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McKenzie, Cooper - The Billionaire's Lady [Sequel to The Billionaire's Mate] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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by The Billionaire's Lady (lit)

  “Hold your arms straight over your head and interlock your fingers,” she ordered in her sexiest purr.

  “Like this?” Adam raised his arms so his knotted fingers were high over his head.

  “Yes, just like that.”

  As soon as his hands were in position, she quickly wrapped the plastic cord around one wrist and pulled it snug enough so he couldn’t escape but not so tight the cuff would hurt him. Then she quickly repeated the action on his other wrist. She made sure the sleeves of his dress shirt remained between his arm and the plastic cuffs so he wouldn’t hurt himself if he fought the restraints while she played with him until he smiled again.

  “Hey, what are you doing?” He fought for a moment, then brought his arms down in front of his chest so he could see what he was fighting against. “You cuffed me?”

  A darkening thrill of sexual power shot through her as she spun his chair around until he faced her. Kneeling in front of him, she ran her hands up and down the tops of his thighs, before dropping and repeating the motion on his inner thighs. He cooperated by spreading his legs so she could move even closer. She looked up at him and winked with a wide grin before dropping her focus to the thick bar of erect masculine flesh pressing against the zipper of his jeans.

  “Those are to help you keep your hands to yourself. Now just relax and let me put the smile back on your face and relax your bones. This morning’s game obviously didn’t do a good enough job.”

  Straightening, she leaned up and kissed him. Her tongue outlined his lips before slipping between them to tangle with his. The long, hot exploration of his teeth and tongue and mouth sent heat shimmering through her.

  She pulled away when his tongue pressed to enter her mouth. She brushed kisses on the corners of his mouth, his chin, and then down his neck. His arms came down around her back to hold her closer and keep her from escaping, but she didn’t fight him. She was too busy unbuttoning his shirt. Once the edges parted, she shoved them out of her way and slowly kissed a path down the center of his chest. Along the way she took short forays to the left and right to lick and suckle at each of his nipples. When he struggled against the restraints, trying to pull her closer, she moved back.

  “Release me, baby girl. I need to touch you,” he said, his voice the deep growl that was so sexy, so arousing to her.

  “No,” she responded with a wink.

  She released the button at the waistband of his jeans then eased one hand between zipper and skin, cupping her palm around his long, thick length.

  Looking up his body, she raised one eyebrow as she met his hungry gaze with disbelief. “You came to work commando?”

  “Umm,” he groaned in answer as she slowly, carefully lowered the zipper, keeping her hand over his erection to protect the tender skin.

  As soon as the zipper reached the bottom of the track, she took hold of both sides of the waistband.

  “Lift up,” she murmured.

  As soon as he lifted his hips out of the chair she pulled his jeans to his ankles. Kneeling on the bunched up material, she used his jeans as shackles to further hold him still.

  Turning her attention to his groin, she trailed her fingertips around and over his scrotum, then up the thick shaft to circle the deep crimson head of his cock. Cupping her hand slightly, she slipped her fingers between his shaft and belly then eased his cock forward until she could lick up the drop of pre-cum that appeared at the slit in the crown.

  His hands came down, but because of the cuffs, he could not thread his fingers into her hair and hold the back of her head as he normally did when she loved on his cock.

  Tilting her head back, she looked up at him. “Hands behind your head,” she ordered gently. She did not move again until he complied.

  Only then did she return her attention to the glorious cock in her hands. She swirled her tongue around the bulbous head before parting her lips even further and taking his impressive length into her mouth. She smiled when he groaned in response to her oral loving.

  Using mouth, tongue, and fingers, she quickly carried him toward insanity. His hips tried to arch up to meet her, but with his jeans trapped under her knees and his arms behind his head, he could not get the leverage necessary for such action.

  “Harder, baby. Faster. So close,” he murmured.

  His words encouraged her to take him even deeper. She sucked stronger and increased her speed until he threw his head back and cried out his orgasm. She swallowed his seed easily, savoring the salty-sweet taste of him. The taste had become an addiction she hoped she never had to do without. She continued to hold him in her mouth as he softened, not lifting her head to release him until he made some half-hearted sounds of frustration. He brought his hands down and caressed her cheek with the back of one hand.

  Shifting back off the bunched up jeans, she pulled them up until the waistband was around his lower thighs. After she stood up, she took the cutters from her back pocket and released his hands. After tossing the plastic cuffs into the trash, she turned and walked away, hoping he was too relaxed and stunned to chase her.

  “Where the hell do you think you’re going?” he said, his voice growly deep. He grabbed his jeans and yanked them up as he surged to his feet and followed her around the desk and across the room.

  She gasped when he grabbed one shoulder just as she reached for the doorknob.

  “My work here is done. I figured I’d let Sam take me home now. Or are you still grumpy? If you are, I do have another pair of cuffs with me,” she said with a grin. “We could start all over again.”

  “You are just asking for trouble, aren’t you?” he muttered as he spun her around and backed her into the door. “I’m trying very hard not to hurt you, and you want to tease me? I should strip you bare, lay you over my knee, and paddle your ass.”

  “This was not teasing, this was offering tender loving care to my grumpy mate. And I think you should get back to work so you can come home early to prepare for your council meeting. After that, I’ll let you play with me all you like. I’ll even keep the spare set of cuffs if you want,” she said, stretching up to kiss the underside of his jaw. “Consider this a nooner to get you through the day without killing anyone.”

  Adam growled as he lowered his head and nuzzled his cheek against hers. Then he held her head still as he kissed her until she sagged in his arms. “I’m sorry I can’t return the favor right now,” he whispered when he finally broke awake, after they were both breathing fast and heavy.

  “You can make it up to me tonight.” She took his lower lip between hers and worried it with her teeth for a few seconds. “Now get back to work and stop growling at the assistants. I do not want to have to come back here again today. I don’t know how many more pairs of handcuffs Sam is willing to spare for the sake of this company.”

  * * * *

  Adam walked in the house from the garage several hours later and immediately knew something was wrong. He’d arranged it so he arrived home with enough time to shower and change before the council was due for the dinner meeting. It was a self-protective move to keep himself from saying to hell with it and throwing Margot down on the nearest flat surface to fuck her until neither of them could move.

  Would this intense sexual attraction always remain between them? Or would time lessen the need to be skin to skin with his mate as often as possible?

  He frowned as he disseminated the negative atmosphere. The tension he felt in the air reminded him of the last few moments before a strong thunderstorm broke. Margot’s scent, usually so sweet and arousing to him, carried a sour note of distress.

  Moving fast, he tracked her scent through the house, up the stairs, and down the hall. She’d been in each of the guest rooms. He found her in the one he thought of as the jungle room. The room was painted green and yellow and was decorated with silk plants and vines, animal prints, and even had a hammock hanging in one corner. This was his second favorite bedroom. Only the southwest-desert-inspired room he and Margot currently used was
more to his liking. He couldn’t wait to see what Margot would do with the master suite that currently remained unfinished. He hoped she would make it as relaxing as their current quarters.

  Margot stood in the middle of the jungle room, her arms wrapped tightly around her middle. Anxiety rolled off of her in waves.

  “Baby? What’s wrong?” he asked, stepping around to face her. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her close. That’s when he felt her trembling. Something was really wrong.

  Margot didn’t answer. She stood passively in his embrace, not fighting him as he pulled her even closer. She didn’t respond to his question or even wrap her arms around him. It was as if she did not realize he was in the room with her. Adam kissed the top of her head then rested his cheek on it, surrounding her as completely as he could. He rubbed one hand up and down her back as he waited for her to come back from wherever it was she had gone.

  It took several long moments before Margot pulled in a deep, shuddering breath. She held it a moment then released it on a long sigh. He felt her slowly relax under the hands that stroked her with tender loving touches.

  He dropped his head so he could rub his cheek against hers. “Tell me, sweetheart,” he whispered. “What has got you so upset?”

  She took another long, deep, shaky breath before her hands came up to encircle his waist. Lifting her head from his chest, she looked at him with sad, worried eyes.

  “My brother is coming to town,” she whispered as tears turned her golden brown eyes glassy.

  * * * *

  “Good, I’d like to meet your brother,” Adam responded easily. “Or don’t you want me to meet him?”

  Margot heard the suspicious, almost hurt tone in his voice. She was treading into dangerous territory. How could she explain without hurting Adam, or upsetting him so much he would refuse to meet her brother, Matt?

  “It’s not that I don’t want you to meet him, I just don’t want him to change your mind about claiming me,” she admitted softly, blinking to keep her tears under control. “I’ve never gotten the feeling he approves of me.”

  “Sweet mate of mine, nothing he might say or do will make me regret anything having to do with claiming you. Fate and destiny brought us together. The only thing that can separate us now is death, and even then, I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to survive without you.”

  Margot snuggled deeper into his embrace and took another deep breath, savoring his musky, manly scent she had yet to find the words to adequately describe. All she knew was when they were close like this, she would happily stand in his embrace for days and just breathe him in.

  “He’s flying in tomorrow morning. I’m supposed to pick him up at the airport at ten thirty.”

  “I’ll go with you. We’ll take the limo,” Adam declared. “He’ll stay here. Which bedroom should we put him in?”

  “That’s what I was trying to decide. He’s a cop and really conservative. I thought the blue room might be best. But maybe we should shock the hell out of him and put him in the New Orleans bordello room instead.”

  “Or we could give him the tour and let him choose. He might surprise you and want to spend a few days here in the jungle.” Adam made the suggestion with a gentle smile.

  Margot blinked and stared at him, wondering what she’d done to get such a sweet, smart, understanding man for a mate. “I hadn’t thought of that. But that means so much extra work for Mrs. Nicholas. She would have to get all the rooms ready as well as get ready for the pack gathering tomorrow night.”

  “Sweet, caring mate of mine, don’t worry about it. These rooms are ready to be occupied all the time. All he has to do is pick a room and unpack.”

  Margot nodded before another thought struck. “But the pack gathering is tomorrow night. What will we do with him then?”

  “We will invite him to join us. It’s not like we’re going to shift and have a wolf orgy in the living room. Stop worrying. The council will be arriving in a few minutes, and I still need to get changed.”

  His announcement made her look down at her own clothes. She still wore the jeans and turtleneck she’d worn to his office earlier, though she’d taken off his sweater that had hung on her like a dress.

  “Oh shit, I forgot all about them. Come on, we had better hurry. It is very bad manners for the host to be late for his own council meeting.”

  Chapter 4

  “Welcome to the Twin Rivers pack, Margot Jackson. I believe you will soon be a most treasured member of our pack family,” Clyde Barnes said as he prepared to leave at the end of the council meeting, which ended up being more of a cocktail party than a meeting. “If for no other reason than you will be able to keep this young man under control. But are you sure you wouldn’t rather throw him over for an older, wiser shape-shifter?”

  He winked and grinned with the disposition of a cheerful, mischievous elderly man. The oldest member of the pack, Clyde was respected by all for his wisdom and knowledge. She’d watched throughout the evening as no one disputed anything he had to say. He was the last to leave, and his words of welcome into the pack merely added to the welcome each of the other council members had voiced privately to her at various times during the evening. After meeting and talking to her for only a few minutes, the council had agreed they would happily accept Adam’s claiming her as his mate and seemed pleased with his choice.

  “Go home, you old coot, before I call your mate and tell her you’re looking to replace her,” Adam snarked as he joined them just inside the front door.

  Stepping behind Margot, he wrapped his arms around her middle and pulled her back until she found herself slight off balance. This forced her to lean back against him and trust he would keep her from falling. When he canted his hips forward and pressed against her backside, she understood why he’d chosen this position. He was trying to hide his impressive erection from their guest.

  As soon as her body recognized his arousal, her pussy dampened, and her nipples stiffened in response. The council meeting was over, and it was time to play. When she shifted her hips to the left against him, she heard his breathing catch before he took a deep breath. His arms tightened around her for a second before relaxing again though he did not release her. She forced herself to concentrate on their last guest and not the needs of the man behind her. Another few minutes and then Adam, and her own nearly insatiable cravings, could have her full attention.

  “Emily will just laugh at you. She’s been threatening to get rid of me for years,” Clyde replied with a barking laugh. “Good night, you two. Emily and I will see you tomorrow evening at the gathering.”

  “Yes, sir,” Margot responded politely even though Clyde had told her several times throughout the evening not to call him sir or Mr. Barnes.

  “Until tomorrow then, Clyde.” Adam said.

  Sam nodded from his place behind Clyde and stepped forward. The bodyguard-driver then escorted the older man outside where the limo waited so he could drive him home. Clyde had lost his license a few months before due to his age and failing eyesight. Adam and the other council members made sure he always had transportation to and from council meetings when he needed it. Normally his wife would drive him, though her health was failing as well. Tonight, though, she had a meeting of her own to attend. Clyde had arrived with one of the other members, but Sam had agreed to drive him home.

  As soon as the door closed behind them, Adam turned her within the circle of his arms. “I thought they would never leave,” he declared as he lowered his head to kiss her. One arm around her back held her close as the other slid between them to tweak an erect nipple through her blouse and bra.

  Margot moaned as lightning shot from nipple straight to her wanting cunt. “Me, too,” she murmured, reaching for his belt. “I need you so much I’m not sure I can make it upstairs.”

  Adam reached over and secured the deadbolt. “Then it’s a good thing we don’t have to,” he replied, taking her blouse and yanking the panels apart. Buttons flew across the foyer
and made small clinking sounds as they bounced on the marble floor. “Everyone’s gone, and we have the whole house to ourselves. We can make love anywhere you want.”

  Margot paused, impressed by his show of strength as well as his hunger that matched her own. As she reached for his shirt, she knew she wouldn’t be able to reproduce his bold action. Instead, she pulled the shirttails from his pants and then pushed his shirt up and out of her way. She had to feel his bare skin against hers and couldn’t wait another minute.

  She leaned in to lick at one turgid nipple as her hands returned to deal with his slacks. In seconds she undid his belt, button, and zipper. She pushed pants and boxers down together, leaving him bare from armpits to knees. Before she could wrap her hands around his cock and balls, he took several steps back out of touching range.

  “Stop, baby. Don’t touch me for a minute,” he said when she took a step to follow.

  Margot made a grumpy sound as she frowned at him. “Why not? I need you. Right here, right now,” she whined as she took another step forward.

  “No, stay over there,” he stepped back again. “While we’re waiting for me to cool down, you could take off your clothes,” he ordered in the deep voice that always sent liquid fire through her veins. The rough, tough, growly voice indicated the wolf in him was straining for its freedom.

  “You’re killing me,” she moaned as she shrugged out of her shirt and tossed it to the floor. A moment later her bra followed, and she cupped her breasts in a move to offer them up to him.

  “No, sweet baby, I’m loving you. I don’t want to hurt you, and right now I’m so wound up I could do serious harm if I don’t take a minute to calm down.”

  Margot smiled. His words made her want to try something daring and bold and provocative that just might drive him past the firm grip of control he maintained. Taking another step back, she began to hum. Then she began to sway and circle, running her hands over her bare skin from waist to collarbone as she allowed the music in her head to envelope her and take over. She shed her slacks and panties as she continued dancing. Her quickening heart provided the beat to which her body moved.


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