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Lavender Is a Harsh Mistress

Page 30

by Earl Watson

  “Now come along and don’t pout! Didn’t I tell you that the two of you have nothing to be afraid of!” Amanda couldn’t take her eyes off of the Countess as she left the dining room with her two young men. She finished the rest of her drink and looked at Marcus with 234

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress eyes that were filled with questions. He answered by just shaking his head and adding.

  “What can I tell you! She had always insisted that she will live her life on her own terms come hell or high water.”

  Amanda stepped out of the shower wrapped in a see thru robe around her body. While in the shower it occurred to her that this would be the first time that she and Marcus would be having sex outside of the United States. As she entered the bedroom her emotions and excitement were dashed when she saw him sound asleep in bed. She turned out the lights and got into bed with him. It was about three in the morning when she suddenly awoke out of a deep sleep and sat up in bed. She was thinking about something that the Countess had mentioned to her about the power that the Coliseum has over some people. Like Marcus’ grandmother she had also mentioned something about his drawings of the place. She wondered if his odd and distant behavior toward her could some how be connected to his love of this ancient building. Amanda silently crept out of bed and sat in one of the room’s chairs that gave her a view of the city. She shifted her body around to take a look at his naked silhouette in the bed. Her mind became a traffic jam of questions that began to stack up bumper to bumper. The first question was the most obvious. It was concerning the article that he had cut out about her years ago, before he knew her. He had also remembered a speech that she had given almost word for word as well as exactly what she was wearing. When he had first told her about these things she just took it at face value. But now as she pieced them all together in her mind. Things were not making any sense and when she added that to his behavior over the past few days, it only made her more alarmed.

  She found her way back thru the darkened room and stealthy laid back down. But for some unknown reason she remained a respectable distance away.

  The following day she and Marcus were greeted by an angry red sun that had parked itself in front of their window. He had already called for breakfast and came around to her side of the bed.

  “Hey Kid, time to get up and get something to eat.” Amanda put her hands in front of her eyes trying to ward off the sun’s rays. He quickly rushed over to the window and closed the curtains.


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress

  “There, that’s much better.”

  “Funny, I should be hungry but I am not.”

  “Of course you are, we haven’t eaten in ten hours and we have a long day in front of us.” Amanda swung her feet over the bed and pulled the see thru robe around her.

  “What are we going to do today?” Marcus was busy looking for something to wear in the closet.” I figured that we would go over to the Coliseum I can’t wait to show it to you. I don’t like to brag but we won’t even need a guide. I know every nook and cranny of the place.”

  She moved past him and started fixing her coffee while sitting down at the table. For some reason she became aware that her robe was see thru. This was the first time that she had felt self conscious about her nudity since she had moved in with him.

  “Is the Countess still going?”

  “I assume so, I haven’t heard otherwise.”

  “Is she bringing along her entourage?”

  “I don’t know but what does that matter?”

  “I was just asking because she really doesn’t treat them very nice.”

  The outfit that he had picked out to wear he now threw onto the bed. His voice was sharp and to the point.

  “I told you last night that the Countess was very strange....”

  “No, you said that she lived her life on her own terms.”

  Marcus walked around the table and positioned himself between Amanda and the closed curtains.

  “What does it matter to you who she brings, why should you care?

  Even if you did she would bring them anyway. You seem to be on edge about something this morning! If it’s about last night I apologize for that.” Amanda stared hard into her cup of coffee and began stirring it.

  “Apologize for what concerning last night?”

  “I mean about falling asleep, I wanted our first night in Rome to be romantic. I had been thinking about making love to you for the entire day. But when my head hit the pillow and I closed my eyes for one second they stayed closed.”

  “Oh you mean that. It’s alright because I really wasn’t much in the mood anyway.” When they reached the lobby their same driver was waiting for them. Marcus asked the man at the front desk to call for 236

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress the Countess and he and Amanda went to wait in the car. As soon as they got seated the Countess and her two young men walked up to the car. Marcus stepped out to let them get in. The Countess greeted them and added.

  “You see Marcus, what they say about me being late to everything is a lie. I never make anyone that is important to me wait.” As she sat next to Amanda, he was getting ready to let the two young men in.

  “Oh no Marcus they can come but they will follow in my car. I have made special arrangements for them.” Just then a late model silver gray Rolls Royce pulled up behind them.

  “You see here it is now.” Her two companions started for her car.

  “Now listen you two stay out of the bar in the back or I will know, and there will be hell to pay!” Marcus closed the door.

  “Countess they could have come with us, there is plenty of room.”

  She gave him a pat on his thigh.

  “Don’t be silly beautiful one. You know that I have always had a weakness for brains, beauty, and brawn. All those two would have to do is open their mouths and anyone would know that brains is their short suit.” The Countess turned to Amanda.

  “Miss Wilcox do you know what they asked me when I told them that we were going to the Coliseum this morning? They wanted to know if the Coliseum had an after hours club! Now my dear Marcus, how could I possibly allow such cultural nitwits to even set one foot onto our beloved shrine. To me that would amount to being sacri-lege. I would consider that to be a mortal sin before God!”

  Marcus looked out of the window and could recognize some of the sights and landmarks that were still there since he was a boy.

  He rolled down the window and his nostrils were greeted to some of the same delightful aromas that he remembered that came from the small shops along the streets. A light smile danced across his face as he remembered dashing along these streets and grabbing a handful of pastries on his way to school. Since the first time that his grandmother took him to the Coliseum, he was hooked on the place.

  On his days off he’d arrive first thing in the morning and remain there until it was time for it to close. He would bring his drawing pad with him and sketch the entire place over and over again until he got it right. Then he would return the next day and draw it again 237

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress until he got it right that day. When the weather was too bad too draw he would find a quiet place to sit and daydream about all of the extravaganzas that took place on the Coliseum floor. He would think about Gladiator fights between either men or against wild exotic beasts. The Emperor could also have the floor flooded and to stage a giant sea battle. This was the place that he came to act out all of his boyhood fantasies. He would come here to block out the pain of knowing that he was an unwanted child. Along with the pain of remembering so many other things from his childhood. Marcus snapped his mind out of the past and eavesdropped on a conversation between Amanda and the Countess about what fashion might look like in the future. He caught Amanda’s eye and flashed her a smile and a wink. The Countess gave him a poke in his ribs.

  “Now Marcus, how in the name of God did you ever get involved in this fashion business, she tells me that you are a natural?”
br />   “It’s something that just happened.” The Countess raised her voice.

  “Just happened! Oh no Marcus nothing just happens around you.

  Around other people yes! But you, never! If anything happens around you it’s because you want it to.” Marcus didn’t reply but turned his eyes to looking out of the car’s window again. Amanda’s mind began to play back all of the questions that had materialized in her head in the early morning. She found his answer to the Countess’ question to be weak and evasive. As she ran these same questions around in her head again she had to admit to herself. That even if she knew more about him before she moved in with him. She still would have moved in with him anyway. But of all the questions she still couldn’t answer the one that plagued her the most was.

  “Why would a man who has everything, who could have any woman that he wished, and is adored by everyone that he knows. Why would he be interested in me?” The Countess took hold of their hands and squeezed them tight.

  “Can you feel it? Can you begin to feel the power that the Coliseum, gives off the closer that we get? Can you feel it my dears? I know that you can Marcus, once it touches your heart and soul it remains forever.” The Limo stopped in front of the main entrance and Marcus helped the two women out. The Countess’ car with the two young men pulled up abreast of them. She went over and gave her chauf-238

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress feur strict instructions.

  “You are to drive these two handsome things around the city in my car. So that everyone who sees them in it will think that they are important. Because that means so very much to them. If they want something to eat take them to Alberto’s, I have already called ahead and made arrangements. Now I know very well that they will pester and beg you to take them to gay and lively places. You are to take them there if they wish. But when you drop them off you are to leave them there and drive back to my villa. I am sure that if they conserve their saliva in this heat they can make it back to my house in about six hours and pack their things and leave!” The Countess blew them a kiss as they scowled at her thru the Rolls Royce’s window while it drove away. She turned to Marcus and Amanda.

  “I can never be too sure of those scoundrels, they have been known to stray. Yes they are my playthings, but my playthings wear my colors and respond to my whistle!”

  As they entered the Coliseum the Countess slipped her arm thru Marcus’.

  “Do you ever see yourself returning back to Rome to live for good, after all it is really your home?”

  “I don’t see that happening, but who knows.” She veered off from them and headed in a different direction.

  “You two have fun, we will meet back here in three hours. She disappeared down a set of stairs and into the catacombs of the building.

  “Marcus I thought that she was coming on a tour with us.”

  “No, when she comes here she likes to be totally alone. She thinks that she can converse and mingle with the past better when she is by herself. Let me show you around the place. Besides I wanted us to be by ourselves when we came here.” Marcus took her hand as he started to tell her about the Coliseum’s history.

  “The Coliseum, was commissioned by the Emperor, Vespasian, between the years of seventy, and seventy two A.D. It was meant to be a gift to the Roman people and was opened in the year eighty A.D.

  Can you believe it Kid, all of this done in only eight years? Look at the size of this place. How was is possible for them to built it in such a short period of time? It has recently been suggested that the columns had to be erected in sections. But even by doing that how were 239

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress they able to lift all of that weight?” Amanda could see how excited he was getting as he relayed all of this knowledge to her. She decided that she would put all of her suspicions and questions away and just try and enjoy the day. In the distance she could see a work crew.

  “Marcus, what are they doing?”

  “As you will see this place is starting to come apart and is in need of repair. For hundreds of years the people of the city let this place just go to hell. Then things got worse when people started to steal some of the fallen pieces of stone or just vandalize whatever they could.

  Those fools even turned it into an actual quarry for a few years. Only in recent times have the authorities come to understand how important this place is not only to Italy, but to the entire world. The men that you see over there are starting the process of restoring this beautiful site to how it once looked.” Suddenly he stopped walking.

  “I want you to look up Kid.”

  Amanda looked up to see that she was standing under an arch.

  “We are standing under what is called the Arch of Constantine, it was built in the year 315 A.D.”

  “But Marcus I thought that this place was opened in eighty A.D.

  That would mean that it took another two hundred and some years for them to build this arch.”

  “Well they had a lot of union issues and strikes even back then.”

  “Marcus that can’t be true.” He tapped her on her chin with his finger.

  “Of course it’s not true. Most of the work here was done by slaves that had been captured in war. Come with me I want to show you something.” He lead her across the floor of the building and they started to hike up into the stands. The sun’s hot rays began to beat down on them as they looked for a seat. Amanda couldn’t believe how narrow the seats were.

  “These seats are so little, didn’t they have any large Romans back then?”

  “Have you ever seen a movie that featured the Coliseum? Now think back, do you remember seeing anyone sitting?

  “No not really.”

  “That’s because only the Emperor and the royal family and his guests were allowed to sit. Now I want you to look around the place from 240

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress where we are and focus on the floor of this place. Down there on the Coliseum floor the Emperor could have it flooded and have ships floating around while doing battle. No matter where anyone was sitting there was never a bad view. The seats were constructed so that everyone could see everything. As a boy I would sit here for hours and picture what it was like to live back then. Living with my grandmother was alright but, for some reason this place always made me feel at ease.” Amanda could see in his face and hear in his voice that his demeanor had changed and he was becoming reflective about his early life. Marcus moved away from her and took a long and pensive look around.

  “Do you know the famous place that the Coliseum replaced? It replaced Nero’s Golden Palace.”

  “Wasn’t he the guy that burned down Rome?”

  “Yes, that was the guy. But first he taxed the people to within an inch of their lives. As well as taking the land so that he was able to build his Golden Palace. He used that entire area down there as his private lake. Let me show you a few more things.

  As the sun went past it’s zenith Amanda had gotten a complete history of the Coliseum and Rome. She already knew that Marcus was smart. But she couldn’t believe all of the things that he knew about this place, or why anyone would care that much. He was explaining to her what kind of building materials that were used when they ran into the Countess again.

  “Well my child, was I right about him knowing this place?”

  “Yes Countess, it’s amazing how much I have learned from him in such a brief time.”

  “When he brings us back tomorrow I will tag along with you if you don’t mind. I always love the way that he makes everything sound so dramatic and exciting. Come over here Marcus I am starting to feel a little winded.” Marcus gave the Countess his hand and let her rest her head on his chest as he wiped some sweat away from her face.

  She looked off to her left and saw her car approaching. The chauffeur edged the car near the curb and got out to speak to her.

  “It’s almost that time Countess, are you ready to leave?” She let go of Marcus’ hand and looked over the hood and thru the windshield.

nbsp; “I don’t see them! Where are those two Jezabells in training?”


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress A grin came over the chauffeur’s face.

  “They are laying down in the back seat sound asleep.”

  “Marcus walk me over to my car. I will call you later to find out what time we are to meet tomorrow.” Marcus walked her over to the rear door and opened it. He and the Countess’ noses were hit with the distinct powerful smell of alcohol. It caused the Countess to recoil backwards in disgust.

  “Good God, they are stone drunk! Look, they have even spilled an entire bottle on my back seat. Worse than two stumble bums that you would find on the street. I wouldn’t be caught dead with them.

  Dear heart would you mind if I rode back to the hotel with you and Amanda? I think that I will spend a few days there.”

  “I would be glad Countess.” She slammed the door and ordered the chauffeur over.

  “Take these two back to my villa and hose them down outside, they smell like drunken pigs! After that they are not allowed in the house.

  They are to take up residence in the barn or the tool shed. When I return I will decide if they can be trusted to be around human be-ings again. Now get them out of my sight!! What am I going to do Marcus? I try and try but it’s of no use. If only they could be just a little like you.”

  By that evening most of Amanda’s concerns had been put behind her. She felt that she could understand a little better as to why Marcus had been acting so different. He was sitting in the shower stall as she stepped in to join him. She was hoping to light that spark that would lead up to that romantic evening that he had talked about.

  “Marcus would you wash my back as I stand under the shower?”

  Marcus remained seated while he lathered up a washcloth and leaned forward and half heartily started to scrub her back.

  “Darling you can’t do better than that! Let me do it.” She took the wash cloth away and washed her own back then stood under the shower and rinsed off. She was still feeling a little sexy and a bit naughty so she dropped the washcloth on purpose. When she bent over to get it she made sure that she was in his line of sight. So that he would get a good view of her from behind. There would no way that his eyes would not understand the road that she was leading 242


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