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Touching Deuce [Cowboy Mates, Psychic Connections 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 28

by Lynnette Bernard

  “Well, Robbie seems to be pretty happy with you,” Gracie told him, laughing. “Are you happy, Robbie?”

  “Yes!” Robbie answered immediately.

  “I told him we would get him a new puzzle while we were shopping,” Deuce told her, smiling.

  “Oh, your uncle is going to spoil you, Robbie,” Gracie told the little boy, smiling at the thought of how wonderful and loving Deuce was going to be with their own children—if they ever had them. The thought both thrilled and scared her at the same time.

  * * * *

  “Gracie?” a woman’s voice interrupted them.

  Gracie turned and nearly groaned at the sight of her mother’s best friend Charlotte Majors. She wasn’t quite as mean as her mother, but she was damn close.

  “Hello, Mrs. Majors,” she greeted her politely, stepping back defensively. “How are you?”

  “I’m doing fine, thank you.” She looked at the carriage Gracie pushed that was filled with diapers, baby wipes, and baby toys. Her eyes narrowed as her attention snapped back to Gracie’s face. “I didn’t know you were pregnant, Gracie.”

  “These are supplies for my sister, Mrs. Majors,” she explained tiredly.

  “Oh, that explains it,” Mrs. Majors fired back with a smirk on her face. “I knew you couldn’t possibly be pregnant. Your mother and I were just talking about you the other day. We know you don’t even have a boyfriend.”

  Gracie backed up as if she had been slapped. Being isolated on the McKade Ranch had given her a short reprieve from the real world—a world where she was often belittled by people. Just a few short minutes in town, and she was reminded of her reputation of being a failure as a potential date.

  When she found herself plastered against a strong chest and a muscled arm surrounded her waist, she relaxed as she sank into the support of the man behind her. Once again she was reminded of how Deuce always seemed to be there whenever she needed him. He hugged her lightly, splaying his hand across her waist to settle against her stomach. She felt herself calming immediately.

  “Sorry we took so long, honey,” he told her, looking with cold eyes at the elderly woman before them. He had heard her cruel words to his mate, and he wasn’t happy about what she had said to his Gracie at all.

  “I have a new puzzle, Aunt Gracie,” Robbie called to her from his spot beside his uncle. He lifted the small bag with his new puzzle inside it to show her.

  Gracie reached down and lifted Robbie onto her hip, kissing his cheek lightly. “You can put it together when we get back to the ranch,” she told him, smiling. “You can teach me how to do it.”

  “Okay, Aunt Gracie,” Robbie told her, hugging her quickly.

  “You can show me, too, Robbie,” Deuce told him, reaching up with his free hand to gently stroke the little boy’s hair. “Come here, buddy. Let me hold you.”

  Robbie went into his arms easily. Gracie smiled at him as he quickly snuggled within Deuce’s arms.

  “I can hold him, Deuce,” she told him, laughing. “You can push the carriage and carry everything to the truck when we check out.”

  “I’ll do that, too, honey,” Deuce told her, leaning down to kiss her lips lightly. “You shouldn’t be carrying Robbie. You don’t want to chance doing too much. You have to be careful now that our baby is growing inside of you,” he whispered just loud enough for Charlotte Majors to hear him. Just to be sure, he looked at her and winked boldly before returning his attention to his mate.

  He kissed her lightly one last time, rubbing her belly possessively before he led them away from the woman who stared at him with her mouth open in shock. He smiled to himself as he walked toward the check-out aisle with Gracie and Robbie in tow.

  “Deuce, why did you do that?” Gracie whispered angrily. “Just what do you think that accomplished?”

  “I was trying to shut that old biddy up,” he told her calmly. “No one should ever speak to you that way, Gracie.”

  Gracie took a breath as she tried to calm herself. Taking the diapers out of the shopping cart, she placed them on the conveyor belt before the cashier. She bit her cheek to keep silent as they checked out. She was too upset to even mention that Deuce didn’t have the responsibility to pay for the items for Melanie. She would be sure to reimburse him later.

  When the purchases were successfully loaded into the backseat of the truck and Robbie was secured in his car seat, she took her place beside Deuce as he settled behind the steering wheel. She buckled her seat belt and turned to face him as he buckled his own, started the truck, and pulled out of the shopping center parking lot.

  “I know you were trying to help back there, Deuce, but you just made the situation worse.”

  “How did I make it worse, darlin’?”

  “It will be all over town before the evening is over that we’re sleeping together.”

  He turned to face her briefly and winked at her before turning his attention back to the road ahead of them. “We are sleeping together, Mate.”

  “You know what I mean,” she told him angrily, more than a little frustrated and a whole lot embarrassed. “It will be even worse when they realize I’m not pregnant.”

  “How are they going to realize that?”

  “It won’t be difficult, Deuce. It will only take a few months until they’ll be able to see that there is no pregnancy when I don’t have a growing belly.”

  He was quiet for a moment, stealing looks at her from the corner of his eye. He reached out and held her hand, squeezing it gently as he smiled at her. “But you may already be pregnant, honey.”

  Gracie remained silent as he released her hand then reached out and covered her belly possessively. She looked down at his hand and felt a little flutter of excitement at his touch. She covered his hand with her own and looked up at him, her eyes wide with worry.

  “Getting you pregnant will be a priority of mine during our life together,” he told her softly.

  Chapter 23

  Deuce watched Gracie out of the corner of his eye. She had been extremely quiet all the way home. He didn’t know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. He just knew that she was doing some heavy-duty thinking. He held the front door of the ranch house open and stepped aside while she passed him, holding Robbie comfortably on her hip. He followed her in, carrying all of their purchases.

  Melanie smiled up at them from her seat at the dining room table. The rest of the family was sitting in their places, waiting patiently for Deuce, Gracie, and Robbie to come home before starting the evening meal.

  “Welcome home! Did you have fun, Robbie?”

  “I have a new puzzle, Mommy!” Robbie called to her, pushing out of Gracie’s arms and rushing to his mother to show her the puzzle that he had taken out of the bag and was holding against his chest. “Look, Mommy! Horses!”

  Melanie reached down and lifted her son to settle him on her lap. Taking the puzzle from him and looking at it, she lifted her gaze to Deuce and Gracie briefly, shaking her head at their spoiling of her son. “What a beautiful puzzle,” she told Robbie honestly. “That horse looks just like Uncle John’s stallion Brutus.”

  Robbie nodded happily then pointed to the black horse beside the white stallion. “This is Daddy’s horse.”

  “It does look just like Daddy’s horse, honey,” Melanie agreed. “I’ll bet you’ll be able to put this puzzle together tonight after dinner. Did you want to do that, baby?”

  Robbie nodded, leaned against her chest, and hugged her excitedly. Melanie couldn’t help the sudden rush of emotion that filled her as she held her son. She was so thankful to finally be home with him and know that she would be there for him for the rest of her life. Her time away in the hospital had hurt her heart. She never wanted to miss out on her time with her little boy ever again.

  “I’m gonna love seeing my horse on your puzzle, Robbie,” John told him as he started passing around the platter of turkey that Jake had already cut up into slices.

  Jamie smiled at her husband, touching h
is leg lightly. When he looked at her, she knew he could see all the love she had for him shining in her eyes. She knew he was going to be an amazing father. His easy way with Robbie and Mary Grace, and the honest love he felt for both children, showed her just how caring and loving a father he would be. She was so thankful that the Great Spirit had healed her so she could conceive and carry their child.

  John’s gray eyes sparkled as he smiled at her. Reaching beneath the table for her hand, he squeezed it lightly. It was as if he knew what she was thinking, and he was in complete agreement with her joy.

  Deuce walked up the stairs to Luke and Melanie’s room, carrying all the packages. He placed them just inside the door of their room, closing the door behind him and heading into his and Gracie’s room to wash up.

  While he was in the bathroom washing his hands, Gracie came in and stood just inside the bathroom, leaning against the wall near the double sinks. She was watching him silently, and he was immediately worried.

  “Are you okay, honey?” he asked her softly, wiping his hands with the small, navy hand towel before setting it aside and stepping forward to wait patiently before her.

  “I’m not sure,” she told him honestly.

  “Why, baby?”

  She shrugged and stepped forward, opening her arms and wrapping them around his waist and laying her head against his chest. His arms embraced her immediately, pulling her tightly against him.

  “Just hold me,” she whispered, not wanting to talk. Not really sure what it was she wanted to say anyway.

  “Always,” he promised her, content to stay right where he was, holding her in his arms as long as she needed him to.

  * * * *

  “Where are Luke and Spence?” Deuce asked once he was seated at the head of the dining room table.

  “My husband was trying to do too much,” Melanie told him, helping Robbie by cutting up his turkey.

  “What happened?” Deuce’s voice was concerned. He put down his fork and waited for Melanie to answer him.

  “He insisted on helping Spence in the corral,” Tim spoke up. “He leaned over to open the corral fencing while he was sitting on top of his horse and he lost his balance.”

  “Is he all right?” Deuce asked, looking at Melanie in concern.

  “Spence took him to the hospital,” Melanie told him calmly, not wanting to upset Robbie. “He landed hard on his shoulder. Spence is pretty sure he dislocated it.”

  Deuce was silent as everyone at the table resumed their meal. The worry that each of them felt was palpable. None of them would be able to relax until Luke and Spence arrived home and they could see for themselves that Luke was all right.

  Claire was filled with the emotions and worry that all the family members were experiencing. She wanted to reach out and take Jake’s hand in hers so he could help her cope with the overwhelming feelings, but she didn’t. She wasn’t going to accept his help anymore. She had put her heart on the line enough. Feeling the pain of the emotions that were emanating from the people around her was nothing compared to the complete pain that filled her heart at his rejection. She wasn’t going to reach out to him again. A woman’s heart could only take so much pounding before breaking altogether. Instead, she held Mary Grace closer to her chest, rubbing her cheek against the softness of the infant’s hair. She tried to concentrate on the pure trust and sense of peace that the infant filled her with. Claire was determined to deal with her empathic ability and take care of herself from now on. Maybe it was time to take the pills the doctor had given her that would help keep herself calm. She wondered if there was a pill to fix her broken heart.

  Jake looked at Claire silently. He moved closer to her and was surprised when she leaned away from him. She didn’t want his touch. He knew he had hurt her. The fact that she didn’t want his touch hurt him more than he could have ever thought possible. He took a calming breath, fighting to keep his hands to himself. He wanted to take her in his arms and hold her against his chest. As he watched her hold his niece, he couldn’t help but picture her holding their own child. He leaned back in his chair, sadness overwhelming him. There was no chance that there would ever be a child for them because there was no chance he could ever allow them to be a couple.

  Becca passed the basket of rolls to Rafe, pulling her hand away from his as he touched her to take the basket. He looked at her with concern, seeing how she avoided any physical contact with him. He also noticed how she wouldn’t even meet his eyes. This was not good at all. He should be happy that he had finally pushed her away once and for all, but he wasn’t. Sometimes—like right now—life really sucked.

  Gracie ate very little. She mostly pushed her food around on her plate as thoughts raced through her mind. She didn’t think she was going to be able to sit at the table much longer. What food she had eaten was sitting uncomfortably in her stomach.

  The front door opened, and Luke entered, followed quickly by Spence. After hanging up their hats on the rack next to the front door, Spence reset the home alarm, and they made their way toward their family. Spence walked to his spot beside Lainey and touched her shoulder lightly. He was not ashamed to admit that he needed the connection. He didn’t like being away from her for too long. He looked at Tim and saw the nod of understanding that his best friend gave him. Instead of the warm welcome that Lainey usually gave him, he received only a small look in his direction before she returned her attention to the plate before her.

  Luke walked over to Melanie and leaned down to kiss her lips quickly before hugging his son the best that he could with one arm. His left arm was held securely in a royal blue sling that was also held tightly against his chest by a black strap.

  “Daddy, you have a blue towel,” Robbie told him, pulling at the sling. “You fell off your horse.”

  “Yes, I did, baby,” Luke told him calmly. “But I’m good. Don’t you worry, little man.” He pulled out the seat next to his son and sat down, accepting Melanie’s help to fill his plate with food.

  The emotions that sliced through Gracie’s chest at that moment nearly killed her. Every fear she ever had, every insecurity she had ever felt, every moment of worry for her future she had agonized over came down on her head with a resounding crash.

  Robbie had foreseen Luke’s accident. He was only three years old, yet he already possessed the same psychic ability as his mother. There was no doubt in her mind that any child she would have would inherit her own ability to calm animals and children with just a touch. But that meant that any child she might have would also experience the pain and loneliness she had felt whenever she touched another who was not a part of her family. She bit her trembling lip as she fought to control her emotions. She could not allow that to happen to her babies.

  “What did the doctor say, Luke?” Deuce spoke up, drawing Luke’s attention.

  “My shoulder was dislocated,” Luke told them all. His voice was calm and light so as not to alert Robbie that there might be any concern. “The doctor was able to put it back in place, gave me some pills for the pain, and said I should take it easy for the next couple of days.”

  “Luke, the doctor said one to two weeks,” Spence corrected him. “He has to go back for a follow-up exam next week.”

  “No working the ranch until the doctor clears you,” Deuce told him firmly. “Take the next couple of days off from working at the construction company, too.”

  “I’m fine,” Luke protested.

  “No, Luke,” Jake interrupted him. “Rafe and I will cover for you at work. You need to stay home and take it easy.”

  Luke was about to protest when he saw Rafe shake his head at him. “Don’t even try and argue, little brother,” he warned him.

  Luke scowled and speared a piece of turkey, biting at it angrily. “Fine,” he muttered.

  Deuce nodded at Jake and Rafe. He was confident that the two of them would be able to run the construction company until Luke was able to return to work. He smiled and turned to face Gracie, the smile leaving his fa
ce immediately when he saw how pale she was.


  She never looked at him. Her focus was on Luke. “What?” she whispered.

  “Are you okay, baby?”

  She nodded briefly. Pushing away from the table, she stood on shaky legs and stepped away from the table. “Excuse me,” she whispered, turning and walking away.

  Deuce watched her walk up the stairs. He wasn’t about to let her get away with that. Rule number four was about to be enforced. There was no way he was going to allow her to hide her thoughts and feelings from him. He knew she was upset, and he was determined to find out why.

  He excused himself from the table and followed her up the stairs. When he entered their bedroom and saw Gracie’s large suitcase on their bed, he felt a moment of confusion. Gracie walked out of the bathroom carrying her toiletries and placed them beside the suitcase. Unzipping it quickly, she flipped it open and turned to walk over to the bureau that Deuce had designated as hers and pulled open the top drawer.

  “Going somewhere, Gracie?” Deuce’s soft voice filled the room.

  “It’s time for me to leave,” she told him, her voice flat.

  He watched as she methodically removed her clothing from each drawer and filled the suitcase. His heart pounded as he realized she really intended to leave him.

  “Why, baby?”

  “I’ve realized that I can’t live this fantasy life,” she told him firmly. “I can’t stay and take the chance of having a child and sentencing that child to a life of torture.”

  She turned and reached for the small suitcase that was on the floor beside the bed, pulling it up onto the mattress and opening it quickly. She lifted the pile of toiletries in her hands and threw them inside it, not stopping to straighten them. She needed to get out of this room, out of this house, and out of this life. She could feel her heart pounding as fear filled her.


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