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Whispers in the Dark [A Raven Saga Book 3]

Page 11

by Crymsyn R. Hart

  "My, my, Seth dear. What a surprise! What can I do for you, Raven Warrior?"

  "Robyn, I need your help."

  The sorceress laughed. Her chuckle was akin to a little child's. “Why should I help you? You helped me so much!"

  Seth didn't have time to argue with her. Jayd was slipping away. Even now, he felt it when he tried to keep a small trickle of his power going through him into her. Her heart was stealing away from him. He could feel Jayd getting colder. He looked at Robyn, hoping she would see his need. “Please, Robyn. I don't have time to quarrel with you. Jayd, she ... I can't help her. My power isn't helping her. Please,” he begged her. When he looked at the sorceress, he realized that he was crying.

  Robyn looked at him and then looked at Jayd. She came close to him but did not touch him. She reached out and ran her hand across Jayd's forehead and then examined her. “She was bitten and marked by a vampire. Nothing can save her, Seth. You should have left her for the vampire. Or are you trying to rescue her like you helped me?"

  "Robyn, I don't have time. Can you help me or not? I have to go before the council. I can't stay with her. I can't heal her. Please, Robyn!"

  Seth saw the sorceress's face when she made her decision. She nodded toward the cottage. “Get her inside. I can't promise you anything, but I know a few things that might slow the venom down. But there's no way to cure vampirism. It is inevitable."

  Seth shook his head. “I won't accept that.” Seth laid Jayd down on Robyn's bed and ran his hand over her cheek. His skin was fire against the ice of her flesh.

  "Seth, is there something you're not telling me about this one? Why does she matter to you so much?” Robyn put her hand on his shoulder. Seth turned and looked at the shorter woman deep in the eye.

  "I promised to protect her. Please help her. I have to go. I'll be back soon."

  Seth closed his eyes, and he heard the calls of the other Ravens. He didn't want to abandon Jayd, but he had no other choice. The Council was calling and getting impatient. The shadows embraced him, but his last thought was of Jayd.

  * * * *

  Seth let the shadows unwind from his form. His soul did not feel free from the burden he had by leaving Jayd. When the virus worked itself through Jayd's system, it was also affecting his. He wasn't sure if it was an echo infecting him too, but whatever it was, it was making him cold. It seemed his heart was getting icier by the second. Concentration was difficult. He'd never felt anything so excruciating in all the years of his existence. The breath stuck in his throat. It made him believe all the more that Jayd was his heartmate. Seth glanced around, examining all the Ravens. They were all brothers but from different times and cultures. Yet, they were all in the same position he was in. They were all cursed for their transgressions. His brothers stood in front of the empty Council table. All of them had come, even Caleb. Seth wasn't sure if their leader would appear, considering the things he was going to accuse Betha of. Seth had already confronted Caleb about the Banshee Queen. Caleb had called him a liar, not wanting to hear the accusations.

  The twelve other Raven Warriors were there—Tremain, Darius, Caleb, Jet, Seneca, Julius, Arik, Troy, Rayhan, Vaile, Myles, and Deacon. They stared at Seth, wondering what the sudden meeting was about. It was rare that they were all in one place at one time. This was during their furlough from being birds, and Seth hated to take that away from them, but they had to understand what was happening under their noses. Seth sensed Tremain's panic rising. Seth didn't want to send his brother off after Betha alone. Something had to be done about the queen. Confronting the Raven Council was the only action he could think of to be sure the queen could not act out whatever horrible plans she had for Linnea and the baby.

  "Why have you gathered us here?” Caleb asked. Seth heard the controlled anger in his leader's voice. Caleb's eyes glinted silver barely holding in his feelings. For eons, Caleb had maintained wonderful self-control, hardly raising his voice to any of them unless warranted. He never disciplined them, but lately, his emotions had been overtaking his judgment. A good example was when Seth had told their leader about the first time he assumed Betha was going to do something to the infants.

  "Tremain, tell them about Linnea and Whitney,” Seth said to this other brother.

  All eyes turned to Tremain. “Linnea and my daughter are missing. I can't find them. Linnea would never take Whitney anywhere without letting me know. The link between us is being blocked. I..."

  Seth saw tears in his fellow brother's eyes. The others felt Tremain's worry and his alarm even though he tried to contain it. Tremain had always been the troublemaker of the flock and hated authority. He'd been on Betha's hate list for years until he found Linnea. Then, he turned around and did whatever was ordered, no questions asked. The love for Linnea Seth felt emanating from Tremain was overwhelming. It was a reflection for how Seth felt about Jayd. Nothing was going to happen to her. Once they found Betha and discovered where she had taken Tremain's family, Seth would race back to Jayd, hoping that Robyn had found a cure. Even now, his chest hurt from trying to draw breath, but he focused beyond the link, knowing Tremain was more important at the moment.

  The silence in the group blanketed the flock. Tremain was in no condition to continue. Seth drew in a painful inhale, feeling himself getting weaker because Jayd was dying. “What Tremain is not telling you is that Betha has kidnapped his heartmate and daughter. Since Tremain and Linnea took Maili away from Her Majesty, Betha decided to take away the things that mattered most to Tremain."

  "How do you know this?” Troy asked. He was the youngest of the Ravens and had been with them less than two centuries. Troy was still learning how to use his power and was still resentful for being with them. He hadn't found the peace within himself for looking after his charges and didn't trust half of the other Ravens. Seth hadn't had many run-ins with him. It always fell to Jet to train the new recruits.

  "I know because she summoned and tortured me for no apparent reason, and admitted her plans. Ever since the princess died, Betha hasn't been herself. She's insane. I did nothing to her...” Seth tried to recite his story before Caleb interrupted him.

  Caleb crossed the space between them. “Nothing!” He yelled. “You disobeyed her call for one thing! How dare you say such blasphemous things against the queen? You deserve to be cursed forever to stay in Raven form. If I had the power, you know I'd do it myself!"

  Seth felt power gathering in the air. Soon the atmosphere would spark. The Council was approaching. Seth didn't have much time. He looked around to the other Ravens. All of the flock had grim expressions on their faces. Many of them were caught between what they thought about what Seth had said and what Betha had done with Tremain's child. Had she kidnapped Linnea and the child or not? He walked around the small circle of the Raven Warriors meeting each of their gazes. They all had to be in decision here before they could go after the queen. Seth wanted to make sure they understood what it meant to threaten the one they loved. Some of them might have forgotten what they had human emotions, but one day they would be freed. He knew that because he had found his heartmate, even though she didn't know it yet.

  "Caleb, I didn't call the Brethren together only to discuss our glorious Banshee Queen. I also called them together so we can discuss you."

  Caleb turned back around and stared at Seth. “What did you say to me?"

  "Caleb, I'm not the only one who has been thinking the same thing. All of us have been wondering what the matter with you is. You've been acting irrationally lately. You are the only one who can calm Her Majesty down. She's been relying on you more than is natural. She is the one who rules over us. You are our leader, and lately, you seem to be forgetting that. Your job is to protect the innocent and kill anything that would hurt one of our charges. I think Tremain's family falls into the category. You seem to forget that of late. Am I the only one who feels this way?"

  There were nods among the group. All of the Raven Warriors agreed with him. Even Jet, who was Caleb's s
econd-in-command and best friend. Seth looked over at Jet, and he wasn't even looking at their leader. Caleb stared at them and shook his head. Seth felt their leader's disbelief and anger because he was being singled out in front of the others.

  "What I do with the Queen is none of your business. She has been fragile since her daughter died, but her judgment is fine. She would never kidnap Linnea or your infant, Tremain. It's against her nature."

  "Then why is Linnea not answering me? Something is blocking her. The only ones who would do that are Morrigain and Betha. The goddess wouldn't keep me away from my heartmate or my child. I don't know what has happened to Betha. But she's been coming to our home. Appearing whenever she wishes and spends hours with Whitney, barely talking to Linnea or myself. I can understand she wants to wish them well, but even I was beginning to suspect that she was going insane. If she has kidnapped them or done anything, I will hold you personally responsible."

  Seth watched Tremain step up, grab Caleb by the shirt, and drag their leader a few inches across the white marble floor. Seth had never seen anyone treat the leader this way. Jet did not step up and try to stop Tremain. “They are my life, Caleb. Don't you even care they've gone missing? You were the one who fought against the council so my children would be born with the powers of both Linnea's and my lines. And now you would throw their lives away like they are nothing. Has your heart turned to ice? Have you become so jaded by power that you've forgotten to even be human?"

  Caleb shook his head. Seth sensed he was trying to stay calm. The muscles in his jaw were tight. Caleb grabbed Tremain's arms and shoved the Tremain off him. The silver in his eyes glinted in fury. Tremain landed on the hard floor. Darius reached out his hand to his fallen brother. Seth caught Darius's eye and nodded thanks in his direction.

  "Enough!” The shout came from the leader of the Raven Council, Caleb's father, Horat.

  All of the Raven Warriors looked over to the council. Sitting at the horseshoe table were Horat and four others who had all been freed from the curse. None of the others said anything. All of the Ravens bowed to the council except Caleb. He remained standing. Seth had only stood before the Raven Council a few times. None of those times was serious.

  "What is the meaning of this?” Horat asked.

  Seth glanced up recognized the question was directed at him and not Caleb. He took a deep breath, stared at Horat, and began to tell the leader of the council about what was happening, how Caleb had been acting lately and how Betha was reacting. Horat sighed and switched his gaze to his son.

  "I warned you this might happen, Caleb. Now you must take care of it! No matter what the cost."

  "I will not hurt her, Father!” Caleb said through gritted teeth.

  There was a mental mummer among the other Ravens. There was something between the Banshee Queen and their leader. Seth had suspected it, but he had never asked about it because it wasn't any of his business. Their personal lives were some of the only things they had left to themselves, and even though the Raven Warriors were connected mentally, they tried not to peer into each other's minds unless it was necessary.

  Horat sighed and put a hand on Caleb's shoulder. Seth took in the leader's face. He seemed old and tired all of a sudden. “Son, Betha has gone too far. What Seth has said is true. She has kidnapped Tremain's heartmate and daughter. You know that is blasphemy. You must find her before she harms them. She means to torture Linnea. Tremain will feel every inch of it. The child, I am still not sure what she will do with Whitney. If you do not remedy the situation, I will send the other Council members and they will take care of her. You have seen these things with your own eyes, how she has been acting. You just do not wish to look into your heart and acknowledge the truth. Your emotions have been clouding your judgment."

  Horat stepped away from his son and faced Tremain. Seth stayed silent and watched. He knew better than to interrupt. Besides, he had another question that he had to ask the council.

  "Tremain, we will find your heartmate and your daughter. Go with Caleb and the others. They will find her, I swear it."

  And the rest of the Ravens nodded when Horat walked around their semicircle and gave them specific instructions on what they were going to do. Seth could not hear what the council leader imparted to them. When Horat came to Seth, he stared the Raven Warrior deep in the eye. Power enshrouded him. Seth was unable to move. He knew better than to try and break the hold over him. Horat's actions were not Betha's. He wasn't going to torture him. Horat had something else for him. Seth watched when the other Raven Warriors were enfolded by the shadows and were gone, each disappearing one by one until he was the only one left.

  "Seth, do you know why I have kept you here?"

  "I can only imagine that you want to question me further about Betha. I know I should have come forward sooner. The queen has had me spying on Linnea..."

  Horat held up his hand to silence him. “I don't care about that. You were doing what was instructed of you. I kept you here because you have concerns about someone. I understand that Robyn is taking care of a human for you. Is this true? You brought a woman to our sorceress who is not even your charge? What is the meaning of this?” Horat went back around the table and sat back down in his chair.

  "She was the niece of my last charge. I promised Gabrielle that I'd watch over Jayd, which I have done in between my assignments that I have dutifully done for Betha, even if I think they were wrong."

  "Seth, we're not questioning your loyalty. We want to know why you have come before this council to ask us to keep her human.” This question came from one of the other members of the council.

  Seth met each of the members’ eyes. He was not going to lose Jayd. He would do whatever it took to make sure of that, even battle the Angel of Death himself, Azrael. “The human you're referring to is my heartmate. I cannot lose her. You, on the council, some of whom I knew when you were cursed, should understand that. How could I let her become one of the monsters that we've sworn to protect our charges from? How could I lose her to the night?"

  "Seth.” Horat ran his hand through his white hair. “Did you ever think maybe she was destined to become a vampire? It's not your role to meddle with fate. We've recently been reminded of that with Tremain's twins. We cannot play god or goddess to humans who become entangled with us."

  Seth couldn't believe what he was hearing. The council was not going to help him.

  "You're going to leave her to become a monster? How is that possible? Am I to lose my one chance at happiness to break this blasted curse because you won't lift a finger and cure her?” Seth fumed. His fingers itched, and suddenly, his sword was in hand. He had never lifted a finger to the council members, but he was not going to lose the woman he loved all because they were unwilling to help. He moved forward summoning all his power. Seth brought the sword down in a graceful arc from many years of practice. He stopped the blade right at the tip of the council leader's throat. Horat didn't blink or move a muscle. His face remained set. Calmly he drew the blade away from his neck.

  "You are not the only one who has suffered pain about being in love. All of us, including the other Raven Warriors, suffer each day. Or do you forget that? Those lucky enough to find their heartmates have been freed from their curse and no longer are ruled by the queen, only by this Council and the goddess herself. We cannot alter the course of this human's life. Our ruling is final, Seth. It's up to you what you want to do next. You can try to kill me and suffer the consequences, or you can appeal to Morrigain. If you truly love this woman, then what does it matter what kind of creature she is? It should have no bearing on how you feel. Let me remind you, before your curse is truly broken, she has to accept you for all that you are. From what I deduced, she doesn't know your feelings for her. Even now, you stand at a crossroads. Go from this place and confront this mortal. If you truly adore her as you say you do, nothing will stand in your way to be with her. Trust me when I say this."

  Seth looked at the council. Each wore the
same mask of finality. He was not going to get anywhere with them. In all the years of being a Raven Warrior, Seth never felt betrayed until now. He had accepted his curse, done everything the Raven Council, the goddess, and Betha demanded of him. Now they were unwilling to help him save an innocent. The one soul he loved. Seth looked at his sword, a symbol of his office. He glanced at the blank faces again of those on the council. When he thought about Jayd, his heart felt dead in his chest. His entire body had grown cold. He wasn't sure if her heart was beating anymore. It was almost if Jayd was no longer part of him. He couldn't feel her anymore. Would Robyn even keep her word? Would she try to halt the virus infiltrating Jayd's system? She has to do something to save Jayd from the poison taking my love away from me. Seth ran his hand over the sword one last time, caressing his old friend. It had seen him through many hard times. Then, without caring, he threw it on the marble floor. Its clash echoed in the pillared halls.

  "No more will I be your Warrior. I have done everything you asked of me and never once complained. If you can't help me with this one simple request, then screw the lot of you.” Seth turned his back on the council and began to walk out.

  "Blasphemy,” he heard one of the council members say.

  "No. Let him go,” Horat responded.

  Seth didn't care what the repercussions were. He was done being one of their puppets. He would find a cure for Jayd, even if it killed him.

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