Whispers in the Dark [A Raven Saga Book 3]

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Whispers in the Dark [A Raven Saga Book 3] Page 17

by Crymsyn R. Hart

  Tremain sighed. “You've got a point. I'm glad that you found someone, brother. Let me go with you. To repay you for what you did for me in regards to Betha."


  The shout rocketed through his mind. His head shot up. Jayd was in pain. That was the only reason why she was calling out to him. He felt bad for attacking her before. He had to go. “No, Tremain. Thank you. Let's call it a rain check, as the humans say.” Seth called his power and let the shadows encompass him. When he did, he locked onto Jayd. Their link hummed to life in his thoughts. He felt her agony, suffering, and her deep need for him.

  "I'm coming, love. Hold on."

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  Chapter Seventeen

  The other vampires had clasped Jayd's wrists in manacles suspended from the ceiling. She tried to free herself, but the chains were too strong. There was darkness all around her except for the fireplace and the flames illuminating the room. Shadows filled the space. Pokers and other metal objects were glowing red in the hearth. Jayd could feel the other coven members there in the darkness with her, like waiting nightmares ready to terrorize her. However, only one came forward. The one with the white hair from before. He looked at her stoically, his expression never wavering when he first took the hot poker from the fire and laid it ever so gently against her T-shirt. The fabric went up in flames, which also caught her flesh and her hair. Then, the hot metal seared her skin. Jayd tried to weather the pain. Aubrey wanted her to cry out. The rest of the coven desired her cries. She was not going to give them the satisfaction. She would rough it out. She had been through worse. But the arms of the pain consumed her and wrung a whimper of agony out of her sore throat. The smell of burned hair and flesh perfumed the room, but the only thing she was able to do was writhe in pain. She grabbed onto the shackles to hold on, but after the crescendo of the scream hit the room, the other vampires hissed. They were feeding off her hurt.

  Blackness threatened to consume her. The flames died down on her hair and her flesh. Her skin was already repairing itself and the tingling of new hair was already pressing against her scalp. Next came a long, thin knife that her torturer ran down her arms, cutting through skin and muscle ever so slowly.

  "Please stop this,” she whispered into the darkness knowing full well Aubrey was sitting on some kind of a throne watching the performance.

  "I told you my requests, Jayd. Tell me where Seth is. Tell me and I'll release you. Swear loyalty to me and I'll give you back your shop. Tell me how you stayed warm and have a heartbeat and I'll make you my second in command."

  "Mistress,” Jayd heard someone hiss in the shadows.

  Jayd nearly laughed at the statement. She didn't think that Aubrey would make her second in command. Aubrey wanted Seth, and torturing Jayd was the only way she was going to get the information. However, she was not going to call him. There was no way she was going to put him in danger. “Go to hell, Aubrey."

  She heard the dark laughter of her former masseuse in the darkness. This was the Coven Queen and the woman who she was supposed to bow down to and to wait on hand and foot. The rest of the coven was afraid of her, but Jayd was not. They might torture her, but she was never going to fear her. She heard a whip crack in the background. Pain exploded across her back when the lash sliced her flesh. There were spikes on the whip. It ripped the skin from her back. Jayd was hit over and over again. The more she has hit the more blood she lost. She was weakening because the hunger was starting to take over her body. Jayd was trying to hold on. But it was so hard. The pain fogged her brain and awoke the beast deep inside of her. Her heartbeat stopped, and she grew colder than the grave. She had to feed. The whip kept coming. Her body was having trouble healing her wounds.

  "Seth!" Jayd yelled. She didn't know where he was, but she knew that he would come to her. It had been a mistake to leave. He had to come. He had to. She felt a glimmer of response in the back of her mind. And when she did, she bit her lip and tried to calm herself in preparation of the coming lashes, but they stopped. She opened her eyes, and before her was the white-haired vampire again. This time he was holding thin, red-hot needles. He was holding them before her eyes. A bolt of terror ran through her when she realized what he was going to do. It wasn't possible. There was no way that Aubrey would be so cruel.

  "No,” she whispered, more to herself than anyone else.

  Aubrey got up. Her steps were soundless with the darkness unwound around her. “Jayd.” Aubrey touched her cheek lightly. “Just tell me where Seth is and this little show can end. All I want is an address. A phone number even. All of that and I'll let you go. Now tell me. Where is Seth?"

  Jayd looked up. When she did, she saw the outline of dark wings. It was Seth. He was still within with the shadows. They were protecting him for now. She wondered if he knew that she knew that he was there.

  "Yes." The answer vibrated along the bond he had forged between them.

  "You want to know where Seth is?"

  Aubrey, thinking she had broken Jayd, nodded and smiled. “Yes, sweetie. Tell me and I'll let you down."

  Jayd returned the smile. “He's right behind you."

  Aubrey laughed. “Very funny, Jayd. No human would ever make it in here without me knowing about it."

  Seth reached out of the darkness when his cloak fell away. Seth tapped Aubrey on the shoulder. “I understand that you're looking for me."

  Aubrey turned around slowly. The smile dropped from her face when she did. A knot of tension unwound in Jayd's gut. He had come to rescue her. The beat of his heart was already lulling her back to sanity.

  "Where did you come from?” Aubrey asked.

  Seth crossed his arms over his chest. If he was surprised to see that Aubrey was a vampire, he didn't show it. Jayd had never realized how well built Seth was until she had seen him without his shirt. Now, he towered over Aubrey, and with him not hiding his power, he was a formidable enemy. With him standing there, Jayd realized he would do anything for her. Seth had meant what he said when they were alone together. He worshipped her. His dark eyes locked with hers. The outpouring of love and concern washing over her from him was enough to drown her. She did feel something for him. She just didn't know what.

  "Where I came from is none of your business. I'm here. I think I heard that you would let Jayd down if she gave you some information on my whereabouts. Well, here I be, now let her go.” Seth stepped forward and growled at Aubrey.

  Aubrey didn't flinch. She snapped her fingers, and Jayd was free of the chains. She collapsed to her knees, her legs unable to hold her weight. Not yet. Her hunger raged inside of her. Jayd had to concentrate on her slow-beating heart to keep herself in check and not jump Seth because he was the nearest warm body. Jayd watched when Aubrey ran her hand over Seth's chest. He didn't move a muscle. The Coven Queen purred, stood on tiptoes, and kissed him on the lips.

  "You'll make a wonderful vampire, Seth. You'll be my mate."

  Seth uncrossed his arms and slowly moved Aubrey away from him. Through their connection Jayd felt Anger slice through the Coven Queen's mind. She didn't enjoy being put aside. “I'll never be your anything, Aubrey,” said Seth. “I don't know what crazy fantasy you've concocted, but I'll never be a part of it. Neither will Jayd."

  "Are you all right?"

  Jayd heard Seth's voice in her thoughts. Jayd realized she was trembling from the hunger and digging her sharpened nails into the flesh of her palms. "Not really,” she answered back.

  Aubrey hissed but didn't do anything. She looked between Jayd and Seth. Jayd figured that she guessed something was going on between the two of them. “Seth, tell me where you came from. I really want to know. Maybe I'll turn you and let you play with Jayd."

  Seth chuckled. “Aubrey, I must say that you did catch me off guard by being a vampire. I never thought your granola-crunching, no-ass self would be a leech. I've seen some sexy vamps in my time and you, dearest, have nothing on them. So if you don't mind, Jayd is coming with me."
br />   The vampire queen stepped forward and laughed. What Seth had said hadn't fazed her at all. However, Jayd felt the rage seething from the vampire. The whole coven was ready to come after Seth. No one spoke to the queen that way. The only thing holding the coven back was Aubrey's will. Jayd felt Aubrey's pull more and more the longer her body went without blood. She was trying to focus on Seth and what he was saying, on the heartbeat that she shared with him, but it was getting harder and harder with the minutes ticking by. The blood she had drunk from him only a few hours before had been used up during the trauma she had undergone.

  "Seth, just go and leave me,” Jayd whispered.

  The look of shock she saw on Seth's face was heart shattering. “No, Jayd. I'm not leaving you alone in this den. Aubrey, play nice now and I won't have to kill you. Leave Jayd alone, quit the store, and forget whatever crazy fascination you have with me. It would never have happened between us, anyway. You're really not my type."

  Aubrey laughed. “Seth, you're really starting to piss me off. Now why don't you look deep into my eyes, and let me kiss you. Then things will be all better.” Jayd saw Aubrey motion with her hand by her side. She was summoning the rest of the coven.

  "Seth, look out," Jayd shouted.

  At that moment, Aubrey whipped around if she heard the warning. She hissed at Jayd, but didn't do anything. Jayd watched when Seth's sword materialized in his hand. He swung it in a graceful arc. Jayd swore she heard the silver blade sing when it connected with the heads of two of the coven members. The aroma of blood made her nostrils flare, and it drove her hunger to the forefront. Her teeth shifted. Suddenly, Jayd was standing outside of herself again. Everything she was doing was beyond her control. Jayd watched when her body launched itself at Aubrey. She fell down hard on the floor. Even standing outside of herself, Jayd felt the hard impact of the stone floor and heard something break. Her arm was broken, but it didn't stop her. Aubrey was struck dumb. She had never thought Jayd would attack her. It went against everything that the coven believed, that all vampires listened to their master or the coven leader. Jayd watched when Seth turned and battled with several other members of the coven, hacking and slashing at them with his sword.

  "You dare try to challenge my ruling of the coven?” Aubrey asked Jayd.

  Jayd didn't say anything, but hissed at her. Standing outside of herself, she felt an odd detachment, but was still part of her body. The hunger, whatever beast was inside of her, was in control, and she was not even taking part. Her teeth were extended, and her fingers had grown some, becoming hardened weapons. Jayd could not feel her heartbeat at all. It seemed she were a complete monster in that aspect. Her body was cold and strong. “I don't care about the coven. Rule it all you want, bitch. You will not harm the man I love."

  Jayd was surprised to hear herself say that. She didn't know if that was a true statement, but there was no way she could not deny that she felt something for Seth. Aubrey didn't reply, but pushed Jayd off, When Jayd landed hard against the hearth so she could feel the heat of the flames in the fire place starting to char and blister her skin. Jayd tried to get back into her body, but she wasn't sure how she had gotten out of it. When she concentrated on her flesh, there was a block. Her hunger, the vampire, or whatever was in control was not letting her back in. She saw her eyes dart to where she was standing.

  "It's for your own good. You're not strong enough to handle her."

  Was the mental reply she got from herself? Jayd was not going to argue, so she focused her attention on Seth. At the moment, four vampires had him pinned down. One was on his back like a child getting a piggyback ride. Another had its fangs sunk into his neck from the front. Another had his right arm so he was not able to swing his sword. The fourth tackled him. That brought Seth to his knees. His sword clattered to the floor. It echoed in the room. She heard him cry out in pain. The white-haired vampire knocked him over the head with the fire poker. Jayd felt a stab of pain in her stomach and was pulled back into her body. When she opened her eyes, she was staring at the two different colored eyes of Aubrey, who was smiling down at her. Her grin was wide enough to eat a horse in one bite. Pain erupted through Jayd because her whole body was on fire. She jerked her arm away from the flames when her skin blackened and oozed from the heat. Her body was not able to heal it because she needed to feed. The snakes of hunger had returned and were clouding her brain. She could feel the thirst. It had its own personality. The snakes were slithering along her whole body now. She wanted to hold onto consciousness. She was unable to.

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  Chapter Eighteen

  Seth opened his eyes to face an enormous headache. It took his vision a few minutes to clear before he was able to focus on the face in front of him. He tried moving his hands and realized that he was in shackles. He yanked against them and found they were secured firmly in the wall. Before him was Aubrey, staring at him with her oddly colored eyes. He had never suspected her to be a vampire. No energy signature around her signaled she was supernatural. He only thought her to be a little strange for a human, being a hippie. She smiled at him. She had changed her clothing into that of the sultry vampire, donning a red dress that hugged every noncurve of her body and stretched the fabric so tight across her chest, it was in danger of ripping. Already he thought he heard the seams yelping because they were close to tearing. Her hand ran down his cheek. Her flesh was cold, reminding him of a dead clam. It took all his self-control not to shiver. He searched the room for Jayd, but there was no one else with them. The room was lit by a few scant candles. Shadows danced along the walls, creating a primal dance, hiding whatever was in the darkness with them. However, his eyes pierced the pitch and he was able to see that nothing awaited him. They were all alone. His other senses told him. He just had to be sure.

  "Seth, I'm glad that you're awake. There's much I wanted to discuss with you."

  "Go to hell, Aubrey,” Seth muttered. He wasn't in the mood to discuss anything with her. He had to find Jayd and make sure she was okay. She had warned him about the approaching coven. He had been able to take out four of them. Their blood was still drying on his clothes and his skin. It smelled like old, used oil, a gritty smell. He was grateful for the warning, but the other members had overwhelmed him. He should have taken Tremain's offer to have the other Raven Warrior help him with the coven. Then the two of them could have eradicated the vampires, and he would be with Jayd. Not that it mattered because the manacles could not hold him. They were not enchanted silver, but he didn't want to let the vampire know that. The Raven Warrior was going to play along first. He tried searching for Jayd in his mind, but he was not able to find her. Something was blocking him. That made him angry.

  Aubrey was not disturbed by his comment. “Seth, tell me why it is you smell like a vampire and yet you taste like a human. No human could ever have gotten the drop on me like that. I give you credit on that one."

  Seth gave her a small grin, trying to play the game. “What I am is none of your business, leech. I've killed your kind before and know how to handle you. Now tell me where Jayd is. I might let you live if you haven't hurt her!” He kept his voice low and sickly sweet. Aubrey's grin only widened. She ran her fingers up and down his neck. Then she grabbed his hair and yanked his head back, exposing the expanse of his throat.

  "You will tell me or your little precious stone will find herself staked out in the sun!” Aubrey sank her fangs into Seth's throat, not bothering to be gentle. Her fangs tore down his jugular. He bit his lip against the pain. He was not going to let her get the benefit of hearing him cry out. Her lips fastened on the wound, and she began to pull the blood from his body. Seth felt every vein in him collapsing. When she sucked on him, Seth began to feel the burn deep inside of him from the hunger that he shared with Jayd. He was not going to let it win. He began to struggle against her. Aubrey could not see the hunger in his eyes or the fangs he had gained. She would not understand. It was bad enough that every time she drank from him
, she pulled memories from his brain. After another swallow, the vampire queen let him be and chuckled low in her throat, sounding like a panther's contented purr. His blood was dark on her lips.

  "You taste so good, Seth. I see from your memories it was you that gave Jayd back her warmth and her heartbeat. I can't tell how you did it, but I want you to perform your magick on me and then I'll let the two of you go."

  Seth chuckled. “So you don't want me for a mate after all? Am I suddenly too good for you?"

  "Seth, trying to make me angry won't help Jayd. Right now, she's in the other room, nearly begging for blood. Her body was badly damaged and needs sustenance. Newborns are like that though. They burn through blood quickly. It's interesting to watch them getting control of their hunger. With one word, I can have my child take her head and you will have nothing. You would make a wonderful mate, but you would be too much trouble for your own good. So you'll stay human or whatever it is you are. Your memories are fuzzy, but I understand that you are not wholly human anymore. I never would have guessed in the two years we worked side by side. You do have great hands, though. We all keep secrets, it seems."

  "Let Jayd and me go, Aubrey, and I promise to let you and the rest of your coven live. You have no idea what I am.” Seth leaned forward and got right in her face. He saw some of the shadows shift and fill when her coven members appeared and waited for her to give the word. She lifted her hand and the shadows were once flat again.

  "Seth, you don't have the knowledge or the talent to take on my whole coven."

  "And you don't have the know-how to kill me. Not many vampires do. And the last nest I came across, we eradicated. So don't piss me off."

  The color drained from her already-pale face. Seth watched when her gums receded a little and showed him her fangs. She started quivering. Her eyes shone in the light. “You killed other vampires? When?” Her fingers had curled into fists at her side trying to contain her power. Seth could see it gathering and could hear it crackling around her head if she wore an electrified halo.


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