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Sage's Story [The Town of Pearl 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 14

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  He immediately thought about the files he saw. The ones Mark shared with him on the not-so-lucky women who didn’t survive. The things they did, the types of locations and men they were sent to were horrific. It made him wonder why the government couldn’t just illuminate men like these. Why they deserved lawyers and the legal system, he couldn’t understand. All he knew was that he wanted the ones who took Sage. He wanted them charged or dead, and if he could accomplish that himself without getting caught, he’d do it.

  “Hey, what’s going on? Any updates?” Virgo asked as he exited the bathroom alone. Matt thought that Sage was with him. That was what Quaid and Dale told him.

  “Where’s Sage?” he asked, stepping closer.

  “She’s okay. She’s drying her hair,” Quaid said, squinting at Matt. “Are you okay?”

  Matt ran his fingers through his hair and exhaled. “Fuck no. But I have to be. I just need to see her and hold her.”

  “I know exactly what you mean. She was with Dale and Quaid when I hurried home to be with her, hoping she wasn’t still sleeping.”

  “I heard. They told me about making love to her together. That makes me really happy.”

  “Me, too. You should go be with her. We’ll call you if the department calls with any updates.”

  “You’ll probably hear from Wyatt. I’m expecting a call from Agent Santos. They’ve got a location on the guys who took some of these women. Supposedly surveillance shows about ten women or so held up in a warehouse in Houston. The feds are on it and about to raid.”

  “Oh God, is Amanda there? Is she okay?” Sage asked as she entered the room wearing one of Virgo’s T-shirts. It fell to her knees, and she looked so damn sexy.

  “We don’t know, baby.”

  She immediately walked toward him and hugged him. He looked at Virgo who smiled. Virgo placed his hand on his shoulder.

  “Just love her and be with her. It makes a difference.” He walked from the room and Matt ran his hands along Sage’s body. He caressed under the shirt to her ass and felt his cock harden with need.

  She kissed his chest despite the fact he still wore his dress shirt and dress pants.

  As she reached his chin and then stood on tiptoes to kiss his lips, he grabbed her tighter and kissed her hard on the mouth. All his emotions, all the words that went through his head that he wanted to say and tell her, disappeared. She made quick work with her hands understanding his need, and obviously feeling it, too. She shoved his pants and boxers down, and gripped his cock. He pulled from her mouth. “Fuck.”

  He lifted her up, causing her to release her hold on his cock, and then she gripped his shirt.

  “I know you’re mad. I know that you’re probably upset with me for leaving you and almost getting taken. I know that you probably have access to everything that’s going on, too. I can see it in your eyes, Matt. But don’t let it come between us. I need you so badly, Matt. I could have lost ever loving any of you again.” She tossed his shirt away and he pulled hers up and off of her as he lowered her not so gently to the bed. Their bodies crushed against one another.

  “God, you’re perfect. I love you, baby. To think that I could have lost the chance to love you—”

  She covered his lips with her finger. “Don’t. Don’t dwell on it or talk about it. Just love me. Please.”

  He aligned his cock with her pussy, pulled her thighs up higher against his hips, and thrust into her in one full, deep stroke. She gasped and gripped his shoulders, so he pulled out then thrust back in.

  He growled against her shoulder as she held himself deep within her channel.

  “My God. Oh God, Sage.” He felt the tears fill his eyes but he held them at bay. He never cried, never allowed his emotions to overwhelm him like this. He lifted up and began to set a fast, hard pace to try and counter the abundance of emotions he was feeling. Sage moaned and shook beneath him as he got so deep inside of her he thought he might hurt her. He eased back.

  “I’m sorry. I just need so much from you right now.” She kissed his jaw and ran her fingers through his hair. She held his gaze as she counterthrust upward. “Take what you want. All of me. I’m yours, Matt. I love you and we’re going to always be together.”

  He grabbed a hold of her hips. “Put your arms up above your head. Keep them there.”

  She did, causing her luscious breasts to push forward. He leaned down and licked across each nipple. She moved her hand to touch him.

  “Not yet. Keep them up there.” He gripped both wrists with one hand as he rotated his hips and stroked her cunt.

  “Yes, oh God you feel so big and hard.”

  He pulled out and thrust back in holding himself deep within her on every single stroke.

  “Oh Matt.” She moaned again.

  “I’m there, baby. Come with me. Come with me.” He ordered as he pounded into her four more times and then released her wrists. She immediately counterthrusted and called out his name as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders best she could.

  “Matt!” She came, shaking and thrusting under him.

  He squeezed her tight, lifted, and thrust the best he could with her holding him and climaxed, causing his head to spin, his throat to close up with emotion.

  “I love you,” he said in a raspy breath as he squeezed her, and felt the one stray tear fall to the sheets over her shoulder.

  He wouldn’t move but lifted slightly so he wouldn’t crush her.

  “I love you, too. Always, Matt. Always.”

  Chapter 10

  Agent Mark Santos stood next to Wyatt as he took the call from on the scene at the warehouse in Houston. Only eight women were found, alive but badly dehydrated. They were all being brought to a local hospital to be treated and questioned. Four individuals were arrested on the spot, and numerous vehicles confiscated as evidence in connection to the abductions.

  Agent Santos relayed the information to Wyatt.

  As they went over the names and identities of the victims, Amanda turned out to be one of the women found.

  “Thank God. Kenny, call Amanda’s parents. Let them know that Amanda was found. We’ll make arrangements to get them to Houston as quickly as possible,” Wyatt told Kenny.

  “Thank God. I’ll call Matt. Sage will want to know, too,” Wyatt stated.

  Agent Santos’s phone rang again.

  He answered it and then looked at Wyatt.

  He raised his hand for Wyatt to hold off on calling Matt a second. Wyatt listened as Mark spoke into the phone. When he finally got off the phone, he looked at Wyatt.

  “Let Matt know that the two guys who tried to abduct Sage were just found dead by another unit of agents. They were shot, execution style.”

  * * * *

  Everyone had gathered inside of the bed-and-breakfast to welcome Amanda home. She spent the first few days with her parents after going through quite an ordeal. Sage had visited her immediately and the two women embraced and spoke to one another about their experiences. Amanda had been lucky the agents found them. She said she heard one of the men who were watching the women say they were being shipped to South America.

  She tried fighting off the men a couple of times and it cost her a broken arm and some bruising. But nothing compared to watching them kill another woman who attempted to escape. They had used her as an example to scare the women into remaining cooperative.

  Sage was heading down the hallway of the restaurant area before heading back to the table where Amanda and their friends sat talking. She smiled the moment she saw Mr. Brent Pierson.

  “Sage. Oh, how wonderful to see you. Did you get the flowers I sent you?”

  “Yes, Mr. Pierson. Thank you so much for them. That was very kind of you.”

  He smiled at her and then made an angry expression as he looked at her cheek and jaw.

  “They got the ones who did this to you, right?” he asked, and she nodded her head.

  “It’s just some bruising. It could have been worse.”

heard. I don’t even want to imagine if they had been successful in injecting something into you to knock you out. I heard that Amanda was rescued, and that the agents also saved several other women.”

  “Yes, it was a success. I’m so glad my friends in Dallas were able to get the license plate number off that van.”

  “Don’t forget about you using the pepper spray and some of that cool martial arts you do so well.”

  She smiled. He was such a nice guy. He was attractive, friendly, and even talked about moving into Pearl, once business slowed down.

  “Sage.” She heard her name and turned to see Quaid. He looked concerned and then he looked at Brent and smiled.

  “Hi, Brent. How are you?” he asked as he shook his hand hello.

  “I’m good. But I’m sure you and your cousins are ecstatic that this all is coming to an end.”

  “We are. We’re grateful that Sage is safe and that Amanda is back home in Pearl.” He wrapped his arm around Sage’s waist from behind. She smiled.

  “Well, I’m off to meet a friend in Turbank. Enjoy the celebrating. I hope to see you back in the restaurant soon, Sage,” he said.

  “I’ll be back Monday. I’m taking the week off.”

  “Completely understandable. Enjoy.” He headed through the main entry, waving hello to everyone as he left.

  She turned into Quaid’s arms and smiled. His dimples dipped in and she chuckled. “Have I told you how much I love your dimples?”

  He shook his head and squeezed her snugger against him.

  “Well, I do. They’re cute.”

  “Cute?” he asked, sounding disappointed. She stood up on tiptoes and whispered against his lips. “They’re sexy, just like you.”

  “I think it’s time to go home,” he whispered back as he kissed her. His palms moved over her ass cheeks and squeezed them.

  “You two cut that out. You’re in a public place,” Davie yelled out, and they could hear the hoots and hollers.

  Sage and Quaid turned around and headed back toward everyone, enjoying being together and feeling safe again. Although the investigation into the leader of the smuggling operation was still ongoing, most of the feds had left town.

  Sage joined the others, and took Amanda’s hand as she smiled and sat down beside her. Amanda hugged her tight.

  “I think Billy, Corey, and even Aiden and Jack are angry at me.”

  Sage looked around the room, and sure enough, the four brothers were there, but they didn’t look happy.

  “Honey, they really care about you.”

  “I know that. We’ve known one another for years.”

  “No, Amanda, I think they really care. Like a lot more than just as friends.”

  Amanda’s eyes widened and then her cheeks turned red. “No way. They’re huge and wild and crazy and very well known with the ladies, if you know what I mean?”

  Sage chuckled. “You aren’t exactly a lightweight in the sexual partners department,” Sage teased, and Amanda nudged her arm.

  “Thanks a bunch.”

  “Hey, you’ve got nothing to lose. Don’t push them away, Amanda. It could be the worst mistake you make.”

  “I think I already made the worst mistake ever, by hooking up with some guy I didn’t know and letting him suave his way out of the crowded bar and away from my friends.”

  Sage softened her expression. “Don’t focus on the past anymore. Just focus on your future, and all the possibilities.”

  Amanda smiled. “What about you? You can’t possibly want to leave Pearl, now that you’ve fallen in love with Quaid, Matt, Dale, and Virgo.”

  Sage took a deep breath and released it as she looked across the room toward the group of men talking. Matt locked gazes with her, and she shyly looked back at Amanda.

  “I think I’ll be sticking around for a while. After what just happened in Dallas, I’m probably going to have some issues about traveling alone, anywhere.”

  “Me, too. I don’t even want to think about tonight. The nightmares are terrible, and so real. I haven’t told anyone about them. I asked Mom and Dad not to say a word.”

  “I know what those are like. I bet if you told Doc he could give you something to take at night to help. He’s over there. I would ask him.”

  “I think I will.” Amanda held Sage’s gaze and then hugged her. She whispered into her ear, “I love you so much. I’m so glad we both survived. I’m going to be a lot more careful from now on.”

  “Me, too,” Sage said, and then Amanda stood up and made her way over to Doc.

  Sage looked up again to see Matt watching her, and making his way over to her at the table. He sat down next to her, and took her hand into his own. Leaning closer, he kissed her cheek.

  “Everything okay?” he asked.

  “Everything is just fine, Matt.” She cupped his cheek, and felt safe and happy. She couldn’t wait to go home with them, and start getting things back to normal.

  He squeezed her thigh and held her gaze.

  “How is Amanda doing? Really?” he asked, and she laid her head against his shoulder, and smiled.

  “She’ll get through it. I’ll help her,” Sage stated.

  He hugged her against his side.

  “Are the Feds still going to keep you abreast of the investigation?” she asked.

  He nodded. “Marc will definitely keep me posted. There was some chatter last night about another location that could possibly be harboring other women.”

  She sat forward, instantly feeling the tightness in her chest. “More women? When did you find this out?” She was upset, angry, she wanted to know more.

  “Baby, it’s not for you to worry about. There are lots of law enforcement agencies involved. As far as what’s going on closer to home, Dale and Virgo will be working on securing the final surveillance cameras on the borders of town. Millie, Stacy, Lena, and Anna will be working with all of us to ensure that the women in the shelter are more careful, and also trained. He squeezed her thigh and winked at her. “We need to give the women a fighting chance, just like you had. But they also need to not place themselves in potentially dangerous situations.”

  “Like Amanda did.”

  “Yes, like Amanda did. Education is power. Sometimes it takes a situation this intense for the reality of the dangers that are out there to really hit home. We could have lost both of you.”

  “I want to help. I know there has to be something I can do. I didn’t get to tell you guys much about Dallas, and the companies I visited.” Matt took a deep breath and released it.

  Dale joined them, taking a seat on the opposite side of her. “Hey, baby.” He kissed her softly on the lips. She smiled.

  “You were saying,” Matt said.

  “I was saying, that while I was in Dallas, Curtis told me about this great company that has programs connected with the government. There was one I visited that has researchers who use special computer software and their research skills to help in criminal investigations. I don’t know all the details, but it sounded really fascinating, and something that I could definitely do.”

  Matt scrunched his eyes together. He didn’t seem too confident in her abilities, and as she looked at Dale, he just looked away from her.

  Before she could ask them what was wrong, or to ask why they didn’t seem interested in what she learned in Dallas, agent Mark Santos came over, and both Matt and Dale had to walk away with him to discuss something.

  * * * *

  “I just received a call from headquarters. Through tracking ownership of the warehouse and a trucking company, they were able to link rentals receipts to someone in the Dallas area. Now, from here, they basically try to pinpoint an area in Dallas, a company, and another warehouse, whatever they can to zero in on the individuals who rented that warehouse. The other link is the evidence found on the women’s clothing that were locked in the warehouse, and through interviewing them. One of the men was over talking on the phone, and said something about a sea port, and shipping cont

  “Fuck. You think that’s how they’re smuggling these women out of the country, through shipping containers?”

  “It seems so, or they could hide them below ship. There’s no way the patrols are going to search every incoming and outgoing ship. Especially if they’re local and do a lot of business.”

  “This is great. Maybe you’ll have this investigation wrapped up within the week?” Dale stated.

  “It’s what I hope for, but I think you should still keep the surveillance up and security as well. Your ideas about further training the women in town are a great idea. I would be willing to head back to Pearl to help you guys out.”

  Agent Mark Santos looked across the room toward one of the young ladies that owned the local boutique in town. She was stunning, and he had a nice conversation with her when he first arrived about taking precautions.

  “We’d appreciate that, Mark. Any further help to prevent anything like this happening again would be a great help,” Matt stated, and Mark smiled. It would be his pleasure to get to know the town of Pearl better, and perhaps get to know that woman who gained his interest. It made him wonder if he could find happiness for him and his two brothers, here as well.

  “What’s that smile for?” Dale asked him.

  “Just thinking about how great of a town you guys have here. It’s the kind of place my brothers and I have been searching for to relocate.”

  “Really? I thought Lucas was doing another tour in the Marines?” Matt asked.

  “He just finished up a month ago.”

  “Is he doing okay, readapting to civilian life?” Dale asked.

  “He has his moments. I think moving out to the country like this would do us all good. I’d even consider commuting if I had to,” Mark added.

  “Commuting, hell, you could probably land a perfect job at one of the local headquarters in Keanter. You should talk to Wyatt. He knows a bunch of guys there,” Matt stated.


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