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Heart of The Vampire: A Vampire Romance (Blood Brotherhood Book 3)

Page 11

by ML Guida

  Amadi clenched his fists and hate pumped through his veins. His breath roared between his ears. He’d never hit a woman before, but he’d beat Celeste to death. “Let her go.”

  Celeste threw her head back and laughed. “That’s what I like about you. Your silly belief that you’re in charge, oui?”

  He gave her a fevered stare. “Let her go.”

  “No.” She led the frightened child to the rack and lifted her up.

  Amadi lunged for the barred door. His chains rattled. “Don’t hurt her.”

  Celeste cast him a sly look, a look that tore out his soul. “What are you willing to do to save her?”

  Kill you.

  Chloe bowed her head. Her curls escaped from her cap. She was all alone. Her world had been shattered. He’d promised to protect her, promised her mother.

  Amadi lifted his chin and said what Celeste wanted to hear. “Anything.” The word tasted bitter and foul.

  Celeste arched a slender eyebrow. “Tell me where Violet is.”

  Amadi met her hostile glare. “She’s dead.”

  She studied him. “You’re lying. That’s not what you told my men.”

  He spat onto the floor. “Why da hell would I tell them anything?”

  His voice was riddled with hate. Celeste put her hand on her throat, and a flicker of fear crossed over her face, but it quickly vanished. She latched a link on Chloe’s small hand, but it fell off and landed with a clank on the floor.

  Small relief flooded Amadi. The child was too small for the rack, but that wouldn’t stop Celeste. She’d find a new torture. He couldn’t bear to watch the child be tortured.

  Celeste narrowed her eyes. “Then where is she?”

  Anguish burned the back of his dry throat. “In the tunnel.”


  He slumped. “I don’t know. I was running for my life. I didn’t stop to see what direction she’d go.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  He glared. “Then don’t believe me.”

  She slapped Chloe across the face. Chloe burst into tears. Her wide eyes and red cheek struck terror into Amadi’s gut.

  “I don’t know where Violet’s body is, but I can take you to her.”

  “If you like, Amadi, I’ll burn this child alive.”

  Her evil voice sent the blood draining from his face and landing with a hard thud in his clenched gut. His nostrils flared and he grounded his teeth.

  Tonight, he’d turn again. Tonight, Celeste would learn true terror.

  He squared his shoulders. “I’m not lying.”

  Celeste flashed him a beaming smile that made his skin crawl. “Bien. Take me to her.”

  “If she’s dead, then—”

  “That is none of your concern.”

  Celeste dragged Chloe out of the dungeon. Panic choked his throat, cutting off his air. His hands shook and fluttered. He backed up against the cold wall, trying to breath normally, but he failed miserably. Amadi didn’t know what he was going to do. Sunset was a long ways off. If Celeste discovered his lie, Chloe would die.

  A few minutes later, Dubois unlocked Amadi’s cell. He bound Amadi’s wrists behind his back then wrapped a chain around his neck. He yanked hard.

  Amadi choked and gagged.

  Dubois and another lackey led him out of the dungeon like a dog. Celeste and Chloe waited from them at the tunnel along with a small posse of men. They were armed, but what turned his gut upside down was one of them held an unlit torch.

  The man pointed the unlit torch at Chloe. “Soon you’ll burn. Your skin will fall off your bones.”

  Chloe’s grew wide, with white showing around the irises. Tears glistened on her ruby cheeks, and she trembled.

  Amadi lurched forward, bent on ramming his shoulder into the bastard, but Dubois was ready.

  “Heal, boy.”

  The chain tightened, snapping Amadi’s head back. He gagged on his own spit and fell on his arse.

  Dubois leaned over. He patted his hip where he had a whip. “Now, listen here, darkie. You’ll behave yourself. Or I swear I’ll flay that little girl. She’ll never walk right again.”

  Amadi sucked down deep breaths. Hate pumped his heart to the breaking point and he clenched and unclenched his fingers. He growled but bit back a retort. How could these bastards do this? She was a little poppet. If they wanted to hurt someone, hurt him. He could take it. He was immortal.

  He was forced to lead the way.

  “Search as we move.”

  “This is foolish,” Dubois grumbled. “My men and I looked in the damn tunnel. He’s lying to you, Maitresse.”

  Celeste looked between Dubois and Amadi.

  Ignoring the fear swirling around in his gut, Amadi tilted his chin in defiance. He might be bound, but he wouldn’t cower to her or any of these blasted men.

  She snapped her fingers. “Search it again.”

  The men swore, but they searched behind rocks and between crevices. At this rate, they’d move slow. But not slow enough for the sun to set. He needed time, a diversion.

  Amadi jerked. Dubois and the other man yanked.

  Pretending to be choking, he fell on his knees, gagging and gasping for breath.

  “You fools!” Celeste yelled. “If he passes out, we’ll never find Violet.”

  The chain went slack. Not knowing if this would work, Amadi jumped to his feet and knocked the two men down. He plowed into Celeste, and she loosened her grip on Chloe.

  “Run, Chloe!” His commanding voice echoed off the cave walls.

  Chloe blinked. He worried she’d be too frightened to move. But when the man with the unlit torch came running, she bolted down the dark tunnel. Most children were terrified of the dark, afraid of monsters. But for Chloe, her monsters were in the light. Darkness would give her cover.

  “After her, imbèciles!”

  Dubois wiped his bleeding lip. He must have hit a rock. Amadi smiled, but it faded as Dubois grabbed a whip.

  Celeste snatched the whip out of his hand. “No, I want to do it.” Her deadly voice promised to make him wish he’d never been born.

  Two men grabbed his arms. Amadi didn’t fight them. If he did, they’d chase him. They might find Chloe and his plan would be useless.

  They forced him to his knees.

  Celeste cracked the whip. It sliced into his flesh deeper and deeper. Pain gripped him. For a small woman, she had strength. But he was stronger. Beads of sweat slid down his face. He bit his lip as she wielded the lash again and again.

  “I bet fifteen francs he passes out before he cries out,” someone said.

  “No.” Dubois shook his head. “The Maitresse will make him beg.”

  Amadi vowed to prove them wrong.

  But Celeste cracked the whip. Amadi yelled. The thick cord had sliced his ear. Blood leaked down his neck.

  Heavy footsteps ran down the tunnel. Two men burst through the darkness, their faces white, sweat dripping down their temples. “Maitresse, Maitresse.”

  Amadi took deep breaths, trying to ignore the blinding agony. He peered over his shoulder.

  The men kept looking behind him as if the devil trailed them. One of them pointed. “Someone’s in the tunnel.”

  Celeste rolled her eyes. “Idiot,Violet is in the tunnel. Tell me, is she alive?”

  “Yes,” one of the men nodded.

  “I told you not to lie to me.”

  With each word, she lashed Amadi harder and harder. Black dots spun around him and the cave went in and out of focus. His heartbeat thundered in his throat. He released a hard sigh and closed his eyes. He fell forward onto the cold ground, wishing he’d pass out.

  Celeste pushed the man closest to her. “Then go get her, idiot.”

  Amadi swallowed back his despair.

  Violet. No! Don’t try and save me.

  “But…but…she’s not a-alone.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “What do you mean she’s not alone? Don’t tell me you’re afraid of a little girl.

  “’Tis not Chloe.” The other man pulled out his pistol. “’Tis a….’tis….a monster.”

  Fire glowed down the tunnel. Amadi breathed in relief. William. Finally, thank God.

  Both Violet and Chloe were down there. What if….

  A mighty roar stole his breath. Someone screamed.

  His heart stopped. Adrenaline surged through his battered body and he tried to move, but his trembling legs gave way. The skin across his sweating body tightened. Tears pushed against the back of his eyelids. He couldn’t tell if it was a man or a woman or a child. He sagged into the ground in defeat. Before he passed out, all he could wonder about was if William burned to death a little girl or the woman he loved?

  Chapter 16

  Amadi woke to gunfire and screams. Blackness swirled around him and he had to shake his head to clear the fuzziness. Scared and angry voices muffled down to where he lay. But he couldn’t understand it. It took him a minute to discover where he was. Darkness surrounded him, but the stench of dried blood and dust and dead air sickening his stomach told him he was back in the damn dungeon. He lay on his back on the cold floor, surprised he wasn’t chained. Why wasn’t he? And why were there gunshots?

  He rolled onto his gut and winced. Quick pain shot down to his back and to his legs. No doubt the bastards thought he’d not be able to escape.

  But they were wrong. Sunset was only an hour away. The lashes on his back had already begun to heal. His vampire powers were growing stronger. Blood pushed through him. If anyone came down here to hurt him, they would regret getting out of bed today. Soon his incisors would lengthen and his vampire strength would return, then his torturers would be at his mercy.

  Pounding footsteps thundered over his head, matching his sharp breath. He pushed himself to a sitting position and bit his lip to keep from crying out. Who was attacking?

  As if to answer to his question, the door creaked open. He clamped his jaw tight, grabbed the bars, and pulled himself up. The glow of a lantern chased away the blackness. Soft footsteps stepped down the stairs.

  Amadi’s heart thudded hard against his ribs. His stomach churned as he thought of the agony that would be forced upon him. A slight curvy shadow cast on the wall. Definitely a woman.

  “Amadi?” The sweetest voice calmed the panic brewing inside him.

  He bunched his eyebrows. Was it his imagination? “Violet?”

  She lifted the lantern concern filled her glistening eyes. “Oh, God. I am so sorry.” She hurried over to the cell.

  Scratches were on her hands and cheeks, but nothing took away from her beauty.

  “What are you doin’ here? Dubois—”

  She put her small hand over his. “No, Celeste and Dubois don’t know I’m here. They’re busy managing a defense.”

  Her touch took away his pulsing pain, and it kindled the heat of desire rushing through his bloodstream. He ached to kiss her sweet lips. But he shoved the feeling behind. “Against who?”

  “Your friends.”

  Hope chased away his doubts. “Friends?”

  “Aye, Mariah and William.”


  She smiled. “I stumbled upon them at a small pond. William gave me quite a scare.” She snatched the keys dangling off the wall. “We must hurry. I don’t know how long William can hold them off.”

  He swallowed hard, thinking of the cave. “Chloe?”

  “She’s safe.”

  He narrowed his eyes and tightened the bars. “She’s not ridin’ William, is she?” He could barely contain himself from yelling

  “Mariah’s holding her.”

  “Damn it! She’s just a small poppet.”

  “Shhh,” she glanced over her shoulder. “They’ll hear you.” She put the lantern down to unlock the door.

  Amadi swung open the creaking metal door. Violet rushed into his arms and molded her luscious body against his. He held her tight, inhaling her loving smell of jungle flowers. He brushed his fingers down her face and cherished the shape of her eyes, the fullness of her lips, the softness of her cheeks. She was perfect. Vampire or man, he wanted her to lick her skin to discover her hidden passions, but he settled for a kiss. Not able to resist, he twirled his tongue over her pulse, and need pounded into him so hard that his body squeezed painfully.

  Violet exhaled a soft sound, somewhere between desire and excitement. She moved slightly.

  The small movement sent pressure and hunger draining all of his good judgment. “You are my heart, Violet. I’ll protect you with my life.” He blurted out the words, filled with more intensity than he’d ever felt before. His heart sank to his knotted gut, afraid she’d push him away—a mere slave.

  She clasped his chin and kissed him on the lips, her breath honey warm. “And I you.”

  An explosion broke Amadi’s concentration. “No time for kissin’.” He clutched Violet’s hand. “Come with me. We must escape. All of us.”

  Violet reached for the lantern. “All of us? What do you mean?”

  He brought her trembling hand to his lips and kissed it. “I won’t allow Celeste and her minions to torture another soul on dis blasted plantation.”

  “Amadi, there’s no way you can take on all of them.”

  He pulled her toward him. “Aye, I can. My eyes are becomin’ keener, my thirst hungrier.”

  “Do you need—”

  He put his finger on delicate lips. “Not from you.” His fangs elongated. He nibbled behind her ear.

  She shivered and rubbed her hands down his lashed back.

  He flinched.

  She stopped. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be.” He scraped his teeth down her throat, refusing to taste one ounce of her precious blood. “I’ve other plans for you.”

  She arched her back, offering more of her throat.

  Amadi closed his eyes and pushed back his desire to taste her again. He trembled and a fine sheen of sweat coated his body. Worse was the hunger gnawing at his soul. The bloodlust took him over, demanding he take her and indulge in what she freely offered.

  Violet kissed him. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothin’.” Not true. He was about to forget where they were and take her on the filthy floor. Drawing on his iron will, he clasped her hand.

  She frowned. “That’s not true.”

  He bristled. “You know I want you. I always want you but dis is not da time.”

  She squeezed his hand and smiled. “I know.”

  He picked up the lantern and blew out the candle. “I can see without it.”

  Not making a sound, he led her up the steep stairs. Screams and yells grew louder.

  “The sugarcane is on fire!”

  Amadi stopped. It was a female. He’d heard the voice before and thought maybe it was a maid.

  “Where is da flying demon?” Another woman said. Perhaps the cook.

  He cracked open the door. Two female servants wearing aprons crowded against the window. Where was everyone else?

  Quietly, he led Violet out of the stairwell into the kitchen. Violet clutched his hand tight.

  The robust cook turned around, and her eyes widened. She put her hand on her throat. “Oh my God.” Her voice was more of a squeak for such a big woman.

  The smaller woman screamed.

  Angry footsteps thundered through the house. Amadi shoved Violet behind him.

  Dubois ran into the kitchen with a flintlock drawn. Two other men were on either side of him. “What the hell happened to you, boy?”

  All fear left Amadi. He walked toward the men. He gave them his most evil grin. “I am your worst horror.”

  And for the first time, their eyes widened in terror.

  Chapter 17

  Amadi cracked his neck and drew on his vampire powers. Tingles rippled through him. His muscles bulked and his stride was firmer. He narrowed his eyes. “Time for you to pay for your devilry, Dubois. And your men.”

  This time, Amadi didn’t fight the curse—the thinning of
his veins, the slowing of his heart, the dry thirst.

  The men clicked on the half-cock, rotating it to full-cock.

  “Take another step.” Dubois aimed his flintlock at Violet. “And she’s dead.”

  An explosion burst outside. The two men flinched then glanced over their shoulders.

  Amadi had no idea what William was doing, but he didn’t hesitate and charged.

  Dubois fired. Smoke and the smell of gunpowder filled the kitchen.

  Amadi winced, hot burning pain buried in his shoulder. But he ignored it. He lunged at Dubois, knocking the weapon out of his hand.

  Dubois took a step back. Fear flickered in his wide eyes. “Fire, you fools!”

  Amadi grabbed both men and slammed them together. They cried out then went silent. He didn’t want them. He wanted to feast on Dubois.

  One of the women screamed, “’Tis a demon. Lord, save us!”

  “Run!” the other yelled.

  Both men threw their hands over their head and ran.

  Amadi seized Dubois by the neck and dug his fangs into his throat. He sucked hard. Warm blood flushed through his veins, satisfying the demanding hunger. But he wanted more, much more, and for the first time, he’d disobey the cap’n.

  Dubois smacked him in the temple with the pistol. Blinding torment slammed into Amadi, blurring his vision, but he held onto his prey.

  Dubois pushed on Amadi’s chest and hit him with the pistol and his fist. “Release me!” There was a frayed edge to his voice, something terrified and desperate.

  Sweet blood pumped through Amadi; energy soared through him. The harder he guzzled, Dubois’s punches went from hard smacks to soft slaps. His heart slowed, the beat faint and fainter, then his arms dropped to his side. Bang. The pistol crashed onto the kitchen floor.

  Amadi released him. Dubois fell, his eyes wide, but there was no light, no flicker. Wetness dripped down Amadi’s chin onto his chest. He wiped his mouth on his arm.

  “You killed him, oui?” a syrupy voice accused.

  He whirled around and his heart stopped.

  Celeste had a sword held below Violet’s chin. “What are you?”

  “I’m a vampire.”

  “A vampire? I see it, but I do not believe it.” She shook Violet. “Is he telling the truth?” She pressed the sword closer to Violet’s throat, and blood seeped down her neck. “Lie to me and you are dead.”


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