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With Hearts Aflame: Valentine's Day Box Set

Page 32

by Maren Smith

  When my brother had mentioned the “entitled brat” who always gave him so much trouble, I’d expected someone in furs and a luxury car with a tiny dog in a four hundred dollar purse. Not that a Porsche wasn’t a great car, but otherwise, it didn’t seem to fit the picture I’d had in my mind.

  Yes, she definitely had a mouth on her—what woman couldn’t give a tongue lashing at a moment’s notice?—but she’d also shown she had a submissive side. Was it only when it suited her, or did she hide it under hostility and those beautiful, flashing dark eyes? That was the question and I was determined to get the answer.

  “Finished,” I said, approaching her.

  She checked her watch and her lips tightened. I could see that she wanted to remark on how long it had taken, but to her credit she gave me a small, little smile instead. “Thank you.”

  “That suits you much better than all that screaming you were doing earlier.” Her cheeks flushed prettily and I thought she’d look away, but she met my eyes head-on.

  “I should really be going.”

  I stepped closer—she was speaking in such a soft voice that I could barely hear her. The angelic look she wore now made me wonder for a moment if I’d imagined the brat I’d been dealing with earlier. This close to her, I could smell the sweetness of her skin. It was as intoxicating as perfume, which I normally couldn’t stand. “We should discuss your form of payment.”

  She flushed deeper and glanced away. When she met my eyes again, her own brown depths were determined. “I wasn’t thinking straight earlier. I’m under a lot of pressure and—”

  Ah, so that was it. The sweet and innocent act was nothing more than embarrassment from what she’d agreed to. “Look, Karen, we made an agreement. I expect you to be the kind of woman who keeps her word.” I could see the outrage on her face, but I held up a hand to keep her from speaking. “If, like you said, you’re running late, let’s not draw this out. Here’s my number.” I held out a white business card that she looked at like it was a venomous snake. “My cell is on the bottom.”

  “Let’s just get it over with,” she ground out between gritted teeth. “How are we going to do this?”

  I had to fight not to laugh at her. What kind of man did she think I was? “Here? No, sweetheart.” I heard her sharp gasp, but I ignored it and turned the card over, pulling a pen from my pocket. I quickly wrote my address on the back. “Come tonight,” I said, holding it out to her again. This time, she snatched it from my fingers without a word.

  “Be there at seven. Oh, and wear a dress.”


  If it hadn’t been to save face, I would have stood there and watched Brandon walk away. But I’d told him that I was in a hurry and I didn’t want him to think I actually liked him. Yes, he had the rugged good looks that were desirable in a lumberjack, workingman kind of way. But I could have my pick of men, so why would I waste my time with this one?

  At least he’d fixed my car, I thought as I pulled back into traffic, tires squealing as I slammed my foot down on the gas. In mere minutes, I was away from that horrible little strip of interstate, away from the dark, probing eyes of the mechanic who thought he could get the better of me. Like I would ever, ever let him spank me! The nerve of him! Wouldn’t he have a nice little surprise when no one showed up tonight?

  Maybe he’ll get lucky and someone will come by selling magazines, I thought with a grim smile. He can spank her if he needs to get his fix so bad.

  My heart thudded strangely at the image of him with another woman, but I shook it off. I didn’t even know the man. There was no way, no way I was going to let him lay a hand on me. I didn’t do the whole “little woman” thing and I most certainly didn’t do one-night stands, so we had nothing more to say to each other.

  There was a flurry of activity when I arrived at Dusty Records. My assistant, Jack—who I’d nicknamed Jackie because I told him he worried more than a woman—met me at the door, a sheaf of papers in his arms and a flustered, constipated look on his face that he got sometimes when he’d been yelled at one time too many.

  “I’m here, Jackie, you can keep your undies on,” I told him briskly as he fell into step beside me. “Don’t even think of handing those to me,” I said, cutting my eyes at him as he tried to push the papers into my hands.

  “But Mark said you need to look these over—”

  He would. I rolled my eyes. “Summarize.”

  “Uh, but I—”

  “You have read it haven’t you?”

  “Um, well, he just gave it to me half an hour ago, and—”

  “So what have you been doing since then?” I asked, my voice severe as I halted to look at him.

  Jack pushed his dark rimmed glasses back onto his freckled face. “I’ve been fielding calls from your office, and—”

  “Well, I’m here now. Get that document read and put the summary on my desk in forty-five. Is there anything else?”

  “But, Ms. Donahue I…well, it’s just that the meeting starts in an hour, and I don’t, uh—”

  “Good point. Better make it thirty.” With that, I spun on my heel and strutted off, power walking toward my office. I really hated sniveling and I wasn’t going to stand there and wait for it to start. I swear, if I hadn’t spent so much time breaking him in, the man would have a pink slip by the end of the day. I didn’t know if they even made pink slips any more, but I’d find a way.

  “There you are, Karen!” Mark’s voice boomed down the hall just as I reached the door to my office.

  I turned and gave him a mocking smile. “You didn’t think you’d be able to talk to the board by yourself, did you? I’d never let that happen.” Mark had secret hopes, or so he thought, or one day running the company. Whether for that reason or because he actually found me attractive, he’d also let me know in no uncertain terms that he was available whenever, wherever.

  “You always pull through,” he said, his smile much warmer than mine had been. “I know that.”

  Hmm, if he remembered me cursing him out and hanging up on him, he didn’t seem to be holding a grudge. Even though I’d never taken him up on the offer, it certainly wasn’t from lack of wanting to. There were times when I saw him coming down the hall, or when I was sitting across from him at a business meeting and the sight of his close-cropped, silky-looking blond hair had my attention more than the speaker. He had a strong jaw and soft green eyes and wow, could the man fill out a suit. It was for political reasons that kept me from going out for drinks. I knew it would never just be one, and after two Cosmos I was pretty much up for anything. Mark could never know that—I could see my entire career spiraling out from under me if he did.

  “You would have covered for me,” I said sweetly, batting my eyelashes up at him. Hey, just because I didn’t plan to make a move didn’t mean I couldn’t flirt.

  He took the cue nicely and leaned on the doorframe, leaving little to no space between us. “No one can handle investors like you, Kar. Everyone knows that, even me. I might not like it, but I know it.” He laughed, a deep rumbling sound that made me smile back at him.

  “Well, that’s kind of you to say.”

  “Kindness doesn’t have much to do with it,” he said ruefully. “You and I have that in common. We don’t pull punches or play games. Maybe that’s why I’ve always thought…” His green eyes bored into mine and I had no doubt as to what he thought.

  The only game he played was this one. The game of getting a woman into bed. But if I ever did that, I’d lose my edge with him. I couldn’t afford not to have him on his toes—he was too smart for me to give up the only advantage I had. Still, as he leaned closer, brushing his muscular frame against me, I allowed myself to picture it. I’d always known it would be fun. Mark was the kind to sweep all the papers off his desk and throw a woman on top, taking her then and there because he just couldn’t wait. He would be passionate, I knew that. We’d had many an argument over business; I had no doubt he would be fiery and persuasive in the bedroom, too. Or
office, as the case may be.

  An image of Brandon Fuller popped into my head and I felt my sex clench with desire. No, I told myself firmly, pushing it away and turning my attention back to Mark. “Maybe,” I said before taking his hand off my door handle. “Maybe,” I repeated, dropping his fingers and walking inside and shutting the door, leaving him to puzzle out what I could have meant.


  A cry-baby he most certainly was, but I couldn’t deny that Jackie knew how to come through. Twenty-five minutes later he dropped off his notes and I nodded briskly at him, which he knew from experience meant I wanted him to leave. I read and reread his summary, making notes of my own. I formed an outline for a speech marking down talking points. I’d done it so many times by now that I didn’t need to write the whole thing out.

  When I checked the clock again I saw that I had twelve minutes until the meeting. I took a deep breath and exhaled. I was going to do this. This was really going to work, despite everything. I was going to pull it off. I’d always had an uncanny ability to do just that, no matter what the odds, which is why I’d been made CEO. That, and the fact that the idea for the basis of the company had been mine.

  But mostly, it was luck and I knew that. That’s why I had to stay on my guard at all times, prepared for anything. The minute you let it down, just a bit, or looked away for a minute, that’s when the vultures swooped in to take everything you’d worked for. As much as Jack and Mark and all the rest drove me nuts, I wasn’t going to let that happen to them.

  Five minutes later, I walked in a long procession to the “War Room," as Mr. Boyles liked to call it. It was where all major deals were hatched and today would be a biggie. It could mean millions of dollars more for our company—it would mean hundreds of new jobs. It was a lot of pressure and suddenly I wished I’d had the foresight to order a Cosmo. Just one.

  “Ms. Donahue,” Mr. Boyles greeted me as I stepped into the room.

  The man had been a mentor to me these past six years and was the only one who ever was on the receiving end of a genuine smile. “Hello,” I returned softly, stepping toward him. “Any last advice?” I asked in a low voice.

  “Give ‘em hell and take no prisoners,” he whispered back. It was what he always said, but I nodded and smiled again before taking my seat.

  Once everyone sat down, a representative from SunFilm stepped up to the podium and greeted us all. “Thank you all for being here today,” he said to the assembled group, but his nod was just for me. Like I had a frickin’ choice. “We all know why we’re here, which is to discuss the possible merger between our two companies. My grandfather used to say that a good businessman…”

  I kept a neutral smile on my face as I listened to him blather on. James Fern was as long winded as any man I’d ever met and he wasn’t even that old! Everyone here, even he, I would imagine, knew that what we were here to talk about wasn’t really a merger. We were looking to procure his company and if we had to call it a “merger” we would, so long as their customers became ours. The ideal though would be for an out-and-out takeover.

  As I half-listened to his contrived dribble, my mind began to drift. I shook my head to clear the image of Brandon’s well-toned arms working on my car. I tried to concentrate, but the next thing I knew, my imagination had his arms wrapped around me, one hand gently caressing my face as he whispered in his husky voice, tickling my ear and bringing every one of my senses to life.

  Get it together, the rational side of my brain screamed at me. The angel on my shoulder was right: any more of this and I was actually going to find myself at his house tonight. Which was stupid. Just the thought made me want to roll my eyes. Did he actually think I was going to go to a stranger’s house with the intention of letting him… What, did he think I was born yesterday?

  What if he was a mechanic by day and a serial killer by night? What if he kept girls locked in his basement and wanted to add me to his harem? Uh-uh. Not happening. Not to mention the fact he was a mechanic. Major ew factor there, not to mention that I was so out of his league. I deliberately ignored the thought that maybe he was out of mine.

  Of course, if he were a serial killer, I could see what the girls were falling for. I mean, damn. The devil on the other shoulder thought maybe I should risk it.

  “And now, I believe that Ms. Donahue had some remarks she’d like to add.”

  My entire body froze. I’d heard him say my name, I felt it as hundreds of pairs of eyes shifted to rest on me. I just didn’t have the faintest idea what I was going to say. Just like that, every word of my speech had flown out of my head. And fucking James Fern, I could tell by the stupid smirk on his face that he knew.

  Keep cool, I silently coached myself, walking toward the podium. The shattering applause made me wish I could be eaten by a fire-breathing dragon rather than be in this room. I’d rather be anywhere than in this room. Just then, my eye landed on Jackie, my assistant, and I repressed a shudder. okay, maybe not anywhere. I could do this. I’d gotten to the top for a reason—this was child’s play.

  I smiled at the crowd, nodding at their applause. I reached in my pocket for my speech and my smile froze on my face. Shit.

  Chapter 3

  My watch read 6:59 when I reached a shaky finger over and pressed the doorbell. I listened to it chime inside the house and before I could even consider turning around and bolting, the glass in the front door showed someone moving toward me.

  When Brandon opened the door, I felt my heart stop for about three seconds. When it started beating again, it pounded so fast it hurt. He took his time letting his eyes slide from my face down the length of my body and I hoped he was fucking happy. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d worn a damn dress; I hadn’t even worn one to my own prom!

  “You’re punctual,” he observed in that deep, sexy voice.

  “It’s part of my job,” I replied in my best hard-ass tone. “Are you going to let me in, or am I going to freeze out here?”

  With a smirk of his own, he stepped aside, holding the door open wide for me. “By all means.”

  I strode past him with my head held high, my heels clicking on his wooden floors. I turned my head from side to side, taking in the wide staircase and the pretty painting adorning the walls. “Fancy place for a man like you.”

  “A man like me?” he repeated and I could hear the amusement in his voice. “You don’t know enough about me to make that call, I’m afraid. And let’s not forget why you’re here. I think we should set the proper tone, starting with you watching that smart mouth.”

  While I was still trying to come up with a retort—something to wipe the laughter out of his voice and the calm authority off his face—he waved me to the couch. “Oh, I don’t know…”

  “Don’t get shy now,” he teased. “Go on, have a seat. Do you want something to drink? I have a nice red chilling.”

  Okay, so I could admit that he caught me off guard. Most men in his line of work preferred beer over wine, or so I’d assumed. My surprise was the only reason I sat down. Otherwise, I would have bolted.

  I took a good look around. It had been a long time since anyone had surprised me, but Brandon kept doing it. His tidy, well-decorated home was completely unexpected. He had a white stone fireplace with a cute black, wrought iron clock on the mantle. I was checking for framed photographs when he came back in, carrying two glasses. I accepted mine gratefully and even managed a smile, noting that he set his glass on the coffee table without taking so much as a sip.

  “I trust you didn’t have any more problems with your car today?”

  I took a sip, savoring the fruity flavor as it filled my mouth. It was delicate and balanced and I eyed Brandon with new appreciation. Full of surprises, indeed. “What kind of wine is this?”

  “Do you always ask a question with a question?” Suddenly his voice went from friendly to stern. “If that’s the case, it’s definitely a habit you should break.”

  I almost choked on the second sip of wine I�
�d just taken. I got to my feet, spluttering. Brandon made a move toward me, but I held my hand out, shaking my head. When I stopped coughing, I leveled him with a stare that had been known to make grown men cry. Mostly my assistant, but still.

  “What is that supposed to be?”

  “Excuse me?” I asked indignantly.

  “That look right now. I can’t tell if you’re pissed or turned on, so I thought I’d check.”

  Of all the nerve! I yanked a throw pillow off the couch and slung it at him with all my might, being careful to keep my glass out of range—I still intended to finish it, after all. Brandon caught it quite easily, but the look he gave me made me regret my childish impulse.

  “Was that necessary?” Though he spoke calmly, I noticed that a muscle at his jaw was twitching. I knew how to read people fairly well and I was pretty sure that all signs pointed to him being very annoyed.

  Despite my apprehension, despite the angel on my shoulder telling me to back down, I jutted my chin in the air. I was Puerto Rican after all. I’d been raised not to take shit from anybody. The whole reluctance to apologize might have been more my own personal thing than heritage, but still. “I would have preferred something heavier, but I work with what’s in front of me.”

  His eyebrows rose so high they went up to his hairline. I could see him clenching and unclenching his fists at his sides and the fact he didn’t reply made me very nervous; I knew I’d crossed a line. I kept sipping my wine to hide that my heart was fluttering wildly.

  “Finish your wine,” he said at last.


  “Finish your drink, then I’m going to drive you home.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him and I could feel my nostrils flaring. “I don’t need you to drive me home! I have my own car and—”

  “I’m not going to let you drive home after having alcohol. End of discussion.”

  How dare he? Who the hell did this guy think he was? “You don’t get to tell me what to do, okay? If I want to drive home, I’ll drive home. I don’t need your help and I certainly didn’t ask for it.”


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