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The Wolfs Maine

Page 9

by Jinni James

  "I knew it! I knew there was something up with that bastard!" It didn't make sense to me.

  "John, wouldn't I have known if Nicholas was a vampire? I mean come on we were together for years." I said questionably.

  "Ava Hun, you didn't know any of us existed so why would you have thought anything about Nicholas? Even if he was acting weird, you probably chalked it up to him being tired or just strange. I bet if you thought about it you might realize there were a few things that were weird that can be explained now, if he truly is a vampire. If he is then he is much more powerful than we first thought. This is why we need to act on this now. Michael and I will go out with a few more people and try to find him, you girls can stay here and our friend Andrew will stay with you." That's when I jumped off the couch.

  "The hell you say we're staying here. There's no fucking way we're staying here while you go hunt down Nicholas. I have changed, I can help now." John jumped up as well and walked me over to the bar where we could talk alone.

  "Ava you just changed. You don't even know how to turn willingly yet or how to control it. Besides, if anything were to happen to you I would die. Now that I finally have you I can't imagine life without you." I was defeated. There was no way he was going to let me go. It was probably safer this way anyway. Although the thought of him battling Nicholas again tore me apart, I mean look at what happened the last time. Nicholas almost killed him so I can understand him not wanting me to go.

  I walked back over with everyone else and sat back down. It was settled, the love of my life and his friends were going to go hunt down my possibly vampire ex-boyfriend; and Jaci, Lena, and I would hang around the house with a babysitter. Joy. Why did I feel like a teenager who had been grounded? Then we heard a knock at the door.

  "That must be them. Let’s go check out the eye candy because if they look anything like John and Michael I'm going to be in eye candy heaven!" Jaci blurted out. Jaci's mind was always in the gutter.

  John opened the door and let them in, introducing each one as they entered. The first guy to walk in had jet black hair with green eyes, something I had never seen. He was tall and lean. He wasn’t as muscular as the others but not skinny. He had a five o'clock shadow that most women love. The man must have loved black because that's all he was wearing, black t-shirt, black jeans, and black boots.

  "This is Victor." The name suited him.

  The next guy to come through the door was very much blonde hair and blue eyed. He was a walking Abercrombie and Fitch model. He was a tad shorter than the rest but cut. I mean you could see his abs through his Ralph Lauren polo. He looked like the type of guy you hope to see at the beach.

  "And this is Andrew. He will be staying with you girls while we look for Nicholas." Andrew bowed slightly but when he came up his eyes were locked on Lena.

  "I'm happy to be here and no worries. I will make sure nothing happens to any of you. I'm sure we'll be bored more than anything." Right now, that was a comforting thought. John came over and kissed me goodbye and a subtle smack on the butt and whispered in my ear.

  "I will be back before you know it and everything will be fine. You and I will begin our much long overdue life together." Then John and his friends were gone.

  "So what do we want to do?" Jaci is going to be the hard one to keep still. She's used to eighty hour days in the ER not sitting around the house. Suddenly we heard a noise and couldn't place what on Earth it was. Andrew was standing in the living room with a remote in hand while this huge flat screen just started dropping out of the ceiling.

  "You girls could have a movie night or a show marathon and I make a mean martini." I did not know if Lena noticed the slight wink Andrew just gave her or if she would even care. She has never been the one to jump into things with men. I realized it could be because she always thought she was weird but now that she knows there are others like her that might just get her to open up a bit. Jaci was already going through the TV guide app on her iPhone.

  "Oh you guys! There's a Sex and the City marathon on right now! Aces. Give me the remote sexy!" Jaci grabbed the remote out of Andrews’s hand which he gladly handed over and she plopped down on the couch where Lena and I soon followed.

  Andrew went and hung out behind the bar. He brought us all kinds of different martinis. He had Cosmos, Apple-tini's, Sky blue martinis, and the list went on and on. They were all different colors, pink, blue, green, just every color you could think of was sitting on this platter.

  We drank and watched our marathon for hours. Actually Jaci and I watched our marathon. Lena however, was over at the bar with Andrew talking. They would make a cute couple if it went that way. I felt my phone vibrate and saw it was a text from John.

  ‘No luck tonight. That bastard is smart. I hope you’re having a good time. We are headed back now. See you soon my love.’

  I just could not help my smile every time he text me or called me or looked at me.

  "Hey everyone! John just texted Ava!" Jaci was giggling like a school girl.

  "Thank you Jaci."

  "So what did Mr. Hottie say?" She was definitely drunk.

  "He said they had no luck tonight and they are headed back now." I was so happy he was on his way back but the other part of me was upset that they had not found Nicholas.

  I know I won't be able to rest until I no longer have to worry about that man or vampire if he is one. John is right though, the more I think about it the more his weird behavior is starting to make sense. The strange times he would come home, the temper, the barely eating anything even though he always made me make dinner every night, and he definitely was paler than most. I just thought it was because he was rarely out in the sun ever.

  All I wanted now was for John to be here and wrap his arms around me. I have no idea how I have existed so long without him. Suddenly we all heard a loud thump at the door like someone or something ran right into it. All four of us jumped.

  "That was weird." Lena looked worried but Andrew just laughed.

  "It was probably a stray animal that just ran into the door." You could tell we were all unsettled now. There was no relaxing anymore. Then we hear it again only harder this time. Jaci jumped up.

  "Okay. What in the hell is that? And don't tell me an animal." We hear it again and again but this time it wasn’t just at the door. It sounded like it was traveling up the side of the house.

  "Oh my God did you see that?" Jaci was turning ghost white. I put my arm around her so hopefully she would calm down.

  "What Jaci?"

  "I thought I saw someone in the window." It was that very second that someone came crashing through the window, glass and wood flying everywhere.


  I couldn't breathe. I couldn't believe my eyes. He looked completely different. His eyes were blood red and he was definitely even more pale than normal then he flashed his teeth.

  "So it's true!" He looked at me eye to eye, so close I could feel his breath in my face.

  "What's true my dear? That I am a vampire? Why yes it is true. Did your boyfriend warn you about that?" I'm sure I was ghost white right about now. What was I going to do? John wasn't here. "Nicholas no! Why are you doing this?" Nicholas grinned at me and yet it was enough to scare even more. He looked like he was out for blood. My blood. I felt cold all over.

  "Well sweetheart, you betrayed me and I don't take kindly to my wife shacking up with some guy she hardly knows. I spent so much time taking care of you." Now scared went to pissed, cold went to hot.

  "Taking care of me? Are you kidding me? You treated me like a prisoner! I couldn't do anything! You wanted a maid and a chef, not a wife! You work all day every day even on the weekends! The last time you touched me was, hell I can't even remember. You have done a lot of things Nicholas, but taking care of me was not one of them. Oh, and stop calling me your wife and sweetheart. The last thing I am to you is your wife. I have never been your wife! Just because we live together for years does not make you my husband!" That struck a c

  "Regardless of your feelings, a girlfriend is supposed to stay loyal! Especially a live in girlfriend is supposed to cook and clean her house for her boyfriend and be there for him when he gets home from work. A real girlfriend is supposed to stay home and not go out doing God only knows what around town! You are mine!"

  I looked him right in the eye, I knew what he was there to do and now I wasn't scared anymore. I could feel the anger boiling inside me like a fire trying to bust out. If I didn't know any better I would swear my eyes were blood red.

  "Oh my God Ava!" I could hear Jaci screaming, but all I could think about was that beautiful white wolf John told me about. I knew my body was not the same anymore. I was no longer lean, normal, black hair, hazel eyed Avalon anymore.

  Now I was a strong white wolf ready to defend myself and my family. Lena and Andrew were right behind me and had changed as well. It seemed like the wolf was a popular choice in these situations and why not? Like John said the wolf is a very misunderstood animal.

  Chapter Eleven

  Nicholas was not fazed at all by seeing me transform into a wolf. It is as if he knew I would someday.

  "Haha. My dear Ava, you finally became like your parents. I had been waiting for that for a long time." I had no idea what he meant by that but I was growing increasingly angry. I felt myself snarl making him aware of my impatience.

  "Ava sweetheart, I will look forward to killing you just as I killed your parents." That was it. It seemed impossible to feel as much anger and hatred as I did at that moment. I came unglued and jumped right towards him, teeth barring, and growling with anger.

  Lena and Andrew were right behind me but Nicholas was out of the way before any of our feet hit the floor. It looked as if he was going straight for Jaci so I jumped over there as fast as I could and knocked her out of the way. She looked stone cold and why wouldn't she be? She was probably terrified seeing her two best friends transform into wolves and a crazy vampire ready to kill us all. Jaci ran out the front door as soon as she could get near it and left us three to take care of Nicholas.

  The taking care of Nicholas part was not as easy as one would think. Vampires were very fast. The minute you thought you had him he would disappear and then he would appear in another part of the room. How did anyone kill these things? Where in the hell was John? While Nicholas was coming up on Lena, Andrew jumped him from behind. He only had him for about a minute before Nicholas was gone again. Finally I heard John, Michael, and Victor come back.

  "What in the hell is going on?" I growled at John hoping he would understand and obviously it worked because they noticed Nicholas from across the room come flying at them. All three phased and jumped right at Nicholas. I was hoping with three of them plus us if needed we could get Nicholas down.

  Victor turned into a solid black wolf with bright yellow eyes. It was like looking at two suns in the middle of the night. I knew he was on our side but he still scared me. John, Michael, and Victor had Nicholas cornered and just when I thought they were going to rip him to pieces he disappeared. Then I heard the scariest sound I have ever heard. Jaci was screaming and obviously running because the sound of her screaming became quieter and quieter.

  All five of us took off as fast as we could. I still felt weird in this body like I haven't actually gotten used to it yet and why would I? I had only changed once and I don't even remember that because it was in the middle of the change. However, instincts took over and right now my instincts were telling me to get to Jaci before Nicholas did. I ran as fast as my new legs would take me. John and the rest were way ahead probably because they were used to this body. By the time I caught up, Nicholas had Jaci in front of him with his hand around her throat. None of us knew what to do at that point. Do we jump Nicholas with Jaci or do we let him go and hope he leaves Jaci behind?

  "All of you back off or I won't even try to kill this little girl here. I will just turn her instead while all of you watch." Turn her? What was he talking about turning her? I watched as John and Lena took a giant step forward.

  "I won't hesitate to do it. Ask Avalon. She knows me so well. She knows what an ass I am." He smirked. I looked over at John and I could literally see the wheels turning in his head. He knows how much Jaci means to me so I know he is sitting there trying to figure out how to get her back safe and unharmed. I could not see a good ending coming out of this. Slowly the wolves started backing off. John and Michael looked at each other and took off towards the house.

  "I believe your friends have started to come to their senses Ava dear." I growled.

  I could not stand him calling me that and the sight of him holding Jaci like an animal was killing me. My blood was officially boiling. Sometimes being in this form did not help considering we couldn’t talk. What were John and Michael doing? Lena, Andrew, Victor, and I all stood there not willing to take our eyes off of Nicholas and Jaci to save our lives. I could hear footsteps in the woods coming this way. What were we going to do if it were hikers? Lucky for us it was John and Michael but in human form.

  "All right Nicholas. Let Jaci go and you can go where ever it is your wanting to go and we will not interfere, for now." John stood there unwavering, strong, and confident, everything I knew he was and even now he takes my breath away. Nicholas laughs.

  "For now? If you let me go you will never be able to find me." John takes a step forward and I know he can feel my eyes burning a hole through him.

  "That is where you’re wrong. Even if we cannot find you, you will come back for Ava. You want her gone and you will make sure you do it. You won't be able to leave and never return. Your pride won't allow it." Nicholas took a step back knowing John had him figured out.

  "What makes you so sure she won't leave you as well? I’ve watched her since the day she was born. I’ve wanted revenge on her family for so long and she was the perfect way to get it. So your right, I won't stop until I have finished what I started. She is the only one left." I couldn't help the snarl that escaped from within me. I wanted nothing more than to pounce and kill him. I knew that would put Jaci's life in even more danger than she was already in. John then looked over at me and smiled.

  "Ava love, why don't you, Lena, Andrew and Victor go back to the house, phase, then come back here. I'm sure we will have all of this straightened out as soon as you get back." I wasn't buying it. He walked over to me and put his arm around me and urged me to go back. I was worried. I didn't want to leave Jaci or him for that matter. Nicholas was right; I knew what he was capable of. However, I liked the idea of phasing back and being able to talk again so I started back towards the house, Lena and the others followed. I turned and looked at Jaci one more time. She looked at me like she was trying to tell me she would be okay however I wasn't buying it. I took off in a dead run with the others behind me. I had to get to the house, phase, and get back to her.

  We got to the house relatively quick, phased, put clothes on and headed back out. I was terrified of what I might stumble on to. I would not be able to live with myself if any of them got hurt and Nicholas seemed powerful enough to hurt them all. We ran back as fast as we could on two legs. It felt so much better to be back on two feet, four is definitely going to take some getting used to.

  By the time we returned I could hardly believe my eyes. Nicholas, John, and Michael were all screaming at each other. Every step John and Michael took forward Nicholas he would take three or four away from them. It was making it difficult to catch up but we could still hear them faintly yelling at each other.

  "Let her go Nicholas!"

  "NO! Not until you all head back towards your precious little house!"

  "How are we sure you’re going to let her go once we turn around and head back?" I could hear Nicholas laugh.

  "You just have to trust me." Nicholas wasn't going to let her go. He was going to kill her; there was no question about it in my mind.

  Just then, Jaci stomped on his foot causing him to release the hold he had on her neck and she took off
running the only problem was she didn't take off towards us, she took off in the opposite direction. Nicholas was pissed now and took off after her and then we all took off after him. Being that we were all human and therefore not as fast as him. We got close enough to see Jaci on the ground and Nicholas bent over her.

  "Get away from her!" I was fully prepared to kill the man myself. When he stood up he had blood dripping down his chin and the worst most evil smile I had ever seen in my life. I could hear him but he didn't speak the words out loud it was like he was talking in my head.

  "That is for you my dear. I will see you soon." With those words he was gone. It was like he disappeared in thin air. All I could think about was getting to Jaci. She was lying on the ground, thrashing, and screaming in pain. There was a huge bite mark in her neck where Nicholas obviously bit her and blood was everywhere. I knelled down next to her and pressed my hands at her neck.

  "It's going to be okay Jaci. We will take care of you." John put his hand on my shoulder.

  "She's changing sweetie."

  "What do you mean changing? Changing into what?"

  "She’s changing into a Vampire." Oh my God this cannot be happening! My best friend is turning into a vampire? What would this mean for all of us?

  "What does that mean John? What do we do? Can we stop it?" John knelt down beside me and wrapped one arm around my waist and pressed his head to mine.

  "We cannot stop it. All we can do is take care of her until the change is over which usually takes about forty eight hours. I'm going to warn you now that some people do not survive this. The chances of her making it through are okay but they will be greater once we get her somewhere safe. She is going to be in a lot of pain and in and out of consciousness." I could feel the tears falling down my cheeks. I never wanted anything like this to happen to her. What was I going to do if I lost her? No, I can't think like that. I will take care of her until the change is complete and have them explain everything to me in order to help her once she is changed. I have to.


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