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The Wielder: Sworn Vengeance (The Wielder Series)

Page 22

by Gosnell, David

  I feel small fairy fingers jab into me, “You’re staring, stop it.”

  Chapter 56

  The ride to the forest is short and luckily my directions there are pretty succinct. We take a non-descript turn at a road marked, “No trespassing”, with an orange sign. The road is bumpy for a mile or so until we reach an open area that serves as a parking lot. A guard’s hutch is there and a drop-down gate, that had to be for show.

  I’m sure there are magical wardings surrounding the area that are much more formidable.

  I park us and the four of us get out.

  There are three guards there. And as best I can tell, just ordinary guard types.

  “Here to see Alistair. The bearded guy. You may know him. My name’s Arthur, MacInerny.”

  They give me gruff looks, go back in their hutch and do whatever it is they do. One of the guys comes back out to address us.

  “They’re coming up for you. The others will have to stay here.”

  I nod back to him and say “Thanks.”

  After a while a four wheeler pulls up and a spindly young man jumps out. “Arthur MacInerny, welcome to the Magerium. Your passengers will have to wait here. There are wardings against all non-earthen kind. I’m sure you understand.”

  I do. I tell my crew to wait and behave themselves. That gets an “Okay!” from Shey. Sil, folds her arms behind her back and takes attention. I get a nod from Vets.

  I jump on the prowler and we follow bumpy roads to a metal grate built into the side of a hill. I recite the spell for my true vision and see that there is actually a large tower built over the hill that is magically hidden.

  Damn, that’s some obfuscation.

  The spindly guy opens the gates and we walk into a cave. After a few paces he hits a light switch and the place lights up. There is quartz crystal everywhere in a large chasm where we walk through to a spiral staircase, that I assume leads to the spire.

  We head up and I am taken to an office on the second floor with rounded walls.

  “He’ll be with you shortly.”

  I look around at the shelves of books and a gnarly wood desk. I see a seat and move to it, but before I can sit down I hear his voice.

  “Arthur MacInerny as I live and breathe!” The bearded one seems so happy to see me. He greets me in a huge embrace. “We thought we lost you, son. Tell, me what happened?”

  His gaze is so serious, I almost think he is sincere.

  I just look him in the eye and tell him a basic truth, “I was set up Alistair, someone is dirty in your organization’

  That gets a deep sigh from him. “I know," he replies gravely.

  So, no time better. I figure I’ll hit him with why I’m really here. “Alistair, I need to see Karen. Need to see her now. Can you take me to her?”

  This was not a good question to ask. Alistair answers with a frown “She is under protective custody for her own sake. Arthur, she opened herself to that Dzemond devil Ahtsag Znuul. Clearly she needs protection from herself and from it.”

  I nod at him trying to appear that I agree with him. “Regardless, she’s my friend and I need to talk to her, to console her. Come on, man you don’t need to protect her from me.”

  “It will not happen,” is Alistair’s very adamant response. “I hope you understand her protection is paramount. She knows so much of our organization, efforts, and tactics.”

  I meet Alistair’s eyes with defiance – open defiance. “So you won’t let me even see her? I’m a fucking threat to her well being? Pull your head out of your ass and let me see her - now.”

  This does nothing but set Alistair off. “Do you know who you are talking to! Do you have any idea the security issues? You are out of line Mr. MacInerny! I am trying to protect the world here! “

  He reaches over to a phone and punches a button. “I need a security escort for Mr. MacInerny." He looks back at me, “You will leave us now.”

  I can’t accept that.

  “So she’s a prisoner then? You won’t let me see her because you have her locked up? You’re a piece of shit Alistair Burningwood. I can’t believe you’d deny me access to my friend. How about letting me make a phone call to her? No? Didn’t think so.”

  Alistair is totally bristling with anger. The guards show up, one with foci in hand, the other a good old fashioned shotgun. I am totally outclassed here. So I give Alistair a final parting thought with my middle finger and I am escorted out; the whole time throwing out various loud thoughts about how we should treat our own.

  The prowler drags me back to the guard house and I am told not to return.

  I look at the girls and shake my head to tell them – no. I failed.

  Chapter 57

  My blood boiled the whole ride back. And Shey’s mouth was in overdrive. I think her word for today is “Motherfuckers!” given how many times she dropped it.

  We get back to the Crowne and head upstairs in fuming silence. Once outside our rooms, I look down at Shey. “I need a moment of quiet to figure this out. If you’d hang out with Sil and Vets I’d appreciate it.” I look to the other two. “Let’s all reconvene in a couple hours and work the problem. I can’t think right now.”

  Sil nods in the affirmative. Vets eyes tell me the same. “We’ll get her out,” Shey chimes in.

  My foul mouthed little cheerleader.

  This stinks. Karen is being held prisoner. I know it deep in my bones. Part of me wants to call Znuul immediately. But I know without a doubt we’re being watched. And my room is probably bugged – yes, already.

  Pffif is our security genius. I wish he was here. He’d have some beeping apparatus and have the room cleaned in no time. Me, I’ll have to do it the old fashioned way – tear the room down.

  The girls think I’m taking a nap. I’m taking counter measures. I start taking the room apart starting with the electronics and fixtures. Noting a steel cap screw on a brass light fixture I unscrew it and yes – it’s not original equipment. I set it down on the table. Once through there, I flip the bed, turn the tables, and check the curtains. What do you know, there’s something with a little screen attached to the back of the curtain rod.

  The next is on the lampshade fastener. Systematically the room is thrown and devices found in the bathroom and closet. The sneakiest one though, is the hinge pin for the main door. The door casing is dark brown – that pin is black with a screen top.

  So, I go to the bathroom, pour a nice cup of water and share it with the hinge pin. Then I scoop up the others that I found, go back to the bathroom and pour another refreshing glass of water. “Hey guys – please tell Alistair that Arthur says to let him see his friend. Oh, and to step in front of bus.”

  Then I drop them into the glass. Hehe.

  Stepping back out into the bedroom area, I realize I don’t feel like putting my room back together. And I shouldn’t have to.

  So I take my cup O’ wet bugs down to the lobby and let the fine gentleman behind the counter know that another room will be required. After a little bit of discussion, he agrees that unauthorized access to my room is lax security on their part and got a room upgrade to their presidential suite. I am assured that a security camera monitors the hall directly outside the room.

  Cool. I grab a bellman’s cart and get ready to head up. No need to have others handling my bags more than necessary, particularly my sword. Heading to the elevator, I walk by the indoor pool area and spy Shey sitting on a chaise next to a very bored looking Sil. Vets is doing laps in the pool. Obviously swimwear was part of the shopping expedition while I slept off the hypnosis.

  Shey notices me and bounces up immediately run/skipping over to me. “You’re not napping. Can I come with you? They didn’t get me a swimsuit. And Sil’s not even swimming, she’s just showing off for the men.”

  Sil looks up from her magazine, smiles at us and lifts up a glass of wine in toast.

  “She didn’t buy that did she?”

  “Nopes,” says Shey, “she never buys her own dri

  We headed up, got my stuff out of the trashed room, where Shey commented that “I must have been very angry” and then hop into the elevator to the presidential suite and enter it.

  “Wow, this is an important person’s room,” Shey exclaims.

  And it is very, very, nice. I lean in and whisper to her about the listening devices, warn her about watching what she says at all times. “Go get the others pick up a few notepads and pens from the front desk – and remember we’re being watched.”

  She beams a smile at me, takes the room key and whispers back, “Silithes will like being watched.”

  And then she’s gone.

  I do a quick scan for devices like what were used and find nothing. So I plop down on the large sofa, with the creeping feeling that scrying eyes are upon me.

  Just in case, I hold up my middle finger.

  Scry that.

  Chapter 58

  I know I’m not the most patient person in the world, but it feels like they’re taking forever to get back up here. Grabbing pens and pads should not take that long. I just figure since we’re probably being scryed, passing notes would be the best way to communicate. Still…

  I try to relax, which isn’t happening. After what is probably a few minutes, that feel more like hours, I hear the door unlock and my crew returns.

  “See. I told you he got us the honeymoon suite,” Shey exclaims, holding out her arms to display the room.

  Sil cocks an eyebrow at me and a half smile.

  “Sorry we took so long, but Siiilithes had to stop by the kitchen to flirt with the chefs. And then stop by her room to get makeup stuff.” Shey plops down next to me.

  At least they didn’t take time to change, though it felt like they had time to shop for new outfits. Vets is looking like an Olympic swimmer - or weight lifter - in her one piece red suit and Sil, surprisingly, in an athletic cut bikini with, not surprisingly, a sheer almost see through cover. Still, it’s a huge departure from the string and teeny little bits of cloth that usually pass for her swimwear.

  Sil gives me a demure smile, sets down her swim bag and unloads several containers of salt and a huge mixing spoon. “Be a dear Sheyliene and fetch me a big glass of water.”

  “I’m not your servant, Silithes.”

  Sil nods to her with a very neutral look on her face, winks at me then asks Vets to get it for her. Vets, of course heads to the wet bar. Yes, my room has a wet bar.

  Sil takes one of the containers of salt and walks over to a corner of the room, kneels down, pours some, spreads it around and draws something in it with her finger. This process repeats for all the corners of the room.

  “Thank you,” she says to Vets and takes the cup of water. “You probably want to move Arthur,” she says looking at me seriously.

  So I move. She stands on the sofa, glass of water in hand and throws it up against the ceiling. “One more Vetsy… please” she says as she hands the glass out to her.

  My face must be one of confusion. Sil just smiles at me, takes the refilled glass and douses the ceiling again. She steps down from the sofa, takes a container of salt, fills her hand and throws it up at the ceiling – then again. Then she takes the wooden spoon and scrawls something into the salt, followed by muttering something that sounds like a snake hissing with marbles in its mouth. The salt lights up red, revealing the script she wrote in it as do the mounds in the corners in unison.

  “Room’s safe from scrying now, speak freely” Sil says standing on the sofa above us all. With that, she hops down, grabs her pool bag and deposits herself in a chair, swinging her legs over the arms.

  Shey looks mystified. “That’s magic - you can’t do that.”

  “Obviously she can Shey - and thanks Sil, that’ll make our meeting much easier. That being said, let’s get started.” I sit down at the corner of the sofa that’s dry. “We have to figure out how to get to Karen. Then we have to figure out how to get her free. Any thoughts?”

  Shey pops up first. Literally, pops up in that energetic way of hers. “I can get real tiny and sneak my way in. Then I can steal the key from a guard and release her. And if I can’t get the key, I can at least find her and give her words of encouragement. She probably needs that.”

  “That’s just so sweet Sheyliene,” Sil says as she pulls out a bag of cotton balls followed by some nail polish.

  “It’s a good plan,” Sheyliene exclaims, stamping her foot to emphasize her point.

  Only it isn’t. The Magerium is so very warded. There’s little chance of her slipping in.

  “I was being sincere Sheyliene – words of encouragement, she could probably use those.” Sil goes about stuffing cotton balls between her toes, glancing up at me briefly with a look that tells me, “you tell her.”


  “Shey, I really doubt you could get in, the place is fiercely warded against otherworldly beings. I mean really warded. I got a look with the true sight spell on.”

  “Shey, my dear,” Sil purrs looking up from her feet. “You’d just be like a moth in a bug zapper – we don’t want that.” She unscrews the nail polish and sets to work on the foot she’s prepared with total attention.

  Sil seems to be back in old form.

  ‘Then we must bring them out if we cannot go in,” Vets concludes. “Perhaps we take hostages and demand exchange for Karen.”

  “Functionally sound, but we turn our friends into enemies,” Sil says not looking up from the meticulous application of polish to her toes.

  “Let’s keep going. We’ve got some good ideas flowing” I say hoping to encourage – because I don’t have any.

  “What’s your idea Silithes,” Shey asks coyly. “I bet it’s to give all the guards sloppy blowjobs so they’ll help get Karen out.”

  Sil actually stopped painting her toenails at that one. Her eyes went to me first, then she turns that attention to Shey.

  I brace myself for the drama.

  “That’s a great idea Sheyliene,” Sil says. “I think you should do it. It is your idea, after all. Arthur, send that Pixie in. She does love a good sloppy blowjob.”

  Sil goes back to her toes. Shey is looking at me like, “that’s not what I meant.”

  “What is a sloppy blowjob?” asks Vets.

  That gets all eyes in the room on Vets and breaks the tension with a moment of silence.

  “Tell ya later hun,” Sil says before refocusing on her toes.

  This meeting is coming apart. I have to refocus us. “Let’s get back to topic – freeing Karen. So far we have be tiny and infiltrate, take hostages and give blowjobs.” I can’t believe I just said that...

  “Do we have anything else?”

  Shey looks at me and Vets looks at me and I look at them. Sil is doing her toes and can’t be bothered.

  “What about you Arthur,” Sil asks. “You know the answer to this one. Come on… it’s easy.”

  That response kind of pisses me off. If I knew the answer we’d be full steam ahead.

  “Well, stop playing games Sil and goddamn tell us this easy answer. This is serious, not some game.”

  She glances up from her well cottoned toes at me with a look that is deadly serious, “I can’t just feed you the answers, Arthur – you need to work it out. What kind of a beast is Alistair?”

  Now I am really ticked. I can see that registers with her. “Not a time to be playing games Sil – if you have something to share, please do.”

  My anger bounces off her as it does with my summonlings. She bears it well, with just a little wincing. “Alistair is a political beast Arthur,” she says. “What does a politician fear? They fear losing power and influence. How do we make him fear losing those precious things?”

  She doesn’t go back to her toes – she just locks onto my eyes. “Work the question Arthur and you have your answer.”

  Not what I want to hear. “Jesus H, just spit it out already.”

  “Fine then…You have friends. Lots of friends. Friends in high p
laces. Friends that represent or even head up entire guilds within the Protectorate. These are also friends of Karen. You can rally them to put pressure on Alistair to do the right thing. Use your political clout against his. Force him to do the right thing or face the backlash.”

  Sil goes back to painting her toes, with a sour look.

  Sheyliene is slack jawed and looks at me. Blink, blink – she’s processing all this information. “That’s really smart – when did you get smart Sil?”

  I see Sil roll her eyes at that, while putting paint on her pinky toe. “It must be a miracle" she mutters.

  I think through it and Sil is right. I need to force Alistair to do the right thing and there’s only one way: we need to present a unified show of force that threatens his position as High Seat of the Protectorate.

  “I’ll need phone numbers, Sil – do you have all of my contacts in that memory of yours?

  “I do,” she says looking up at me briefly from painting her toes, “Would be nice to have a proper pencil though.”

  Chapter 59

  We talk Shey into going to find a pencil. She isn’t happy leaving me alone with Silithes, but Vets’ presence gives her some solace.

  Sil is blowing on her cotton stuffed toes. Apparently a clear coat is important.

  This is a Silithes I am not used to – the counselor. Is this part of the Sil she’s been shielding me from? And if so – why the heck why? I appreciate good council. Sure, maybe it’s not as sexy in her mind, but I’d rather have good input any day.

  That’s my almost 100 year old brain talking, not the 19 year old body – I never listen to that young pup. It just gets me in trouble.

  Shey returns and presents Sil with lots of pencils. Sil examines the ceiling and redoes her anti-scrying spell.

  “I suggest we call Edgar first, he’s a guild leader and has a big sphere of influence,” Sil says not looking up from her toes. “Plus he really doesn’t seem to like Alistair - that works in our favor.”

  Sil sits down with the pad, her preferred pencil, and gets to work. She hands the first sheet to Shey who regards it with a cockeyed smile. “You’re a really good artist,” Shey says to her as she hands me Edgar’s phone numbers.


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