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Imminent Conquest

Page 22

by Aurora Rose Lynn

  She couldn't think of anything to say. He was heartless and unfeeling.

  "When Brad met you and he couldn't make ends meet, he had the face to come and ask for more money. To ensure his silence, he said. Imagine that. Ten years after the fact and he's going to try and blackmail me. But the circumstances looked right. All I had to do was make Michael look as if he had killed Brad, and that was it. But you had to interfere.” Colin growled.

  She stepped back at the unnerving sound but he grabbed her hand. “I feel so tempted to shoot your brains out right now. But first you have to serve your purpose."

  She trembled, barely able to stand on her feet. Nicole no longer felt the cold. Only dread that Colin would hurt Michael or force him to go back to prison. She wouldn't let either happen.

  "Come off it, baby. No need to shake for me. See, I've killed plenty of men, and women, in the last few years. They'll even beg for their lives in an attempt to save themselves but I'm without mercy. Do you know why?” He used the gun to tilt her chin up, to force her to look at him.

  Colin sighed. “It all began a long time ago. Before Michael was born. No matter what Mrs Carmichael did, she couldn't get pregnant. She was told she couldn't have kids so she and old man Carmichael decided to adopt. That was me. A scrawny runt just out of the hospital because my own mum didn't want to be tied down by kids. She said it was too late to abort me so she decided to give me away. Like a sack of potatoes."

  Colin's eyes became cold pools of frozen water. “I didn't know I was adopted. Not until one day, when I was nine, Mrs Carmichael was peeved at me for something and she told me that, for someone who was adopted, I was an ungrateful wretch. See, and I worshipped the ground she walked on. Until that day."

  Nicole shifted from one foot to the other. He was going to tell the ugly story of his past, then he'd kill her. She felt pity for the boy Colin had been, but not for the man. He was the next best thing to an untamed beast.

  He continued. “I wanted to kill her. Right there and then but I didn't want to lose my freedom. There's nothing on earth worth losing your freedom for. No matter how good it feels.

  "I knew she had cancer, so I thought, why not just let her suffer. I watched her die, you know. Month after long month, when I could have put her out of her misery. But I was happy watching her in such horrendous pain. How dare she tell me I was adopted?"

  Nicole knew what being a Carmichael meant to each member of the clan. It meant prestige, wealth, power and lifetime security.

  "I'm getting ahead of myself though. The doctors were wrong in predicting Mrs Carmichael couldn't have kids. I was two years old when Michael came along. Both she and the old man were all over themselves with happiness. They had a son of their own blood.” His lips turned up in a crooked smile. “I found out the old man had been having affairs for years before his wife conceived. Those kids were strong and healthy. When she lay dying on her deathbed, I told her how her husband, who she thought was the most faithful man in the world, had whored around on her. I let her die knowing her husband hadn't loved her as much as she thought. I let her know her beloved husband was an adulterer."

  "You bastard,” she whispered. What kind of animal was he that he could torment an old woman, already suffering and in agony, to die heartbroken and feeling she had been betrayed?

  "I wonder if the old man found out. He never said as much. That day Michael and you went out to the lake, the old man and I we got into an argument. He said he was cutting me out of his will, that he would get to his lawyer the next day to sign the necessary papers. He made sure I understood he'd never really considered me his son. I was more an extra mouth to feed, a Carmichael in name only, a nobody."

  Nicole swallowed and tried to think of a way to get past him. She knew from experience, he was much too quick for her and he might not want to burden himself with waiting till the last moment to shoot her.

  "Little Michael was everything to that old man. His life, his sunshine, everything, while I was neglected and left alone to fend for myself. That day you two lovebirds went away was the perfect time to arrange for one more killing. The old man deserved it though. How could he cut me out of his will when he had raised me to be a Carmichael?"

  The man's mind was twisted. She didn't want to hear anymore but forced herself to listen. The old man had truly loved Michael and had tried to show him in the only way he had left to communicate, his eyes, moments before he died.

  "I tried to bargain with the asshole. He wouldn't hear of it. He said a real Carmichael would never lower himself to such standards. You know what? He actually laughed at me.

  "That's when I decided being a Carmichael was important enough I would kill to hide the truth. I wouldn't let no farting old man disown me, cut me off from what was my right.

  "Here's where Brad came in. I didn't want to sully myself with killing my so-called dad. Brad was perfect for the job. All I had to do was call him when you lovebirds went out to fuck each other's brains out, and he came running."

  Nicole felt smaller than an ant. “I don't believe you. He would never have done such a thing."

  "Isn't there irony in your situation?” he asked, looking down at her intently. “You put an innocent man in jail but you were going to marry the real murderer. Such touching irony.” He dragged the handgun under her chin.

  "Don't touch me.” Just his looking at her revolted her. He belonged in prison more than Michael ever had. Would she ever get a chance to make amends? To tell Michael she loved him, that she could never ease away the hurt of being forced into a place he hadn't belonged? She would never alleviate her own guilt. She would live with it until the day she died.

  "Michael walked in at the perfect moment, and even picked up the murder weapon. It was even more perfect that you caught him holding it. What a way to show how much you believed in him. You know how many times he told me he wished he could die because you had no faith in him, that you really didn't love him after all?"

  The tears she had held back stained her cheeks.

  "The funny thing was he never stopped loving you. Yeah, at first he was madder than a disturbed hornets’ nest, but when that waned, he loved you more than ever. He forgave you."

  Where most men in his position, wouldn't have, Nicole realised. Most men would have turned away and never spoken to the woman whom they had loved but who had betrayed them. She sobbed quietly.

  "While you're all choked up about your sweetheart, I've been thinking. Why should my little brother be happy when I'm not? Why should he be able to get married when I can't even get myself a date without paying for it? Why should Michael know any happiness? What have I had? Nothing but turmoil and the feeling I've missed something important."

  Nicole didn't want to hear his self-pity. She couldn't fathom a young boy telling the woman who had adopted him that he wanted to watch her die, that he had been so cruel in forcing his brother to go to jail without confessing the truth. If her heart could have sunk into her shoes, it would have. All these years, she had been inadvertently protecting Colin.

  "I'm going to change that though. I'm going to make sure I enjoy myself on you. As my little brother watches. Then I'm going to kill you both but it'll look like suicide. The cops won't even bother investigating. Why would they, since Michael has proved himself to be a killer once? They won't even look for any DNA on you, when they find you naked, with your legs spread open and semen all over. Those damned pigs won't even think to examine it for DNA."

  "Don't you think too highly of yourself.” Colin's hoarse whisper sent chills down her spine. She didn't want to die. Not without first telling Michael she was sorry, that she loved him, and that she wished she could turn back the clocks. In her innocent, youthful state, she had made a major mistake, one she couldn't easily live with even if Colin changed his sick mind. Although that didn't look likely.

  He went on as if he hadn't heard her. “I'm going to have my little brother murder the woman who betrayed him. You deserve what's coming to you. And do you
know how he's going to do that? He's going to play one of those kinky games people play in the name of love.” He shook his head as if having trouble understanding. “You've both played at bondage and domination so well. No normal sex for the two of you. Do you know I was watching you the whole time you were in the restaurant? You wanted Michael so much. I could see the lust in your eyes. I got a big kick out of you being naked and tied down on that table. In fact, I was just moments away from making my appearance known so I could fuck you in a hurry. Michael would never have known."

  "I would have told him."

  "He wouldn't have believed you. You've lied to him one too many times."

  Nicole worried her lower lip. Would Michael have believed her if Colin had helped himself to her? Instantly, she knew he would have. No matter how incredulous the tale, he would have expressed his faith in her by believing in her. Michael wouldn't have betrayed her. Why couldn't she have seen what she was doing? Why hadn't she loved him enough to support him when he needed her love the most?

  "Nicole, stop thinking like that,” a gentle voice said from somewhere behind her.

  Colin didn't move. “I was hoping you would arrive, little brother. Just in time to see your beloved make love to the man she's always wanted."

  "You make me sick,” Nicole snapped. Her spirits plummeted. She couldn't bear to see the pain in Michael's face.

  "You know if you do anything I don't like, I'll shoot Nicole right here and now, don't you, little brother?"

  She turned to see Michael nod. He had dressed in the jeans and flannel shirt he had been wearing earlier. She couldn't miss the harsh worry lines on his face.

  "I want you to go upstairs to your bedroom,” Colin directed, nudging the gun in Michael's direction.

  The air changed almost imperceptibly, as if the cold had permeated through her bones. Somewhere between here and the bedroom, Nicole had to give Michael a fighting chance to survive. She wasn't sure how she would accomplish that, but that was one thing she owed him, his freedom to choose.

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  Chapter Twenty-Two

  * * * *

  "So my little brother comes to his fair maiden's rescue."

  Colin's smile sent icicles down Nicole's back.

  "Get moving. Both of you. Or else I'll shoot her."

  Michael set his lips in a grim line. She knew he was calculating exactly how fast he could move before the gun went off. Apparently, not fast enough. His loving gaze swept over her as she tried to drum up a teary smile for him. He grimaced, turned his back and started moving forward.

  With the gun pressing relentlessly against her spine, Nicole trudged up the stairs and into the house behind Michael. If she found the perfect spot to make her move, she had no way to signal him. She had to be careful. If she was lucky enough to duck as Colin shot, Michael was in the direct line of fire.

  She suspected Michael had been listening for several minutes in an attempt to assess the situation and figure a way out where no one would get hurt. She walked up the staircase, heading towards the window at the end of the hallway. There was no doubt in her mind Colin intended to kill them in Michael's suite.

  At the top of the stairs, Michael half-turned, his expression bleak. “Why don't you let her go, Colin? What good is she to you?"

  "She's good for you, isn't she?” Colin moved the gun and waved it around.

  Michael pressed his lips together. His eyes crinkled at the corners with deep worry. Silently she prayed he would hear her signal and would react quickly.

  As they approached the end of the hallway where the beautiful floor to ceiling length window looked out into the darkness, Nicole made her move. Even as she slammed her elbow into Colin's midriff and ducked with split second timing, she shouted, “Down!"

  She stomped on Colin's instep. Michael fell flat on his stomach. The gun went off, shattering the painful silence.

  Colin let out a grunt before he fell forward and sideways into the window. Glass shattered as he fell through. He screamed, desperately trying to catch himself. He failed and screamed in fear.

  She glanced out of the window, trying to assure herself the big man hadn't grasped a ledge or a trellis on his way down. She didn't see him. If she had, she would've kicked him in the face to complete his fall.

  When she turned, Michael was on his feet and running towards her. “Are you all right?"

  She nodded despite the burning sensation across her upper arm. She fell into his arms, sobbing against his chest. He smelled of sex and her fragrant gardenia perfume. “He was going to kill you,” she whispered.

  "I know. I was there most of the time, listening,” he replied softly, stroking the top of her head in an attempt to comfort her. “I needed to hear for myself what he was telling you."

  He rubbed her arms. “Oh God, Nicole. What happened?” He drew his hand away. His fingers were covered in the glittering blood soaking through the upper sleeve of her jacket. “He shot you,” Michael said tersely, ripping away her jacket.

  Nicole stared down at her arm, finally feeling the stinging burning. He probed gently. There was blood. “You need medical attention."

  "No. We need to find him."

  "You mean Colin?” a third voice asked. She whirled around to find Bryan facing them. He looked almost like a snowman, under a thick blanket of snow. “Are you hurt?” he asked Nicole.

  "The bullet grazed her arm,” Michael responded.

  "I'll go find Ice. I've got a bone to pick with him.” Bryan turned on his heel and ran down the stairs.

  The adrenaline pumping through her veins began to wear off. Nicole sobbed as Michael led her into the bedroom and made her lie on the bed. “He was going to kill you,” she whispered again.

  "It's okay. He won't be back. A fall from that height would kill most men.” He picked up his cell phone and called the doctor. “He'll be here as soon as the snow will allow,” he announced, disconnecting. Nicole didn't want to admit how much her arm hurt.

  Bryan knocked on the door. “I couldn't find him. Not even a trail."

  "Oh my God,” Nicole whispered.

  "He won't make it far. The cops will be here any minute."

  Her eyebrows arched in question. “I had an alarm installed without Colin's knowledge."

  "Did you suspect him?” she asked.

  Michael nodded. “The last few months he's been acting strangely. But I didn't know he was in the restaurant, Nicole. I'm so sorry."

  Tears spilled down her cheeks.

  "There's two things I don't understand,” Bryan ventured. “Have you seen Cathy?"

  Michael frowned. “Not for years. Why?"

  "Cathy?” Nicole asked, bewildered. Was she a Carmichael too?

  Bryan looked close to tears.

  "Colin kidnapped her. I have to find her."

  "Why would he want to do that?” Michael asked.

  "I don't know. It's a long story about espionage, high level officials and hired killers."

  Nicole sucked in a breath. “What do you mean?” Her heart drummed in her ears. Colin wasn't who he appeared to be outwardly. He was worse than the devil himself.

  Bryan murmured something low, something about keeping secrets and not putting Catty's life in danger.

  "Wait until the cops get here. Shouldn't be long now,” Michael insisted.

  Bryan sank into a chair and lowered his head against his upturned palms. “I thought she would be here. What if she's dead?"

  "We'll find her."

  Nicole noted Michael's expression was as grim as it had been walking up the stairs. He shook his head slightly when she examined his face, seeking clarification. He had said one thing but meant another. Whoever this Cathy was, she wouldn't be found alive. The knowledge that Colin had killed again and ruined another life saddened her. The other man seemed to pull himself together. Colin had left nothing but human wreckage in his path, wherever he walked.

  "Someone broke into my house the other night,” Bryan went on. “Th
e only thing missing were boxes of photographs. I can't figure out why anyone would want those."

  Michael shifted slightly. “It was me. I was searching for proof but I wanted to make it look like a burglary."

  "Proof of what?"

  "As a teenager, Colin loved taking photos, the kind that got him into trouble with Mother because he took very private pictures of the family and our friends. It was a blatant invasion of privacy but everyone thought he would grow out of it."

  "What would a photo prove?” Nicole asked, holding on to Michael with all her waning strength. Her wound burned. She never wanted to lose him again.

  "I'll get to that in a minute. I was hoping to find a photo that might prove we were at the lake the day Dad was murdered. The medical examiner said the death occurred within a one hour range of three-forty-two that afternoon. It sounds easy, but it's one of the more difficult things I've had to do."

  "To prove your innocence,” Nicole whispered.

  Michael inclined his head. “I had to find a photo which might show we were at the lake. I knew Colin had to have taken one. So it was a matter of finding it. But where to look?

  "When Bryan came to work for me, I remembered his mother had a real knack for taking photos and I played a long shot bet. Colin stayed with her through my trial and subsequent sentencing. He might have hidden the photo I was looking for in her stack."

  "Did you find it?” Nicole asked breathlessly.

  "Yes. And a negative. Colin shot all his film with a camera that took photos with a date and time stamp. When we were at the lake, the photo was shot at four-fifteen, judging from the sun's angle. That meant I had an alibi at the time of the murder."

  "Me,” Nicole whispered. Tears ran unheeded down her cheeks.

  "Right. But that photograph would have proved conclusively that I didn't kill my dad."

  "Why would Colin hide it?” Bryan asked, startling Nicole, who had forgotten he was there.

  "Colin was going to blackmail me, I think. He was the type of man to do exactly that."


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