The Wolfs Maine

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The Wolfs Maine Page 11

by Jinni James

  "Alright Ava love. I have washed your clothes and they are waiting for you in the bathroom. If you need anything just let me know. The guys and I are going to be talking and figuring out how to hunt Nicholas. Take care of your friends."

  He winked at me and smacked my butt as I stood up and started walking over to the bathroom. Coffee still in hand I might add. I showered and changed as quickly as I could because I was so worried about Jaci. I know John said she was alright but I would not be satisfied until I saw her for myself.

  As soon as I threw my clothes on and brushed through this nest of hair I ran to Jaci's room. Jaci seemed to be resting okay and Lena was still lying with her head next to Jaci.

  "Good morning Lena. How is she?" Lena rose up and stretched her arms out. She actually looks like she had been sleeping pretty well.

  "We only had a couple moments were she seemed restless but other than that it's been somewhat peaceful. The more I talk to her the more peaceful she seems. Avalon, I can't believe Nicholas did this to her. I am so sorry you had to deal with him for so long. None of us saw this coming." I could see Lena felt terrible. Honestly before he was just an ass; now he was a dangerous ass.

  "It's okay. Honestly. I can't believe it most of the time myself. I keep thinking I am going to wake up from a dream and Jaci will be coming through the door with her Starbucks. I have to make sure she is okay and makes it through." I took Lena's hand as well as Jaci's.

  "We are in this together."

  "Together." Lena agreed. A few moments later Andrew came in with coffee in hand; he could not take his eyes off Lena even when he acknowledged me.

  "I brought you some coffee Lena. I thought you might need it. We have been talking and we all agree that the best thing to do is get ready to head out. The longer we stay here the more danger it puts us in. Since Jaci seems to have gotten past the worst part of it we can carry her along without much worry. I suggest getting your bags packed and pack up some things for Jaci and we can begin to head to Millinocket." He walked out of the room and Lena and I just stared at each other.

  "Do you have any idea why John wants to go to Millinocket?"

  "Honestly Lena, I'm not sure. Probably because it's secluded whereas somewhere like New York wouldn't be.”

  "True, I suppose." Lena and I got up and started getting our things together. I ran to John's room to get my stuff packed up and Lena had hers already in the room with Jaci.

  As I was putting things in my bag I felt two arms wrap around me from behind. I could always tell when it was John's arms around me because they were strong but gentle. I loved feeling them.

  "Are you ready for this Ava?" I had to smile.

  "If I am with you then I am ready."

  "Even if we have to kill Nicholas? You know you once loved him." I turned so I could face him. He needed to see the truth in my eyes as I spoke.

  "No. I thought I loved him. But it was all fake and a lie. I wanted to be in love so badly I made myself think I was in love with him but now after meeting you, I now know what love is. I know what love really feels like and I will never settle for less again. Plus, that bastard killed my family and turned my best friend into a vampire. You can kill the son of a bitch." John laughed and kissed me for a short second.

  "I love when you get all feisty." He kissed me again once on the lips then on the forehead.

  “The car is ready for us whenever we are ready to go."

  "I can see the wheels in your pretty little head turning." He walked back over to me and placed his forehead against mine.

  "I know we still have a lot of things to talk about and I am sure you have many questions and I promise to answer them. We will have time to talk and I promise we will; but right now I want to get us all somewhere safe. Especially Jaci."

  "You are right. Let’s go." John took me by the hand and led me to Jaci's room where everyone else was waiting.

  "Are we all set? Are the cars ready to go Michael?" Michael gave a nod.

  “Okay then; Ava, you and Lena follow Andrew and Victor to the cars and Michael and I will carry Jaci down." Lena and I followed the guys to the cars.

  We walked out the front door to find three black BMW's all waiting and facing the road, like they were expecting a quick getaway. I swear it almost looked like the secret service was driving around.

  Lena got in one of the cars with Andrew, of course and I settled into the one I knew was John's and Victor took the third. A few moments later John and Michael were on their way down with Jaci.

  Michael was carrying Jaci in his arms while John was right behind him holding the IV up. I was wondering how they were going to pull that off. Michael laid Jaci down in the back of the third car with Victor then jumped into the front seat next to him while John came and got in the car with me. I couldn't stop myself from looking back at his beautiful house as we drove away. I absolutely loved John's house. It was the first place to feel like home in a long time. It was almost heart breaking to leave. I felt a warm hand brush away a tear I hadn't even realized was falling.

  "We will be back, sweetheart. Once everything is said and done we will be back." He was right. As soon as we helped Jaci through her transition and they find Nicholas and take care of that mess we would be coming back. This was home. This was where I belong. Now that I found it I was never going to be without it again. I still wasn't thrilled about Millinocket but at least we were still in Maine and knowing we would be coming back home made me feel better.

  As I watch the beautiful log house fade away in the distance all I could think of was John and I and our future. We had all the time in the world ahead of us and I was looking forward to spending it with him. The house finally faded into the woods as I looked to John.

  "Promise?" I asked.

  "With all of my love Ava, I promise."

  Chapter Thirteen

  It was foggy. All I could see in front of me was trees and a long winding road. Nothing special and nothing stuck out. I was just walking down this long dirt road. All of a sudden I hear foot steps behind me but when I turn I do not see anyone. I turn back around and begin walking only to hear foot steps behind me breaking the little twigs that were in the road. As I turn I once again see nothing but fog.

  What was I doing out here anyway? Why was I alone? I do not even know where I am going. All I know is I am following a road. I may not be able to see anything but I can hear plenty. I can hear owls in the distance and bugs galore. The bugs sure were talking tonight. I could still hear something behind me and what was worse was it was getting closer. Who could be following me? I could finally see a house in the distance with its lights on but I already knew I was not going to be able to make it. The footsteps got closer and I could feel my heart beat speed up. I tried to calm myself like John taught me but when you’re being stalked by something or someone it is extremely hard.

  Whoever was following me was now right up on me. I could feel their breath on my neck. Should I turn around one more time or just take off in a dead run? Of course my mind was telling me to phase and run like hell but the stupid part of me turned around. It was Nicholas with his dark red eyes full of fury. He was there to kill me. Now the question was will I fight or succumb? Before I could answer my own question I could feel someone shaking me.

  "Ava dear wake up." My eyes opened to see my love. My John.

  "We are almost there. I thought I would wake you up so you can be ready." I had to clear my throat just to talk.

  "Okay. Thank you. How is Jaci?"

  "She is doing fine. Do not worry."

  How could I not worry? My best friend was turning into a vampire and we were hiding from my ex that wanted to kill us all like he had my family. There was plenty to worry about. I look over at the car next to us and it was Lena and Andrews. I don’t know what was going on with Lena and Andrew and I am not even sure if they know but they are cute together.

  I was still not very excited about going to Millinocket, Maine. I could barely stand the name of it. No, excite
d was not the word I would use at all but hopefully things will get taken care of fairly quickly and we can all go back home. I already miss my lovely Portland. I see John looking over at me every few seconds smiling at me. Just seeing John makes me smile no matter where we are going. He places his hand on top of mine. This is heaven.

  "We will be there in a just a couple more minutes love." I managed not to sound to blah about it.


  "Ava love, I know you’re not thrilled about this." I let out a slight huff and he put his finger under my chin and lifted my face so I could look at him.

  "You could let me finish before you huff at me." He winked at me and I could not help but let out a giggle.

  "There's my Ava. Okay back to what I was saying. I know you’re not thrilled but this will be taken care of quickly and who knows you may like it there."

  I was not so sure about that. I was perfectly happy in my quaint yet busy town in Maine. As we were driving I see fields. That's it. There was nothing but acres and acres of fields. There was nothing in them because it is winter. It just made everything look sad and empty. I saw a few businesses on the way but nothing big. Then we must have been driving through the town because I finally saw life. They actually have a city, a cute little city that was unexpected. It was a busy city at that.

  There were cars everywhere all going somewhere. We kept driving straight through the city it seems. It looked beautiful. We started driving down a long road with large amazing houses on each side of me. I didn’t think people here had houses like that. I mean I knew they would have houses maybe even nice houses but nothing like this. These were full blown mansions.

  As we were driving through the neighborhood we began to see fewer and fewer houses until I realized we were on his driveway. His house came into view. Boy, he liked being hidden behind trees and ducked out in the woods somewhere. Although I do not consider this woods but it was still a lot of trees.

  His house was magnificent. This one seemed to only be two stories. It was big, not as big as the one he has in Cape Elizabeth but the one there almost seemed like an over kill especially since it is just him. This one was just big enough to where it made all the others look small and it was painted white with beautiful white columns on each side of the French doors. There was a subtle yet pretty fountain in the front of the house with a wraparound driveway. It took my breath away to look at it. It looked like a house you would see in a movie or a dream but never in real life.

  We unload the car and John begins to show us around. The inside is just as beautiful as the outside. The living room was massive with huge windows and he had hard wood floors with a beautiful white rug in the middle of the room. The couch here was black with black chairs and there was a stone fireplace with a flat screen over it. The kitchen looked similar in size to the one in Cape Elizabeth except this was a Tuscan theme kitchen. It was of grapes, very pretty neutral colors and plenty of wine bottles. Some of the wine bottles were full and some were not. John gave everyone the tour and led them to the guest rooms. He told Michael to lay Jaci in the room that was two doors down from where we were going to be. I am sure he knew I would feel better with her near. John then proceeded to lead me to his bedroom.

  I didn’t expect what I saw when I walked in. I was expecting black everywhere like a typical guy. To my surprise, it was white, totally and completely white. He had white sheets and comforter on the bed which had a white headboard and seemed to sit on a white platform. The curtains were white. Placed beautifully next to the window was a chaise lounge, in none other but white. The floors were a beautiful dark red color wood and there was a white rug in the middle of the floor. It was like walking into a cloud.

  "John, are we in the right room?" He let out a small laugh and pushed me forward, urging me into the room.

  "Yes my dear, we are in the right room. I just wanted a change here which is why most of the rooms are different than the rooms back home. You may see some similarities but I did not want to feel like I was home all the time. What would be the point in leaving?" He did had a point.

  "But why would you ever leave there in the first place and come here? This is hardly a vacation spot."

  "Well, I come here mostly on business. I am a stock holder in quite a few businesses here, as well as Alabama, New York, Chicago, the list goes on."

  "Oh." That was all I could manage. I was trying to wrap my head around everything. He was very well off, much more so than Nicholas and that made me a little uncomfortable.

  "Ava, sweetheart. This does not change who or what I am. I am still John." I loved hearing his name.

  "My John." I managed to whisper before he wrapped his arms around me.

  "Yes. I’m ‘your John’."

  I sighed as his lips met mine. He might have been standing behind me that did not stop him from being able to reach me. It felt like forever since I felt his lips against mine but then again any time without it would seem like forever.

  He began walking me over to the bed one step at a time not letting his lips leave my own for a second. Once we reached the bed he turned me so that I was facing him and then laid me gently on the bed with him. He was lying beside me with his arms still around me and his lips still caressing mine. I could no longer feel my body. It had become complete mush, totally melted with him. I could feel his kiss all the way down my body like every little nerve was connected to where ever his lips touched.

  I knew we did not have time to be doing this. Not yet anyway. We had to get everyone settled, we needed to get settled in ourselves and since we missed lunch everyone will want dinner pretty early tonight and I still needed to check on Jaci but God feeling him against me was pure bliss. He started kissing my neck so I took a quick advantage to my lips being free.

  "John, should we be doing this right now? We have a lot to do tonight." His lips immediately were right back where they started.

  "Do you not like this?"

  "Oh I LOVE this but I just don't think we have time for it."

  "Well, if you love it and we both know I love it then I am going to make at least a little time for this. I need to feel you."

  God I gave in. I could already feel him growing larger inside his jeans while we were pressed against each other. The minute I feel his hardness I can’t think of doing anything else.

  As he made a trail of kisses up my jaw line and down my neck my body went limp. I was his now to do with what he wished and he knew it too.

  "Yes Ava. Just lie back and relax. Let me take care of you." I did as he wished. I laid my back down against the incredibly soft mattress while John got on top of me. The first thing to come off was his shirt and thanks goodness for that because then I could see his amazing chest along with his wash board abs. I just wanted to lick every inch of it but he wanted me to lay here so I did just that.

  I did try to reach my hand up to touch his hard chest but he took both of my hands and put them up over my head, as he held them in place with one hand he started releasing the buttons on my shirt, one little button at a time. He was driving me wild and he knew it. Once my shirt was wide open he reached underneath me and released my bra and pulled it off. My breasts were now completely out in the open. Normally I would feel extremely uncomfortable but I did not have time to feel anything because his lips were already around one very hard nipple. No licking. There was no time for licking he went right for sucking on each one and driving me absolutely right to the edge of insanity.

  It was like he knew my body completely because he knew exactly how to get me where he wanted me and fast. He let go of my wrists and made his way down my stomach letting his lips explore every inch while his hands occupied each breast. My heart felt as if it was going to beat right out of my chest and I could barely breathe. He unbuttoned my pants and pulled the zipper down with his teeth; a talent I had never seen before. He pulled my pants completely off then stood up and did the same with his. How I loved looking at him. He was a statue of perfection especially when he was standi
ng in front of me throbbing for release. I had to stop myself from jumping up and wrapping my lips around him. He knelt down and kissed each calve and spread apart my thighs while kissing the inside of each until he found my core. That is when I finally lost it.

  "Yes Ava. Let it out. Let me know what I do to you." I gripped the sheets for dear life before I muffled a scream. Although, I am not sure how much I actually muffled it. His tongue was like a magic wand finding every little spot down there that I did not even know existed. He was finding spots I had yet to find myself! I just kept praying to God no one would knock on the door before I felt him inside me. I wanted another wave of pleasure but I wanted it with his hardness deep within me. As if he read my mind he leaned up and was over me, looking me right in the eyes. His eyes were so beautiful.

  "I love you Avalon." With what little breath I had I managed to respond to him.

  "I love you too John." With those words, he was inside of me. He pushed harder and harder. We were both trying our best to be quiet but I knew it was not working as well as either of us hoped. It was next to impossible to keep quiet with this much pleasure coursing through us. Electricity was going down my arms and legs until I thought I was going to explode. He began faster and faster I could tell he was getting close and I knew I was. We both let out screams as the explosion over took us. It was like fireworks, lighting strikes, and a bomb going off all at once. Never in my life have I ever felt such pleasure. He collapsed next to me and we both lay there completely covered in sweat yet utterly satisfied. There was no need for words. We could see everything in each other’s eyes.

  Once we were able to move again, John got up and started the shower as I unpacked our bags. His bathroom was almost as big as his bedroom. There was a little mini hallway that had a vanity and stool on one side and on the other were shelves for towels and such. Then you walk into the round bathroom with a double sink set up on one side then a huge Jacuzzi tub on the other side. There was a glass door that connected to the tub that led into the shower. How cool. The tile was a very subtle brown marble that almost looked to pretty to step on. There were even sky lights in the ceiling. I could see myself spending many hours in here. Although at this moment we did not have hours, not with the fun we just had.


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