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Page 32

by Unknown

  He leaned over and kissed my forehead, “Wild horses couldn’t keep me away!”

  Palmer grinned, “Speaking of wild things, Liz, would you mind if I went over to Peter’s tonight?”

  “Are you coming home at all?” I asked, but now I was all too aware that Carlton was exiting the restaurant behind him.

  “Probably not. I’ll be home early though; I have a ten o’clock class.” Palmer glanced over his shoulder to see Carlton and turns back to me, “I’ll catch you a cab.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll see that she gets home safely,” Carlton slides up beside Palmer.

  And there’s something in Carlton’s eyes that registered with me immediately. It’s Killer Carlton in there, not mushy cushy Carlton. The look was unusual outside of work, and my eyes must’ve flashed a warning signal because Peter sidled against me protectively.

  “I don’t think the lady is comfortable with that,” He boomed.

  Carlton furrows his heavy eyebrows and stares at my new guardian, “And who the fuck are you?”

  I was really startled now; it was unlike Carlton to talk to people like that! There was something brewing in that head of his and my body shivered. But Peter bolstered before Palmer can jut in, “This beautiful woman is going to be my sister in law one day, that’s who I am!”

  Carlton stared at him dully and grabbed my arm to pull me away, “This beautiful woman is going to be my wife one day, so if you don’t mind taking your hands off her I won’t mind not killing you.”

  Peter frowned, unsure of what to do, but Palmer had hailed a cab and was back to let me know, “Boys! No wrestling in the streets! Carlton, good to see you dude. Jargon’s in the apartment with Nucy. Hope you don’t mind. They were both getting a little rowdy at being kept apart?”

  Carlton was still frowning but he managed a slight smile at the mention of Jargon, “Thanks man. I’ll get him in jiffy.”

  No one had bothered to ask me how I’d like to get home tonight. He increased his grip on my arm, “Liz, would you mind if we walk home? We have a lot of talking to do.”

  I was so completely caught off my guard by his demeanor and harshness that I can do nothing but nod. Peter looked at me again, “Is that kosher with you Liz?”

  I nod again as Peter and Palmer kissed me on the cheek. They waved as they walked off in the other direction, “See ya in the morning!” Palmer yelled over his shoulder.

  Once again I was left staring at Carlton. “Let’s walk,” He said as more of an order than a request.


  As we reached Strawberry Fields he chose a bench on the outside of the circle, “I like to sit here and watch them arrange the flowers at night,” He said plainly.

  I lowered myself onto the bench beside him and we sat in silence for several moments watching fans delicately arrange flowers in intricate designs over the Lennon monument. “It must feel lovely to be cared for like that,” Carlton muttered as he watches the fans create tomorrow’s floral dedication.

  “If this is a pity party, I’m underdressed,” I exclaimed.

  “My whole life is one monolithic pity party Liz. You’re the only one who makes me feel like I can conquer it. And once again you’re right, what is it you American’s say? I need to put on my big girl panties and handle it?”

  I chuckled at his rendition but nod, “That’s what they say!”

  But I’m beyond laughter as he leaned forward and lifted the back of his suit jacket over his waistband. With his thumb he pulls the elastic of a giant pair of white cotton women’s briefs. “Oh my God!” I choke laughing, “You aren’t supposed to literally wear them!”

  He laughed with me but leaned back against the bench, “I know I just needed to see you laugh that’s all.”

  I watched him, and no I was not immune to his love. “Alright, well you got your laugh, now tell me why you drug me out here?”

  “Fair enough. I brought you out here to explain why I have an unused sex room in my apartment. It’s what you need to know, isn’t it?

  “Well, it’ a start of course. But I’d also like to know more,” I nodded.

  “Let’s begin in England. When I was eight my father accidentally choked my mother to death.” He grimaced at some long ago memory.

  “Sorry but how to you accidentally choke someone?” I muttered.

  “They were into it. To tell you the truth if mother hadn’t photographed it so many times Dad would’ve died in jail. But she had this kinky thing about having him take a picture each time she passed out. Only the last time he didn’t realize she was dead.”

  I was totally stunned, “How horrible!”

  But Carlton shook his head, “Missy and I didn’t know the details, he said she died in her sleep. Anyway he took the regular mourning time before looking for a new victim. It just so happens that a lot of women get squeamish about being choked to death. Hence step mother’s one, two and three. But he managed to find women all over the place who did like it and it seems like he made it a mission to make sure he indulged every one he could find.”

  “Now is there proof of this or is this just what you think he did?” I queried.

  “No, I’d say there’s proof. I have four people who are claiming a percentage of Dad’s estate. They’re coming out of the damned woodwork.”

  “Oooh,” I groaned. “Is that what was going on when you were in London?”

  He nodded, but in his eyes I didn’t see the same destroyed man who was in England.

  “But as I got older, I had Kinsley at my side and the world seemed all rosy again. That’s about the time I found out the truth about what happened to my mother. I was fucking furious and vowed to never speak to him again. And I didn’t. He tried over and over again to repair the relationship but I didn’t want anything to do with him. Meanwhile, I started law school and Kinsley stayed back. Three years for God’s sake! After that we would get married and raise little toddlers in my London flat. It was all written in stone I tell you.”

  “Except Dad stole Kinsley while you were gone,” I said dryly.

  “Right, except Dad stole Kinsley. It crushed me beyond belief that they did that to me but the ache that Kinsley left in me never quite went away. I moved to New York and started a new, fresh like away from them, I got as far away as I possibly could, but nothing removed the ache. She’d dominated me to the point that I would’ve done anything she told me to. She can be a powerful woman when she chooses. That’s also why it didn’t surprise me that Dad fell into her guises. The only consolation I had was that Dad was no longer choking women to death; Kinsley put a halt to that pretty quick. But she didn’t take away his toy and not replace it; soon they’d built sex dungeons all over the house. Kinsley and I had dreamed of those sex dungeons, we’d gone so far as to draw them out exactly how we wanted them to be.”

  “Ah!” I exclaimed. “That’s how you know where they are at Michaud Hall! I wondered how you knew where they were! You hadn’t been there since you were a kid.”

  “Yeah, I know where they are because I’m the one who master-minded their location and design. Only I’d planned on using them with Kinsley at a much later date.”

  I drew in a breath of the sweet Central Park air and relaxed a bit beside him. My muscles had been in knots from the moment he’d walked into the restaurant.

  “But you see, even through my devastation, there was a tiny little something in the back of my head that kept saying, don’t give up, she’s out there. The tiniest spark of hope remained somewhere inside me, most of the time it was covered up by brooding, but make no mistake it was there. The moment I saw you in the elevator that day the spark ignited.”

  He placed his hand over mine, “Liz, that room, the one in my apartment, I built that for you. I built it before I even knew you existed. Call it blind faith or what you will, but I knew one day I’d want it.”

  Lifting my head I gazed into his dark eyes, “You built it for me?”

  He nodded, “Of course in my dreaming I assumed t
hat my tiny spark would be a dominant. Now it seems a bit confusing to me sometimes. I can’t imagine how perplexed you must be!”

  I chuckled, “Pretty damn perplexed.”

  He squeezed my hand and stared into my eyes, “Well, be perplex no more. I’ve solved the problem. I’ve hired someone to teach me!”

  Now I nearly choked. “What? You hired a dominatrix?”

  He nodded his head proudly, “I believe in the power of education, Liz.”

  “Who exactly did you hire? Someone out of the Times?” Of course I was nearly speechless.

  “I hired Benton. Who better to teach me?” And God help him he sat there staring at me as if he thought it was the most intelligent idea he’d ever had.

  I nearly slid off the bench onto the gravel below, “Um.” I’m speechless, I’ve got nothing.

  With a note of satisfaction Carlton patted my hand, “I promise you darling, I’m going to learn to give you what you need.”

  “You’re going to watch while Benton fucks me?” I managed incredulously.

  He looks stunned, “Heaven’s no! But he will come to my apartment, with you, and show me how to touch you. It’s the only way Liz. Rest assured if his prick gets too close to you I’ve sworn to pay his hospital bill.”

  “And this is your idea, your plan?”

  He shook his head no, “Actually it was Benton’s idea. He’s got Kinsley over at his hotel room tied to the mini-fridge. I think we haphazardly created a monster when those two linked up.”

  I rose to get up. Somehow being in the same city, even one as big as New York, with Kinsley turned my stomach and made me want to buy Mace. “What the hell is she doing here?”

  After the formality of two sniffs and a lick, Jargon crawls back onto the overstuffed pillow with Nucy and they quickly nuzzled into one another. Tragic, even my dog has it all figured out.

  I locked the door to my bedroom and turn on the television to cover the ranting in my brain. Is it even possible that he just asked me to join him in an evening of training performed by Benton? He seemed quite pleased with himself at the idea. In the end, I’d had to tell him that I’d consider it. Killer Carlton can be pretty convincing. But I’d also told him that I wanted to spend the night alone, in my own bed. And he’d kissed me, his tongue reminded me of how much it meant to me. Seriously though? Benton and Carlton? I’d have a coronary. Yet the image of it in my mind burned strong and overwhelming. It’s like I was starving and someone just handed me a raw oyster. I hate them, but I eat it because I’m starving. I sit my purse on the bedside table as I grab my new toy out of it. I barely have time to wash it off before the annoying sound of my phone begins buzzing again in my purse. I knew it was probably Carlton, I reach for the phone. I nearly succeeded in knocking my purse to the floor, emptying almost all of the contents. The phone continues to buzz, sliding slightly across the carpet. I grabbed it, and am less annoyed by his text message, “Were you in my apartment today?”

  I plop down on his bed with a grin and type a response, “Nope.” Maybe he’s playing Nancy Drew up there, I thought as I looked at the dildo in my hand, Happy hunting Carlton! I have bigger things on my mind!

  But as I lower my newfound friend between my thighs the phone buzzes again, I pick it up expecting to see another text from Carlton.

  Give me a call when you get a chance - Patricia

  No matter how hard I’ve tried to wipe it from my mind, the thought of her standing in the hotel room in London flashes before my eyes, followed by the thought of her ample bosom and her perfume. My senses were dangerously close to overload, and I dropped the cell onto the bed next to me as I rolled over and clutched my quiet new friend.

  Wrapping both hands around the thick shaft, I was thankful for once that neither Carlton nor Benton was attached to this. I stared at the outline of the vein that ran up the side and across the outside of this cock. I slipped it past my lips, coating it thoroughly with my saliva as I pumped it into my mouth before trailing across my breasts and towards my mound. The thick head nudged at my opening before I pushed past the entrance. My lust proved to me that I needed no additional lubrication.

  The thick cock warmed quickly, filling me completely as I slid it all the way into me. I could feel the balls press against my ass as my fingers began making little circles around my very alert clit. I fought the urge to close my eyes, not wanting to miss the pure pleasure of my act.

  Slowly I slid it in and out, and within seconds I was breaking through my self-imposed chastity as I tumbled towards my first orgasm. My inner walls clamped around my fake cock, making it difficult to pull it out before shoving it deeper inside me. My knees slammed shut as I rolled over onto my side, riding wave after wave of the incredible rush of my orgasm. I tensed my cheeks and squeezed my thighs together before finally releasing into my pillow a scream of ecstasy that would wake the neighbors.

  A few moments later I rolled over and sat up as my new friend fell from my body. My God that was good! I threw my legs over the edge of the bed, realizing I needed a quick shower to wash the remaining lust away.


  My phone buzzed again first thing the next morning. I know I won’t be able to hide out here all day. I grab my new friend and sat him upright on the bedside table, gently patting him and saying, “I’m definitely not done with you… yet.”


  “Liz? It’s Patricia.”

  “I got your message…”

  “I don’t have but a minute, but I thought you should know.”


  “Kinsley’s on her way into the office. She’s coming to see Carlton.”

  “What? Why?”

  “I don’t know,” she said, “but I just got a message to pick her up from her hotel. Is there anything I can do?”

  I glanced over at my new toy, thinking about a couple of ideas. I shook my head to clear the thought. “No, dear. Just go ahead with whatever Carlton tells you to do. I don’t really know why she’s here, but something’s afoot.”

  “Call me later?” Patricia asked.

  “Definitely. Thanks again.”


  I took a quick shower because I had it in my head that what I really need to do is get out of there. I need to go home. I quickly dressed and called Aunt Kerry.

  It barely rang when her cheerful voice came beaming over the phone. “Liz! So glad you called. You’ve really been on my mind!”

  “How’s Hampton?” I asked, trying to make sure she knew this phone call wasn’t all about me.

  “Aww, honey, he’s fine. We’re getting the last few things arranged before the wedding! How’s Carlton?”

  “He’s fine,” I said. I definitely don’t want her to know about all this, but I have doubts that I can get anything past her.

  Her next response is so practiced and familiar, she draws my name out into what seems like three syllables. “Liz?”

  “I think I’m coming home for a little while. Is that okay?”

  “What’s wrong, honey? Tell me everything.”

  The last thing I want to do is tell her everything that had happened, or worse yet, about the fact that I’d been spending time with Benton. It would be easier to just tell her I’d turned gay than tell her about the new and improved Benton Frazier. But she isn’t going to allow me to really answer her anyway. “Honey, you know you can always come home. This is your home. But…”

  There it is: The dreaded ‘but.’ This was one word she took pride in drawing out, and its meaning is simple and straight to the point. She doesn’t agree. “You moved to New York to get on with your life, and you have to pursue your life there. You know if you come back you’ll have to deal with Benton.”

  My eyes roll back in my head as I stretch my neck, and as if she was standing right in front of me she said her other famously practiced response. This one, short and sweet, confirmed her displeasure. “Don’t roll your eyes at me, young lady.”

  “But…” I piped up.
br />   “But nothing, Liz. You can’t run from your conflicts. You have to face them, and get a resolution.

  “Yes, Ma’am.” Well, what else am I going to say? I’m regretting the phone call already because I don’t like what she has to say. What I’d rather she say is, “Come home darling, Auntie Kerry will make you soup and we’ll figure all this out.” But Aunt Kerry isn’t all cuddles and kisses; she knows how to substitute vinegar for sugar when it’s called for. I just don’t want to hear it.

  And now her voice is cheerful, “You deal with your things, and help Palmer. We’ll see you in a couple weeks at the wedding. And before you say no, we have you down as a ‘plus-one.’”

  After hanging up the call and promising to resolve my issue with Carlton before the wedding, I sat on my bed staring at the dildo suctioned to the bedside table. I need a new plan.


  I didn’t think my life could get any weirder, but I had to admit I was intrigued at the thought. Still, my head kept telling me I ought to be pissed. And maybe on some level I really was. Or maybe this is what I needed? Maybe Carlton really wants to learn? Maybe Benton just wants to show Carlton who the real Master is? My head was beginning to hurt at the thought. Maybe this would help me settle it in my mind? The only thing I was sure of, I needed a resolution and I needed it soon.

  In total disbelief, I unlocked his door and walked into the kitchen. If I was going to do this, it had to be on my terms. Okay, it had to be as close to my terms as possible. Placing my bag on the counter, I grabbed a piece of paper and pen from my bag and began my note.

  Alright Carlton, I agree to your proposal with only two requirements: First, it must take place tonight at 10:30. Second, you must agree to be completely restrained during the process. Unless I hear from you otherwise, I will assume you are in agreement and I will submit at 10:30 sharp!


  I looked over the note, still in some state of disbelief that I was even considering this. Nevertheless, I pulled my new quiet friend from my bag and with his suction cup, prominently displayed him on the center of the granite counter top. I leaned my note against his thick shaft and smiled.


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