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To Touch the Stars (Founding of the Federation Book 2)

Page 59

by Chris Hechtl

  He came back out of the bathroom after doing his business to find the family there waiting patiently for him. “Um, sorry, something I missed?”

  “You called the family meeting remember?” Zack asked, crossing his arms.

  “Sorry, distracted,” Jack replied, waving a hand.

  “Did they get him?” Aurelia asked anxiously. Jack shook his head. Her face fell. “Damn,” she sighed.

  “Yeah, I was hoping,” Jack replied as he got a bottle of water and then sat down on the couch.

  “Him? Him who?” Yorrick asked, voice cracking.

  “Descartes,” Jack replied. Zack perked up with sudden intent interest. “And no, it wasn't him. Another wannabe. Someone with some brains but no common sense or ethics,” Jack replied with a shake of his head.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Sure about what?” he asked and then took a sip of water.

  “That it isn't him,” Zack said.

  “Yeah. The kid they bagged was your age,” Jack replied. “Descartes is old. He's been around for thirty or forty years at least.”


  “It could be like the “Dread pirate Roberts,”” Yorrick mused.

  “Um …” Jack wrinkled his nose. “Not following. Some show?”

  “Ancient history actually, Dad,” Zack replied, smiling at his little brother. “We were watching a really old show, NCIS I believe,” he said. Yorrick nodded. “The reference threw us; it's so different!”

  “Um …”

  “You boys were watching what again?” Aurelia asked.

  “A hundred-year-old TV show about navy criminal investigators,” Zack explained with a diffident shrug. Wendy sighed in exasperation. He chose to ignore the subtle dig at his hobby. “We caught the reference and were confused so we looked it up on the net. That led to us watching a weird movie called Princess Bride,” he replied.

  “And this relates how?” Wendy asked, patience growing thin.

  Jack gave her a slight look of reproach then turned to his eldest son. But it was Yorrick who answered.

  “See, in the movie, the “Dread pirate Roberts” is a legend. He goes around stealing and stuff, then when he wants to retire he picks a replacement, then trains him up to take over. Then they hire a new crew and the old Roberts calls him Roberts for a short cruise, thus establishing his role. Then he quietly retires.”

  “It's the name,” Zack explained. Yorrick nodded. “The man, the myth, the legend. People see the legend but not the man or people behind it. It could be an entire organized crime family,” he said.

  “No, our Intel specified one man. One man and an AI,” Jack replied, shaking his head. “We don't have a description but we do know it is one person and that it is a he,” he said.

  “How …”

  “Some of that Intel came from me,” Athena replied, interjecting herself into the conversation. They all looked up to the ceiling, then to the nearest camera. “Descartes has been a fan of mine for some time. He isn't quite sane.”

  “And the AI?” Zack asked.

  “He … stole some of my core coding before you were born,” Athena replied. “He used it and coding he stole from other AI to create his own AI called Shadow,” she replied. “I've run into him on the net a few times.”

  “Shadow. Not Puck?” Zack asked. “Him I've heard of.”

  “Puck is an agent of mischief created a long time ago. Before Descartes time though he may have had a hand in it. And the reason you haven't heard of Shadow is because Shadow goes behind Descartes and covers his tracks. He erases a lot of files. But Descartes likes to use a glyph to mark his best work, which is an image of Shadow's avatar form.”

  “The AI has an avatar?” Yorrick asked.

  “A lot of AI do.”

  “And you don't?”

  “I … wasn't given the option of having one,” Athena replied.

  Yorrick turned on his parents. “That's not right,” he said indignantly. “She's a person too!” he said.

  Jack blinked. He was still playing catch up thanks to the analgesic. He'd been content to let them ramble a bit, but now he was on the spot. “We'll talk about it later,” he murmured when Aurelia shot him a helpless look.

  “Yes, later. Focus now,” Wendy replied testily, brushing out her plaid skirt. She frowned prettily, then crossed her ankles and rested her hands in her lap. “What is this meeting about? I am assuming not Descartes?”

  “Yes,” Jack said, clearing his throat. “We called you kids in here to have a bit of a heart to heart,” he said. “Though Zack isn't a kid anymore,” he said, smiling politely to the eighteen-year-old.

  Zack smiled. “Thanks dad.”

  “We're under the understanding that some of you are under the impression that you have to push harder,” Aurelia said carefully. She frowned, framing her thoughts. “I know we've pushed you a bit to make up your mind about where you want to go, but we're not pushing you to step up the pace. If it seems that way, I apologize,” she said. She looked at her husband who nodded.

  “Me too,” Jack said. He looked each of the kids in the eye in turn. “Each of you have your own strengths and weaknesses. You each also have your own interests. Some of you are more hands-on than others,” he said, nodding to the boys. Zack nodded back.

  “Where are you going with this, Dad?” Wendy asked.

  “Cool your jets, sis; they are laying it out,” Zack replied. She turned with a hot retort but Jack cleared his throat recapturing their attention.

  “As I was saying, I know some of you are better than others at studying. We want you kids to do your best, but let us deal with your siblings,” Jack said, eying Wendy. She glowered a bit back at him. Yorrick had always had an attention span problem. He could be focused like a laser on his interests, but he was weak on studying and hated to read. That was turning into a struggle as he rose through the grades. For the past couple of years, he'd been inspired by Zack and shown up by his little sister, so his competitive streak had made him keep going. But when he hit puberty his mental outlook changed.

  For the past several months Wendy had started to ride him about picking up his grades and to stop dating girls and playing “stupid video games.”

  “Dad …”

  “What I'm trying to say is you don't have to be in such a hurry to grow up,” Jack told them bluntly. “You are kids. At least two of you are,” he said, looking at the two youngest. “Zack is beyond hope,” he said, glancing with a slight smile to his eldest. Zack snorted softly. “I want each of you to stop and smell the roses. Take the time to enjoy your childhood.”

  Wendy frowned. Yorrick blinked in confusion.

  “What your dad is fumbling about trying to say, is that we want you to slow down if the pace is too hard on you. You've got decades or even centuries as adults ahead of you. Your whole life is out there; you don't need to plan it out in minute detail and then get frustrated when things don't go as planned,” Aurelia explained.

  Yorrick nodded dutifully. Zack smiled. “A little late for me, Mom, Dad, but thanks.” he shrugged. “We've had this discussion before.”

  “And no doubt will again since each of you are so thick headed about it,” Jack said.

  Zack grinned. “Apple doesn't fall far from the tree,” he teased wickedly. Jack chuckled.

  Wendy's nostrils dilated. Aurelia smiled slightly. “He's got you there, dear. But,” she turned to her son with a mock glower. “I was going to say something about a pot and a certain color. Not that I would now since I am so virtuous,” she said with mock innocent.

  “Sure you are,” Wendy replied, rolling her eyes. “Can we get this meeting over with? I've got a test tomorrow, and I need to finish studying. And Yorrick has a ton of homework …”

  “And in one ear out the other. Go,” Jack said with a dismissive wave as he got up. “Just remember what we said. And Wendy lady,” Wendy paused to look back at her father. “Let your mother and I deal with your brother. If we see a problem, we'll deal with it i
n our own way,” he said. She frowned but then nodded.

  He shook his head as she took herself off with a flounce.

  “That young lady is a bit too driven,” Aurelia murmured.

  “Maybe some mother daughter time?” Zack asked. “Spa? No, wait, um, ice cream … no she's complaining about her weight enough as it is. Heaven forbid, shopping?”

  Aurelia glowered at him. “Very funny son. We could always have you play caddy though,” she said. His amused expression turned to one of horror. Yorrick chuckled.

  “We're serious son. And if your sister gets on your case again, let us know. But she is right in one respect, you do need to manage your time better,” Jack said, which made Yorrick's smile slip a bit. “No games until after you've finished your homework,” he ordered, shaking a finger at his recalcitrant son. He turned to Zack. “And that goes for you too. Yes you are an adult now, and yes I know you are on vacation. But your brother isn't. Let him catch up on his homework before you pounce on him to play,” he warned.

  “Yes, Dad,” Zack sighed.

  “If you are bored, I could always sick Roman on you.”

  “To what, train?” Zack asked.

  “There is always something new to learn,” Aurelia replied quietly. He looked at her. She cocked her head but shrugged slightly. “I suppose you could find other things to do though.”

  “Such as …”

  “Take over a couple security jobs? Maybe run an investigation since you are good at detective work?” Jack asked. “Or get an updated brief on Descartes?”

  Zack's eyes went wide and then he nodded thoughtfully. The briefing on Descartes was intriguing. Descartes was the Moriarty of their time period, or so he thought. “I'd like that.”

  “I'll let Roman know.”

  “Briefing the heir apparent. He'll just love taking time from his busy schedule to do it,” Zack said with a grimace.

  “He'll no doubt delegate it,” Yorrick said with a serious expression. “Which reminds me,” he turned to his parents. “When do I get implants?” he asked. He nodded his head to his elder brother. “After all, he's got them,” he complained. “All this book crap would be so much easier with them,” he grumbled.

  “We've been over this,” Aurelia said with a hint of exasperation in her tone. “But if you insist we'll go over it again,” she said, eyes glittering a warning. Zack winced slightly, as did Jack.

  “You know you are too young. Your body is growing, so yes it would make your trials and tribulations in the educational system slightly easier but it has risks. Risks and yes rewards, but right now the balance is not in favor of the rewards so the answer is no.”

  “Besides son, it is a crutch. What you have to understand is it is a tool. You already have an edict memory. With your net access and the changes in the school structure, you don't need it now,” Jack said, double teaming their son.

  “You are all against me!” Yorrick said in a huff as he stormed out. Aurelia glanced at the others and then sighed a heartfelt sigh. She started to get up, but Zack shook his head.

  “Don't, Mom. Give him a breather. He doesn't mean it. Let him cool off,” he said. She looked at him, then Jack. Jack grimaced but nodded.

  “I don't see what his problem is. You kids have it so much easier than we did,” Aurelia murmured.

  That earned a snicker from Zack and a bark of laughter from her husband. She got up affronted, glaring at the two miscreants. “What?” She demanded. “What did I say that is so funny??” She demanded.

  Zack chuckled, doing his best to stifle it, but not succeeding. Jack chuckled with him. “Do you have any idea how that just sounded? It's a rather familiar complaint honey. Passed down from generation to generation,” Jack managed to choke out.

  Aurelia frowned then caught on. Her lips puckered in a grimace of distaste. In a flash she picked up a pillow and pummeled each of them. Both men put their arms up to ward off her blows, guffawing a bit more until she gave up and stormed out in a huff.

  “She's doing well,” Zack said, calming down. Jack snorted. “She is right though, Dad; I mean, I've done my homework on how the educational system has changed over the past century. It is easier.”

  “It is indeed,” Jack replied with a nod as he straightened. Kids had to learn the basics of course, but after that the sky was the limit. They just had to learn how to access information and manipulate concepts their net access allowed them to fill in the rest. But they also needed to learn social and moral lessons as well along the way, which was tricky. And most important of all, they had to have someone to lead them with the ability to fire their imagination and get them hooked on the learning process.

  With Zack it had been easier. Yorrick was hit and miss, some of his educators had clashed with the lad, and he'd been miserable. Jack made a note to find out if that was the current problem.

  “Were you serious about Roman, Dad?”

  “Yes. You've been taking every security, forensic, investigation, and military course at Mars U. I'd wished you'd taken a more … broader view of things but …” Jack shrugged.

  “I've got a couple semesters left. I can …”

  Jack waved a hand. “No, sorry, that wasn't a criticism. Okay, maybe slightly one, but not intended to hurt your feelings, son. You are an adult; you choose your path.”

  “Thanks, Dad,” Zack said getting to his feet.

  “And where do you think you're going?” Jack asked, cocking an eyebrow upward.

  “Um …” Zack pointed to the door. “I thought I'd just look Roman up and …”

  “I need to let him know first, son. Besides,” Jack smiled mischievously. “I need some time off, and you and I haven't played a game in a while,” he said, pointing to the VR headsets. “Care to get your ears pinned back by your old man?” he asked with a grin.

  “You are so asking for it,” Zack said with an answering smile. “We'll see who get's their ears pinned back,” he said.


  Under intense public pressure, the UN council created a new organization, the EETC. The Exploration, Evaluation, Terraforming, and Colonization department was received with mixed feelings by the public, space enthusiasts, and those who lived in space. Those on Earth wanted a bigger piece of the pie; they resented that others were holding them back or that they couldn't go to space because of a lack of funding. The government of Mars immediately protested the EETC and its intended jurisdiction over all colonies off Earth.

  Two of the small provisions tucked away in the fine print were to nationalize Lagroose, Pavilion, Star Reach, the Chinese companies, and other mega corporations, as well as dissolve the elected Mars government. Those were attacked immediately once they became widely known. Jack seethed; his people had clearly dropped the ball on watching out for such crap. Sure it had been a last minute provision to sail under the radar but it still rankled him.

  Lobbyists and attorneys from all the companies as well as China and Mars descended on the courts and tied it up in civil suits. Lobbyists also worked on the UN council to cut funding for the well-intended but over reaching organization. In a rare show of solidarity, One Earth and other organizations against colonization joined in their efforts. They didn't want funding to be taken away from efforts on the home world and be used elsewhere.

  Each country was required to confirm the treaty with a vote in their government. Such votes were tied up, rescheduled, or steered into exploration committees. The backers of the EETC became increasingly frustrated. They took the media stage in an attempt to explain their plan and how it would benefit all mankind. They also attacked the megacorps which only slightly helped their case.

  Jack had let the UN and One Earth bully them into abandoning the terraforming Venus, but he wasn't about to let them steal everything else. Enough was enough. If necessary he would ignore edicts from Earth and continue to relocate to Mars or beyond. If they attempted to use force … he scowled. Let them try he thought darkly. He held the high ground. He wouldn't be the one to th
row the first punch, but he'd certainly do the last, he thought with a mental snarl. Eventually he planned to move most of his business outside Sol, moving or selling off the resources and facilities to fund such an effort.

  He'd already lined up plans to explore near the Gum nebula, the starting point of Lagroose's planned extra solar colonies and just outside Sol's one thousand light year limit. The Gum nebula was a bit over one thousand light years from Sol along the Orion spur of the galaxy. Sixty star systems with potential Earth class planets had been identified in the area with more possible exomoons. Two systems had potential double habitable worlds, a big find. The survey team had set the priorities for the top ten starting with a small planet in the star system Wendy had renamed Ursilla after her grandmother.

  A lot of what they were certain about was guess work and inference from indirect processes, Jack thought. The astronomers had a lot of qualifiers in their reports, stuff about false positives due to the equipment, software … they were loaded down with excuses, he thought. Butt covering, he thought as he snorted. The crew would learn for sure once they arrived he thought.

  If the scientists on board deemed the planet as unworthy of terraforming, they had several backups to choose from. The second runner-up was a system called Neverland, but there were other nearer systems to Ursilla that the crew may choose to go to first.

  Neverland … now that was a good choice. But according to their Intel the planet had multiple moons and most likely life of some sort on the Earth class planet. That alone made the eggheads clamor to go see it. Oh investigate it yes, they were arguing, but heaven forbid anyone set foot there. At least not permanently, I mean, what are you thinking?? Jack mocked, shaking his head. Let alone set up a colony. They didn't want to disturb the native wildlife … if it even existed. They wanted him to pay for their science, pay for them to get there to make them famous, but don't make any money off of it. Fat chance, he thought darkly.


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