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Valkyrie Rising

Page 33

by GR Griffin

  Lenneth looked like she wanted to argue. But she didn't speak a response immediately, instead looking him over. He didn't know if she understood the concern in his eyes, or what Lenneth thought of the fear he was trying to hide. But after a moment, the Goddess nodded. "All right. I understand."

  "You need to do more than understand!" Lezard snapped in a tone that was harsher than he had ever intended to use with Lenneth. "You need to promise me!"

  "Very well. I promise I will take care from now on when I ride."

  He didn't relax, Lezard thinking it might be better to forbid her from riding ever again. But he also didn't want to take away Lenneth's freedom. "Thank you." He said in relief, expelling a slow breath. It stirred the loose hair around her face, Lezard fighting the impulse to hug her close to him again. He instinctively knew she wouldn't welcome another unasked for embrace, and yet he wanted to do it all the same.

  It wasn't just the hug he wanted. Lezard wanted to touch more than her arms, wanting to lay fingers on her face. To caress her cheeks and stroke her lips, memorizing the contours of her face with his fingertips. It was difficult to pull back. He didn't quite succeed in resisting all his impulses. Lezard would actually reach towards Lenneth's hair, allowing a long, loose strand to curl around his fingers.

  She immediately froze at that, staring at him wide eyed. Lenneth's expression was unreadable as Lezard tucked the hair over her right ear. She didn't immediately try to stop him, Lenient keeping her eyes locked with Lezard's. He tried to fathom what she was feeling in response to the touch on her hair, but really stood not a chance of understanding the inner mysteries of the Goddess.

  "We..." A hesitation, Lenneth licking her lips nervously. How Lezard wanted to moan in response to that sensual sight. But he was aware such a reaction would only serve to frighten Lenneth. "We should probably go inside."

  "Inside?" Lezard felt he could remain forever in this moment. Just so long as he had Lenneth pressed against him, trapped between his body and that of Obsidian's.

  "Yes, inside." Repeated Lenneth. "We don't want to miss breakfast...."

  "Breakfast can wait...." He wanted to kiss her, and even found himself leaning into her. Her eyes seemed to widen in response, and then Lenneth was abruptly turning her face to one side.

  "We have company."

  Disappointment slammed into him, Lezard slow to realize she was right. He had failed to notice the approach of the stable hands, the teenage boys trying not to laugh as they openly stared at the Lord of the castle with his betrothed. Lezard wasn't surprised they had been able to sneak up on him. After all his awareness had been taken completely with Lenneth.

  Turning to look at the stable hands, Lezard stepped away from Lenneth. "See to the horses." He told the boys. "They have been worked hard this morning. I think an extra treat is in order, to thank them for the ride they have given us."

  "Yes master." One of the boys acknowledge, approaching the horse Lezard had ridden. Obsidian began to kick up a fuss when the second boy tried to touch him. Lenneth immediately turned to the stallion, her touch seeming to calm the beast.

  "Easy there." She murmured soothingly to the horse. "He's not going to ride you. He's only going to cool you down, and get you out of that uncomfortable bridle. Maybe even give you some apples." The horses' ears seemed to twitch, as though he had recognized the word apples. "Behave." Lenneth urged one last time, giving the horse one last stroke of his mane.

  Obsidian made a disgruntled sound, but held himself still for the stable hand's touch. The boy was looking at Lenneth with awe in his eyes. Lezard had no doubt word would spread how the Valkyrie had tamed the most wildest of steeds in his stable.

  Lezard wished that calming influenced could extend to himself. But his blood was boiling, stirred up with emotion and desire for the Goddess. He couldn't help but curse the stable hands' untimely arrival, Lezard wondering just what would have happened if he had managed to kiss Lenneth moments earlier. Would she have melted in his arms? Or would the encounter have ended with a slap?

  Probably neither, Lezard recalling how Lenneth insisted she would not dishonor her King. That meant she would have held still for Lezard's attentions, even if every fiber of her being protested the kiss. But Lezard didn't want her feigning affection, didn't want her viewing Lezard's kiss as nothing more than something she must endure, something that was her duty.

  He was a long way from making an emotional impact on Lenneth's heart. It was only the second day since she had been handed over to Lezard's keep, but the battle made him impatient for her. It also made him aware of time, the seconds ticking away, bringing them closer to the day when they would be married. Did he have enough time to win her over? Or would the wedding come and go, binding them in marriage but keeping them apart from each other's bed?

  "Lezard?" Lenneth's voice drew him out of his thoughts, the mage glancing at her. He realized he had just been standing there, staring at her as she worked to calm the stallion.

  "It's nothing." He said, longing to take hold of her hand. Even that little a touch would quicken his pulse, Lezard eager for contact with his betrothed. "Let us not delay any longer. Else our breakfast will turn cold."

  "Yes." She moved to follow him, Lezard slowing so Lenneth fell into step besides him. He tried not to look at her, Lezard trying to regain his composure. But it was difficult with Lenneth so near, the side of her arm brushing against his as they walked.

  "Are you sure you want to do this?" Lezard inquired. "Mystina and her group will most likely still be in the dining room...."

  "I am not scared of them." Lenneth lifted her chin, determination flashing in her eyes. There was probably little she was scared of, Lezard realized. She still retained the fearlessness of her immortality, bold and ready to face challenges head on.

  "I wasn't accusing you of being scared." Lezard quickly assured her.

  "Then what were you doing?" She demanded.

  "Just preparing you for a situation that holds the potential to be unpleasant." He explained. "You've stirred Mystina's dislike..."

  "You think she will say something to me?" Lenneth asked.

  "I would be more surprised if she didn't." Lezard admitted. They had entered the castle now. "Mystina can be spiteful thing once her displeasure is earned."

  "I can give as good as I get." Lenneth retorted.

  "I won't doubt you on that." Lezard chuckled slightly. "But I wonder how familiar you are with the weapons Mystina chooses to employ. It won't be sword against sword, but something far more insidious."

  "Words can never cut as deep as a true weapon can."

  "I wonder about that." Lezard murmured, holding open the door to the castle's dining room. Lenneth gave him a quizzical look, but there was no time to explain. Not with the remaining occupants turning to look at them. When they saw it was the lord of the castle, they began to rise from their seats, ready to pay respects to Lezard and his betrothed.

  Just as Lezard had predicted, Mystina and her group was still present at the table. They were surely on their third or fourth helping of breakfast, and it was only the fact that they were sorceresses that kept them from gaining weight from their over eating. Magic was known for burning up the calories at an alarming rate, the mages having to constantly replenish their energies by enjoying large meals.

  Offering Lenneth his arm, Lezard would usher her along the long length of the table. Not all the nobles were present. With Mystina's entourage, there was about seventeen people at all seated at the master's table. Lezard would lead Lenneth to the head of the table, and guide her to seat down to the right of him. Servants had appeared, quick to pile plates full of the morning's feast.

  The plates were placed in front of them, the nobles waiting for their Lord to begin to eat before they retook their seats. Conversation was not immediate, the curious eyes of the nobles drifting towards Lenneth. They weren't trying to be rude, they just couldn't hide their fascination with the one time Goddess.

  Mystina sat back
in her seat, her gaze almost insolent as she stared at Lenneth. She was the only one who did not attempt to avert their eyes when the Goddess look towards her. Instead Mystina raised her goblet, mock saluting Lenneth with it. Lenneth frowned in response, not understanding what Mystian was doing.

  "Lezard, Lenneth." Mystina spoke. "So good of you to join us this morning."

  "Yes." One of the nobles nodded his agreement. "The day is a bit brighter now that you are here."

  "The day has been bright all morning." Lenneth said, confused. "I don't think it has anything to do with Lezard or my presence here..."

  "It is just a saying we have." The noble was quick to explain. "Said when we are glad for the company we keep."

  "Oh. I hadn't realized...."

  "I bet there's a lot you don't know." Mystina smirked, and hardly looked repentant when Lezard growled her name. "I don't think Lezard has been taking the time to properly introduce you to mortal life."

  "Lezard is Lord of this castle, and as such has duties that extend beyond my education." Lenneth said stiffly.

  "And yet he took time this morning to go riding with you." Mystina noted.

  "I didn't realize you had nothing better to do than go spying on us." Lezard kept his tone pleasant, though his look was not. "I'll be sure to remedy that shortly."

  "Oh goodness no! I merely inquired as to why you were late to this morning's meal. There was no spying involved." Mystina told him.

  The tension between them was obvious, the nobles shifting, uneasy. One of them turned to Lenneth, his eyes briefly touching on her mussed hair. "Do you enjoy riding Goddess?"

  "I am Goddess no more." Lenneth reminded him. His face went pale, the man coughing.

  "Er yes...pardon my slip."

  "But yes. I did enjoy riding Obsidian." Lenneth continued, seeming oblivious to the shock that went through the crowd at the horse's name. "Flenceburg is a lovely city." Lenneth added, using a knife to peel a golden colored pear. "You must be very proud to make it your home."

  "It's your home too." Lezard reminded her. Something sad flickered in her eyes, Lenneth bowing her head in acknowledgment.

  "That it is." She said softly, biting into the pear.

  "Perhaps you'll feel more at ease after the wedding." It was a woman, one of the rare females who wasn't part of Mystina's entourage. She smiled at Lenneth, surely meaning no harm in what she said. "Brides are often a bundle of nerves that calm down once married. You'll be able to take stock of your situation, and worry less once the festivities are over with."


  "There will be a grand celebration." Lezard explained. "Many will come to wish us well."

  "It will be a party." Mystina added. "Much drinking and carousing."

  Lezard wondered if Lenneth had ever been to a party, if she had ever celebrated anything besides a victory on the battlefield.

  "The entire city will celebrate." Continued Mystina. "After all, it's not often our Lord marries."

  "Not often?" A man laughed. "Try never!" He grinned at Lezard. "Always thought you would die a bachelor."

  "I was just waiting for the right woman to come along." Lezard answered, making light of his words. He did a side long glance at Lenneth, but she didn't look flattered.

  "When will the wedding take place?" Lenneth asked abruptly.

  "That's what we all want to know!" Another man chuckled. "I don't understand what you're waiting for Lezard. If it was me, I'd marry her quick in case Odin changes his mind and takes her back to Asgard."

  "There's still some preparations that need to be completed." Lezard took a drink from his goblet. "Lenneth, I was hoping after breakfast you could spare a moment to see the seamstress. She has been inquiring after your measurements, wanting your gown to be perfect for the ceremony."

  "All right." Agreed Lenneth.

  "Why don't I accompany you?" suggested Mystina. "I can fill you in on what is expected of the bride."

  "Mystina!" Lezard set down his cup, glowering at the sorceress. "I will not have you telling Lenneth stories!"

  "You have a dirty mind if you chose to interpret my words that way!" Mystina snapped. "I merely meant to prepare her for the ceremony, and the festivities that followed. NOT the wedding night." A smirk then, the blonde far too bold for Lezard's liking. "I'll leave that in your capable hands." She stressed the word capable, but Lenneth didn't rise to the bait. Nor did she look eager at the thought of going anywhere with Mystina.

  Mystina looked close to pouting that she didn't get the anticipated response from Lenneth. Lezard held back a sigh, wondering just what had been said between Lenneth and Mystina to have the sorceress be so antagonistic towards the former Goddess. But it was best to inquire in private, he decided as Lezard took a taste of the flavorful gruel in his bowl.

  The talk would continue, other details about the upcoming wedding being discussed. Lenneth did not participate much in the conversation. Not unless asked a direct question. Anyone could see she wasn't that interested in this discussion, the Goddess hardly one to care about what sort of colors and fabric would be used for the napkins and table cloths.

  It was typically decisions left up to the woman. That included planning the meals that would be served at the wedding feast. Such talk only served to overwhelm Lenneth, the Valkyrie looking like she couldn't wait to escape from the dining room. She wouldn't get her chance any time soon, the group at the table loathe to give her up now that they had her attention.

  Lezard was in the midst of thinking up an excuse to spirit Lenneth away, when a servant hurried into the room. He was ignored by nearly all at the table. Only Lenneth stiffened besides Lezard, instantly alert as she watched the servant hurry to his side.

  "Yes, what is it?" Lezard demanded, gesturing impatiently.

  "Forgive the intrusion. But the Goddess Queen is demanding your presence."

  "Queen Hel?" Lenneth asked, her voice a barely controlled hiss. She wasn't the only one who was surprised, conversation stopping at the table.

  "She doesn't often contact you this early in the day." Mystina's smile was bright and cheery, but her eyes held malice to them.

  "All the more reason I must go to her." Lezard grumbled. He turned to Lenneth, leaning in to whisper in her ear. "This shouldn't take long. Will you be all right here on your own."

  "I can manage." Lenneth told him, her tone soft. Her displeasure was apparent, she didn't like that he left her to go to Hel. "You mustn't keep your Queen waiting."

  He really couldn't but he was loathe to leave Lenneth. Biting back a curse, and not caring that everyone stared at them, Lezard laid a hand on top of Lenneth's. "Remain here. I'll return to you promptly."

  She merely bowed her head in agreement. Lezard wanted to go on touching her, to linger his hand on top of hers. Somehow he forced himself to move, to walk past the smirking Mystina, and out of the room. The servant that had delivered Hel's message went to follow him, trailing behind Lezard by several steps.

  "What is our Queen's mood?" Lezard demanded of the servant.

  "It's not good." The man answered back. "She is angry and seems impatient. She's already trashed much of the room..."

  Lezard fought his displeasure, realizing Hel's latest visit would prove costly to him. "All right. You may go now." He dismissed the servant, and took to the stairs. But he did not head to the rooms that made up the sleeping quarters of many of the nobles. Instead he turned to the left, walking past the large crest that bore Hel's emblem. The corridors would stretch out before him, ultimately leading to his private rooms. That included his bedroom and his workshop, Lezard inwardly cringing at the thought of the damage Hel could be doing to his experiments.

  A loud clatter was heard, something smashing apart either against the wall or on the floor. Lezard broke into a hurried run, not caring if it was undignified to arrive before the Queen breathless. Something else shattered, and Lezard threw open the door to the workshop, not bothering to knock. An urn flew towards his head, Lezard just mana
ging to duck in time.

  The urn was not so delicate as to break, being made of a heavy metal. But it would have hurt if it had struck him, might have even rendered him unconscious. Lezard noted with some displeasure just how foul a mood the Goddess was in, to so maliciously strike out against him.

  Something else broke, Lezard straightening from his hunch. He knew Hel had to have noticed his arrival, but the Goddess' malevolent energy was such, that it was crackling about the room, seeking a target. To speak might make him the target, but Lezard knew he had no other choice. He did not want Hel continuing her destruction of his workshop.

  "You only do yourself a disservice by throwing this tantrum." Lezard's words, insolent at best, drew the Goddess gaze towards him. Her eyes flashed with malevolent purpose, the color seeming to change depending on her moods. Right now they were a dark, angry jade. He tried not to be affected with fear, Lezard allowing the door to close, sealing him into the room with Nifleheim's Queen.

  "This behavior is not fitting of a Queen." Continued Lezard, walking towards one of his ruined experiments. He pretended to be assessing how much damage she had done to the body, but his awareness was focused completely on the Goddess. Wary should she choose to lash out one last time. "Or a Goddess."

  "You presume to tell me how I should and should not act?!" Hel demanded, her voice like thunder though it would never be heard outside of this room's walls. He nodded slightly to her question, hands touching the body, feeling the bones that had broken during Hel's assault. "Then let us talk about your behavior. It is rude to keep a Queen waiting."

  "Perhaps it is." Acknowledged Lezard. "But it was not done out of malice or spite. It was you who chose to make this unexpected call...I hurried as fast as I could to come to you, once aware of your arrival."

  "It is not just this visit that I allude to." Hel shifted, drawing Lezard's wary glance towards her. She was an odd mix of beauty and ugliness, one half of her face scarred. Lezard sometimes wondered just what could have been responsible for the Goddess' disfigurement, knowing the divine could heal just about any wound. But he would never dare ask, well aware of Hel's vanity and how she reacted to any who might dare suggest she was less than perfect.


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