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Sage's Story [The Town of Pearl 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 11

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Oh God, Quaid. You’re wild.” She moaned from his words alone.

  “Damn, baby, it’s your fault. You make me wild.” He lifted her hips, aligned his cock with her pussy, and pressed forward. In and out he immediately set a pace as Sage moaned and ran the palms of her hands up and down his chest. He flexed his muscles wanting her to think his body was sexy enough for her. He never felt so insecure in his life, but that was how important Sage had become so quickly to him and his brothers.

  “So good. You’re tight, and wet, and feel perfect.”

  “More, Quaid. Go faster, you feel so hard and so good. I’m almost there. I want another orgasm,” she said, and the others chuckled. He thrust deep and hard. She gasped. He held himself within her as he gripped her hips. “You want another orgasm, huh?” he asked through clenched teeth. He was already there and ready to explode. His cock so tight he felt like he couldn’t see straight. He was almost afraid of what he might feel when he finally climaxed. She was that good, that perfect of a fit.

  “Yes,” she told him.

  He pulled out and thrust back in trying to focus on her needs, and making her come so he could let go inside of her.

  She kept panting and rubbing his chest. Then she pinched his nipple and he reached underneath her and pressed a finger to her sacred hole.

  “Oh!” She screamed louder and then shook from her orgasm.

  “How was that?” he asked all cocky, as the others looked on.

  “Ahh.” She grunted and he lost it. The sight of her full breasts swaying and the feel of her vaginal muscles gripping his cock as she came, sent him over the edge.

  “Sage,” he growled out and thrust two more times before exploding in ecstasy and feeling his entire world spin off its axis.

  * * * *

  Quaid moved slowly from her body, kissing her and caressing her breasts before moving out of the way. When Dale reached down for her, she was still panting.

  “Oh God, I can’t.”

  Dale lifted her up and hugged her to him. He was completely naked.

  “Shhh, baby doll. We’re going to wrap your arm in plastic so the bandage doesn’t get wet and then you and I are taking a shower.” She moaned against his neck and he caressed her ass and looked at the others over her shoulder. Matt, Quaid, and Virgo were all smiling and getting dressed.

  “I’ll grab the stuff and help you wrap it,” Virgo said, and Dale carried Sage into the large master bathroom.

  He kept her in his arms and against his chest as he started the shower. She clung to him, her breath warm and sweet against his neck.


  “Hmm?” he replied.

  “Are you still angry with me for having to leave tomorrow?”

  “Let’s not talk about it now.”

  Virgo entered the bathroom carrying the stuff to wrap her arm. They both worked together to secure the plastic around the bandage and tape it securely so no water would get inside.

  “I don’t like that you’re upset with me. You need to understand that this was planned before last night and this morning,” she said, and he held her gaze as Virgo finished up.

  Her green eyes sparkled, her long brown hair cascaded around her youthful face, and his heart soared with adoration.

  Virgo gave her a soft smile as he cupped her breast and then kissed her lips. “I’ll leave you two to discuss this and help pull together something to eat when you meet us downstairs.” They watched him walk out and close the door.

  Dale lifted her up into his arms and carried her to the shower.

  She caressed her hands up and down his chest and then over his shoulders, as he stepped under the spray of hot water. She shivered and then he set her down so she could wet her hair. Reaching for the soap he watched as she raised her arms up, her head barely reaching his upper chest, as she soaked the chocolate strands.

  “Here’s some shampoo,” he said. She shampooed her hair, rinsed it as he soaped up, and watched the suds travel down her strong, toned neck and shoulders, over her large breasts and her belly, then to her pussy.

  He reached down as she added conditioner, and stroked a finger over her cunt.

  Immediately Sage leaned back against the wall in the shower.

  He held her gaze and watched her lips part as she caught her breath, and he pressed his fingers firmer against her mound. His knuckles hit her thighs.

  “Open for me,” he told her.

  She held his gaze and parted her thighs, giving his fingers better access to her pussy lips.

  He pressed his hand against the wall right by her shoulder and head. She tilted her head against his upper arm as he began to thrust his finger in and out of her cunt.

  Her lips parted. She looked so sexy and appetizing.

  “I don’t want you out of my sight.” He pressed his lips against hers before she could reply. He plunged his tongue between her teeth and explored her mouth while his fingers stroked her pussy. In and out he continued to thrust into her. He released her lips and she panted as she reached up to touch her palm to his cheek.

  “I’ll text you.”

  He pulled his fingers from her cunt, grabbed her hips, and lifted her up and against him. He pressed her back against the wall and held her gaze, the tip of his cock right at her entrance.

  “I don’t want a fucking text. I want you in my arms, and if not with me then one of the others. I worry about you. Especially after last night. You could have gotten hurt worse than this.”

  She ran her delicate hands up his chest to his throat and held him there. He stared down at her, and she appeared so feminine and petite compared to him. He towered over her in every way. She was his woman, their woman, and he wanted her by him always.

  “Make love to me, Dale. Make me yours so we’ll always be connected.”

  He felt the desire, the need so deep to claim her overtake him as he slid between her thighs and right into her cunt. She was so tight, he had to pull back and then ease into her again. It took several strokes until finally, as she climbed up his body and widened her thighs, he thrust in to the hilt.

  She gasped and held on to his shoulders. Her throat exposed to his kisses as he leaned forward and licked and sucked against her wet skin. He was filled with such powerful emotions he felt a pain in his chest, a realization that he really cared for Sage. Maybe he even loved her already.

  “You feel like heaven, sweetness.” He spoke against her neck then trailed his tongue and teeth over her jaw and then kissed her deeply. He plunged his tongue in and out of her mouth, making love to her, savoring in her taste. He thrust and stroked her pussy, feeling her vaginal muscles tighten and grip him hard. They were both moaning, and he reached under and between her ass cheeks and found her sacred hole. He pressed against it as he thrust, when he felt her push down, allowing his finger access to her ass. “Fuck, baby, you are so responsive. One day, when you feel safe and ready, we’re all going to make love to you together.”

  He pulled out and thrust back in, the images in his head causing him to lose his attempt to hold back.

  “Fuck.” He grunted and she pressed down and countered his thrusts until he pushed his finger up into her ass as his cock filled her cunt and she screamed against his chest. He pulled back and thrust back in as he bent his legs and tried to penetrate deeper to mark her his woman. “Sage, holy God, Sage.” He climaxed and then squeezed her against his chest. He kissed her everywhere. Along her cheeks, her neck and then to her breasts.

  She ran her fingers through his hair and held his gaze as the water sprayed down between them. “You’re mine, baby. I’ll always be here for you.” She hugged him tight and they remained that way until the water began to cool.

  Chapter 7

  Sage texted Amanda again and tried to call her but it kept going to voice mail. She called Corey which got the guys upset since they had seen that Corey, Bill, Lenny, and Davie texted her over five times each. Being that Amanda hooked up with some great guy she met, she could understand why the
girl wasn’t answering her phone. Hell, Sage didn’t want to leave the guys’ house at all, but she needed to pack her things and get ready for a ride from Lena to the bus stop in Turbank.

  She tossed the cell onto the bed and started to zip up her overnight bag when strong arms wrapped around her and Dale was cupping her breast.

  “Dale, I need to get ready. Lena is going to be here any minute.”

  “I don’t know why you couldn’t let one of us take you to the bus stop,” Virgo stated.

  “Because the plans were already made and Lena had been upset about what happened Saturday night. We could use the twenty-minute ride to talk.”

  She turned in Dale’s arms and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. Of course that kiss led to his hands moving under her skirt to her ass, when he maneuvered his finger against her pussy, she pulled from his arms and reprimanded him.

  “I don’t need to feel like that when I have the long bus ride.”

  “Feel like what?” Virgo asked as he pulled her into his arms to kiss her just as thoroughly. She was glad that she said good-bye to Matt and Quaid earlier or she might miss her bus.

  “Virgo.” She pulled from his mouth as he did the same move Dale did but actually pressed a finger up between her pussy lips.

  “Get back here,” Virgo said as he chased her from the room with her bag in hand.

  “You’re going to be late,” Lena said as she stood by the front porch. Sage stopped short and Virgo wrapped an arm around her waist and held her to him. He kissed her neck as he looked at Lena.

  “Hello, Lena. We were just saying good-bye to Sage.”

  Lena smiled. “I see that. But we need to go.”

  Virgo released her and they locked up her door and headed toward Lena’s black Expedition. Sage stood by the door as Dale pulled her into his arms and kissed her again.

  “Call us as soon as you get to Curtis’s.” She smiled and then got into the truck. Lena waved good-bye.

  Sage smiled as they pulled down the long dirt driveway and onto the main road. The men still weren’t crazy about her staying with Curtis, but Sage let Matt talk with Curtis over the phone and he felt better about the sleeping arrangements.

  “So, it’s been a crazy twenty-four hours for you, huh?” Lena asked.

  Sage smiled.

  “The craziest.”

  “Are they taking their time with you?” Lena asked. Sage reached over and touched her arm.

  “They’re good men. I’ve never felt so connected before. I really care for them.”

  Lena smiled, and seemed to lose that worried expression she had when she first arrived.

  “I’m glad to hear it. So how the heck did you get them to let you leave them for two days?”

  Sage chuckled. “This was a planned thing before Saturday night happened. They need to know that I’m independent and have my own dreams. I told them that I was exploring my options and I needed to secure any potential jobs in case I leave Pearl after the summer.”

  “Well, you know you have my support. As much as I would prefer for you to live here, I understand that you need to find happiness. Who knows, maybe being away from them right now when things just heated up so quickly, will put your future plans in perspective?”

  Sage smiled.

  “You sound like Matt.”

  Lena chuckled.

  “How is your arm feeling? I’m assuming that you’ll see doc when you come back?”

  “Yes. The bus doesn’t get into Turbank until midnight. Kenny said that he’s working the night shift and can get me so no one has to be up too late.”

  “And one of your men didn’t try to insist that they pick you up?” Lena asked.

  “Oh, they did. But Kenny was also insistent.”

  Lena chuckled. “That’s Kenny. So what did your friends have to say about Saturday night?”

  “Oh, they’re still recovering, I think. Mary met some guy and she’s meeting him for lunch in town today. Amanda met someone and still hasn’t called any of us back yet. I swear, I think Corey and Bill really like her and are pissed about her being with another guy. Their cousins Aiden and Jack like her, too, but they’re older, and keep to themselves. They don’t like partying or hanging out at dance halls. Amanda is younger. I think they’re hoping to give her some time to grow up.”

  “Why don’t they tell her how they feel?”

  “Lena, Aiden and Jack are older, Corey and Bill, well, they’ve been friends since kindergarten. They think she would never see them as anything more than that. But I could tell they were pissed off. Even when she was dancing with the two guys at the dance hall. That’s what really started the bar fight.” Sage explained the whole story, and Lena covered her mouth and gasped.

  “You better not let the guys, mine or yours, find out about the way things really went down.”

  “It was a lot of fun despite the scar I’ll probably have to show for it. We were fine. Just like when we all do other crazy things together. They’re good friends, but when I was out, I kind of felt out of place.”

  “Out of place?”

  “Yes. Like I was bored with the whole drinking, dancing, and flirting. That’s why I think this summer is so important for me. I need a career, a way to feel even more independent and my own person. I love working at the Main Street Inn and meeting people, but I want a job doing the researching and making a difference. I don’t think there’s anything I can do in Pearl that will give me a position like that.”

  “Don’t cut out Pearl and its people so fast. You haven’t even asked around. Weigh your options and don’t make any rash decisions. Especially going out to Dallas like you are. The big city, the career woman idea might seem exciting and perfect, but it’s far away from family and the ones who love you. You might be able to make a difference right here in Pearl.”

  “I promise to not sign any contracts or agree to any professional positions while I’m out there.”

  “Good. Make sure you watch yourself, and carry that pepper spray that Bryant gave you.”

  “Bryant? Lena, I have eight bottles in my bag.”


  “One from each of our men.”

  “Oh, referring to Dale, Virgo, Matt, and Quaid as your men already? Interesting.”

  Sage smiled and felt her cheeks blush as the realization hit her. “I guess I am, and you know what? I’m all right with that.”

  “Good for you.”

  They pulled into Turbank and found a parking spot. Lena stayed with Sage until the bus pulled up and was loading bags and passengers.

  “Have fun, and call us when you get there.”

  “I will.”

  “Love you,” Lena told her.

  “I love you, too.”

  * * * *

  “I miss her,” Quaid stated as he sat at the island in the kitchen while the others were around him.

  “We all do,” Dale said with an attitude.

  “She texted us. She’ll be home late tonight and we’ll have her in our arms by Wednesday, tomorrow morning,” Virgo stated.

  “In our bed is where I want her. We’re going to have to talk to her about this trip and her plans,” Quaid stated.

  “We discussed this so many times already, Quaid,” Matt told him. “She needs time. We’ve got plenty of time and there’s no need to rush. Let’s give her the opportunity to talk to us about Dallas and the offices she visited. Maybe she didn’t like any of them.”

  “I don’t feel that we discussed this enough. She’s out in Dallas, with Curtis and some friends probably at dinner then going out afterward. There are lots of businessmen and cowboys who will see her and want to make a move.” Quaid slammed his hand down on the table.

  “I’ve never seen you so lacking in confidence, Quaid,” Dale said.

  “Me? What about you? You gave her shit from the time she mentioned the trip.”

  “I did, but she’s entitled to keep plans she already made before we made love to her Sunday morning. It would
have put a wedge between us and that’s the opposite of what we all want.”

  Matt’s cell phone was ringing.

  “It’s Wyatt. I’ll be right back.”

  * * * *

  Sage went out to dinner with Curtis and his girlfriend Liz. They met some more of Curtis’s friends from work, an office she visited during the day. She had to admit that she liked the high-rise buildings and the small layout of the city of Dallas. It wasn’t like Detroit and the city there. In fact it was clean.

  They talked about the need for paralegals, researchers, and even new programs that entailed working for the government and helping in missing persons cases. It snagged her attention and she thought about Matt and Quaid. They probably knew a lot about such a position. She wondered if they had connections that could help her? She thought about all four of them a lot. And every time she had an idea, or was excited about something, she wanted to share it with Dale, Virgo, Matt, and Quaid.

  “We were going to head to one of the dance halls. You promise not to get into another bar fight?” Curtis teased, and they all laughed. She had explained how she cut her arm.

  “I will promise no such thing. Remember, I was defending myself and was an innocent bystander.”

  “Hey, I went to college with you. You were a daredevil,” Curtis teased.

  “What makes you think I’m still not?”

  The others laughed and Liz smiled. As they headed out of the restaurant, she texted the guys in a group message and told them the plan. She also texted Amanda. She had yet to hear back from her and she was starting to worry. It wasn’t uncommon for her to go missing for a day or two after hooking up with some guy, but it was Tuesday night.

  As they made it to the dance hall, she got a text back from Amanda.

  Where are you?

  In Dallas. Where the hell have you been? What happened with that guy you hooked up with?

  I’m in Dallas, too, with the guy. Where are you now?


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