you be the one demonstrating our…habits?” Kianto asked with a pointed glance at the bulge of Donego’s skirt.

  “Ah, I don’t know.” Donego blushed while he silently prayed to the harvest goddess that he would be the one. It had been some time since a man had come into his life. Way too long, he knew. “They come and they choose.” He turned to see Won Ta Ki enter the large room with two females and one male Mawany in her tow. The male had flat horns the color of blackened wood at each side of his broad head and his looks were as fierce as they were impressive. He did not like to be in the same room and made it clear with a soft hiss. Donego bowed without losing eye contact. “How can we be of service?”

  “Sariti will play with him first,” Won Ta Ki decided and the party took their seats well away from the bound man on the frame. Drinks were served and the guests dribbled juices of various colors on the floor.

  Music floated into the room the moment when Sariti got up and danced. Her skirt swung around her slender legs. She turned on bare feet, raised her arms and twisted her hands, a show of long practice. She smiled as she playfully circled the room to the sounds of a lively flute and muffled drums.

  The Mawanies purred and clapped their hands, spilling more juice from their tankards.

  The young woman moved between Kianto’s legs and ran her hands along his shins, then back to his insteps. She left him and whirled around, enjoying her moment. Smiling happily, she returned to him, her hands on his stomach, then she let them run lower, circling his pubic hair and caressing his cock and balls. When Kianto drew an excited breath, she gave him the eye and resumed dancing around the room.

  The Mawanies were crazed with the performance.

  Sariti enjoyed the attention, her face flushed. She reached for Kianto again, this time from his shoulders down to his chest. Her long hair touched his cheek. He closed his eyes to bathe in her scent. Donego gnashed his teeth to hold back his jealousy. Glancing at the group of invaders, he almost dared to tell them that it should be his right to entertain them first and that he would be the one to satisfy Kianto the most. Yet, balling his fists, he remained at his place and pretended admiration for Sariti and her dance and tease.

  She swirled around, then, suddenly, dropped her skirt and the sash that had covered her breasts. The Mawanies tweeted in high voices that hurt Donego’s ears. More, more, they demanded, and on the floor, Sariti laughed and bent to Kianto to lick and suck his member. Called to attention, Kianto’s cock got hard and the young man bowed his back in the frame, mouth open, gasping.

  The Mawanies clapped their hands, turned to each other and gave more sounds of delight.

  Sariti let her tongue play around, assuring she had the audience captured, before she took another turn to caress his balls with her hands. When she gave them a squeeze Kianto moaned deep in his throat.

  “Get on with it,” he begged. “You kill me.”

  Donego feared his own manhood would explode any minute. He understood many of the whispered Mawany words and knew them to mock his growing misery. It galled him that they saw his longing so clearly, but he could not help it. Kianto spoke to him like no man before.

  Sariti stepped between Kianto’s legs, kissed his navel and climbed up to straddle the bound man. Kianto lifted his head, smiling crookedly.

  “Come to fulfill what you promised?”

  “Oh, yes.” She lay flat on his belly, arousing him more and more. Her breasts rested on his lower chest and she kissed his throat.

  “Get a little closer, if you dare.”

  “No.” Sariti put a finger across his lips. “No kissing.”

  “A pity.”

  The young woman eased his cock inside her, shuddering as it entered. Kianto grimaced, supporting her weight on him and unable to push up. She put her head back and her hands on his belly. With closed eyes she sought the rhythm to please her most.

  Donego watched the building tension and the excitement spread in the room like a spark touching dry straw.

  Though the Mawanies did not blush like humans, he had found out that their nostrils flared and their eyes grew large once they got aroused. The sexual high seemed to reach out through the palace. It was not long before three more Mawanies joined the group to watch Sariti fuck Kianto with all her heart and then some.

  The chatter grew louder, as did Sariti’s and Kianto’s moans. Donego breathed deeply and told himself that he would be the one next time. When Sariti screamed her climax, he wanted to turn away and run.

  The Mawanies were all eyes and large nostrils until the show ended.

  Sariti and Kianto glistened with sweat as they parted, leaving Kianto’s member still hard due to the ring around the base. Some Mawanies pointed, some tweeted while Sariti pulled on her skirt and sash and retreated with a bow, smiling happily.

  Won Ta Ki got up.

  “Blindfold him, then leave,” she told Donego and made a hushing gesture with her hand when he did not oblige at once.

�What’s that for?” Kianto wanted to know when Donego pulled a blindfold over his eyes.

  “I don’t know. Really. It hasn’t happened before.” Then, as ordered, he left the room with the girls.

  * * * *

  Without his eyes to help understand the situation, Kianto felt even more like a stranger among aliens. He swallowed, anxious for the time of blindness to be over. Hands with long fingers touched his body. He shivered, breath coming in short rasps. The fingers were cool and dry, exploring his body as if he were a special tree to be measured for building furniture. More and more fingers caressed his legs and arms and chest, tracing the line of muscles. Some weighed his balls and ran along his wet cock. The ring was taken away. He wondered if there was sex ahead or just the Mawany way to come to know a Rahenian man. He wanted to ask, but a finger on his lips told him to keep still. He exhaled, trying to calm his nerves. The longer the examination went on, the more he was afraid that the pleasant evening would turn painful. He tensed when again someone touched his manhood. The chatter was low and with blood pulsing too loud through his head, he did not understand a word.

  The hands were gone with a soft hush of air and a few heartbeats later, Donego came to free Kianto from blindfold and tethers.

  “What was that?” Kianto ran a hand through his thick hair, breathing hard and shallow. “I thought they’d hurt me any minute.”

  “They are strange, but not like that,” Donego replied.

  Kianto heard reserve and looked up.

  “You’ve been here for some seasons, right? What do I have to expect from them?”

  “Much and more.” Donego shrugged and evaded Kianto’s glance. “They come up with new ideas every season. Now it’s tethers, tomorrow it might be water.” He grinned, but to Kianto he did not seem to be honest. “We had water games before the habuni-harvest. They let us swim to win the woman waiting at the other end of the pool. It was a feast.”


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