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Bound by Her Promise

Page 11

by Jaye Peaches

  “All right!”

  He eased up, patting her with his fingertips. “Go on.”

  “Sym and the stolen eggs. The rumour is one of the lifers set her up.”

  Blake suspected things were heading to a major showdown between the two sets of wives. He dearly hoped Lysa wouldn’t be at the heart of it because Harkess would want to make examples of those who transgressed and it would involve the constable at his worse. “Keep out of it, Lysa.” He sighed. “You’re right. Better occupation would stop all this bitchiness. You stick to your safety protocols and stay away from those lifers. Understood?”

  She nodded. A small smile transformed her face. “Will you let me come now? I don’t know why, but when you go all macho on me, I get sooo hot.”

  He chortled. “I’ve noticed. Seriously, Lysa. Don’t screw this up. I can’t protect you when I’m at work. At some point I will be sent to colony 16. They’re expanding and need extra hands for a few days. We’re taking it in turns to go out there.”

  “I’ll survive without, just.” She grinned, then fluttered her eyelashes and wriggled her bottom. “Please, don’t leave me all needy.”

  “You, needy. Can’t you feel my cock?” He smacked her bottom hard and she jumped. He rested a hand on the apex of her buttocks and slid his finger back down, reassessing her anus. “In fact, I’m going to take this.” He wiggled his finger against her tight hole.

  “Blake, I don’t know… I’m not sure…” She tried to turn over.

  “You’re ready. More than ready. I reckon I can fuck you hard and you’ll come like an engine on full charge.”

  She squashed her thighs together and blushed.

  “Now be good and lie still while I continue to work you into relaxed state of feverish desire.”

  She blinked at him. “Isn’t that a contradictory statement?”

  * * *

  Blake looped his fingers through her hair, drawing her up. He greeted her with a smile before planting his lips on her mouth, giving her an instant attack of melting heart. His kisses did it every time they touched her lips. His other hand continued to delve into her pussy, spreading her natural lubricant up towards her anus. The usual mixture of emotions brewed. She wanted this, to have him take his pleasure, but at the same time, it would be humiliating and challenging to submit to him.

  The word hard echoed in her mind. A strong man whose sexual preference had always been to show his prowess through strength and boldness, to command her body and have her take pleasure as he wished. So different from the feeble men who used her back on Earth. They had bossed her about too, but their exertions amounted to little, more of a desperate fumble over a chair and an eye on the clock. Her primary beneficiary had been a married executive who fancied he could have any woman he liked at a price and Lysa had fixed a high price.

  When Blake enveloped his body around and in hers, she felt protected, almost in a cocoon. She might end their love-making sore and exhausted, but it had a double edge to it. He always whispered words of appreciation and gratitude, made her feel desired. She basked in the aftermath, praying he would keep her safe forever.

  “Lysa,” he murmured into her ear. “You can do this.”

  She watched him strip, adoring once again his burly figure with its toned muscles and lean stomach. That humongous appendage—his erect penis—both thrilled and scared her. She let him manoeuver her limbs, and she ended up knelt on the bed, legs apart, face buried in a pillow and arms tucked around her head.

  The cool lubricant drizzled between her bottom cheeks, mixing with her own juices. Just as he did to prepare her for the butt plug, he eased it into the rim of her hole.

  “I’m going to take my time with you,” he said, sliding his finger into her back passage.

  Her belly released a flurry of nervous energy as he added another finger. Two digits, working to uncoil her taut rings. He moved to one side and slid his arm under her shoulder, lifting her up. He spanned her chin with his broad hand, tilting her head back. She opened her eyes and saw the intense look on his face, while his other hand ceaselessly prodded and agitated her nether region.

  Blake brushed away the hairs from her face. “Am I hurting you?” he asked.

  “No,” she whispered.

  “I can feel you give.”

  She held her breath as he wriggled his fingers. “If you touched my clit, I would come,” she acknowledged.

  “Not yet. You’ll come when I’m in you.”

  The dichotomy of emotions continued to unravel in her head. One second he asked if she was in pain, the next he told her to wait until he was ready. She gave, he took, and at some stage, he would redress the imbalance and give back to her.

  He released her head and moved behind her. She peered over her shoulder. He’d taken up position behind her, his feet firmly planted on the floor. No longer kneading her with his fingers, he gripped her sore buttocks and the tip of his hard cock pressed against her anus.

  Lysa whimpered. An involuntary sound, which escaped her lips as she struggled not to tense up again and undo all of his efforts to prepare her.


  Please, she implored, be swift. Don’t hold back, or else the nervousness will return.

  The pressure grew around her tight hole. The bulging head coaxed, cajoled then persuaded its way into her narrow passage.

  She held her breath as he penetrated. A slow progress as he pushed past all her natural barriers. There was pain. She gasped, scrunched up her face and her eyes watered. It didn’t deter him and the farther he reached inside, the more she stretched about him. The sense of fullness both amazed and scared her. The large butt plug seemed small in comparison to his cock, the way it extended into her belly, exciting her sex as it plunged deeper.

  “I’m in,” he moaned. “Fuck, you’re so gorgeously tight.”

  He paused, letting her adapt and while she did, he stroked her with his hands. He circled her buttocks, slipped his hands under her belly and sought out her breasts, squeezing them and pinching her nipples. She groaned, enjoying all of his extra touches.

  His hands came to rest on her shoulders and he coiled his fingers, creating a new grip. His cock slid out and he penetrated fully again, faster than the last time. This time, she stretched immediately. He repeated the action again, testing her increasing elasticity.

  “Good,” he muttered.

  With a grunt, he drove the full length of his thick cock into her. She let out a cry, not of pain or fear, but sheer delight. Each thrust brought a new level of intensity and speed. She heard him slap against her buttocks, as her arsehole sucked him back in and she fought not to push him out. Another battle raged inside her—her orgasm stood poised to fly loose and she wrestled to contain it.

  He paused again and tugging on her hair, pulled her face into his view. She blinked as the bright lights above the bed dazzled her eyes.

  “You’ve tears, why?” He wiped them away.

  She hadn’t been aware of them. “Just, intense,” she stammered.

  “It’s about to get even more so.” He grinned. “You’re an amazing woman.” He leant over her huddled body and kissed her cheek.

  The gentle interlude concluded, he gave her no more leeway, no delicate caresses or slow penetrations. He fucked her hard, just as he promised. The sounds falling out of his mouth were animalistic, base and aroused her more than she could imagine. Her own crude utterances slipped out without thought and he gave them no heed, no comment.

  Lysa lost track of time. She vaguely remembered him resting a knee on the bed to change the angle of his thrusts as her shoulders slumped lower and her knees began to give out. She couldn’t hold off much longer, her clitoris throbbed with unrequited need and her belly fizzed with excitement. The discomforts, the aching, she ignored, they were nothing to the wondrous sensations concocted by other parts of her body.

  “I’m close,” he gasped. “Come.”

  His command arrived out of the blue, and it almost ruined her orgasm.
Under pressure to come, she hesitated, clawed at the pillow and let out a frustrated shriek.

  Blake fished a hand under her, and pinched her clitoris, rubbing it with a fingertip in time with his pulverising thrusts.

  She screamed as she came. Her body locked, froze into a jumble of spasms and excited nerve endings. Waves of ripples raced out of her beleaguered sex, her anus clenched tight about his cock and he cried out, as he juddered and pumped his load.

  He panted. “Well?”

  She gave him the thumbs up, unable to fashion a single word. Breathless and exhausted by his rampaging fuck, she slumped forward, flat onto the cool sheets and spread her limbs wide.

  “I’ll clean you up.” He gave her tender rump a gentle slap. “Then, wife, we’ll play some more.”

  She twisted her head round, focusing her bleary eyes. “More?”

  “Much more. I’ve three days to fuck you dry, which to be frank is unlikely to happen.”

  She giggled. “You reckon? There’s no way I can outlast you.”

  He leaned over her and kissed the spot between her shoulder blades. She squirmed at the ticklish sensation. “Don’t tempt me, you might regret it.” He whispered in her ear.

  Her pussy clenched. Three days? He’d destroy her.

  * * *

  In the dim light, Lysa traced her finger along one of his tattoos. All the miners had some form of body art. She guessed it helped build camaraderie, like a uniform. Blake’s breathing had regulated and he lay spent on the bed with Lysa tucked under his arm. As he forecast, she had more staying power than she thought, and by the dawn of the second day, he’d crashed into a stupor. She snuggled closer, feeling safe and warm, if somewhat sore and achy.


  “Mmm,” he murmured, eyes still closed.

  “When you’ve finished here, and return to Earth with all your stash, what do you plan to do?” She tracked another line of black across his chest.

  “Not go underground ever again,” he chuckled. “I want to be a farmer.”

  She paused, finger hovering close by his tiny nipple. “Really? I don’t see you as a farming man, digging the soil, planting.”

  “Sheep farming. There is always a demand for wool, throughout history and even today. It is a sustainable resource and plenty of companies to sell it to.” He turned to face her, adjusting his arm. She rested her head on it like a pillow. “Why do you ask?”

  She gazed into the dark pools of his eyes, even blacker in the low light. How quickly those eyes generated waves of shivers across her skin, reminding her of his ability to ensnare her, send her into oblivion. How would a farmer and mining engineer live together? She dismissed the thought, it would be of no consequence, he’d divorce her at the end of his contract. Instead of discussing her concerns, Lysa gave a small shrug of her free shoulder. “Curious. Farms and land aren’t cheap.”

  “No,” frowned Blake. “Did you know, below in the rock is treasure.”

  “Treasure?” She raised an eyebrow, now she was genuinely curious.

  “Precious metals and minerals. So rare, if found, the Corporation pays out a reward to anyone who digs some up. It’s hard spotting rare metals amongst all the rubble. Down there, machines do all the work, we just point the drill bits and keep an eye out. The asteroid smashed into millions of pieces when it crashed, driven deep into the surface of Callisto. In there are these nuggets. If I found one…”

  As his voice trailed away, she finished his sentence. “You would buy your farm?”

  “More, I could get off here before the end of my contract, pay to be released early. It’s the only way, otherwise I’m stuck here.”

  Lysa ruminated on his plan. Once she’d gathered all the data she needed from the mining system, she’d be ready to take her final exams. To leave early would be ideal.

  Blake brushed aside her hair, lowered his lips to her forehead and kissed her. He inhaled deeply, held it then let out a long sigh. “Lysa.” He seemed pensive, wide awake again. “When I return to Earth, would you come with me?”

  Lysa propped herself on an elbow, looked down at the man she called her husband. Under her ribcage, her heartbeat echoed. “With you? Do you mean as your wife or—”

  “As my wife.”

  Oh yes, yes. After all the angst over being spanked and used anally, suddenly none of that mattered any longer. His request meant he loved her. Lysa opened her mouth to speak, to exclaim an eager yes. Blake pressed a finger to her lips, denying her speech. “I know we’ve only known each for a couple of months and I might appear harsh to you, but something inside me has crystallised tonight and that is the realisation I love you.”

  She blinked back the tears. He removed his finger. “Yes, Blake. I would come with you.”

  He sat up next to her and clasped her trembling hand in his. “I won’t stop you fulfilling your dreams, but I will have mine, too. What we started here is how it should be between us, do you understand?”

  Lysa wasn’t sure what he meant.

  He tipped up her chin. “When I fuck you, I come alive, energised, not like the mine, which takes a piece of my soul every day. You put it back again. However, you are a head-strong woman, proud and stubborn when you have to be. I worry what will become of you back on Earth. If the powerful corporations find out how you cheated on them… they will punish you. You must keep quiet about your opinions.”

  She closed her eyes, willing herself not to argue with him. She was a product of her upbringing. Her grandmother had tutored her at home, instilled in her the values that were at odds with those about them—that women should be free to choose their own paths in life, unhindered by the rules of dictatorial companies and quasi governments. Her grandmother, and deceased mother, came from a long line of ancestors who preached a different view of society. A secret group of women who kept their opinions fettered until the day came when they would rise up and declare their rebellion.

  If Lysa stayed married to Blake, would he support her? “I don’t know if I can.” She opened her eyes and saw his expression fill with sorrow, his head bowing. Seeing his disappointment hurt. She rallied, determined to honour her marital vows. “No, Blake, please don’t turn away from me. I love you. I will stay with you, but I can’t promise anything, not until I know what I want to do back on Earth.”

  He squeezed her hand. “For now, that will be enough for me. You said you love me. That makes me a happy man.” He grinned. “Very happy. Nothing will change, though, Lysa. I will insist on keeping you safe and under my protection, and if that means disciplining you, I will. Do you understand?” He leant forward and kissed her lips. “Please, Lysa, don’t fight me anymore. I’m not your enemy here.”

  She embraced his warm kiss, adding her tongue, darting it around his mouth. The heat returned to her belly and his cock stiffened, filling with blood. She broke free of his lips. “All right, mister farmer, you’re on.”

  * * *

  There was a commotion on the other side of the plant house involving two small groups of wives. Jen was jabbing her finger at somebody, while Sym tugged on her arm, trying to haul her away.

  Lysa drove the shovel into the soil, trying to ignore it all. However, it wasn’t in her nature to stand by and see her friends dragged into a brawl. She brushed the dirt off her pants and headed over to where the others stood around the chicken coop.

  As Lysa came closer to the gathering, she heard what they the subject of their argument. It didn’t come as a surprise—eggs.

  “Everyone knows, Millipede, what you did,” shouted Jen.

  The woman in question, whose name Lysa knew to be Millicent, laughed. Standing with her hands on her hips, she cocked her head at her friends. “Hear that? These sluts will say anything to get a thrashing. They lap it up. Bet you she would snitch on her own friend just to watch too.”

  Jen clenched a fist. “It’s you who did the snitching, telling the constable about the eggs.”

  Millicent pointed at Sym. “Because I saw her take the

  “Two witnesses—that is what Harkess stated. If it was just you, it would be Sym’s word against yours, but you had to twist one of your so called friends into lying too, didn’t you.” Jen turned to face Millicent’s companion, Oona, who blushed bright red and looked at her feet.

  “I most certainly did not. Nobody lied.”

  Jen threw her arms up in the air. “So the eggs just jumped into her satchel?”

  “Not if she put them there. Her fingerprints were all over the shells.”

  Sym grabbed at Jen. A tear trickled down her face. “Please, Jen—”

  “Of course they bloody were,” Jen shook her arm free. “She took them out and then tried to work out where the hell they came from. You conniving bitch.” Jen lurched forward.

  Lysa leapt between the two women, facing her friend and shoved Jen away. “Enough!” She held out her arms, keeping the space between the two occupied. “Jen, what’s the point of this? It’s too late, it happened weeks ago. Sym was unfairly punished and if you don’t calm down, you’ll get a beating too.”

  “Come on, Jen. Let’s go.” Sym gestured towards the exit.

  Jen lingered, her red cheeks puffed up with anger. Lysa looped her arm around her waist and propelled her away from the sniggering women. “Leave it. She’s not worth it.”

  Outside the Green Dome, they caught up with Sym. She walked slowly, head bowed and wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. “Come on, Sym. Come back to my place,” Lysa cajoled, determined to cheer her up.

  The three of them sat around the kitchen table in Lysa’s pod. Sym perched on the edge of her seat.

  “How do you think those eggs got in your bag?” Lysa asked.

  Sym shrugged.

  “Oh, it’s obvious,” Jen piped up. “Sym left the bag by the coop and while she was working on the other side of the dome, they planted the eggs. The next thing Sym knows, she comes over to get it, heads out the door and lo and behold, the constable is there ready to pounce.”


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