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Watching My Hot Wife – 10 Book Bundle Vol 3

Page 8

by Lainey Fox

  “Jane I brought some red-“ Richard began to say when he was interrupted by a cry from the bathroom.

  “Ah! Yes! Deeper! DEEPER!” called Jane from the toilet.

  Richard stopped in his tracks and listened closely.

  “aaaaah….deeper…babe….yea…that’s it… THAT’S IT!”

  Jane was lost in a world of her own; masturbating to satisfy herself after Richard could not. He sighed and took the two glasses of red wine from the table. Cautiously and quietly, Richard stepped out of the room, closing the door behind him.

  For the next half and hour, Richard stood by himself, looking out at the lonely night-street outside, sipping his red wine. He felt deeply sorry for her, and heavily shamed by his own actions. The liquor finally bringing its effects on him, Richard decided to make his wife happier, if only because he loved her. Deeply.

  Post-midnight, he turned all the lights in the ground floor off, and slowly shuffled upstairs. The door to their room was still open. Walking inside, he found Jane sleeping peacefully, like an angel on a cloud. A smile escaped Richard’s lips.

  Tip-toe-ing up to her, Richard slightly kissed Jane on the forehead, then looked at her face, a regal face only made more beautiful by the last rays of the setting sun.

  “Good night, sweetheart” said Richard as he cautiously walked out again. “I’ll find a way to make sure you are properly satisfied... Like you deserve.”

  He closed the door on his way out.

  Watching My Hot Wife –

  My Rival, Her Lover 2

  Book 2 of Watching my Hot Wife – My Rival, Her Lover

  By Lainey Fox

  Copyright © 2016 by Lainey Fox

  & Scarlet Lantern Publishing

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  This book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language.

  All characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.

  Chapter 1

  “Thank you, sir!” said a young teenager, clutching his signed copy of All Your Strength Lies In You like a squirrel holds on to a peanut.

  “A pleasure, Adam,” replied Richard Goodman, smiling reassuringly.

  Adam ran over to another corner of the bookstore, probably to show his friends his newly-acquired moral treasure. Looking around at the near-empty store, Richard sighed. He turned to his wife, Jane, who was sitting right beside her, engaged in some other book.

  “Wanna go out for some wine?” he asked.

  “Sure, darling,” said Jane distractedly.

  “What’re you reading?” he asked playfully.

  Jane didn’t reply to her husband, she just turned the page and smiled.

  “Hey… what’re you reading?” Richard asked, this time a little more curiously.

  Jane closed the book, having just finished the chapter she was reading. Turning to Richard, she smiled coyly.

  “Just a trashy romance.”

  Richard sighed again.

  “Women, they are all the same,” he thought to himself.

  Richard composed himself and returned to his original question.

  “I was asking if you want to go out to the orchard for the wine-tasting-“

  “Sure, let’s go” said she absent-mindedly and rose, looking desperately out at the orchard, as if expecting someone.

  Richard wondered at how funny her wife was acting all morning. He recalled and assured himself that Jane hadn’t looked him in the eye since they left their home two hours back. As Jane walked towards the door outside, her husband observed her with the attention to detail that was expected of a bestselling author.

  She was wearing a black summer dress that ended just above her knee. Her hair was tied up quickly into a messy bun. Her face was covered in only the slightest bit of makeup and she was missing her usual stockings. Despite how regal and commanding she always managed to look, Jane looked a lot younger today; younger, and graciously playful.

  “You comin’?” she turned back to ask him.

  It broke Richard’s trance.

  “Yeah… let’s go,” he said as he rose from his chair and accompanied his wife outside.

  The flop of a Book-Signing event was talking place that day at a bookstore, which was in a peculiar location. Standing clearly apart from the din of the urban street, this small building was hidden from the normal eye, and closer to the countryside. It was nearly a two-hour long drive from the Goodman residence, but Richard was eager to attend the event.

  Surrounding this bookstore on all sides was a rare and beautiful orchard, with benches scattered about generously for people to sit and read-amidst the beauty of a well-looked-after and beautiful garden. For the book signing event, all the benches had been shifted… aligned together to form a huge table, with wine-glasses, expensive bottles and cigarettes.

  Pouring two glasses of his favorite red wine, Richard passed one to Jane.

  “Beautiful ambience,” whispered Jane while sipping from her glass, as ochre rays of sunshine fell on her eyes… not glaring, irritating light, but soothing and refreshing rays of the morning.

  “Thoughtful, as well,” replied her husband. “The very fact that they have coupled this book-signing to a wine-tasting event will attract much more people than would normally be possible.”

  Jane looked around. Apart from them, the orchard played host to only a handful of other people, some of them tasting wine, while others leisurely walking about engrossed in a book of their choice. Only a few were inside the book-store.

  “So I would have guessed myself,” Jane sighed. “But don’t you think this place is more deserted than full?”

  “Well, we did arrive a little too early,” Rich looked at his watch. “The main event doesn’t even start till ten o’ clock.”

  Jane rolled her eyes and immediately looked away.

  The couple sat there, “tasting” their wine for thirty more minutes. Slowly and steadily, the place did begin to fill up. Young and old alike poured in by the dozens with every passing ten minutes, some finding themselves a seat, sipping their liquor, while some (mostly the young ones) lining up before the store-door to get their favorite books signed.

  Richard looked over his shoulder back at the store, to see a mammoth line in front of his own stall. With an air of pride, he kissed his wife on the forehead, while thinking at the same time just how fucken’ gorgeous she looked that day and said at last.

  “Gotta go now, darling. Got loads of books to sign,” he winked.

  “Yeah sure,” Jane replied sarcastically “You have other pressing issues to attend to besides me… go ahead”

  Smiling playfully himself, Richard sipped the remaining wine from his glass and was about to get up from the chair, when a black Porsche parked at the orchard grounds. The loud engine shut off and most of the patrons had turned to view the luxury vehicle. A white man in his mid-twenties jumped out from it, and dusted himself briskly as if he considered his own car dusty and jaded. Then he looked up at Richard and raised him arm high up from the distance.

  “Mr Goodman! Hey!” the man shouted and started pacing towards the couple.

  “Now who’s that handsome young man?” asked Jane as she sipped from her glass, still sitting on her chair with her long dark legs crossed at the knee.

  Richard raised his eyebrows at his wife, and then looked at the approaching person. The man seemed rich, though not caring about it enough to be dressed in more than jeans and a t-shirt. He was at least as tall as Richard, had charming golden hair framing his slightly tanned face. His eyes were hidden behind dark brown aviators and his graphic t-shirt was hidden by a dark leather jacket. Closing in on the couple, the young man extended his right arm towards Richard Goodman

  “It’s an honor to find you here, sir,” s
aid the man as Rich shook his his.

  Richard noted that the man had a tight grip.

  “He must work out,” thought Richard silently to himself.

  “Caesar. Caesar Wiles,” the man said, introducing himself and jovially shaking Richard’s hand.

  Richard froze in his tracks. Jane stood up at this, flabbergasted at the whole sudden turn of events. Noticing this, Caesar turned towards her and removed his sunglasses to reveal two dark brown, penetrating eyes. Taking Jane by her arm, he held it lightly and kissed it slightly, eliciting a giggle from the smitten woman.

  “A lovely mistress befitting a famous celebrity,” he said in a jovial tone with a wink to Richard.

  “I didn’t presume you’d show up here, Mr. Wiles” Richard casually.

  “Oh you can just call me Caesar,” said Mr. Wiles while simultaneously turning to look at Jane. “And that goes for you too, Mrs. Goodman”

  Caesar’s attention drew a blush to Jane’s ebony cheeks, which elicited a scowl from Richard.

  Caesar turned to look at Richard, his exuberant smile unflinching.

  “Don’t be mistaken Mr. Goodman, I still despise your work,” Caesar chuckled.

  “And here I was wondering what’s wrong with the world, with you being so friendly and all,” Rich retorted.

  Caesar poured himself a glass of wine.

  “Oh,” he said. “One should respect his enemies too, shouldn’t one?”

  Richard held a poker face, still not smiling.

  “So what do you do, Caesar?” Jane asked, trying to dispel the awkwardness that befell the trio.

  Sipping his wine, as if he were waiting for this very question, Caesar smiled.

  “I’m a painter,” he declared while turning to look at Richard. “I also write books, but in limited quantities, and only when I want to.”

  Caesar paused, letting his words sink in.

  “Regardless,” said Caesar, breaking his own silence. “I’m here for the wine tasting, but I’m also slightly interested in how many books you sell, Mr. Goodman. I really find it amusing that half of the young Americans today worship your self-healing methodologies so much.”

  “It seems like you have a certain something against young men wanting to grow up to be stronger men by searching within themselves, Mr Wiles,” said Richard in a stiff, professional tone.

  “Stronger, Mr Goodman?” He hit back harshly. “in what way exactly? By reading a book alone in the privacy of their homes? Oh Richard.” Caesar tisked. “How I long for the day when young Americans earned their strength by hard work, practical experience, and on-your-feet-wit”

  “Obviously, practical experience is important,” Richard stammered back. “But you see… -“

  “Why don’t we discuss this over lunch today?” Jane interrupted, smiling gaily. Turning towards her husband, she held him by his arm and said: “You shouldn’t keep your patrons waiting for long, Richy. There’s a big line there already.”

  Richard nodded. Despite being clearly threatened by this handsome young white man, he felt reassuring as he walked down to his stall, with his wife by his arm. Turning to look back at Richard, the couple bid a temporary farewell.

  “See you around, Mr. Wiles,” said Jane suddenly, turning to smile at him.

  “Call me Caesar,” he said again, raising his wine glass high up as a toast.

  Chapter 2

  The next few hours were hectic for Richard Goodman. Though all he had to do was sign book-copies for his buyers, the sheer number of them worked him up. Book after book, greeting after greeting passed with seemingly no end in sight. He did feel a sense of pride about being a bestselling author, and with his wife sitting by his side to actually witness how well he was doing.

  Jane was supportive from the beginning, lending him a hand, talking to the readers, smiling charmingly so that they even acquired some new patrons. Richard couldn’t help but feel grateful to her at the same time.

  “Maybe she’s bored, but not showing it, just for my sake,” he thought. “Maybe I should give her a break, let he go off and do her own thing.”

  “Listen darling” said he after signing one copy for an especially excited young man. “Take some time off. I’ll handle this.”

  Jane didn’t protest much, it was as if she were waiting for him release her. “As long as you are sure you’ll be ok.”

  “Yeah, I’ll join you out in the orchard once I make it through this line. You take a break, look around, maybe get some more wine,” he winked.

  Smiling, Jane got up and kissed her husband on the cheek.

  “Meet you outside then,” she said playfully.

  Richard attentively looked at his wife as she strutted outside the store, quickly helping herself to another glass of wine, and talking to one or two people that were around her. He smiled to himself.

  As she poured another half-glass of red wine, the sun was high up in the sky, casting oppressive glaring rays at her and the numerous people all around her. The orchard was bustling with people now, all of them tasting wine, and dancing slowly to some charming foreign music that appeared to have come straight out of the streets of Florence.

  She looked far out into the orchard, where the bushes and exotic tress offered a bit more shade and calm. A lot of people were out there too. Some were dancing sensuously to the music, some were reading a book alone, there was even one couple kissing passionately.

  Though she indulged her husband by attending, Jane found his book-signing events boring and repetitive. However the nice abidance and liberal flow of wine made this one a bit more bearable. Sipping some more from her glass, Jane began to feel a little tipsy as she started making her way to the shade trees to relax.


  A charming jolly voice made her turn around. It was Caesar Wiles.

  “Oh Mr. Wiles” she smiled back.

  “No. Call me Caesar,” he repeated. “I insist.”

  Caesar drifted confidently towards her, one step at a time

  “Care to dance?” He asked as he extended his right arm chivalrously.

  Jane looked over, past Caesar’s shoulders at the book-store she had left behind.

  “Well, my husband-“

  “-is busy,” smirked the young man, taking Jane by her arm and putting her glass on a table nearby.

  Leading her onto the main dancing ground, Caesar complimented her.

  “You, my lady, are a beauty,” he said, smiling.

  Jane blushed again and the pair began to sway with the music. Jane began to lose herself in the motion and the music and the feeling from the wine. All this while dancing with Caesar, Jane felt a stark difference in him as compared to her husband. This man, despite being infectiously jolly, was highly commanding. Though he hadn’t made her do anything, he seemingly was able to compel her thinking. The way he held her, the way he moved and talked… it was all very convincing.

  “You dance well,” whispered Caesar into her ear before swiftly, and without warning, licking her neck.

  “Whoa. What was THAT all about?” asked Jane silently to herself

  As if sensing this very question, Caesar touched her waist and leaned in close.

  “Just some monkey business,” he snickered.

  “Excuse me?” Jane asked this time, rather loudly.

  But Caesar wasn’t the slightest bit taken aback. It was as if he anticipated each moment that they were spending together, as if the universe and the very soil he walked upon existed for the very purpose of serving him. He kissed Jane lightly on the cheek, and she felt an irresistible force as Caesar led her from the main dancing ground to a near-deserted corner. The exotic music still playing, this newfound couple danced an erotic dance, unlike all the other couples around them.

  Caesar was deceptively close to Jane, turning her back, rubbing his crotch on her ass. He pressed himself onto her before turning her towards him again. He was seeing how far he could push her as he pulled her in and kissed her neck once again. This time it was a much
more prolonged kiss.

  From inside the store, Richard looked out for his wife as a few more patrons dotingly stepped up to him to sign their books. Putting on a fake smile, Richard signed the copies, but was visibly distracted. He continued glancing out the window every few moments, looking out amidst the crowd of dancing and merry-making humans. His wife was not to be found.


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