Whispers in the Dark [A Raven Saga Book 3]

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Whispers in the Dark [A Raven Saga Book 3] Page 16

by Crymsyn R. Hart

  The vampire queen smiled. When she did, Jayd saw her two long teeth extend from her gums. They were the color of old ivory. “Pretty cool, hmm? Just think, I've been working for you and now you're my slave. I think that works out quite well."

  Jayd stepped forward, not caring now if the creature in front of her was her queen or that her instincts said that she should be bowing at her feet. The independent streak she always had reared its head. “What the hell is going on? If you're a vampire, how come I've seen you out in the daylight? And what's up with all those shakes you were drinking? I take it they weren't granola and wheat grass?"

  Aubrey played with the silver chain around her neck. Jayd couldn't see the pendent because it was snuggled between her ample bosom. Aubrey snorted. “God, no. Those were blood. The older you get, the more tolerance you have to the sun. You get dehydrated, though. It's a real bitch. But since you're so new, the sun will kill you. Give it a century or two and you might be able to withstand an hour or so. Now, Jayd, since you didn't kill Patrick, tell me what other vampire did. I'm dying to know. Patrick was my favorite. You were going to make him a good mate. Also, do you know where Seth is? He wasn't at the shop this morning when I went to make sure everything was okay."

  Jayd stood stupefied. She had never thought that Aubrey was a vampire. The granola-crunching, tree-hugging, doesn't-shave-her-legs girl is one of the undead, and to boot, she's my leader. Now I'm obligated to obey her! I don't think so. When Jayd thought about it, she didn't feel much loyalty to the queen. Seth definitely did something to me. I can feel him in the back of my mind. She didn't know where he was, but when his heart beat, so did hers. Tears moistened her eyes. He had given her back a heartbeat. He had given her back some of the warmth she had lost. She was still undead, but she wasn't a complete vampire. Seth and she had meshed, and had come away with a little of one another. It dawned on Jayd that was what had happened when he'd bitten her. He had taken away a little bit of her hunger. And to contain it, he had grown fangs. He hadn't hurt her intentionally. The conversation between Azrael and her came back to haunt her. Azrael had told Jayd not to blame Seth for hurting her. Now she understood what he meant.

  "Oh God, what have I done?"

  "What, indeed? Tell me where Seth is, Jayd. You should know I can smell him on you."

  "What do you care about Seth?” Jayd asked.

  Aubrey ran her fingers over the top of her breasts. “You were supposed to have Patrick and I was going to get Seth. I had to get you out of the picture so Seth would see me and not you."

  Shock hit Jayd. She had been in the way! Aubrey wanted Seth for herself. “Why get me out of the way now? Seth has been there for two years."

  Aubrey looked at her companion. Jayd just noticed him. He was shorter than she. He looked similar to Patrick except his hair was white. He could have been Patrick's twin. He bowed his head and the shadows swallowed him whole. However, Jayd still sensed he was around even though she couldn't see him. Aubrey sat in the chair across from Jayd. She smoothed her skirt out around her and then looked back at Jayd.

  "I'm not stupid, Jayd, dear. I've seen the way you and he have been looking at one another. For two years, I've listened to you whining about how you wanted him in your thoughts. I knew it was only a matter of time. That was why I had Patrick stalk you. It was so much fun watching you squirm. But then these past couple of nights you fell off my radar. I felt you once Patrick's blood hit your system, but after that, something happened to you. Even now, you smell differently. What happened? You don't smell like a newborn."

  "Aubrey, I don't know what you're talking about. You think that I wanted this? I don't know where Seth is."

  Aubrey laughed. “You're lying. I can smell it. Don't make me mad, Jayd. You think my hurting you was a display of my power. You haven't seen anything yet. I've survived for over a thousand years. I've been staked, set on fire twice, and left out in the sun to burn. And here I stand."

  Jayd growled, feeling her teeth grow. She got right in Aubrey's face. “I don't know where he is. And you'll never get him, either."

  "Tsk-tsk. Seth is a wonderful specimen of the male species. He will be my mate. Now tell me where he is! Don't you think I haven't tried his usual haunts? Where does he live? I'm sure that's where you have been. What town? What city?"

  "I don't know.” Jayd called upon her power and felt it wrapping around her. However, hands caught her before she could disappear. She felt fangs plunge into her throat. A jolt of pain raged through her veins. The white-haired vampire had her in his grasp.

  Aubrey got up and strutted forward. She brushed her nails under Jayd's chin and made her look at her. “You should tell me where he is. It will save you the torture. I'll get it out of you sooner or later. I'm sure he's confided in you by now where his apartment is. He is a strange one, that Seth, but he will be yummy."

  Jayd felt Aubrey's power encompass her mind and then she saw a look of confusion go over her face. The grip on her chin tightened.

  "You have a heartbeat. How is that possible? You're Nightbreed, one of the undead. It's not possible for you to have a heartbeat. To be warm."

  Pain shot up her chin when she heard the bones crack. Immediately, it tingled. It was starting to heal. “Go to hell, Aubrey."

  "Oh, no. You don't know what hell is I promise you will, though. Take her back to the lair. Show her what it's real pain feels like.” Aubrey smiled and patted Jayd on the cheek. “You'll soon learn that you do not disobey the queen. You'll tell me who killed Patrick, and then you'll tell me where Seth is. He will be my mate. Whatever human affiliations you have for him will soon die away. I will find out what you did to make yourself warm. Take her away.” Dismissing Jayd and the other vampire, Aubrey waved her hand.

  Jayd felt the cold of the darkness take hold, and try as she might, she was not able to break away from her captor. No matter what happened, she was not going to give Seth away. Aubrey didn't know that Seth was another supernatural being or the one who had killed Patrick. She was not going to tell her, either.

  Jayd let her mind wander thinking of them on the bed together. She had so wanted to make love to Seth, but when her passions stirred, they also riled her hunger. Fear gripped her. So did her thirst. But it was true what she had told Seth. She didn't know if she loved him. Now she didn't know if she'd ever have the chance to.

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  Chapter Sixteen

  Seth stared at the horseshoe table. All of the Warriors were kneeling before the council. An extra chair had been added to accommodate Morrigain-Nephthys. All the Warriors saw the goddess as their own individual goddess. Her ancient name was Morrigain, but in every culture, there was a death goddess. All of the Raven Warriors were dressed in their Raven Warrior garb, all in black, with their swords. Seth surveyed the group. Caleb was absent. He did not question it and waited until the goddess sat. Her awesome power blanketed the room as she caressed each one of them. Seth felt the hem of her cloak on his cheek and the love she had for them all. They were her children.

  "Tremain, rise before this council."

  His brother rose. His waist-length black hair was pulled back in a ponytail. He had always kept it long.

  "You and the rest of the flock discovered treachery from your queen, Betha, ruler of the Banshees."

  "Yes, Morrigain. She kidnapped my heartmate and my daughter. Betha tortured my wife and meant to kill her along with my child. Something had to be done."

  Seth felt the fury stirring Tremain's veins once more. He wanted Betha dead. Some of the others only wanted her punished. Others agreed with Tremain. Seth wanted Betha destroyed.

  With a wave of her hand, Betha and Caleb appeared before the table. Each was cuffed in heavy silver chains. They appeared to be the same metal their swords were fashioned of. There was no way either of them was getting free. Seth watched while Caleb stared at the council and then at Betha. The Banshee Queen had a blank expression on her face. Her blue eyes were whiting over, and her ski
n had begun to gray. She was starting to lose her human appearance.

  "Caleb and Betha, you have both been accused of treason against this council, my flock of Warriors, and me. Oh, Caleb, why do you bring yourself before me? You knew what was happening to her!"

  Seth was surprised how compassionate the goddess sounded. Caleb had been the first of them. He originated from the legendary island of Atlantis. None knew his story, how he had been cursed or why, just that Horat had condemned his own son and somehow had been appointed to watch over him. Now Horat sat in silence at the council table. Seth thought he saw sadness in Horat's eyes, but wasn't sure if it was a reflection from the torches.

  Caleb stepped forward and addressed Nephthys. “You should know why I did it. Someone has to protect Betha from herself. Ever since she kissed Maili and killed her, Betha has blamed Tremain and his heartmate for her death. Ever since the death, she has been more human. Her emotions have awakened, and I don't know how to stop them. I'm the only one who can calm her. She's been remembering things. Things she doesn't understand from before. Betha is..."

  The Banshee Queen started laughing hysterically. Her giggles alternated between deep throaty ones and shrill cries. Each wail made Seth wince. The younger Warriors had to cover their ears from the sound. “I'm what, Caleb. Insane? I don't know what I'm doing? I never asked for your protection, Raven Warrior. I am Queen of the Banshees. I need no other protection than my guards.” Betha opened her mouth, and a long shrill howl came out of her throat. It was enough to shatter a human's brain, but it did nothing to the council. Betha gave each of the council members a wicked smile while she waited for her rescue, but after a few moments of waiting, there were no guards. She was alone. The Queen slumped to the ground. Caleb caught her. Seth watched the exchange with interest. He had never seen his leader act this way toward the queen. It was more than loyalty the Raven Leader displayed.

  "Caleb, where am I?” Seth heard Betha whisper.

  Intrigued, Seth watched. So did the other Warriors. their leader smiled at her and stroked her chestnut hair, which was beginning to fall out since she hadn't had any human blood. Seth almost felt sorry for the queen. He wondered what had happened between her and Caleb. There was some backstory there. All the other Warriors were wondering the same thing. Even Tremain, who had hardened his heart to the Banshee Queen. But what did she matter to him? He was no longer under her beck and call.

  "Hush. It will be all right.” Caleb helped Betha to her feet and then addressed the council and the goddess. “Please don't punish her. You see how she is. You can't ... Father, please.” For a few moments, there was silence in the council chambers, and Seth knew they were all talking among themselves. Horat did not break his stoic appearance. Caleb hung his head, and Betha let out a wail that was more filled with terror than anything else. It was so human.

  "You can't do that to her!” Caleb protested to Nephthys.

  The goddess rose from her throne. Her face darkened from anger. The room trembled with each step she took toward Caleb. No one told a goddess what she could and could not do. Seth had found that out firsthand. However, she had given him more leniency, and he knew never to go against her again. “You dare, Caleb? You are my Warrior. Remember the oath you first made to me! You swore to me in blood. Do you want me to take back everything I have given you?” Her eyes went to Betha and it seemed to Seth that his leader got the message. What had happened between the two of them? What had happened so that all of their souls were cursed?

  "You wouldn't.” Caleb's whisper echoed in the hollow chambers. Seth watched when the other council members rose from the table, bowed to the goddess, and then disappeared into the shadows.

  "She has broken sacred laws, Caleb. Insane or not. Banshee or not. She was going to kill an innocent. One who is kin to you! Your Warriors no longer have confidence in your ability. Maybe it's time you step down as leader. What would you give me to spare her?” Nephthys asked.

  His leader's humiliation came off him in waves. But he also saw tears tumbling down Caleb's cheeks. He had never seen his leader this emotional. Normally, Caleb was even-keeled with everyone and about everything. Now Seth's interest was piqued. Seth felt Nephthys ‘s power sweep over everyone. She issued a mental command. She wished the other Ravens to depart and go on their way. Tremain and Seth were told to stay. With a silent brush of wings, the other Warriors vanished.

  "Seth and Tremain, I have asked you to stay because you, out of all the Warriors, are more involved in this. Tremain, I know you wish to see Betha dead. However, I am not going to kill her."

  "Thank you, Morrigain.” Caleb fell to his knees before the goddess. She didn't even look at him.

  "I am going to assign Caleb to watch over her until she's better. She will be imprisoned in her castle and no longer be able to summon you. Jet will lead the Warriors for now, and the council or myself will assign you charges."

  "She should be wiped off the face of existence,” Tremain mumbled. “No one deserves to go through what Linnea did. Betha..."

  Seth saw Tremain shake his head, and there were tears in his eyes. He caught a glimpse of all the pain Linnea had suffered at the hand of the Banshee queen. It wasn't just physical torture, but more mental that had scarred the witch for her existence. She might not ever get over it.

  Nephthys smiled sadly and placed a hand on Tremain's shoulder. “I know, Tremain. Linnea will have some healing to do. But, I promise, she will recover and be stronger for it. I have my reasons for doing what I am doing. Remember, just a little over a year ago, you were a raven for a month and I took pity on you. Everyone deserves a second chance. That was what you told Caleb, what Linnea told him. The situation is more complicated than me just killing Betha or Caleb. Understand?"

  Seth saw Tremain nod.

  The goddess walked over to him. “Seth, I have kept you here because of what you have done. I know that you bound yourself to Jayd. I don't think you did it intentionally, taking on some of her vampire characteristics. When your heart beats, so does hers now. You meshed your very souls together. You are still my Warrior, no matter what you have done. Is that understood?"

  Seth bowed his head. “Yes, Mistress. Does this mean I am to be punished for what I have done? I only wanted to protect Jayd. I was not trying to free myself of your curse."

  Nephthys laughed. “No, Seth. I'm not going to punish you. You did what you did out of love. That is the greatest gift in the world. You have found your heartmate, but do not assume because you are bound to her, that she will automatically fall into your arms."

  Seth knew the goddess was giving him advice. He did not say anything, but bowed his head and then watched when she approached the two prisoners still in the middle of the room.

  "Caleb, you are stripped of your humanity in any realm for three months’ time. You will only be a Raven in this existence and before the queen. You are stripped of your leadership until further notice so that maybe you will learn what your Warriors need in a leader. I have not sealed your fate, but I could, so don't piss me off,” Nephthys growled.

  Seth watched Caleb bow before the goddess. When he did, he shrank and became a Raven. Seth knew that was a steep sentence. Hopefully, it would give their leader a different perspective. The goddess picked up Caleb and rested him on her arm. The Warrior clapped his beak at her and fluffed his wings, but nothing else. In the light of the torches, Seth saw that Caleb's feathers were mostly all silver now. The goddess walked over to Betha.

  "You will behave. He will tell me if you don't. Don't even try to get around any of my decrees. Remember who gave you your existence."

  Betha said nothing and held her head up to the goddess. She was not afraid of Nephthys. After a moment, the goddess waved her hand and the Banshee Queen disappeared along with the Raven on her arm. The goddess looked between Tremain and Seth, and then with a smile, she spread her arms and was gone. Seth nearly melted on the floor from the tension that had grown in the air.

  He looked over at Tremai
n who was staring at the empty space of the council table. “It's not fair. They both should have been punished more!” Tremain grumbled.

  Seth felt the same way, but it was not his place to question what the goddess had ruled. At least she was not going to punish him for what he had done with Jayd. He put a hand on Tremain's shoulder. “Brother, it will all work out. We of all creatures should know that. When we find love, it is a miracle. Nephthys knows what she's doing. Now, I am sure you wish to go back to Linnea and your children. I..."

  Suddenly, Seth doubled over in pain. His stomach was on fire. It was not the hunger he had felt before but an echo of what Jayd was experiencing. His skin was being burned. His grip hardened on Tremain's shoulder and he cried out. The Raven Warrior was feeling the same torture that Jayd was enduring. He tried to follow the bond between them, but the agony blinded him. Even before the burning sensation faded from his stomach, he felt claws raking down his arms. Cuts across his face with a sharp blade. He felt the pain of it happening to him.

  "Seth, what's the matter?” Tremain asked with genuine concern on his face.

  "It's Jayd. She's being tortured. I don't know why, but ... Ahh!” he howled again. This time it felt like he was being whipped, and the flesh was being torn from his back. “I have to go to her."

  "Seth, if you're feeling what they are doing to her, then you're in no shape to go. Who is Jayd?"

  The pain stopped for a moment so he could catch his breath. “She's my heartmate, and she's a vampire."

  "Vampire? How can you be bonded to a vampire? They're inhuman."

  Seth shook his head. “No. She isn't like the others. Somehow, I used my power on her and our souls combined. It's why I have changed as well. I carry her hunger as much as she does. Wouldn't you do anything to protect Linnea?"


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