Book Read Free

Blind Date

Page 8

by Veronica Tower

Part IV: Making Trouble

  Chapter Twenty Six


  Merci opened the door Friday night to find Liv holding a bottle of wine. Her friend was dressed casually in comfortable black leg-hugging workout pants, a loose gray t-shirt, and what was probably a dark green sports bra peeking out at the neck. The casual athletic look worked well for Liv. Her body wasn’t voluptuous but it was fit, lean and sexy.

  Merci had dressed equally comfortably in gray sweat pants and a loose red sweatshirt. She wasn’t wearing a bra at all. The way she saw it, for a woman with breasts as large as hers, a bra was either very confining or not worth wearing. And Liv was an old college roommate—she’d seen Merci going casual plenty of times.

  They kissed each other perfunctorily on the cheek and Merci accepted the bottle of wine. “I’m glad I waited to get started. Let’s go open this right now.”

  She led the way into the television room and opened the bottle over a lovely antique credenza she had picked up in an estate auction two years before. She filled the first goblet halfway and started to move to the second.

  Liv touched her arm. “You better fill it to the rim. We’ve a lot to talk about tonight, and it will be a lot easier if we start off drunk.”

  Liv’s suggestion disconcerted Merci. She loved wine and had planned to get Liv drunk—but Liv’s aggressive complicity in her plan was unexpected and Merci wasn’t certain what to make of it.

  She finished filling the goblets, stopping half an inch below the rim of each glass. That wasn’t enough to let the wine properly breathe, but she decided it was better to do as Liv asked.

  “Thank you,” Liv acknowledged, picking up one of the goblets. “I have one question before we begin. Is God’s Gift really not here tonight?”

  Merci frowned. “He really isn’t like that—God’s Gift, I mean.”

  “Fine! Would you prefer I say the stud or the stallion?”

  Merci giggled despite herself. “He is sort of both of those things.”

  “Stud it is,” Liv announced, her face showing her disgust. “Is he here?”

  “No,” Merci confirmed.

  “Good!” Liv lifted her glass. “To good friends! May no dicks come between them!”

  She drained half the glass, her mouth twisting in a grimace at the taste. “Perhaps we should have let that breathe.”

  Merci agreed, but the heat flushing her face and chest made the too-rapid decantering acceptable.

  “So let’s sit down,” Liv said, “and you can tell me what you want to talk about.”

  Liv moved to the leather couch, choosing one end and sitting at an angle which would let her face Merci when she sat at the other side. Merci mirrored Liv’s movements, pulling one leg up on the cushion to face her old friend.

  “Seeing anyone lately?” Merci asked.

  “No,” Liv said. “Darren didn’t last. I pretty much kicked him out for inspiring me to set you up with Chris.”

  “Your first black man,” Merci said, remembering.

  “Not really my first,” Liv corrected her, a wicked smile forming on her face. “I actually slept with Alfred’s friend you know-”

  “You didn’t!” The very idea shocked Merci. She knew that Liv had slept with a couple of guys in college. Hell, she had slept with one of them across the dorm room while Merci pretended to be sleeping. But Alfred’s friend? She would have sworn that night in their room was the last that Liv had seen of him. “What was his name anyway?”

  “You know, I’ve been trying to remember his name ever since you reminded me of Alfred on the phone this week. It still hasn’t come back to me. But after you got us both so turned on with Alfred slurping on your nipples, I had to go track the two of them down the next night.”

  “You didn’t!”

  Liv took another sip of wine and closed her eyes. “You know I love the way the warmth of the wine rises out of your chest to hit you right here,” she said, touching the inner curves of her breast through the fabric of her shirt.

  “You didn’t,” Merci repeated.

  “No, I didn’t,” Liv admitted. “I wanted to, but I only found his friend and I sat on his stiff rod in the backseat of his Buick. It was not my best experience. Come to think of it, it was close to my worst. I didn’t come at all, but I still remember hanging over the front seat, lowering myself on to him and then hauling myself up into the air again.”


  “You’re too astonished for words,” Liv finished. “I know. I slept with a lot of guys you never knew about back then. In some ways you were very innocent and naive. You still are if your judgment of Chris is any example.”


  “Really, Merci, what has he got going for him other than a really big dick.”

  Merci felt a flush of anger and embarrassment flooding her face. “He’s kind and sweet and really attentive.”

  Liv waived her hand dismissively. “The first two are just blah—even worse than being the SOB I’ve always thought him to be. The third is just as bad, unless you’re talking about being attentive in bed.”

  Merci couldn’t help but smile. “Chris is very good in bed.”

  “Really, Merci, you know as well as I do that men with big shlongs are rarely good for more than shoving it in and out of you.”

  “Chris is!” Merci’s smile broadened. “Chris is very good with his tool—not to mention his lips, his tongue and his fingers. And his mind is as dangerous as the rest of him. Did you know he shaves me now? And I’m not talking about my pits or my legs.”

  “He does not!”

  Merci nodded vigorously. “Yes, he does.”

  “Merci, I know you. There is simply no way you are going to let any guy loose on you down there with a razor blade.”

  “That’s what I would have thought two months ago, but Chris is...he’s really that good.”

  Liv shook her head. “I just don’t believe it.”

  On impulse, Merci pulled her legs beneath her on the couch, rose to her knees, stuck her thumb in the waistbands of her sweats and panties and flashed her bald mons clear down to the upper labia. She only held the clothes down for a moment, but Liv’s jaw nearly hit the couch cushions in response.

  “You really did it! I can’t believe it.”

  Suddenly Liv was all business, leaning forward near Merci’s groin. “Let me see it again.”

  More self-consciously this time, Merci pulled the front of her sweats and panties back down for Liv’s inspection.

  “He shaved you bald,” Liv said. She leaned back on the couch and took another sip of wine. “And you say he’s asked you about me?”

  “I think he’s got a genuine hard on for you Liv. The Lord knows he gets hard enough for me when we talk about you.”

  Liv couldn’t seem to help smiling. “I want to hear all about it, but first we’re going to need more wine.”

  Chapter Twenty Seven


  Chris downed another Jack Daniels and set the glass down hard on the bar next to his silent phone. Jack Daniels was Chris’ old drink of choice—the spirit he used to choose when he wanted to get drunk and party. Now that he didn’t get drunk anymore he only chose it when he was really, really, angry.

  He had a good thing going with Merci—two months strong and constantly getting better. She was a gorgeous sexy woman who couldn’t get enough of his body and who endlessly stimulated his imagination—both in and out of the bedroom. But tonight she had him sitting in a bar down the road from her while Liv tried to wreck their relationship.

  He picked up the cell phone and checked the time—two minutes since the last time he had looked. The worst part was he didn’t even know if he wanted it to ring. Liv was only going to let Merci call him if she saw a chance to fuck with him. But was it better to leave Liv alone with Merci so the red-haired bitch could screw up his girlfriend’s mind?

  The bartender refilled his glass without asking. “She still hasn’t called?” he asked. He didn’t know or
probably want to know the details of the call Chris was waiting for, but talking kept customers drinking.

  Chris shrugged. “Not yet.”

  “Well maybe you should think about some other options.” He nodded his head toward something behind Chris. “The Latinas in the corner have been sizing you up for about fifteen minutes.”

  Chris pivoted on his stool to see who the bartender had noticed. Two raven-haired beauties were smoking in a corner booth. One was dressed in a black dress which showed off her boobs. The other had on a tight black tank top which showed a tattoo on her bicep which Chris couldn’t make out from this distance.

  The women laughed when they noticed Chris looking at them.

  Chris turned back to the bartender. “You’ve got to be joking. They couldn’t possibly want me.”

  The bartender shrugged. “If you say so, but they keep looking at you, and they’ve blown off three different guys who approached their table.”

  “Then they’re waiting for someone else,” Chris said.

  “If you say so,” the bartender grinned.

  A fist playfully clipped Chris’ arm.

  “Hey, Blondie, you want to come join me and my friend?”

  Chris pivoted again in surprise. The young woman in the tank top was standing next to him. She had black eyeliner to go with the black top and a dagger tattooed on her right bicep. The arm beneath the tattoo was fit and muscular—very sexy. Her breasts were large—not large like Merci’s, but very attractive none the less. Below she wore dark army fatigues and combat boots. The overall effect confirmed Chris’ initial impression—hard and sexy.

  Chris forced himself not to appraise her friend back at the table. “Thanks for the invitation, but I have a girlfriend.”

  “Is she the one standing you up tonight? We’ve watched you check that phone like fifteen times.”

  She reached over and picked up the cell phone before Chris could stop her. “Si, it’s working.”

  She leaned closer to Chris. He could smell the scent of beer and tobacco on her breath. Anywhere else and that smell would have repulsed him, but in a bar women were supposed to smell of alcohol and cigarettes.

  “Tomorrow is my friend’s birthday. She’ll be twenty-four and she hasn’t gotten fucked the whole time she’s twenty-three. We want to interview you for the job but you have to move your ass to the table and at least act like you’re interested.”

  What was it, Chris wondered, about being unavailable that made a man so attractive to women? It just didn’t make any sense. None of this made any sense. Women didn’t pick guys up in bars.

  “Look, your friend is beautiful,” Chris said. The bar was too dark for him to be certain of that, but it seemed like the right thing to say. “Two months ago and I’d already be over there filling out applications. But right now, I can’t.”

  The woman looked him up and down and shook her head. “I don’t see what she sees in you anyway, Blondie.” She turned and walked back toward her friend. Her ass looked great in those fatigues.

  Chris turned to check his phone and found the woman had not returned it to the bar. “That’s just great.”

  Chris drained his Jack Daniels and waved the bartender over. “Better make it a double and send to the table whatever the two ladies are drinking.”

  He waited for the bartender to refill his glass, and then rose from his seat to reclaim his phone.

  Chapter Twenty Eight


  “Did I ever tell you what really happened between Chris and me?” Liv asked as she sat back down in the middle of the couch next to Merci. She had refilled their wine glasses and now she sat with one leg pulled in front of her facing her old friend.

  “Well that depends on what you mean by really,” Merci said. “I know you said he got you drunk and took advantage of you and then completely snubbed you, but I took it for granted even before I met Chris that you were coloring the story a little. I mean, no one who knows you can picture you being taken advantage of.”

  That made Liv laugh. “Well, I guess you know me too well.”

  Merci took a sip of her wine and enjoyed the warm feeling radiating out from her chest. “So what really happened?”

  “Well we were both drunk,” Liv said. “We’d known who each other was for a couple of years but didn’t really know each other. But I hear things, you know. Jennifer Argot told me that Chris had the biggest dick she’d ever seen and you know what a slut she is, so that was really quite a recommendation. I wanted to see that dick.”

  Liv wet her lips, clearly enjoying at least this part of the story. “So I decided to check him out. We made the usual drunken come ons. He checked out my breasts.” She paused to look down at her chest and then over to Merci’s. “I know they’re not as impressive as yours but he seemed interested enough in them.”

  Merci gave Liv’s chest a hard look. She’d never understood why Liv felt so self-conscious about her breasts. Size wasn’t everything and Liv’s small breasts were firm and shapely with pert, expressive nipples.

  “So we kissed a little in the corner and I let him squeeze my boobs through my shirt while I grinded up against him trying to ascertain if his merchandise was as advertised.”

  Merci closed her eyes, imagining the situation. Both were drunk—fumbling at each other. Both knew they were going all the way, but neither had admitted it to the other yet. Chris was probably afraid of scaring Liv off by moving too fast and Liv was being coy because she liked power games.

  “Then he had his hand up under my shirt. It was really obvious. I mean anyone who happened to look could see that he was groping me. And then somehow his pants got opened.”

  “Somehow?” Merci asked, arching her eyebrow.

  “Okay, I probably opened them myself.”

  “You don’t remember?”

  Liv took a sip of wine as if to bolster her resolve. “Look, we’d had a lot to drink that night. My memory isn’t crystal clear.”

  Interesting, Merci thought. It’s all right for you to forget the details but not all right for Chris. Of course, Chris had forgotten a lot more than a few details...

  “So anyway, sometime around then I realized that my shirt and bra were up above my breasts and my tits were hanging free. Chris’ tongue was reaching down my throat and his pants were around his knees. This big dick was in my hand, three-quarters hard and growing. And suddenly my pants were dropping from my hips as well.

  “I found a door knob pressing into my back and somehow got it open. Chris fell hard on top of me, already pushing my panties after my pants. I remember tilting my head all the way back so I could see into the room. Jan Beckworth was sucking on Grant Hall’s skinny little cock while Joe Ferris took her from behind. It was great. I could see her struggling to keep her mouth on Grant while Joe really slammed it into her. Then Chris pushed my thighs apart and this mostly hard piece of sausage split my pussy in half.

  “I was so surprised! Chris’ dick started pounding away at me, but all I could focus on was Jan’s face sucking Grant’s cock. Joe was really driving it into her and I’m not sure she liked it, but she kept slurping away at Grant’s dick and pumping it in her hand.

  “Chris might as well have been banging away between some other girl’s legs for all the effect he had on me. But Jan? Man that was hot. She had two guys going wild inside her. Grant lost it first, that skinny dick squirting four or five times, spattering Jan’s face with gob after gob of filth. Joe lost it a moment later. He slipped out and shot so hard that the first load landed in her hair.

  “Then Chris was coming into me and on my breasts and belly. It was so hot to have Jan, Grant and Joe watch Chris come all over me. I can still remember Jan’s face staring at us, cum dropping off her cheeks and nose. I think they were ready to go another round with Chris and me joining them, but that big lunk of a boyfriend of yours spurted a couple more times and passed out on top of me.”

  “Wow!” Merci said, absolutely shocked by Liv’s story. It was nothing at
all like she had imagined and nothing at all like her own experience of Chris.

  It never occurred to her that Liv might still be coloring the memory.

  “Yeah, wow,” Liv said. “And you know what’s really funny? Bad as it was, I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. I mean, we were both really drunk. It might not be all his fault. I told myself I would give him another chance to prove himself when he called the next morning.”

  “But he didn’t call,” Merci said. She already knew this part of the story.

  “He didn’t call!” Liv agreed. “And the next time I saw him the son of a bitch pretended he didn’t even remember we had fucked.”

  This was the crux of Liv’s anger and the point of this whole evening. Chris didn’t remember their time together and Liv’s ego couldn’t handle it.

  But angry as Liv’s encounter with Chris still made her, the memory also totally turned her on. Her pert little nipples strained at the thin fabric of her shirt and her pale skin flushed pink. Her chest rose and fell rapidly, trying to keep pace with her breathing.

  “Wow!” Merci repeated. “I don’t really know what to say, but-”

  “That’s never stopped you before,” Liv interjected.

  “That’s right,” Merci agreed. She drained her wine glass, fighting off images of Jan Beckworth with Grant Hall’s cum on her face. Come to think of it, her own nipples were pretty excited and the heat from the wine rushed straight to them, causing them to swell even more.

  “Look,” Merci said, “there’s no easy way to say this. Chris and I have discussed this and he really doesn’t remember what happened that night. I know this isn’t flattering to either of you, but he had a blackout and the whole evening is a blank.”

  Liv snorted at the suggestion. It wasn’t very ladylike, but it effectively expressed her contempt.

  “He’s changed, Liv! He feels bad about this. He wants to make it up to you.”

  “Why don’t you tell him to try cutting his balls off,” Liv suggested, “that is—if he’s really as upset as you say.”



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