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Valkyrie Rising

Page 30

by GR Griffin

  She opened her eyes, and saw some of the vampires had moved enough that she had a clear line view of several of the humans. They were waiting by the hidden alcoves, making themselves readily available should a vampire want to tap a vein. One had turned to look at Silmeria, as though sensing her hungry gaze. A question would be in the woman's eyes, her hand going up to caress fingers over a bite mark on her neck.

  It was sudden and fast, the violent response she had to those fingers teasing an invitation to her. Silmeria wanted to go to the woman, wanting to take her up on her offer. But she remained rooted to the spot, just staring. Her fangs had lengthened, well prepared to take a neck, to take nourishment into her. She needed the blood, a need so powerful it hurt things inside her. It horrified her too, Silmeria wondering how close she was to falling if she was actually lusting over a human's blood. It had been bad enough to desire Brahms', but now she craved blood from one of the races she had once been sworn to protect.

  She was unaware that Surren had noticed her intense response to the human's offer. The vampiress was quick to bait her, quick to insult. "Look at you." Surren sneered. "You can't even control yourself. You're practically salivating at the thought of feeding. How uncouth!"

  The embarrassment broke the spell the human's blood had cast on Silmeria, the girl whipping around to glare at Surren. But before she could make a snide comment of her own, Risana was speaking.

  "It's disgusting, it is." The red haired vampiress exclaimed. "She can't even control her appearance." Silmeria's hands began clenching into fists, the tips of her claws digging into her palms.

  "Ladies." Vandimeer said in a warning tone. "Stop."

  They ignored him, circling around Silmeria. "Your refusal to feed endangers us all. You are barely better than a revenant."

  "She'll kill us all if she continues to starve herself." Risana said, trying to incite the crowd. Silmeria could have laughed, knowing with her mind intact or not, the urge to kill these monsters would always exist.

  "That's enough!" Vandimeer shouted. "Brahms will not let his bride become a revenant."

  "Then why has he done nothing to gain control of her?" demanded Surren. "I tell you he has been bewitched by her. She is dangerous. To us and to our King."

  "That is not for you to decide." Vanidmeer retorted. "Brahms can handle a fledgling."

  "Brahms can rot in Hel's embrace for all I care!" Silmeria burst out rudely.

  "Better Hel's than yours!" Surren snapped. "You make our King careless! He does thing he shouldn't. Not only did he turn you into a vampire, but he let that other Valkyrie go. When he should have torn her throat out, and shared her blood with us!"

  Silmeria truly lost all restraint then. She knew and understood Lenneth was safe, that Lenneth had been spared by Brahms. But the mere thought of Lenneth being killed, reduced to nothing more than a blood buffet for a group of power lusting vampires was enough to make Silmeria see red. And with it, her rage was unleashed, Silmeria moving fast. Faster than anyone had expected of a mere fledgling.

  There was no time for Surren to react, not to that first attack. Certainly she didn't get her hands up in time to block Silmeria's claws slashing over her front. The only thing that saved her throat from suffering the same fate Surren had wanted for Lenneth, was the thick ropes of pearls around it. Those pearls clattered to the floor, the necklace ruined by Silmeria's claws.

  Silence seemed to come over the ball room. It was a silence Silmeria did not heed, already swinging her arm out to back hand Surren across the face. The vampiress' scream was lost in the force of an expelled breath, her head turning from the strength of Silmeria's blow.

  "Lady Silmeria!" Vandimeer cried, stepping towards her with the intent to subdue her.

  Blood was at the corner of Surren's mouth, she touched it now and narrowed her eyes at the sight of it on her fingers. "No. Let her come." Surren said, turning to lock eyes with Silmeria. "Let her learn the follies of a fledgling challenging an elder!"

  Silmeria was sure that was supposed to send a quiver of fear through her, but the girl was unimpressed. She thought Surren weak and spoiled, more familiar with verbal attacks than any actual fighting. Where Silmeria was a warrior, a Valkyrie trained since an early age to become an accomplished soldier. A commander of armies, an expert in many forms of fighting.

  That included hand to hand combat, Silmeria ready to use her hated claws to rend flesh from Surren's body. She didn't even hesitate, already going to swipe her claws across Surren's middle. The expensive fabric of her dress was shredded like paper, revealing the alabaster skin beneath it. Surren would not tolerate a fourth attack, using her own speed to dodge Silmeria's claws.

  Even as Surren evaded the swipe, the vampiress was pivoting on her heel, to deliver a spine crushing blow to Silmeria's unprotected back. It should have disabled Silmeria, but the girl was merely staggered. Slow enough now to endure a slap from Surren, the vampiress tangling her fingers in Silmeria's hair. Her face was driven downwards to meet Surren's uprising knee, but at the last moment Silmeria grabbed onto her leg.

  With a hiss, she jerked on that leg, knocking Surren off balance. The vampiress fell to the floor, and Silmeria landed on top of her. She settled her weight on top of Surren, and began pummeling her with her fists. The pummeling would last only seconds, Surren having no problem heaving Silmeria's slight weight off her.

  Perhaps it was chance, or maybe it was by design. But Silmeria was airborne, flying backwards over the heads of the vampires. The humans screamed and scattered, and Silmeria crashed into one of the alcoves. Stone splintered around her, the caved in bench digging into her back. She jerked free just as Surren appeared before her, slapping her again hard enough that Silmeria bit her cheek.

  When Surren attempted to drive claws into Silmeria's stomach, the girl caught the vampiress by the wrist. She turned and twisted that arm behind her back, Surren struggling. Silmeria moved to tear out Surren's throat, rage replacing her hunger in this instant.

  But before she could complete the move, a strong hand locked around her wrist. Silmeria's lips curled back, she snarled at the vampire, blind to everything but the fact that she was surrounded by her enemies. She hadn't gone mindless like a true revenant, but her hunger and anger was driving her closer to that point. In her adrenaline heightened state, she was little more than a wild animal, lashing out and any and everyone.

  But to do that, she had to get her hands free. She threw Surren away from her, and used the hand that had held the vampiress to drive her claws into the man's right eye. He screamed in pain, and she heard other shouts, including a woman gasping over what was happening.

  "She's too fast and too strong for a fledgling!"

  "She's going to kill us all!" screamed Risana.

  "Not if we kill her first!" A man shouted.

  "No one is killing anyone!" Vandimeer screamed to be heard.

  "Tell that to her!" Someone else snapped.

  And all the while Silmeria fought, attacking anyone within reach. And there was many, vampires charging her, trying to stop and hurt her. Her dress was ripped, and her skin was clawed open, but the pain wasn't enough to get her to stop. Maybe nothing was, Silmeria smelling blood. It was different from the blood of the humans, being that tainted brand that flowed inside the vampires' veins. It was everywhere, on the walls, on the floor, on her.

  It fed into her hunger, but she couldn't feed. Not while the attacks still came. She effortlessly fought back, arms and legs a blur. At some point she had torn her skirt, removing enough of the fabric to free her legs. It eased her movement, Silmeria lashing out with a high kick that had her foot planted firmly in a vampire's face. Someone grabbed her arms, but they couldn't stop her legs, Silmeria kicking out with both to knock back the vampires in front of her.

  When her feet were on the ground again, she bent forward, struggling to get free. When that didn't work, she violently drove herself back, hearing the cracking of bone as her head connected with someone's nose. A yelp follow
ed that breaking, Silmeria tearing herself free. She turned, and got her hand around a neck, lifting the male off the ground so his feet dangled. His claws scrabbled at her arm, trying to injure her enough to get Silmeria to drop him.

  Someone charged her from behind, Silmeria lashing out with her arm. The vampiress was airborne, flying back from the violent force of Silmeria's hit. She was still holding onto the vampire by his neck, starting to squeeze but slowly. As though drawing out his torment, feeding off the pain in his eyes.

  A bang was heard, the grand doors of the room being flung violently open. Silmeria did not turn, but she caught the scent of the new player on the field. It was a familiar smell, one she recognized and in her volatile state, accepted. She turned, dropping the vampire who quickly crawled away. Her eyes barely took notice of the ruined room, how the heavy curtains had been torn free of the hidden alcoves.

  Nor did she pay any mind to the vampires that stood frozen or lay in crumpled heaps on the floor. Instead her eyes locked with a crimson gaze, a gaze that was familiar to her even if the anger in them was not. That anger confused her, didn't belong in the expression of the one who had looked at her so tenderly just an hour ago. But it wasn't enough to stop her from coming forward, her gaze riveted on the impressive male who stood glowering at her.

  Someone stepped in front of her, trying to prevent Silmeria from going any further. Her expression became enraged, she snarled as she moved to attack. And all because the foolish creature had dared to get in her way of what she wanted. But her attack never landed, the vampire airborne as the newcomer tossed him out of the way. The vampires moved, dodging the crash of the one who had been thrown.

  "Leave us." Came the gruff growl. Someone dared to protest.

  "But my Lord..."

  "I said LEAVE!" He roared, voice so furious and commanding the others were powerless to do anything but heed his desires.

  The vampires paused only long enough to gather up their injured. Silmeria was barely aware of them. They existed like shadows out of her awareness. Unimportant so long as they didn't get in the way of her and this magnificent male.

  His eyes were intent on her, the vampire moving with painstaking slowness for a creature that could be so fast. She held herself still for his approach, Silmeria quivering with anticipation. The last of the vampires fled the room, the doors slamming shut behind them.

  "What are you doing!?" The male demanded, coming to a halt before her. He was close enough to touch, and her claws curled in delight just imagining how he would feel under her palms. "You broke your promise to me! You've jeopardized everything...everything I hoped to do, everything I hoped for."

  She didn't understand what he was saying, but she sensed the current of anger in the words. The anger made little sense to her, as did the fact that this male was not touching her the way she wanted him too. He looked disapproving, a hand gesturing angrily about the state of the room. She didn't care about the mess, didn't care about anything but turning aside the anger into something she could work with.

  He was still talking, stern and stiff. She couldn't take it any longer, and she reached out with both her hands. She didn't move with the speed inherent to the vampire this time. She wanted to go slow, to savor every moment. Her hands landed flat on his chest, and she could feel the muscles beneath them. He was muscular all over, being a big, brawny man. He dwarfed her in size, and yet she thrilled at the differences, recognizing him as a powerful male.

  It was more than just his power she recognized. She knew down to her bones he was hers. It was unmistakably, this male belonging to her as she did to him. Her lips curved in a pleased smile, her head tilted to the side as she began to caress her hands over him. His words died down in his throat, a strangled sound coming in response to her touches.

  The sound amused her, adding to her boldness so that she gripped the fabric of his shirt. She wanted the shirt out of the way, wanted to touch him directly. And Silmeria saw no reason not to take what she wanted, her hands violently splitting the shirt open. She leaned in afterwards, inhaling the scent of his skin. Rich, flavorful male assaulted her senses. Rich, INTERESTED male whose arousal increased when she rubbed her cheek against his skin.

  Hands touched her shoulders, gently but insistently easing her back. Discontent filled her, Silmeria didn't want to be pushed away. She hissed and struggled against his hold, his hands sliding down to grip her arms. With bruising pressure, he stilled her, staring into her face. She sensed enough of his mood not to squirm in his grip, holding still for that soul searching gaze. When he frowned, she frowned too, mimicking the confused feelings he expressed. And all because Silmeria wondered why he wasn't doing more than hold her.

  At least most of his anger had died down. His eyes did a slow once over, his frown deepening. "You're hurt." The pain was pushed to the back of her mind, but he was letting go to touch a particularly long gash on her side. She'd endure worse to have him keep touching her, and Silmeria reached out to cup his face in her hands. A slight tug, and he looked away from the gash. Silmeria smiled, and remembered how to form words. "Want you."

  Her words were a sultry growl, voice rasping low. She leaned in, inhaling his scent as she licked at the lobe of his ear. His ear seemed to twitch in response, his hands once again grabbing her arms. But he did not try to push her away, holding himself still as Silmeria began kissing down the line of his strong jaw. A sharp inhale from him, his eyes closing in sensual delight. Silmeria continued to kiss and nuzzle him, grazing her fangs' tips in nibbling little kiss. It wasn't enough to bleed him, she wasn't ready for that kind of claiming.

  No, this need of hers went beyond a simple blood letting. It left her yearning, wanting to be possessed by him in the way of males with females. But he wasn't acting on his arousal, holding back from her. It frustrated her, and her affection grew desperate, needy. He said her name, but again made no attempt to push her away. She wasn't as indecisive as him, and with desire shining in her eyes, she pressed her lips to his.

  He didn't kiss her back immediately. But his lips trembled in response. His hands continued to grip her arms, but his hold was weakening. She pressed more insistently against him, lips fitting together with his as she worked to encourage his active participation. She wanted more than a kiss, she wanted to wind her arms around him, cling to him. Rub her body over his delicious hardness.

  Stubborn male. Still refusing her charms. It only fed into her admiration, Silmeria fascinated by everything he did. She waited for his restraint to give in, knowing his passion would be a maelstrom that would consume them both. She kissed him harder, and his lips did the slightest parting. She made a low keening sound, and suddenly his grip strengthened. But he didn't push her away, instead holding them together as he kissed her back with all the force of his passion.

  Chapter 15: Fifteen

  He had been clear on the other side of the castle when the fighting broke out in the ball room. Far enough away for the fighting to continue uninterrupted for quite some time. Of course, even a minute of fighting was intolerable, but what had happened in the ball room was nothing short of a disaster. The room AND the people had been wrecked, blood everywhere from the many injured. Brahms thought it would be nothing short of a miracle if no one died this night.

  There was a dozen reasons why he was at fault. A dozen reasons why this might not have had to happen. Brahms thought to himself if only he hadn't left Silmeria alone, if only he hadn't gone far enough away to not hear what was happening. If only he had never taken her out of her room! Even waiting until Silmeria had fed her hunger for the first time might have avoided the disaster entirely.

  He couldn't dwell so completely on what ifs and self blame. Not when he had to do damage control. But before he could even do that, Brahms had to deal with a fledgling's fury. It shouldn't be that difficult, or at least it wouldn't have been if the fledgling had been anyone other than Silmeria. Once again Brahms wondered at just what he had created in turning a Valkyrie into a vampire, knowing
there should have been no way for a fledgling to cause the kind of damage that Silmeria was responsible for.

  The room was in shambles, blood stains splattered everywhere. That included on Silmeria, the girl disheveled and wild looking. Her clothing was badly torn, in tatters especially about her legs. She had given as good as she got, and the fact that Silmeria was still standing was another reason to be amazed. Brahms instantly knew none of the other vampires were going to like the strength she had displayed this night, and inwardly he let out a curse.

  His assessment of the situation took only seconds. Brahms kept his eyes on Silmeria, his own anger simmering. As angry as he was with himself, Brahms was also angry and disappointed in her. And all because Silmeria's actions had jeopardized everything he hoped for, everything he worked to accomplish for their future together. He wouldn't let despair fill him, Brahms holding onto his anger. Letting it fester as he locked eyes with his bride.

  Silmeria actually came forward, looking almost normal given how volatile she had been just seconds ago. But she wasn't repentant, not even in the face of Brahms' anger.

  Some fool then dared to step between Silmeria and Brahms. He couldn't see his bride's face, but he heard her snarl. Before that sound had time to form, Brahms was already moving, using his impressive speed to snag the man by the back of his jacket. Without any care for the vampire he had grabbed, Brahms hurled him away. The preceding crash was an impressive sound, the man moaning in pain.

  "Leave us." Brahms ordered, and someone dared to protest this. He grew even angrier, though a part of him knew the protest was born out of the desire to protect their King. But the day Brahms needed protection from his own bride, was the day he gave up his right to rule over the vampires.

  "I said LEAVE!" The anger in his voice was such, that no one else dared question the order. The vampires hurried, quick but cautious as they gathered up the injured and fled from the room. Brahms would wait to speak until the doors had slammed shut, stepping in close to Silmeria.


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