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Making of a Magister (Realm of Hulsteria Book 3)

Page 20

by Frank David

  “That is a wonderful idea,” Sofia gushed.

  “I fear, it will be Joseph assigning the name,” Harris said.

  “Why would it be Joseph?” Sofia asked.

  “Nothing. Forget I said anything. I am mistaken. I worry about Stela.” Harris knew the others did not know the whole story of what was to happen to her.

  “Stela will be fine.” Sofia looked at Harris. The worry on his face concerned her. “I am learning that Stela is stronger than any of us ever realized. How is she?”

  “Your mother said that Braynard visited her after you and Orthia left her. The man told her Stela could heal herself,” Harris paused.

  “I find it funny that you still refer to him as a man,” Sofia laughed. “He is God.”

  “Very well, God said Stela could heal herself, and she did.” Harris smiled. “She has decided to rest a bit longer, but the doctors believe she and the child will be fine. She cannot wait to meet her nephew.”

  “Her stepson,” Felicia smiled.

  “I will leave you,” Sofia stood to leave the three, believing they needed some time alone. “I am going to check on Stela.”

  She ran to Stela’s room. Stela was sitting up when Sofia entered. She was smiling, it would seem she was feeling much better.

  “Sister,” Sofia greeted Stela. “How are you feeling? Harris said you are able to heal?”

  “I am feeling much better. I can leave this bed shortly.” Stela smiled as her sister approached.

  “That is wonderful news.” Sofia kissed her sister on the head. “Mother, can we speak?”

  Madeline stood. Sofia grabbed her mother’s hand and rushed her out of the room.

  “What is it, Sofia?” Madeline had never seen her daughter so urgent.

  “Can you use your gift to help Felicia and Harris?” Sofia whispered.

  “What do you mean?” Madeline looked at her strangely.

  “Can you remove the memory that Harris is Frederick’s child?” Sofia spoke quickly.

  “I can but why would I?” Madeline was confused.

  “It pains them both that the boy’s father cannot be known because of the shame of his conception. If you were able to make everyone forget that he was the son of Frederick, he could claim the boy as his own.” Sofia smiled. “I believe it would make them both very happy.”

  “What about Stela? Do you think she would agree?” Madeline did not want to upset Stela.

  “I will ask her,” Sofia said. “I will also ask Felicia and Harris.”

  “If I remove the memories of Frederick claiming Harris, it will not remove the fact that he is his son. Frederick will just claim him once again.” Madeline thought about it all. “If Harris claims the child and then Frederick claims him, the shame would return.”

  “Remove the memory from them all. Make Frederick, Harris’ parents, everyone forget that the tie exists,” Sofia pleaded.

  “If everyone agrees, I will try my best,” Madeline said.

  “No, you must do it, not try.” Sofia was stern. “You ask Stela and I will talk to Harris and Felicia.” Sofia ran off toward Felicia’s room.

  Sofia entered the room. She saw the three together and at first was jealous. Harris was Liam’s father and would have a bond that she would never have with the child. For a moment she reconsidered her plan. If he were to claim the child, where would that leave her? She paused. She watched them. She would be the outsider. She would be the stepmother. Harris would be more than she. No, this was no time for her to be selfish. This was what was best for them. She had spent her whole life thinking of herself and it had gotten her nowhere. Her feelings were inconsequential.

  “Felicia, Harris!” she shouted as she rushed to them. “Would you like for Harris to be able to claim the child as his own?”

  “That cannot happen,” Felicia answered. “The child is a bastard but to be a result of incest would be worse.”

  “What if no one knew it was incest? The child will be a bastard either way but if the Emperor Consort could claim him, few would say a word. If Stela blessed the child as her husband’s, no one would speak out against him.” Sofia could not speak fast enough.

  “How would that be possible?” Harris asked.

  “Mother,” Sofia gleamed. “She can remove the memory of Frederick claiming you. No one would know you are related.”

  “My father would just claim him again,” Felicia worried.

  “No, mother can remove the memory of your father and Harris’ mother having been together,” Sofia continued.

  “What about my father, Greg?” Harris asked.

  “As far as anyone knew, he would be your father.” Sofia smiled.

  Harris looked at Felicia. “The decision is yours, Felicia. He is your child.”

  “No,” Felicia looked at Liam. “He is our child. I have not always been fair with you. If I have the opportunity to allow you to claim the child as yours, it would be wrong for me to deny you the chance.”

  “Are you sure?” Harris asked. “Once the memories are removed, the decision cannot be reversed.”

  “Tell your mother to do it,” Felicia ordered.

  “Thank you, Felicia.” Harris took her hand.

  Sofia rushed out to get her mother. Her mother was waiting outside Stela’s room.

  “They agree.” Sofia tried to catch her breath.

  “Stela agreed as well.” Madeline smiled.

  “So, do it.” Sofia was impatient. She feared she would change her mind.

  “Am I to remove the memory from everyone? All of us included?” Madeline asked.

  “Yes,” Sofia panted. “I do not want anyone to know of the connection. I do not wish for the truth to ever be used against any of them.”

  “Very well. I need to be alone,” Madeline said. She headed to her own room. The room was empty. “Braynard!” she called out.

  “It is a big task you are undertaking,” he responded.

  “No more than removing the memory of me killing George.” Madeline glared at him.

  “Not everyone was aware of your indiscretion. This will require you to remove the memories from everyone in the four realms.” Braynard laughed.

  “Can I do it?” Madeline worried their plan was not thought out properly.

  “You cannot,” Braynard frowned. “But I can.”

  “Will you?” Madeline pleaded.

  “It seems this is what you all want. I will do this for all of you.” Braynard closed his eyes.

  Madeline stared at the man standing before her. “What are you doing here? It was bad enough that you interrupted my breakfast, but to be in my chambers is unacceptable.”

  “Madeline, this is not the first time I have been to your chambers.” Braynard laughed.

  “Shut up,” she commanded.

  “How is your son-in-law’s new son?” Braynard asked. Ensuring the memories were erased.

  “I have yet to see him.” Madeline’s demeanor changed, her anger diminishing.

  “You look tired.” Braynard pushed the strands of hair behind her ear. “You are still as lovely as the day you married George.”

  “Stop.” She moved from his hand. “You will not beguile me again.”

  “Do you truly regret our time together?” Braynard asked. “I gave you a lovely child.”

  “Be gone!” Madeline screamed. “I did not know it was you. You deceived me. You came to me as George. I knew no better until after.”

  “I will take my leave,” Braynard smiled.

  Madeline stood alone in the room and began to cry.


  Sofia entered the room. Seeing the three together sent a range of emotion coursing through her body. She loved Felicia dearly but worried what it would mean for them when Harris claimed the child. ‘I have allowed you to remember,’ the voice rang in her head.

  “When will you claim him?” she asked as she approached.

  “I needed to wait until I married Stela,” Harris responded. “Now that he is here, I will dis
cuss it with Stela. I hope that she allows me to claim him immediately.”

  “I hope so as well,” Felicia smiled. “Sofia, do you want to hold your stepson?”

  The words pierced her heart. Never had Felicia referred to her as a stepmother. The two had planned to raise both of their children together, without the interference of the fathers, but now it would be different. Was she wrong to ask for the memories to be removed? No, she could not question her decision now, it was done. Harris was happy. Felicia was happy. Their happiness would need to be her own happiness as well.

  Chapter Twenty-Six – Daniella

  Daniella found the new arrivals difficult. She spent most of her days in her room, preparing. She knew she needed to be with the others but dreaded the close quarters when they all gathered together. She knew the time was approaching for her to face Stela, and it caused her great uncertainty. Would she be successful? Would Stela be victorious? The battle played out in her mind daily. She would see her victory, then Stela’s. Nothing brought her peace. She worried about Diana’s threat that if she was not victorious and lived, the Goddess would see her suffer.

  She worried little about her own life. She worried more about what Diana would do to her family if she failed her. Her family was trapped. There was no where they could run. She had brought them into this and now they were at Diana’s mercy. Her parents and older brother were not tied to Diana as she and Luke were. Perhaps she could find a way for them to be free.

  Daniella often considered Luke’s suggestion of trying to make things right with Stela. She knew that Stela would not forgive her. Even if Stela did forgive her treason, there was Malcolm. She had killed his mother. Neither Malcolm nor Stela could forgive her that crime.

  She needed to focus on getting her family to safety. She and Luke would do what they must for Diana, but the others would have their freedom. Stela would not blame them for her actions. Diana might have difficulty finding them if she could get them off Norland.

  Daniella rushed through the catacombs to her parents’ quarters. She needed to convince them to leave. If they left under the cover of night, they might make it to Kanieri. They could sail north to Carpathia. Diana could not reach them there. The Benedictus could offer them sanctuary and they would be safe.

  She entered her parents’ room.

  “I am sorry to interrupt,” she began.

  “What is it, Daniella?” Casey could sense her daughter’s concern.

  “You, father, and Elliot need to leave Norland.” She was out of breath and needed to rest before she conveyed her plan.

  Her father stood and offered her his seat. “Thank you,” she said as she sat.

  “Where are we to go? There is nowhere we can escape Diana,” Casey whispered. She feared the Goddess would hear them.

  “Carpathia,” Daniella responded. “Tonight, you will leave. You will go to Kanieri, go to the church. Tell the Sanctus you seek sanctuary. He will give you passage to the Benedictus. The Benedictus will not refuse you and Diana will not be able to reach you there.”

  “What about you and Luke?” her father asked.

  “I fear we must stay. While Diana would not be able to reach us in Carpathia, we are tied to her. She could make us leave the island and return, thus sealing our fates.” Daniella began to cry.

  “I am sorry,” her father said. He knelt next to his daughter. “This is all my fault. I encouraged you to challenge Stela. I brought Diana into our lives.”

  “Do not blame yourself, father. It was my decision to take Diana’s blood, not yours. I just did not realize what it would mean.” Daniella stood and hugged her father. “I will not allow you to die if I fail. I need to know the rest of you are safe.”

  “You and Luke were only children when I brought you to Diana.” Stephen paced the room.

  “She asked us both if we wished to partake of the ritual. We both agreed. The guilt lies with us, not you. Find Elliot and prepare. You will leave here tonight.” Daniella left to find Luke. She needed to make him aware of what was to happen so that he did not worry when his family disappeared.

  She found Luke in the great cave. He was with Celeste. He was always with Celeste. She rushed to them.

  “Luke, might I speak with you,” she interrupted them.

  Luke stood and followed Daniella. He looked back at Celeste. He could sense her confusion. “What is going on?” he asked, stopping his sister.

  “Mother, father, and Elliot are leaving tonight for Kanieri,” she whispered. “They will seek sanctuary from the Church.”

  “Why? What has happened?” Luke’s voice became panicked.

  “Nothing. If I should fail Diana, I fear they will pay the price. I need to know they are safe. This has nothing to do with them.” Daniella eyed the area, she worried someone might overhear them and tell Diana.

  “Why must I stay? May I not go with them?” he asked.

  “You are stuck here with me. We share her blood and are tied to her. If you leave she will command you to return and you will suffer for abandoning her. I am sorry, but we must face the battle coming.” Daniella hugged him. His body was shaking. “Be brave. We will get through this.”

  “I must return to Celeste. I should tell her of our plans.” Luke turned to leave but Daniella grabbed him.

  “You cannot tell Celeste. She will tell Diana of the plan. Diana will see us all dead before she allows any of us to leave.” Daniella shook him as she spoke.

  “She would not tell Diana. She loves me. She may be able to assist us with getting our parents to Kanieri.” Luke broke free of his sister’s grip.

  “She loves you, but she obeys Diana. Do not tell her of our plan. Do you understand me?” Daniella studied her brother’s face. Perhaps it was a mistake to tell him. She feared if Celeste knew, Diana would find out.

  “I understand,” he said as he rushed back to the girl.

  She returned to her room. As she was crossing the cavern to her area, the voice hit her.

  “My dear,” she turned to see Diana smiling at her.

  “Diana,” Daniella curtsied.

  “You seem tense. What is the matter?” Diana moved closer to her.

  “Just worrying about what lies ahead,” Daniella tried to keep her plans from her mind, so that Diana would not sense the truth.

  “There is nothing to worry about. The caves are full. You have many who will stand at your side when you face Stela.” Diana smiled again. It made Daniella uneasy.

  “My mind is filled with images of my victory and my failure,” Daniella confessed.

  “Focus on the victory. Failure is not an option you should entertain.” Diana walked toward Daniella’s room. She followed. “If you allow doubt to invade you, it will only haunt you. Push the doubt from your mind, child. Relish the images of victory. See yourself on the throne of Hulsteria. See yourself claiming what is rightfully yours.”

  “Is it mine?” Daniella stopped. “My claim to the throne was many generations ago. I am not an Imperial. My claim is long dead. Perhaps there is another you can send against Stela, one who is worthier of the throne.”

  “Why are you saying this?” Diana studied the girl. “Do you wish to leave here? Return to Stela’s bosom, beg her forgiveness?” Diana laughed. “Do you think she would forgive you? What of Malcolm? Do you think he has forgotten you killed his mother? You are tied to me and always will be.”

  “I could go to Carpathia, seek asylum,” Daniella’s voice cracked.

  Diana laughed. “The Benedictus knows you serve me. Do you think he would grant you sanctuary? You are a heretic in the eyes of the Church. He could not, and would not, justify such an act. Besides, do you think Braynard would allow you to live on Carpathia?”

  Braynard. She had forgotten about him. Would he deny her parents’ request?

  “If you do not wish to fight for me, and your birthright, I see no point in keeping you around,” Diana went to raise her hand.

  “No, I am sorry. I will fight for you. I will do my
best to claim the throne in your honor. My fear has gotten the best of me. Please forgive me,” she begged.

  “Very well,” Diana lowered her hand. “You should be preparing with the others. You will need to understand how to use each others’ powers to your advantage.”

  “Do we know if Stela has any additional powers?” Daniella inquired.

  “It would seem her son has extraordinary gifts. I would assume Stela does as well, but she is keeping them well hidden. From what I have learned Joseph can control water and air. He can heal, and he has vision. I would think Stela must have similar gifts. For all I know she could possess all the gifts. Do not worry. It is only a matter of time before I discover what she possesses. Thomasine was not merely a present.” Diana laughed, then was gone.

  Daniella’s heart raced. She needed to prepare. She would help her family escape and reach Kanieri. She was certain she was going to die either way. At least her family would be safe.


  Daniella sat up on her bed. She rushed into the center cave. The light coming from above showed it was evening. It was time to collect her family and attempt their escape.

  She crept quietly through the vast opening toward her parents’ area. She did not wish to disturb those who slept along the edge of the room. She could see the light in her parents’ room. She entered. The three were waiting for her.

  “Where is Luke?” Casey asked.

  “I do not know, but we cannot wait for him. I have to get you out of here,” Daniella led them through the passages toward the exit of the underground dwelling.

  They were at the stairs leading out of the cave when the voice startled her.

  “Daniella,” it was a soft whisper from behind. She turned to see her brother and Celeste running toward them. “We have come to help you.”

  “Why did you tell her?” Daniella looked at Celeste.

  “She can be trusted,” Luke said as he put his arm around the girl.

  “It was I who brought you here, Daniella,” Celeste quietly reminded her. “I do not wish to see your family punished. I love your brother and as long as he remains, I will see your family freed.”


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