The Wolfs Maine

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The Wolfs Maine Page 10

by Jinni James

  "Okay. Then let’s get her back to the house." John scooped Jaci up like she weighed nothing and carried her back to the house. Once back he laid her down in the guest room, tied her down, and came back downstairs. He knew I wouldn't be able to handle that and he was right.

  So we all gathered in the living room wore out, confused, and anxious.

  "Alright so we have Nicholas running around only God knows where, I mean he could be right outside our front door for all we know and we have a woman changing into a vampire upstairs." As if on cue Jaci let out a horrible scream. I got up to go up there to be with her when John grabbed my hand.

  "She will be fine for the next twenty minutes sweetheart. We need to figure out what we are going to do." I sat back down and listened to him. He was right; she would be fine for twenty minutes. "So anyway like I was saying I think we should stay here and help Jaci through the change and then go somewhere else that Nicholas doesn't know about. The girls could help Jaci get used to the change, hell Ava is still getting used to it as well and we can go find Nicholas." Michael was already nodding in agreement.

  "That seems to be the smartest idea right now. The girls could be somewhere safe and we could be hunting down Nicholas. We need to go somewhere pretty far from here but somewhere not very conspicuous. He would surely find us in a widely popular place like New York or L.A. He knows too many people."

  "Your right, Michael. However, I feel like going too far away will not help us at this point. I have a beautiful house up in Millinocket, Maine. We could hide out there. Nicholas will not be looking there I am sure."

  “Millinocket?” Everyone shouted at once it almost hurt my ears. John smirked at the response.

  "Yes, Millinocket. It is a former mill town in northern Maine. It only has around five thousand residents. It’s perfect for hiding. Now if this is too much and you want no more part in it please just let me know and you can leave."

  Lena finally broke her silence. "He turned my best friend into a vampire and is trying to kill my other one. I'm going."

  "If Lena is going so am I." It seems Andrew is growing quite fond of my friend Lena. We were waiting on Victor at this point since we all knew where ever John goes then Michael would be going too.

  "I will join you as well. Why not? I've got nothing keeping me here." It looked like everything was settled. John stood up and started shaking hands with the boys.

  "You all go get what you need and we will take care of things here." Lena stood up and started walking towards the stairs.

  "I'm going to go check on Jaci. I have everything I need and whatever else I may need or want I will get when we get there. Avalon, you and John spend these few minutes together before we head out and I'll sit with Jaci." Lena walked up the stairs and the boys had already left. It was only John and I.

  "So tell me John."

  "That I love you?" He was so quick with the response.

  "Seems like it's been days since I have said that last." John pulled my body closer to his and I could feel the heat coming off of him and I gave into it. I laid my head down on his shoulder and breathed in his cologne. He always smelled so amazing.

  "So John. Tell me what the plans are."

  "I do not want to talk about that right now. We have plenty of time to talk about that love. Right now just let me hold you."

  I let John hold me for a few minutes and I felt content like this is where I belong. I had never felt this in my entire life. I never felt like I belonged anywhere. Sure my aunt was wonderful but I always felt different like she and I never really connected. I always thought it was because I wasn't really her daughter. She loved me and took care of me but I am sure there was always that thought in the back of her head that missed the way it was before she had to take care of me. She used to go out on the town, date all the time, and party it up, that’s what I was told. Then my parents died and she had to take care of me. What a burden. Although she never acted like it was a burden. I will miss her so much.

  "John, was my aunt a shape shifter as well?"

  "No sweetheart she wasn't. She knew your parents were but did not want much to do with it. She loved your parents but was happier in the dark."

  "That explains it then."

  "Explains what?"

  "Why she seemed so distant from me." John kissed my forehead and then placed it against my own.

  "She was always worried you were going to change and she would not know how to handle it. That was her greatest fear." My poor aunt! Now because of my idiocy she was gone. I wanted to change the subject and fast or I would start crying.

  "John what are we going to do about Jaci? How is she going to change?"

  "Well, right now she is going through the change. This is the hardest and probably most painful part. She will go in and out of consciousness like you did and will be in a lot of pain. It usually only takes forty eight hours and then she should be fine. However not everyone can survive it because it is that painful but I get a feeling that Jaci is a very strong woman." He barely knew Jaci but he got that right. Jaci was one of the strongest women I have ever met. She never wanted to have to rely on a man. She worked through high school then worked through college as well until she became the doctor she is today. She may work long and crazy hours but she would not have it any other way. She takes care of herself and can see who she wants to see and answers to no one. She has yet to really have a serious relationship just because she wants to be on her own and her job makes that difficult. I have no idea how she will continue her life once she is a vampire.

  "So how will she be after she has changed?"

  "It varies honey. She could be just fine and back to normal, except for she will have to learn to feed and live hidden in society among humans you know, without killing them. It can be a long and hard process. Sometimes in rare cases someone might lose their mind and not figure any of this out and go on a rampage and have to be dealt with but I really do not see that happening to Jaci." The more he explained the more nervous I got.

  "Okay, so what I can I do to help her?"

  "Well Ava dear you can go be with her. Talk to her. Let her know that she is not alone. Once she is changed we will need all of our help teach her how to adapt. I even have a friend in Alabama that's a vampire and he can come up here and help as well." I could hear Jaci screaming again. She must have woken up. John gave me a slight nudge and a quick kiss.

  "Go be with your friend. The guys will be back any minute and we'll discuss how to hunt for Nicholas." I smiled and started for the stairs. I would help her in any way I could.

  "Oh Ava."

  "Yes love?"

  "I love you." My heart sank with those words.

  "I love you too John." I heard a knock at the door and assumed it was the guys back to hang with John until we can all leave. I ran upstairs to be with Jaci.

  Once I got up the stairs her screams were even louder and Lena was there trying to talk her down but there was no talking her down. She was screaming and thrashing around on the bed. You could tell she was in a tremendous amount of pain. Lena held one arm of Jaci's trying to stop her from coming off the bed. I walked over and held on to the other arm while trying to talk to her but it was difficult to talk through her screaming.

  The chains holding her down weren't doing a lot of good. Lena and I kept talking to her and trying to reassure her that she would make it through, that everything would be okay and that we were there for her. Whether she heard us or not, I doubt we'll ever know. Michael suddenly came running up the stairs and in her room. He had something in his hand but I could not tell what it was until he got closer to her. He had a syringe!

  "Michael! What are you doing?"

  "This will help her. Trust me." I did. For whatever reason I felt I could trust him. Why wouldn't I? He helped me, John, and was now going to go with us to hunt down my sadistic ex. Of course I would trust him. He gave Jaci the shot in one arm while Lena and I held it still and within a few minutes Jaci went quiet. She was unconscious a

  "What the hell did you just give her?"

  "I gave her something to calm her down and relieve some of the pain. It won't take it away completely but it will dull it for a little while anyway. It won't last long. Her body is constantly changing. We will need to hook her up to an IV and get blood in her tomorrow probably. Her body is going to use up every last bit of blood she has for this change and she is going to need more. Plus it will help her thirst for it when she wakes up. We will run out tomorrow and get the equipment." At least something helped calm her. I had no idea how to help her. I still had no idea how I was going to make it another day. Michael walked back down stairs as John was coming up.

  "I came to check on Jaci. Is she okay?" I know I must have looked exhausted. Every cell in my body felt drained.

  "She is okay for now. Thanks to Michael."

  "Good I am glad. Why don't you and Lena take shifts tonight that way you both can get some rest? Maybe you can sit with Jaci for a few hours and then Lena can come relieve you. I know you both must be worn out." Lena popped up like he offered her a million dollars.

  "Oh I would love that! Avalon, do you mind staying with her first?" I could not help but laugh.

  "No Lena its fine. You go get some rest." John winked at me and led Lena to a spare bedroom.

  I could not believe how many rooms he had in this house. I'm sure everyone had their own bedroom, and once Lena rested and came back I would go find John and curl up with him in his. The idea alone made me smile like a giddy school girl. Jaci let out a small moan and I hoped it was just her sleeping. I hated the thought of her in pain. It appeared like she was resting a bit more comfortably. I was just ready for all of this to be over. Until then I would lie there with Jaci and dream.

  Chapter Twelve

  I laid there with Jaci and watched her sleep. She only woke a few times but luckily she did not scream. She just moaned a little and tried to re-adjust herself. It’s probably hard to do when you’re strapped to a bed though. I don't know what Michael gave her but it made a world of difference. Once she was resting quietly again I would lay my head back down next to her. It felt like I was only asleep for five minutes before Lena was shaking me awake.

  "Avalon! Wake up. I can take it from here." I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I couldn't believe Lena was already here to take over.

  "What time is it?"

  "It's three o'clock in the morning. Go rest a little with John and I will take care of Jaci. Everything go alright?"

  "She has been fine. A little moaning here and there but I would talk to her and she would calm down. Nothing like it was before." Lena seemed so much more relaxed now that everyone knew about her and she realized she wasn't alone.

  "Okay Lena. If you need anything just come get me. John's room is the one straight down the hall and to the left."

  "Sweet dreams Avalon. That is if you sleep." Lena let out a giggle and gave me a slight push towards the door. I must say I like this easy going and happy Lena.

  I make it to John's door and I have to stop for a minute and take a breath. The man I love, really love… is on the other side of this door. He is probably sleeping peacefully so I should be quiet. I creep open the door then try shut it behind me just as quietly. Luckily he left his bathroom light on and the door cracked so I could still see. He thinks of everything. I started to make my way over to the bed when I heard John moving around.

  "Hello beautiful."

  "John. You should be sleeping." He let out a little laugh and rolled over to face me.

  "It's a funny thing. I used to be able to sleep just fine but just the thought of you in another room of my house now causes me not to sleep at all. I think I may have dozed off a time or two but nothing all that long really. Now strip those clothes off and get into bed with me."

  I was thanking the heavens that it was dark in here because I know I was blushing. I had been with a few men before but I had never experienced feelings like this. Sex was always just sex. It was an act, nothing special. Now it was like a drug. The passion, the chemistry, and the connection were enough to make someone lose their mind. It was addicting.

  I striped off my clothes until I was completely exposed and exposed was the perfect word for it too. I had never been totally exposed to anyone in my life but John made me feel so comfortable. He lifted the sheets for me to get in and then wrapped his strong arms around me as he nuzzled my ear.

  "Breathe my Ava." He reminded me, as I let out a long breath and sighed. Again I could hear the sounds of the water crashing against the lighthouse outside and the bugs of the night singing away. I could hear the sound of him breathing; I think that was my favorite sound of all. He nuzzled up near my ear again and pulled me in tighter.

  "Are you tired?" He was playing dirty by nibbling at my ear and neck as he asked knowing damn well I'm not going to be tired with him doing that. Now I had no trouble breathing at all in fact it was beginning to escalate rapidly.

  "No John my love. I am not tired." He rolled me over onto my back and was facing me.

  "I am so in love with you. I have loved you for years Ava. I can hardly believe your here now. I'm afraid this is all a dream and I am going to wake up and you will be gone." Tears began to fall from my eyes. I could feel them rolling down my cheeks.

  "I love you too. This might sound crazy but I feel like I have known you my entire life."

  "It is because you have."

  With those words he kissed each and every tear from my face then kissed my lips. His lips were so soft against mine. We were so connected so in sync that when the kiss got more intense it was both of us getting there. My insecurities were gone when I was with him because he made me feel like the only woman in the world. He kept kissing me as his hands explored my body. One hand was at my hip while the other was traveling up my arm. As he suckled my bottom lip he bent down and took one of my hard nipples into his mouth. I had to bite my lip to stop from screaming. Lord knows this whole house didn't need to hear what was going on in here. He kissed down my torso and down my belly until he came to my thighs. He kissed each thigh as he opened them and I was more than happy to let him. He stayed down there for a minute just looking up at me. I had no idea what he was doing.

  "You are so beautiful." That killed me. I could roll over and die right now but not until I felt him inside me. I urged him up to me as well as I could using my thighs and my hands to send the message. He read the signal very well. John would do what I asked silently but he would kiss his trail right back up to me making sure to hit every spot as before. As soon as he was in reach I let my fingers run through his gorgeous dark hair. His gray blue eyes so amazing it was like I could see through to his very soul which was now quickly becoming one of my favorite things about him.

  Finally I could kiss him again and made it known what I wanted. If I did not feel him inside me soon, I was going to go insane. He was very good at reading my signals, I wondered if it was because he knew me so well; but at this moment I didn't care. He thrust into me just as I needed, slowly at first but as soon as I started moving my hips harder he began to move faster until we were both in sync. All of a sudden he stops and I'm sure he could read the confusion on my face even with the low lighting.

  "Roll over Ava love. I want to be behind you."

  I did as he asked although I was never a fan of this position, I was happy to please him. Once he entered me again I thought I was going to go unconscious. It felt amazing feeling with his chest and stomach against my back as he thrust deeper. He moved my hair to the side and was kissing my neck and nibbling my ear making it very hard to hold my screams inside. He thrust faster and harder until we both reached our peak at the exact same time and I could not hold in the scream any longer and apparently neither could he. We both collapsed next to each other completely satisfied and now exhausted. If I wasn't tired before I sure was now. Finally with one more look at him darkness overcame me.

  I could feel something or someone pulling my hair and I began to fade ba
ck into consciousness. I could smell a hint of coffee in the air. Oh the sweet smell of coffee. How did anyone live without coffee? When I could get my eyes to open I realized it was John that was pulling my hair. Or not so much pulling it but playing with it. He kept twisting it around his fingers and letting it go and moving little strands to one area or another.

  "Good morning beautiful. I thought you could use some coffee before going and taking care of Jaci." Okay, the man knew me too well; I was definitely not going to complain. John handed me the coffee mug and I let the smell overwhelm my nostrils. It was made perfectly too, not too much sugar and the perfect little hint of cream. I never understood people killing the taste of coffee with a ton of other stuff. I had not heard Jaci screaming anymore since last night. I was hoping whatever it was Michael gave her was keeping her somewhat peaceful.

  "Have you heard anything about Jaci yet?" I couldn't help but ask.

  "Michael went in this morning and put in the IV with the blood. Hopefully that will stop her from feeling much more pain and it will help with her hunger." John kissed my forehead as he eased my cup back up to my lips. God the coffee tasted good.

  "Hunger right. Is she going to want to… eat from us?" I gulped as soon as the words came out. The thought made me nervous. John let out a small laugh and brushed his fingers down my cheek.

  "You are such a worry wart. No sweetheart. Vampires don't like the taste of shape shifters at all. Apparently we are pretty bitter." He let out another laugh.

  "They only feed on humans. Humans have the most pure blood and usually they don't take enough to kill them thank goodness. Although some vampires that go rogue tend to suck them dry but that won't be Jaci." I sighed in relief just hoping he was right.


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