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Hard Justice: The Asylum Fight Club Book 3

Page 8

by Bianca Sommerland

  “Right now, you sleep. Let your Dom worry about how you fix this, and stop trying to control things you have no business sticking your nose in.”

  The hard words registered. Jamie nodded.

  I'll try.

  Finished rubbing him with ointment that smelled a bit minty and strange, Curtis hooked a thumb to Reed, tilting his head toward the bedroom. At Reed’s questioning look, the corners of the Dom’s mouth tipped up. “Time for me to show you how much I care.”

  Reed’s mouth opened, closed. Blue eyes darkening, he licked his lips.

  The couple disappeared into the bedroom. Jamie watched the door long after it closed, trying to ignore the empty feeling in his middle.

  I need...something.

  But fuck if he knew what it was.

  Chapter Six

  “Nowhere does it say things will be fair.”

  Noah stood in the doorway of his bedroom, staring at his bed. The rumpled sheets. The jarring disorder reflective of his life.

  “I will not be easy on you, little cat.”

  His own words haunted him. He’d said what was needed, but that hadn’t been enough. Rather than stay in this room, Jamie had sought him out and made a grievous error he’d suffered for, and would continue to over the next few days, if not weeks, depending on how fast he healed.

  Of all the Doms here he could have pissed off, why Jared? Noah rubbed a hand over his face. Almost any other would’ve brought the sub to Noah and requested permission to issue the punishment. Jared had brought Jamie to him out of respect and because he trusted Noah to dole out what he’d consider appropriately severe.

  Jared would have chosen the cane as well. But he wouldn’t have stopped at six. He’d have continued to twenty before ripping up Jamie’s membership contract in his face. The ex-soldier rarely got angry, but the flash of rage in his eyes when he’d thrown Jamie to Noah’s feet spoke volumes. Jared had earned the regard of every member of The Asylum. And damn it, he always issued at least one warning, which meant it had been dismissed before Jamie had crossed the line.

  He doesn’t know better.

  One night. If he could have gotten through this one night, Noah would have seen to it that Jamie had all the instruction he’d need. Instead, his little cat had learned his lessons the hard way.

  He’s not mine...not beyond this room.

  He looked over the bed and grabbed the door handle, shutting away his room and making his way to the sofa. Stripped down to his boxers, he sat on the edge of the cushions, head in his hand. This situation was quickly spinning out of his control and that could not be tolerated. Jared had rejected Jamie’s apology. Reed had quickly caught on that Noah needed him to tend to the other sub, and had not only done so, but hadn’t returned him here.

  Because he knew Noah couldn’t give Jamie what he needed. And he was right. A few firm words from Curtis while his wounds were tended to was better for Jamie than...whatever Noah would’ve done.

  With the way he was feeling now, he might have ruined any bit of progress Jamie had made and held him. Told him things would be okay when there was no guarantee. And wouldn’t be until steps were taken to ensure Jamie could avoid further pain and humiliation. He wanted to be here. If not he’d be screaming about suing the damn club by this point.

  Laying back on the cool leather, not bothering with a sheet this time because he was too drained and needed to shut off his fucking brain, Noah folded his hands behind his head to stare at the ceiling. The taste of Jamie’s lips came to him. Every inch of soft skin, every smooth glide of muscle, the way he struggled to submit as pleasure overtook him and he searched for any way to ground himself as Noah claimed what no one else had been able to.

  Fuck, the man was beautiful when he came. Even more so when control was taken from him. His submission would be irresistible once it was refined. If he made it to that point in one piece.

  “You’ll learn and we’ll move on.”

  Noah couldn’t erase the pain. He couldn’t force Jared to forgive the boy. But he would find a way to keep his word. Jamie would learn. They would all move on. A good Dom would provide the care and security and release Jamie was so desperate for. There were many here who’d be a good fit.

  None of them were him.

  He closed his eyes on that last thought as his mind went over all the reasons not to claim Jamie. The man deserved kindness. Deserved to be shielded from the scrutiny he was under because of fame—and Noah letting him stay here in the first place. Protected from those who’d see him as a weakness of Noah’s they could exploit.

  But there was no rush. Few Doms would want a sub who needed such a firm hand. Who’d aggravated the most powerful Doms in The Asylum during the first two nights of his membership. Over time, as Jamie adapted, that would change.

  Until then, what he’d told Jamie would remain between them. In his bed, the boy belonged to him. If he returned, Noah would have the opportunity to make him forget how difficult life here could be. He’d make him see pain only heightened the pleasure.

  Especially if both were at his hands.

  Quiet shuffling around the kitchen woke Noah hours later. He sat up, smoothing his rumpled hair back as Wren brought him a coffee fixed just the way he liked it. Pain strained his expression as he set the mug down on the coffee table, then adjusted his glasses with a wince.

  Noah shook his head. “Thank you, but you won’t do this again until your hands heal. When Doc told you to take a few days off from your regular service to me, was he unclear?”

  “No, sir. I just…” Wren’s brow furrowed. “If I’m not being useful, it’s like...another punishment.”

  “You will be useful.” Noah took a sip of coffee and let out a pleased sigh, not wanting Wren to feel like he’d toughed out the pain for nothing. And damn, having rich, freshly made coffee instead of the burnt shit they served in prison would never get old.

  But he set his cup aside after the first sip and regarded Wren for a long moment, considering how to approach the task he’d set for the sub he’d collared to save his life, when the only fulfillment he’d ever offer again was giving him someone to serve.

  The service Wren would provide was more difficult than anything Noah had ever asked from him. And more important.

  “Did Jamie tell you I expect him to learn from you?”

  Wren’s head tilted. “Not in those words. He hedged a bit, saying he’d try to follow my example and you wanted him to go over the rules.”

  A loophole. Noah chuckled and shook his head. “He’s not happy that you’ll be sharing punishments if I believe you’ve failed in your teaching. Good thing, since he earned a punishment from Doc last night.”

  His whole body stiffening, Wren stared at him. Shot to his feet, his glasses sliding down his nose again. “Where is he? How bad did Doc— Oh God, I should have told him to stay here. He wanted to see you and I didn’t think that would be a bad thing, but I told him he couldn’t go into the dungeon without a Dom and—”

  “Breathe, Wren.” Noah snapped his fingers, motioning for Wren to return to his seat. Once Wren plunked down, he straightened the sub’s glasses for him and continued. “I punished him. Reed and Curtis tended to him last night. But this can’t happen again.”

  “No, sir.” Wren quickly shook his head. “No it can’t.”

  “He is not to be left alone. I don’t care if you need to go to the bathroom, you either bring him with you or make sure one of the core members is with him at all times. Reed will help you. Within the week he will be able to go down to the bar and be an asset to this establishment.” Noah set his hands on his bare thighs. “Every fucking Dom here will want him.”


  Noah arched a brow. “Should they not?”

  Lips parting, Wren shook his head. Then nodded. Then frowned. “Don’t you like him?”

  Letting out a soft laugh, Noah brushed his hand over Wren’s hair. “If I didn’t, we wouldn’t be having this discussion. Whatever you’ve gotten into
that cute little head of yours, I suggest you set it aside. He didn’t end up in my bed on his own. From now on, if he chooses to come back here, he will stay in the study. Order a bed for him and move the desk into storage.”

  “That could take some time…”

  Jamie was a bad influence. Wren had never tested the boundaries and him doing so would end. Immediately. He’d be anchoring the unmoored newbie, not drifting away with him. “It will happen by tonight.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  That settled, Noah finished his coffee in a few gulps and stood. He stepped up to Wren and lifted his hand with a light hold on his wrist. “Don’t make me do anything like this again. If having him here puts you at risk…” Noah’s jaw tightened. He must remember that. He’d help Jamie without endangering Wren’s life. Even if it meant sending him away. “Are we clear?”

  Wren nodded slowly. “We are, sir. said you’d punish me for his mistakes. Not him for mine.”

  “I did.” Noah released Wren’s wrist. “If submission means anything, to either of you, I won’t have to.”

  That got a more determined nod. Noah left Wren to his own devices, showered, and was pleased to see his mug still on the table when he returned. Still in his towel, he went to the kitchen with the mug, put it in the dishwasher, and cleaned up the used coffee filter and small trail of grounds left behind. Not handling this would be difficult for Wren, but following the orders he liked wasn’t enough.

  Once he was dressed, Noah went down to the bar to arrange the next part of Jamie’s training. His options were limited because he wasn’t a fighter. Not that a few weeks—or months, depending on how long he stayed—would be enough to make him a challenge to most members, but he’d have the option of accepting invites to the ring from those Noah considered appropriate.

  And this gave him an opportunity to deal with another issue he needed to address.

  Early mornings with those he loved had always been his favorite. As much as he enjoyed the potential adrenaline rush of the ring, the pleasure to be found in the Dungeon, mornings were for his chosen family. Watching Ezran eat disgustingly sugary cereal, speaking with his mouth full about whatever sparked his interest. Reed, a cheerful eyesore in whatever strange thing he decided to wear, whether it be his pajama pants or his rainbow of options for the day, laughing and teasing and dancing around. Curtis, his snark as he smiled, riling Lawson up during the short bit of time that he wasn’t fully in control and presenting himself at his polished best. Charming even while grumpy and responding to everything as though context was lost on him.

  They would all be down here soon, but from the conversations he’d had with all the men over the past few months, he’d caught on that Matt tended to be up first. As predicted, the man was the only one in the bar when Noah walked in.

  And promptly spilled the spoonful of coffee he’d been about to pour into the fresh filter the second he lifted his gaze to Noah’s.

  What the hell did Curtis and Lawson tell him about me?

  Probably the truth. Poor guy.

  “This will not do.” Noah went behind the bar and took the spoon from Matt, choosing to ignore how he inched away and tensed. He eyed the grains already in the filter and spooned in what would be needed for a full pot. “You don’t need to be afraid of me, Matt.”

  A sharp laugh, cut off quickly by a deep inhale. Matt folded his arms over his chest and leaned against the bar. “Yes, sir.”

  Such a good sub. Lawson should be proud. A shame Noah had no interest in toying with him at the moment. It would be amusing to see how well they’d prepared the man. A few pokes and he’d see exactly why Ram had risked Lawson’s wrath to get his hands on his boy. Where the cracks in his submission hadn’t been fully sealed. Why Lawson kept him so close.

  He had a feeling Matt would slip up all on his own. That would be entertaining. But for now, he’d be useful. Perhaps useful enough to pretend he hadn’t noticed the satisfaction in Lawson’s eyes when a sub under Noah’s control was the one causing problems, instead of his own.

  “It occurs to me that you owe me.” Noah clicked the filter into place and started the coffee machine, his tone light.

  Matt snorted. “What?”

  Bad boy.

  Noah could almost imagine the reaction of every other sub in this club if they were watching. The horror. The cringes. The frantic motions and heads shaking. Reed would probably slap his hand over Matt’s mouth and come up with some excuse.

  They’d be so disappointed though. Half of them would salivate, thinking of how Noah would make Matt pay for his disrespect. And would be stunned as he leaned against the back bar and grinned.

  Huffing in a breath, Matt looked past him. Likely hoping someone would walk in and save him.

  No such luck.

  “I got a call two weeks ago. My name was used as a reference for your new position, training at the community center downtown.” Noah tucked his thumbs into the pockets of his jeans. “I told them you would be a good addition as an instructor. You’re welcome.”

  “Thank you.” Matt finally met his eyes. “Reed…” He trailed off. Frowned. “I… I appreciate your help getting me in, but I’m not sure what owing you means. I won’t agree to anything without discussing it with Lawson.”

  Noah inclined his head. “Fair enough. And I know Reed is the one who gave my name. But you benefited from it. Either way, I’m not asking to fuck you in return so relax. All I want is the time you have available.”

  “For what?”

  “Jamie.” Noah set two mugs on the counter. Pulled out the half-full coffee pot, setting off the pause function, then filled both. He slid one to Matt as he prepared his own. “For now, I believe training, and whatever practice you assign, will be a good use of his time. I’d like him to be able to get in that ring at some point, but I’ll let you decide when he’s ready.”

  “That’s…” Matt took a deep breath, letting his arms fall to his sides as he relaxed and nodded. “Sure, I can do that.”

  Noah brought his coffee to his lips. Arched a brow. “Are you certain?”

  Just to be a good sport, Noah gave the man one last chance to reconsider what he was offering.

  “Yeah, I mean the guy’s had a rough time. I know what that’s like.” Matt shook his head. “My first few days here I screwed up. And everyone fucking hated me.”

  I’m beginning to understand Lawson’s concern. Already Matt had forgotten about discussing anything with his Dom. He was swearing while addressing another. And giving Noah everything he needed to know. “That must’ve been hard.”

  “Dude, it fucking sucked.” Matt rubbed a hand over his face. “I’m lucky Lawson didn’t—”

  “Train you at all, puppy?” Noah stepped up to Matt’s side. He wasn’t a complete asshole. No need to let the man dig himself in a deeper hole. He’d already have a difficult time climbing out of this one. He set his mug on the counter beside the other man’s, bending down to speak softly in Matt’s ear. “I appreciate what you’ll be doing for Jamie, but the next time you call me ‘dude’ or swear while speaking to me, that gratitude won’t save you. I don’t care how much Lawson and Curtis are enjoying that tight ass. Or what agreement we have. You are the sub of one of the most prominent members of this establishment.”

  Matt’s jaw tensed. He fisted his hand on the bar, drawing in a slow inhale. “I know that.”

  “Then act like it.” Warning issued, Noah stepped back and gave Matt a pleasant smile as the door separating the bar from the stairwell opened. “You make a good cup of coffee. I’m looking forward to seeing you in the ring.”

  “Don’t you fucking dare.” Lawson strode into the bar, cutting between Noah and Matt as though Noah was wielding a knife and he needed to protect the boy with his own body. “He doesn’t accept challenges without my approval and it’s not happening. You want to fight me, say so.”

  The man always did have perfect timing. Noah picked up his coffee and braced his hip against the bar. “I wi
ll. But do have some coffee, my man. You’re irrational before your first cup, as always.”

  “Irrational?” Lawson pressed his eyes shut. “You’re challenging my sub and—”

  “He didn’t.” Behind Lawson, Matt put a calming hand on his Dom’s arm. “He asked me to train Jamie. I...I’m the one who messed up. I’m sorry.”

  Lawson’s jaw ticked. He gave Noah a wary look, then turned to his boy and tilted his chin up with a finger. “How?”

  Lowering his gaze, Matt spoke softly. “I kinda called him dude and swore and he’s not beating on me, so...things are cool?”

  Perfect. Matt would be very motivated to see that Jamie was well trained. And whether Lawson liked his methods or not, he’d see that Noah was willing to give his boy some leniency. Which may or may not work in his favor, but the chances he’d give either of them were limited. Lawson had decided he wanted to play this game. If he was wise, he’d be very careful before he made his next move.

  “Get me some coffee, Matt.” Lawson lowered his head to his hand and raked his fingers through his hair. “Why did you ask him without me here?”

  “You know why.” Many things may have changed between them, but they didn’t lie to one another. And Noah hoped they never got to that point. “That aside, let’s discuss the real issue. As much as you want to protect Curtis, he wanted me to come back. You didn’t.”

  Lawson lifted his head, gaze shuttered. “Not until you were ready.”

  “I am. And I’m here.”

  “Acting like I’m your fucking enemy.” Lawson pressed his fist to his lips. “I missed you too, but I knew if you came back too soon you’d be fixated on reestablishing control. This is our club, Noah. Our home.”

  With a slight incline of his head, Noah acknowledged every single one of Lawson’s points. He wasn’t wrong. But he was missing one key factor. “I didn’t issue the first challenge, Lawson. You did. Back down and this ends.”

  “And let you become judge, jury, and executioner? No.” Lawson thanked Matt as his sub brought him his coffee and motioned him to the far end of the bar. Continued quietly once the man was out of hearing. “You told me about Curtis’s past so I could watch over him. So I can protect him from his worst urges.” He fixed Noah with a hard stare. “And I’ll protect him from yours.”


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