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Lavender Is a Harsh Mistress

Page 23

by Earl Watson

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress doors with mirrors. Marcus had remained outside the room as she looked it over. She turned around and looked at him and he gave her a bow. In reply to his bow she gave him a courtesy.

  “I do approve kind Sir, I approve very much!” She walked over and gave him a kiss as Marcus brushed a strand of hair away from her face.

  “You need to teach that strand to behave better. It’s always out of place.”

  “I have been meaning to cut it.”

  “No don’t. Don’t change anything. Now that I think about it I think that I like misbehaved strands of hair. Besides if you cut it you wouldn’t be the person that I am mad about. The only things that I didn’t show you in the bedrooms were the bathrooms, they are just plain bathrooms.”

  “From what I have seen so far and the little that I know about you.

  When you say that they are plain, it could just as easily mean the fixtures are all made of pure gold.”

  “Come on Kid, there is one more thing that I want to show you.

  They moved away from the room and took a few steps then made a sharp left around the corner of a wall. Now they were standing in front of two sliding, cloudy glass doors. He opened the doors and they stepped onto a pool deck that had small light blue and white tiles. Positioned around the deck were five beach chairs along with four beach lounge chairs. The doors to a linen closet were opened showing neatly folded large white and light blue towels. She looked up at the plexiglass dome that covered the pool area. Amanda found it hard to believe that she was inside someone’s condo and looking up into a blue sky.

  “You had all of this put in after you moved in didn’t you?”

  Marcus didn’t give her an answer as he knelt down and swirled his finger around in the water.

  “How big is this pool?”

  “It’s forty two feet long and eighteen feet wide, and it goes from four feet up too nine feet.” She found it funny that their voices were creating an echo.

  “The water is turquoise, how do you get turquoise water in Manhattan?” Marcus picked up a handful of water and threw it across the 178

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress pool.

  “I found a company in Nevada that had the right chemicals.”

  “You are pretty rich aren’t you? I know that it is rude of me to ask so you don’t have to answer.” Marcus dipped his hand deeper into the water and threw a handful of it toward the far end of the pool.

  “ I really don’t pay much attention to all of that.”

  “Like I said Marcus, it’s really none of my business.”

  “I don’t know, let’s just say that I manage to get by. Now just one more thing.” She walked with him to the far end of the pool area.

  He turned on the light and a dark hidden part of the corner lite up.

  By this time Amanda was past being surprised and she said in a flat but still stunned voice.

  “A Jacuzzi, of course! Who doesn’t have a Jacuzzi! I bet that you have two.” The doorbell rang and Marcus headed out of the pool area and down the hall.

  “The food is here and I am starving, meet me in the kitchen.”

  She followed his direction and was waiting for him when he rolled a silver serving table in front of her. A deliveryman from The Victoria Club was right behind him with another table and lined it up with the other one. Marcus showed the man to the door and gave him a fifty dollar tip, then returned to the kitchen.

  “I didn’t know what to order so I ordered everything.” He took the covers off of the tables revealing a selection of breakfast foods, drinks, fruits, bacon, sausages, eggs, freshly baked rolls and breads, hot and cold cereals, juices, and a pitcher of steaming hot coffee.

  “Darling, we....can’t eat all of this food!”

  “Why not? Well just eat as much as you can. I promise that I will do my part. We’ve got to hurry up Kid because we are going out on the town.”

  “Where are we going?” Marcus poured her a cup of coffee and handed it to her.

  “Don’t worry about that, I think that you will like it. I want today to be a special day for us forever.”

  When he pulled his car up in front of the building she noticed that it wasn’t the BMW, that he drove most of the time. After she got in and he closed the door he got in on his side and told her where they were going.


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress

  “Our first stop is going to be up in northern Manhattan to the Cloisters. Have you ever been there?”

  “No, but I have heard about it. I was supposed to go with my school but I got sick.” Marcus reached over and put his hand on her thigh.

  “I think that it is one of the most enlightening places in New York.

  It’s part of the Metropolitan Museum of Art and it is built like a Medieval Castle. It has displays of art, and other artifacts from Eu-rope, during the Medieval Period. It’s not far just up around Fort Tryon Park, not far from the George Washington Bridge. Just think of it, a Medieval Castle in New York City.” His hand was still on her thigh and she now put her hand on top of his.

  “You like ancient things don’t you?” Marcus squeezed her thigh a little and a sensual electric current surged thru her body for a few seconds. She wondered what the love making rules were going to be now that she was living with him. Up to now the sex between them had been hot and passionate but on the spur of the moment. But now that they were living together things were obviously going to change. For the minute she pushed that thought to the back of her mind.

  “What kind of car is this, it’s gorgeous?”

  “It’s an old Rolls Royce Cornish. I had a hard time finding this model. But I heard about a guy in North Carolina that had it, and it was just rusting away in his garage. I bought it from him and had it shipped to up state New York for it to be refurbished and rebuilt back to it’s original design. Do you like the way that it rides?”

  “Yes I do, it feels like riding on a cloud. Why did you have it painted red? I would have never figured you for red.”

  “I never had a red car, I wanted to experience what it was like to drive one.”

  “Well what does it feel like?” He squeezed her thigh a little harder and that same sensual current ran thru her again.

  “It rides a lot better now that you are in it.”

  As the red Cornish quickly drifted along the Henry Hudson Parkway. Amanda reflected on what the ramifications of living with a man can bring. Her last experience from eight years ago could be summed up in one word,disaster. She knew after the first four months that it wasn’t going to work. There were just too many issues 180

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress that she had to deal with. He was a teacher in a private High School, but was still going to school for his masters. He expected her not to only be on his bandwagon, but to pull it as well. He expected the woman in his life to be his sexual plaything, psychiatrist, agent, student, and his mailman. Once when he didn’t get into a special class because the letter that he mailed arrived late. He blew up at her for not reminding him to put the letter in the mail. He stormed around the apartment for weeks admonishing her and fuming.

  “I am under all of this pressure, the least that you can do is to remember to mail a simple letter!” He was always expecting her to prop him up and be his cheerleader. After living with him for a few months she realized that this was going to be a full time job. But she could never expect any support from him. He couldn’t understand how she could limit her dreams to just running a fashion business.

  He would always end his trashing of her business by saying.

  “Clothes are only pieces of rags put together, who really cares!” When it came to sex she tried to enjoy it but there was just too much emotional other stuff that she had to fight thru for that to happen. Sex turned out to be a two year endless quest for an orgasm. After two years they called it quits.

  She had to take him to court in order to get her things out of the apartment. She also had to pay half of the
rent because her name was on the lease. This created a severe hardship because she was still trying to get her business off the ground. It took seven months before she could find a place of her own, for the mean time she had to move back in with her parents. When she finally did get her proper-ty out of the apartment most of it had been damaged. As they drove past the bridge the pain that she felt then was just as real now. There was no way that she could go thru something like that again.

  “I just can’t!!”

  Just as Marcus had promised she loved everything at The Cloisters. It gave her a feeling of being in a time warp, as they walked around the grounds and the castle. She began to feel the same en-thusiasm as he did and was becoming just as interested. On their way out of the castle he bought her some trinkets and for himself some books. He turned out of the driveway and she couldn’t believe her ears when he said.


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress

  “I am hungry again lets go to The Victoria Club.”

  In the brilliant light of day Amanda saw all of the interior of The Victoria Club. All of it’s shinning and beaming metal doors and it’s expensive polished wood gleamed in the early afternoon sunlight.

  She was taken by how the staff fussed and fawned over Marcus. It wasn’t because he was a heavy tipper. It was because they really liked him. When he stepped away to use the bathroom her eye caught sight of a group coming toward her. They were led by a woman who was well dressed but the other people were in uniform. From what Amanda could tell the well dressed woman was a manager and she was explaining to these new employees how to set a table. The new recruits hung on her every word and snapped to attention whenever she spoke. By the time that the woman reached her table there was only one waiter left.

  “Miss Wilcox it is so nice to see you again. If my chart is correct this is your second time here.”

  “Yes it is.”

  “Mr. Peterson is one of our best patrons. I waited on him many times before I was promoted. He is one of the most well mannered men that I have ever met. Miss. Wilcox if there is anything not to your liking just....” The woman stopped talking when she looked at the table and noticed something wrong. She straightened her back and snapped to the waiter.

  “Mr. Peterson’s water glass is not full. Bring him and Miss. Wilcox full glasses and be sure that they are cold!” The young waiter picked up the glasses and moved at the speed of light toward the kitchen.

  “I beg your pardon Miss. Wilcox. It may seem trivial but we have a no tolerance policy for any mistakes. After all that is what makes The Victoria Club what it is! Once again may I say that we are pleased that you visited us again. If there is anything that you need just call me.” The woman started to step away when Amanda abruptly started to ask a question.

  “Could you tell me if....if Mr. Peterson has ever....” Amanda hesitated and decided not to finish the question. The woman looked into Amanda’s eyes and smiled a little. She knew exactly what question Amanda wanted to ask.

  “No Miss Wilcox, Mr. Peterson has never brought another woman 182

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress here. He has always come alone.” Amanda took the woman’s hand and shook it gently as she silently mouthed the words.

  “Thank you.”

  After their lunch at The Victoria Club, Marcus and Amanda were on their way to see a play on off Broadway. Marcus didn’t want to run into traffic so he left his car in The Victoria Club’s parking lot and they took a taxi. “I hope that you like plays. The one that we are going to see is a remake of Our Town. It is a college production that is being done by the senior class from Princeton, that’s where I went to school. The reviews say that the production is terrible.”

  Amanda stopped applying her lipstick.

  “Then why are we going?”

  “We are going because you should love art for art’s sake, or however the saying goes. Besides I paid for the entire production.”

  Amanda finished putting on her lipstick.

  “Then why is it horrible?”

  “Because the actors can’t act and the director can’t direct!” She and Marcus broke out into a round of quick laughter.

  “You don’t mind wasting money do you?”

  “I don’t worry about it that much.”

  “If it’s that bad why do we have to go?”

  “Because I am a valued member of the Princeton Alumni, and I must be punished!” The play was just a bad as Marcus said that it would be. They stayed a little longer than they wanted to because he wanted to see just how horrible, horrible could be. Amanda had a little fun at his expense by saying.

  “Even you don’t have enough money to save this!” He paid her back by slipping his hand under her bottom and giving her a hard pinch.

  Causing her to slightly jump in her chair.

  “That’s what you get for making fun of genius. Come on it’s almost after nine and we have another stop to make.”

  Yasminder’s was the place where all of the top movers and shakers on “The Street” went to hang out and unwind at the end of the day and especially at the end of the week. It was also the place were big time deals were made and even bigger ones fell apart. If you were anyone at all Yasminder’s bar and night club was where you could be found. In an earlier time she was a top designer. But quickly 183

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress found out that she made more money by selling liquor at five times the price. When Marcus and Amanda got out of the taxi they were greeted by Yasminda at the front door.

  “Marcus! Marcus! Where the hell have you been? I haven’t seen you since the days of Blakely and Shade. Amanda I am sorry I missed your show but I knew that you would knock them dead.”

  Amanda stepped past Yasminda and Marcus started to follow. But Yasminda stretched her arms out like a traffic cop.

  “Oh no you don’t you ungrateful cad. All of my regular clients coming into my place and asking about you! Yet you don’t even have the respect to call me and say hello. You shouldn’t treat us like that Marcus, you really shouldn’t! Amanda is welcome but you are not!”

  Marcus gave her a kiss on the cheek.

  “No Marcus it won’t work. You can’t bribe me.” Marcus gave her another kiss on the other cheek.

  “Well alright, maybe this time I will over look your inexcusable behavior. But you have to promise me that you and this pretty creature will be back soon.”

  “I promise Miss. Y, we will be back before you know it.” She took both of their hands and lead them across a crowded dance floor.

  “Do you want to sit with the rabble or do you prefer the back room?

  But be warned Alvin Seeton is back there and no one has been able to escape his wrath.” Marcus buzzed her on her cheek again.

  “Thanks for the warning, we’ll sit with the rabble.” Yasminda acted like a human shield as she escorted them to their table.

  “Now listen here you ungrateful man even though you have been avoiding me. I will instruct my staff that you are to get gold star service. Not that you deserve it but it’s my gift to Amanda for turning the fashion world on it’s ear.” Yasminda quickly disappeared into the sea of human flesh that was still on the dance floor. Amanda’s mind and eyes were locked onto Marcus in wonder.

  “Marcus tell me, is there anybody that is anybody that you don’t know, and why are they so eager to please you?”

  Marcus moved his chair closer to her’s and asked a waiter to bring a few bottles of champagne.

  “Let’s go onto the floor and dance.”

  “Alright, but I have to warn you that I have two left feet.”


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress Marcus paid her no attention as he used his powerful frame to part the crowd. When they got to the center of the crowded floor he put his arms around her waist and she put her hands on his shoulder.

  Marcus began to slowly glide her around in a circle.

  “Marcus why are we moving so slow and the other people are dancing in time to the music?

  “That’s their problem isn’t it! Besides this is the closest that I have been to you all day, and it’s our anniversary.” She lifted her face up and looked into his eyes.

  “But Marcus, it hasn’t even been a full day yet.”

  “Days! Who’s counting the days? I am counting the hours.”

  “Amanda stretched her neck upward to give him a kiss. As soon as her eyes got above his shoulder she spotted a disturbing sight sitting at their table.

  “Marcus look! It’s Alvin sitting at our table.” She could feel his body instantly stiffen. “Come on we may as well get this over with.” They knifed thru the crowd back to their table were Alvin remained seated. Marcus pulled out a chair for Amanda, and waited for her to sit down before he did. She gave Alvin an icy stare.

  “How did you know that this was our table?”

  “Spies! I have them everywhere, sometimes I think that I should be running the C.I.A. Alvin picked up a champagne bottle and popped the cork.

  “Anyone want any? Don’t worry I’ve ordered four more of these.”

  Marcus inched closer to the table and folded his arms.

  “Alvin, we want to be alone if you don’t mind.” Alvin’s head moved from Amanda to Marcus as if it was on a swivel. A sly smile formed on his lips and he turned back to Amanda.

  “Mandy you never told me about this! I am really hurt! I really truly am! I would have thought that as close as we have been over the years I would have been one of the first people to know. It would have given me another reason to throw a party. But what the hell I’ll throw one anyway.”

  Marcus laid his palms flat on the table.

  “We don’t need you to throw us a party Alvin. What we need is to be alone.” Alvin reverted back to looking at Marcus and nodding his head.


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress

  “Marcus, Marcus, no beating around the bush with you, always right to the point. You know my boy there are so many things that I like about you. But since you insist I will be leaving. I have always said that there is nothing worse than a third wheel when it comes to romance. However before I leave there is a business matter that I need to speak to you about.” Marcus pounded his palms on the table.


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