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One Summer in Santa Fe

Page 7

by Molly Evans

  “Don’t get shy on me,” Taylor said, and reached for her hand.

  “Who me? Shy?” Her gaze fluttered away from the intensity of his. She’d been right the first time. He had eyes that saw right through a person, right into their very soul. Right now her soul was transparent.

  “Yes, you.” He raised her hand and kissed her knuckles. “Today it’s just you and me.” He lowered her hand, but didn’t release it and tugged once. “When Alex is around you relax, but with just me there’s tension between us.”

  “I’m sorry. I don’t mean for there to be.” She sighed, knowing the tension in her came from trying to resist a raging case of sexual attraction. They were coworkers and anything between them would be temporary at best. “You make me a little nervous sometimes. I’m sure I’m not the kind of woman you normally spend time with, am I?” Looking up at him, she swallowed. He was so handsome, so confident and masculine. He was a powerful man. She was just someone trying to get through life. He challenged it at every step. Beside him, she felt small and insignificant.

  “No, you’re not. I have to admit that. But there’s no reason to limit myself, is there?”

  “I guess I just don’t understand what your interest in me is. Aside from being grateful I gave you some suggestions for Alex.” Men of his caliber never noticed her, so having Taylor spend his time and attention on her was an exciting, but puzzling, experience. “I don’t want you to feel indebted to me for that.” Her hand wrapped inside his warmed her fingers, and she wanted to reach out to him, pull his face down to hers, see if his kiss was as enticing as she remembered and not just the heat of the moment.

  “It’s not that, although I am very grateful for your help with Alex. There’s something going on between us, isn’t there?” he asked, his face serious, his gaze pinning her to her chair.

  “What do you mean?” Playing dumb wasn’t her way, but she didn’t want to make assumptions about Taylor, either. Though she found him wildly attractive, she knew he wasn’t the kind of man who would be into the kind of long-term relationship she now realized she wanted. She’d heard the gossip at the hospital, been warned by a nurse or two to watch it around him, that he was dangerous to a woman’s heart and libido. But the vibes she was getting from him were so compelling, they were very hard to resist. She swallowed, her heart skipped a beat, she couldn’t look away from him.

  Without answering, Taylor leaned forward. Cupping a hand around the back of her neck, he drew her forward and pressed his mouth to hers. Surprised, Piper tipped her face up and met his kiss. As if he had read her mind, he leisurely explored her mouth with his lips and tongue, testing, teasing a response from her, and her heart fluttered in reaction. Hot and wild. That’s what Taylor was and that was the reaction going on in her body.

  He withdrew, but reached for her hand again. “That’s what I mean.”

  “I see.” Piper reached for the glass of ice water and took a quick sip, wanting to dump the whole thing over her head to cool off. “I’d have to agree with your assessment, Doctor.”

  “Just making sure I wasn’t imagining things.”

  “Oh, no.” She raised her brows and blew out a quick breath, grateful when the waitress came and took their orders for brunch. Piper stood, her mouth suddenly dry. “Shall we? I’m ready for that Mimosa about now.”

  “Me, too.” Taylor followed her to the brunch tables.

  Wanting to make her as comfortable as possible, he drew her into conversation. Work was a safe topic, and he suggested some places of interest for her to see. They relaxed, they touched, and the electricity hummed between them. Plates empty and appetites sated for the moment, Piper leaned back in her chair and sipped her Mimosa. “So, tell me what it’s like to jump out of an airplane.”

  “Exhilarating.” Pushing his plate back, Taylor reached for his coffee, seeming to settle into a memory. “It’s like nothing you’ve ever experienced.” He looked at her, considering. “Have you ever ridden a roller-coaster that made your stomach do flips?”

  Piper’s eyes widened. “Oh, yeah, sure. And then I threw up.”

  Taylor laughed. “Well, jumping out of an airplane is like that multiplied tenfold.”

  Piper pressed a hand to her stomach, not liking the image of that after such a full meal. “I think I’ll stay on the ground. Getting me into an airplane usually requires sedation.”

  “For me, every second’s a thrill. One that I’ll never want to give up. I’ll be jumping out of planes when I’m eighty years old.” He shook his head and gave a self-indulgent smile, as if he were chastising himself mentally but knew he could never give it up.

  “How long have you been jumping?”

  “Had my first jump when I was sixteen. My uncle took me. Been hooked ever since.”

  “I know I’ll sound like Alex, but is there anything you don’t do well?” Everything she’d seen so far had been on the mark.

  Taylor snorted. “Lots of things, but I try to stay away from them. It interferes with my self-confidence and charm.”

  Laughing, Piper stood when Taylor pulled out her chair for her. Stiffness had set in again and a quiet groan escaped her throat.

  “Still sore?” he asked, and placed his hand on her shoulder.

  “Yes. I know it will go away in a few days but, man, it hurts when I move the wrong way sometimes.” Maybe a long soak in the hot tub at her apartment complex would help, followed by an indulgent afternoon nap, including fantasies of Taylor to entertain her.

  They left the building and approached Taylor’s car. “Stand still a minute.”

  Puzzled, Piper remained still as Taylor moved around behind her. His hands touched her shoulders, and he pressed his thumbs into the tender space between her shoulder blades on either side of her spine.

  Crying out, Piper cringed and pulled away. “I’m sorry, Taylor. Massage normally feels good, but seems I’m too tender right now.”

  Stepping away from her, he opened the door for her. “Let’s go to my house, and I’ll do a manipulation on your back. I think you might have something out of place in your spine that won’t resolve on its own.”


  “Yes. An adjustment to your spine. I’m also a trained D.O., Doctor of Osteopathy, and we do manipulations, or adjustments, to bring the body back into normal alignment.” He shrugged. “Treating a condition that can be managed by a simple manipulation before resorting to medications is a good first step. It’s a great supplement to the standard medical practice.”

  When they returned to Taylor’s house, he led her to the living room. “There’s more room here to maneuver.” Positioning himself behind her, Taylor gave her instructions. “No matter what I do, just relax. If you tense up, I could hurt you, and the point of this is to take that away.”

  “Okay. I’m ready.” Piper’s heart raced when Taylor pulled her back to rest against him, his entire body fitting her length. He pressed her head back against his left shoulder and swayed her back and forth a few times, settling her into position. A shiver of desire tried to overwhelm her, but she resisted. Taylor said to relax, not get tense, but the intimacy of him holding her led her mind to think of other things.

  “Now, place your arms across your chest, hands on your shoulders.”

  Piper complied, but jumped when Taylor’s arms went around her. Desire sparked between them. “Are you sure this isn’t just a ploy to get me into your arms?” she asked, her breath wispy, not at all opposed to the therapy, seeing its side benefits, as well.

  “No.” His chuckle rumbled through his chest, and Piper felt it in her back. “It’s legit. Now, relax against me again, breathe in and then out all the way, fast. I’m going to lift you up by your arms.”

  Needing the deep breath, Piper pulled in as much as she could, then exhaled hard. The instant her breath was out, Taylor encased her arms with his, hugged her tight against him and bent her backward with a small shake. Her back snapped and the crunch reverberated through her. “Ugh,” she said
when her feet were back on the floor.

  “How does that feel?”

  Piper moved a bit to the left, then the right, testing her back. Remarkably, there was little discomfort now. A tweak in her back muscles, but nothing like before, and her surprised gaze flew to Taylor’s face. “Wow. I’m amazed. You have the magic touch, Doctor. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. The other thing you ought to consider is hydrotherapy.” He pushed her hair to the side with one hand and rested a hand on her hip.

  “Like a bath or shower?” she asked as her brain immediately recalled in graphic detail her image of him in the shower. Unable to muster the motivation to move away from him, she stayed where she was, leaning against him, liking the stirring of her senses as he held her, the stroke of his hand on her hip, wondering how far she should let this exploration of the senses go. Too much time had passed since she’d allowed a man to hold her. Oh, being around Taylor was going to be so bad for her. One touch and she wanted to toss caution to the wind and reach out for what he offered, even if it was for just one moment in time.

  “Like a soak in my jacuzzi.”

  His voice had turned to a husky whisper and the heat of it in her ear created shivers that crawled along her skin. Even his voice was magic, entwining its way into her mind. The thought of the two of them in his tub made her mouth go dry and she dragged in a ragged breath. A decision was on the line. One that could take her to heaven or to the depths of pain.



  “I don’t have a swimsuit.” Like that was going to stop her from such an experience.

  “That’s not a problem for me. I don’t usually wear one,” he said, his hands roaming from her thighs to her hips and holding her against him. His breathing had changed, and so had hers.

  “Will you be in the tub with me?”

  His lips moved across the outer curve of her ear. “Do you want me in the tub with you?”

  Oh, God, did she ever. Was that going to be the best decision of her life? Probably not, but if she didn’t take the chance, was she going to regret it? Probably so. Opportunities, chances, came so infrequently in her life that she sometimes didn’t recognize them when confronted with one. Now, with this glaring opportunity in front of her, she recognized it for what it was. A chance to be with Taylor, no strings attached. For two healthy, sexual adults to share an experience together. Beyond that, they would simply return to being coworkers. She could accept that, couldn’t she? For one day, she could live for herself and savor the experience with Taylor. This attraction between them was heavier than anything she’d ever experienced. They wanted each other. It was that simple.

  Nodding, she turned her head to the side, allowing him more access to the sensitive flesh of her neck. Hot and wet, his mouth opened and teased her skin, hitting all her erogenous zones and tugging at them, drawing away any resistance she might have had. Desire that she’d tried to deny blossomed inside her. Alone with Taylor, resting in his arms, she could find no urge to resist him or herself. The voice of reason was a distant echo that soon faded away. Living in the moment was Taylor’s way. A way that she had longed for, but had never reached out to grab. Her life had been so controlled and molded that she hadn’t embraced many of life’s experiences. Now she wanted to clutch Taylor to her and let the rest of the world fade away from them.

  She turned in his arms and looped her arms around his shoulders. His eyes were glowing with desire she knew was for her, and the thought that this powerful man wanted her made her body moist in anticipation. Shoving the past back where it belonged, she reached out to boldly embrace the moment and take what Taylor was offering her, even if it was just for a moment.

  “Then I’m going to need that shirt back.”


  TAYLOR moved back from her and gave her lush curves a wistful look. “If you insist on covering yourself.”

  “I do.” At least the trembling in her heart did.

  He left her for a moment and returned with the T-shirt she had borrowed.

  “I’ll be right back.” She fled to the bathroom to change, any lingering stiffness in her back remarkably absent. Minutes later, she entered the back yard to the hot-tub deck, nicely shaded by enormous cottonwood trees from too much sun or any prying eyes. High fences surrounding the yard ensured no one could peek in.

  Taylor was already in the water up to his chest and leaning his head back against the cushioned bumper, his clothing in a rumpled pile on the deck. Piper eased her legs into the steaming water just as Taylor opened his eyes.

  Petals of desire blossomed free in Piper as she entered the water. Stiff muscles forgotten as she looked at Taylor, she submerged all the way to her neck and leaned back, allowing the jets of water to pound her muscles and dissolve her bones. “Oh, this was a fabulous idea. I think I’m going to melt.”

  Relaxing was out of the question, though. As Taylor slid closer to her, a different kind of tension pulsed through her, and she opened her eyes to slits to observe him.

  “Remember, you’re only supposed to stay about ten to fifteen minutes beneath the water, and then you have to come out for a while.” Taking both hands, he ran his wet fingers through his hair and pushed it away from his face, looking much like an ad for the ultimate aphrodisiac. Who needed drugs when a wet, naked man would do the job?

  “Okay.” Piper swallowed, her tongue feeling thick in her mouth as he neared. Did he have a suit on or was he as naked as he suggested that she get? Heart fluttering wildly, she didn’t know if it was from the heat of the water or the heat of Taylor so close to her.

  “Your face is flushed. Are you okay?”

  “I’m sure it’s just the heat of the tub making my blood vessels dilate.” Yeah, right. That was a great excuse, so flimsy he could see right through it.

  Taylor grinned. “I’m sure.” He reached for her hand and tugged until she semi-floated across the tub closer to him. “I’d better check your pulse.” With his fingers on her wrist, and his gaze locked on hers, he smiled knowingly. “Heart is fast, too. Are you sure it’s the water?”

  “No. I could be having a reaction to something.”

  “Like what?” He drew her closer until she stood in front of him, no longer up to her neck in the water. “It’s certainly not an adverse reaction. You look very healthy to me.”

  Taylor’s gaze dropped and her nipples tingled as if he had touched them. The sodden white T-shirt clung to every curve and nuance of skin, revealing everything to his hungry gaze that she had sought to hide beneath the water. “I’m not sure. Mimosa maybe?” Probably a reaction to too much Taylor. Too close, too fierce, too hot.

  “You only had one.”

  As he spoke, Taylor’s hands drifted from her hips upward, dangerously close to her throbbing breasts.

  “Yes, but—”

  “I think it’s something else.”

  Raising his gaze to hers, Taylor’s eyes flamed with desire that made her heart rate more erratic than it already was. Piper licked her lips and dropped her gaze to his mouth. With nothing but hot water and a flimsy sodden shirt between them, Piper wanted to reach out to him, to take what he offered with his body. That sweet release she hadn’t known in a very long time urged her boldly forward. One step closer and his thumbs stroked her peaked nipples. They were already hard and pressed against the shirt.

  “I think you’re right.” Was admitting that bad? Giving him more power over her than he already had? She didn’t know, but seemed powerless to stop herself. She wanted this. She needed his touch, more than she had known even moments ago. So much of her life went to giving to others. Wasn’t it time she allowed herself to take a little, to please herself just a bit? That wasn’t being selfish, that was experiencing life and everything it had to offer. For too long she’d sat on the sidelines, watching while life raced by her.

  “I’d also like to say that the shirt looks better on you than it ever has on me. I think I’ll have it bronzed later.”

  Piper took a deep breath and inched herself closer, her gaze locked on him as something inside her broke free. Her arms crept out to his shoulders, and her hands rested on the slick skin. Oh, how she wanted this man. This adventurer, who had begun to creep into her mind, her dreams, and her heart, pushed aside the past, pushed aside the memories of hurt, until there was nothing except him in front of her. With him there would always be excitement, but would she be enough for him? Could she be enough? Be bold enough, brazen enough, passionate enough? There was only one way to find out. The past had no place here. The now was filled with Taylor in her arms.

  “Do you want it back?” She pressed forward until her breasts met the solid wall of his chest, and she tipped her face up, her mouth inches from his. Every sense she had was focused on him. Standing between his parted legs, she let herself drift forward.

  “Yes,” he whispered, and cupped the back of her head.

  “Then I think you should take it.” Desire made her speak. Boldness urged her forward. Temptation made her close the gap between them.

  With a groan, Taylor moved. His arm around her waist pulled her against him and the hand behind her head guided her mouth to his. Parting her lips, Piper surrendered to the need and the desire raging within her. It wasn’t the heat of the tub or the effects of one Mimosa that made her want Taylor. It was everything he was, and he was everything she wanted.

  The kiss he’d first given her paled to the heat of his mouth now. Lips moving over hers, his tongue probed deeply, eagerly stroking against hers. As he kissed her, Taylor drew her knees to either side of his hips so that she straddled his lap, providing her with proof that he wore no suit. Groaning deep in her chest, she pressed herself against Taylor, against the muscle and the heat of him.

  Hands roaming over the curves of her hips, Taylor raised her up until her breasts reached the level of his mouth. Holding her above him, he opened his mouth over a nipple and teased. The tremors of her arms clutching his shoulders let him know how much he affected her. Moving to her other breast, he rolled his tongue around the nipple through the wet shirt that clung to her. The sight of her in his shirt stirred him deeply, as if in the wearing it had marked her as his.


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