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Dragon Desire

Page 8

by Juniper Hart

  “Is that a problem?”

  “No,” Lennox responded. A sudden thought occurred to him, and the solution to the problem was so obvious that he started chuckling. “Of course it’s not, because you’re not going to be working. I’m going to take you to your place so you can pack up whatever you want, and we’ll bring it back here.”

  “What are you talking about?” Gia asked, confusion filling her face. “Are you asking me to move in with you?”

  That wasn’t the reaction Lennox had been expecting. He thought she would be overjoyed now that they would have a way to be together, but “overjoyed” seemed to be the last thing Gia felt.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” he demanded. “You can’t deny that what we had last night was—”

  “Wait a second!” Gia snapped, holding up her hand to stop him. “You slept with me once and then disappeared, even though you promised to meet me. Then you resurface and tell me I’m quitting my job and giving up my apartment to move in with you?” She scoffed in disbelief. “No offense, Your Highness, but I won’t be anyone’s kept woman. I can pay my own way, and I am not moving in with a man I just met. Especially when I don’t know if he’s going to be there the next day.”

  “That—That’s not what I meant!” Lennox protested, though he could see why she had heard it that way. “Gia, I didn’t disappear last night! I had to—”

  “I have a job I like, a job I’m actually good at,” Gia continued, interrupting him as though she had planned this diatribe the entire day. “I’m not going to drop it all because we may or may not have had a connection.”

  “Wait a second, what do you mean—?” Lennox started to say, but Gia had already spun away to storm off in the opposite direction. There was a consistent wave of electricity between them, whether she wanted to admit it in her moment of anger or not. That was the only reason she was so furious: she cared.

  Lennox thought about going after her to tell her what had kept him the night before, to tell her about the stupid clause, but he had the feeling that anything he might say would make everything worse.

  How can I explain that, on top of all that, she can’t work for the palace if we’re going to be together? he wondered. That will not go over well.

  Lennox knew he had to put an end to the stipulation in the morals clause.


  As soon as Gia was certain she was out of view, she burst into a full sprint, running as fast as her legs would carry her. She gained enough momentum to spread her wings and soar, flittering to the top of the mushroom forest but still within the stalks. Her heart was thudding sickly in her chest, and she was sure she was going to throw up or faint or both.

  I just yelled at Lennox, the prince of the Hollows, she thought. I could be killed for that! Or shoved into the barracks, or sent into limbo, or cast off into exile, or—

  Gia urged her wings to flap harder.

  It wasn’t that she thought Lennox was after her. She just wanted to leave the palace behind and clear her head away from the aura of its walls.

  He had seemed so genuine, so earnest when he had talked to her. So, how could she be sure he wouldn’t break her heart? There was no way of knowing for certain except to trust in the feeling she’d had since the second she’d laid eyes upon him.

  What am I supposed to do? she asked herself mournfully. I can’t move in with him, least of all into the palace! I’m not even sure if I’m ready to tell people we’re dating yet! Wait, are we dating?

  She was talking herself in circles.

  I’m not doing anyone any good like this, she thought. I need help.

  “Maybe he didn’t mean it the way it came out,” Allegra suggested, leaning forward to slurp back a sip of her iced tea. “Maybe it’s his way of being chivalrous or something.”

  Gia eyed her friend skeptically. Thankfully, Allegra had been free to meet that night, because Gia didn’t know what she would have done without the companionship. It would be another sleepless night, agonizing over a prince.

  “Are you really coming to his defense after you were the one who warned me about him?”

  “I’m only playing devil’s advocate,” Allegra replied quickly, taking another sip of her drink. “I’m surprised you even called out to him when you saw him.”

  “Well, I was worried that he might see me, and I didn’t want to look like I was avoiding him.”

  The blonde grinned widely at her. “Just when I think you’re getting a little bit tougher,” she sighed, laughing.

  “What do you mean?” Allegra sat back in the worn, vinyl booth and studied Gia.

  “I mean that a month ago, you wouldn’t have even considered yelling at the ruler of the Hollows, let alone putting him in his place and leaving him staring after you,” she said. “Now you seem to have no problem doing that.”

  “I had a problem doing that!” Gia protested. “A huge problem! You know how delicate fairy hearts are! I almost had a coronary!”

  “But you’re still alive, aren’t you? On the other hand, you’re afraid there’s going to be a backlash.”

  “Wouldn’t you be?” she cried.

  “I think you’re more afraid that you want to say yes and do it.” Gia’s mouth parted to speak, but the words got stuck in her throat. “What’s holding you back from moving in with him?”

  “I’m not a princess,” she said immediately. “Happy endings don’t happen for me.”

  Allegra raised an eyebrow at her. “Is that it?”

  “Yes! No! I don’t know!” Gia was confused by the question and by her feelings. What she had said to Lennox was true: she didn’t want anyone taking care of her, not when she had taken care of herself for so long. She wouldn’t feel right quitting her new job, especially when she was enjoying the change of pace. The clients calling the real estate office were sober and kind. They were nothing like the call center customers or the patrons at the bars.

  “Well,” Allegra said. “I think you need to follow your heart on this, Gia. I can’t make the decision for you, no matter how much you’d like that.” Her smile took the bite out of her statement. Her cell phone chimed before Gia could say another word, and Allegra held up a finger, her brow furrowing. “Sorry, I have to take this.”

  “Go ahead.” Allegra slipped from the booth, answering her call, but Gia was too lost in thought to hear the conversation.

  Her own cell beeped, indicating a text message, and her heart jumped into her throat as she grabbed for it expectantly.

  I miss you. Please talk to me.

  The caller was private, but she knew exactly who it was. Gnawing on her lower lip, she replied.

  I miss you too. We can talk.

  While Gia waited for Lennox’s response, Allegra returned to the table. She seemed tense, and she didn’t slide back into the booth.

  “I’ve gotta go,” she said. “Will you be okay?”

  Gia nodded, shooting her gaze downward, lest Allegra see the expression on her face. Her friend didn’t seem to notice, and she tossed some currency onto the table.

  “No, I got this,” Gia argued. “You came to hear me vent, remember?” The priestess chuckled.

  “If you call that venting, you really need to do more work on the subject. It’s fine. You can get the next one.” Allegra slung her purse over her shoulder and looked down at Gia. “You need to be careful,” she told her. “You have a very soft demeanor, and you can get hurt easily.”

  “I know; I’m a pushover,” Gia sighed, folding her arms over her chest. “I don’t mean to be, but—”

  “You are a beautiful soul, Gia. Ensure that you surround yourself with the same.”

  Gia glanced up, a tingle of alarm warming her body. Why does it sound like she’s warning me? And about who? Lennox?

  “Toodles,” Allegra called, stalking away before Gia could question her.

  The ding of another text startled her, and she glanced at the screen. Can we meet tonight?

  It was after midnight, and she was on S
unside. It would take two hours for her to get back to the Hollows.

  Tomorrow, she answered. After work.

  Tomorrow then.

  Gia stared at the phone a while longer, waiting for another message. When it didn’t come, she reluctantly rose from the booth. She needed to get home and get some rest after the terrible sleep she’d had the night before. Suddenly, she was insurmountably tired.

  As she exited the diner, she lifted her head to look toward the bus stop, but the glare of headlights made her shield her eyes with her hand. Gia stepped out of the line of the light and moved toward the stop. She hoped she hadn’t missed the next bus. They were so infrequent at that time of night, and the sticky Mississippi air was already making her tank top cling to her tiny frame like paint.

  Glancing down the street, she looked for a sign of the bus and turned her head back toward the diner. Perhaps she had time to grab a bottle of water? Then again, she shouldn’t risk it. She didn’t want to sprint back into the diner, only for the bus to come roaring by the second the door closed behind her. She would hate having to wait another half hour for the next bus.

  That was the reason it took so long to get back to the Hollows from Columbus; the crappy, inconsistent bus schedules.

  As she turned her head back toward the bus stop, her eyes fell on a nondescript sedan parked in the lot, its headlights still on.

  Gia’s eyes widened in surprise. Is that Allegra?

  She turned her attention fully toward the vehicle now, sauntering curiously toward it. Indeed, her friend was sitting inside the passenger side of the car, apparently having a heated discussion with another woman.

  Gia quickly realized she shouldn’t be there, and she was about to put herself out of view when Allegra’s face whipped around, almost as if she had sensed her standing there.

  Both Gia and Allegra gaped at one another for a long moment. Gia immediately turned to scurry away, but she heard the unmistakable sound of a window being rolled down.

  “Hi!” called the driver cheerfully. She had long ginger hair and eyes so dark, they appeared to be black. “Are you Gia?”

  “Yes,” Gia choked. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…” Didn’t mean to what? Spy? Gawk? Be nosy? Gia wasn’t sure what to pick.

  “Don’t be ridiculous!” the ginger-haired pixie replied, grinning. Gia was certain she was a pixie. They had a certain mischievousness about them, one that could not be replicated by any other supernatural being. “If I had known you were with Allegra, I would not have asked her to meet me. Please, come closer! Are you going home?”

  “I—uh—” Gia looked at Allegra, who seemed ill-at-ease. Still, she was smiling tautly, like she wanted to indicate that her friend meant Gia no harm. “I’m going back to the Hollows.”

  “I’ll give you a lift to the crossing. We’re headed there, too!” said the pixie. “I just had some business to take care of, and Allegra was helping me.”

  “Oh,” Gia said. Then she waved her hand. “Oh, it’s… no problem. I can wait for the bus.”

  The driver glanced at Allegra and grinned. “You weren’t kidding. She is too nice.” She turned back to Gia. “Girl, get your ass in the car and stop being crazy.”

  Gia took a step back. Something felt off about the entire situation. But Allegra nodded her head. “Yes, Gia, come on! I would’ve offered you a ride earlier, but I wasn’t sure we were going back to the Hollows.”

  Gia thought about protesting again, but she trusted Allegra. If her friend was telling her it was okay, then it was okay. Gia had nothing to worry about.

  “Thank you,” she mumbled, slipping into the backseat of the car.

  “So,” the pixie said. “Allegra tells me that you’re working in the palace. How do you like it?” she asked, pulling out of the parking spot and heading toward I-45.

  Gia shot Allegra another perplexed look. Why is she telling this stranger about me when I know nothing about this stranger?

  Allegra kept her head fully turned and focused on the windshield, staring out into the night.

  “Today was my first day,” Gia answered. “It was good.”

  “The palace is fun, isn’t it? Have you met the Parker brothers yet?”

  It was as if a steel rod had been jammed down Gia’s spine. Had Allegra told this pixie about her and Lennox? Why would she betray her like that?

  “Uh… yeah,” Gia muttered. “Lennox Parker.”

  The pixie laughed musically. “That man…”

  “Do you know him?” Gia couldn’t help asking.

  “Of course, sweetie! Any female within a fifty-mile radius knows Lennox Parker.” Gia did not like the implication of her answer, but she clamped her mouth shut before she could voice her sentiments aloud. “You’ll get to know him, too, if you want,” the pixie added leeringly.

  “That’s enough!” Allegra finally snapped. “Your innuendo is pissing me off!”

  The pixie laughed again. However, she stopped her lewd comments, and the three of them rode in silence for what felt like an eternity before Gia grew uncomfortable. She mustered the courage to speak again.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “You’re giving me a ride and I haven’t even asked for your name.”

  The pixie raised her eyes to meet Gia’s through the rear-view mirror, where she flashed a brilliant smile.

  “Mira, dear,” she replied. “My name is Mira.”


  Allegra scowled angrily. “I really wish you hadn’t done that,” she growled. “You just love to rock the boat, don’t you?”

  “Oh, what’s the harm?” Mira chuckled. “She really is a babe in the woods. She doesn’t know the difference.” Allegra didn’t respond, chewing on her lower lip. “What’s the problem, Aly? You’ve done your part, and everything is going according to plan now.”

  “Is it?” Allegra muttered. “She’s stronger than I originally thought.” Despite her best judgment, a spark of pride rushed through her.

  “That girl? She’s a gust of wind away from being swept into the Mississippi River.”

  “She’s a fairy,” Allegra retorted. “I don’t mean she’s formidable. I mean that she’s mentally stronger. Lennox already invited her to move in with him, and she refused.” Mira gaped at her, blinking her coal eyes rapidly.

  “He already asked her?” she choked, and Allegra thought she heard a note of envy in her tone.

  “They are fated to be together,” she reminded Mira. “That’s why we set this all in motion to begin with.”

  “I know,” Mira said. “I’m just surprised that our playboy prince was in such a rush to commit. He’s never been in a relationship, you know?”

  Allegra eyed her warily. They had just parted ways with Gia after crossing into the Hollows, and the encounter had left Allegra feeling unsettled. Gia was never supposed to know about Mira, and she was certainly never supposed to have caught Mira and Allegra meeting in secret.

  While Mira was convinced Gia wasn’t smart enough to put it together, Allegra was not so sure—not anymore. Gia had been a surprise to her almost from the first day.

  They had done their due diligence, learning about the poor waitress. They needed to ensure that Gia would not endanger their plans and could be easily manipulated. On paper, she seemed to be exactly what they sought: a struggling fairy with weak powers, probably looking for an escape from her mundane life and pitiful existence.

  All Allegra needed to do was put Lennox and Gia together in the same room and let nature run its course, but not until Gia was officially working within the palace walls. That was the key.

  Allegra had not met Gia by chance that night in the bar. She had played her part just like Mira had, targeting Lennox in New Orleans and purposely granting his wish.

  Lennox and Gia were supposed to be the weakest links. The plan had always been to get Gia working in the palace, throw her and Lennox together, and cause a rift in the palace with the morals clause.

  “Lennox is so new to his reign; he probably doesn�
��t even realize he can’t screw anyone he wants anymore,” Mira chortled with glee. “By the time he finds out, it will be too late, and he will be dethroned.”

  Dethroning Lennox would have the dragon princes undoubtedly fighting amongst themselves over who would reign, and the ensuing chaos would be the perfect cover for the rebellion starting to brew among the Hollows. While the palace sorted out their internal conflict, the rest of the inhabitants of the world beneath the surface—sick of being manipulated like puppets by the dragons—plotted a mass attack: a unified force of power to overthrow the monarchy.

  But none of that would happen if Lennox wasn’t dethroned, and so far, he had not gone public with his affair. Moreover, Allegra wasn’t sure she wanted a part of throwing Gia under the bus anymore. She had genuinely grown to like the fairy.

  “If I didn’t know better,” Allegra commented, casting Mira a sidelong look, “I’d say you’re jealous of Gia.”

  Mira snorted contemptuously and glared at her. “Jealous? Of what? She can have that guy. All I want is for the Hollows to be free of those tyrants.”

  “I’m starting to wonder if there isn’t a better way of doing this,” Allegra sighed. “Gia has enough to worry about without—”

  “Are you backing out on us now?” Mira cried, jumping to her feet so fast, she almost fell from the bluffs. She caught herself on the edge of the cliff.

  “I’m just saying, it hasn’t really gone according to plan,” Allegra went on. “She was supposed to have fallen for him and let him sweep her off her feet, but she’s not as ditzy as we initially thought.”

  “You said she’s considering it, didn’t you?”

  “Considering it is not the same as doing it. She’s not a fairy who wants rescuing, Mira! I think we got her wrong.”

  Mira gazed pensively at her. “Okay. You like her, I get it. But in the long run, this is also for her benefit, you know?”

  “Putting her together with her fated mate and then ripping them apart is not to her benefit!”


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