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The Brass Ring

Page 17

by Mavis Applewater

  "Doesn’t fit," CC surmised. "I guess we’ll know more when we view the tapes. Now let’s go talk to her co-workers."

  Throughout their interviews CC and Max discovered that Sandra Bernstein was the girl that Jamie and her parents had described. She seemed to be liked by everyone who knew her. Although Max and CC were used to that sentiment being expressed after someone had recently died, this time they seemed to be sincere.

  CC and Max stopped by a vending machine and started filling it with an obscene amount of money just to get two cans of soda. "Oh goodie, there’s the guy I was telling you about," CC said as she saw Dr. Fisher enter the hospital.


  JAMIE FOUND HERSELF laughing at Emma’s antics in the restaurant. The infant was trying to get her hands on everything while Stevie and Jamie were fighting to clear everything out of her reach. This seemed to infuriate the child who screamed until her mother gave her one of her cookies to suck on. The waitress simply doted on the little girl.

  "She’s so beautiful." Jamie chuckled lightly as she peered over her menu at the adorable child.

  "Gay men really do make beautiful children," Stevie agreed with a proud smile.

  "I’ll keep that in mind," Jamie responded quietly.

  "Oh, thinking of getting one of these for yourself?" Stevie taunted her.

  "I don’t know." Jamie sighed. "I guess being around this little cutie got me thinking. Meagan is trying. Maybe I could just be the doting Auntie?"

  "I don’t know. You have that look in your eyes," Stevie said suspiciously.

  "I guess I’m starting to think about things like having a family and a long term relationship again," Jamie said thoughtfully. "I haven’t done that in a long time."

  "The breakup left the two of you hurting. You both changed so much afterwards," Stevie noted with concern. "I know Caitlin never really tried to find someone else. Of course, for the first few years she was too busy raising me."

  "She did a great job," Jamie asserted with a smile.

  "Yes, she did," Stevie responded. "If she hadn’t taken me out of there, God only knows what would have happened. The moment my father found out that Caitlin was in a coma he came after me. That’s how I discovered she was in the hospital. Fortunately she had taught me a few moves so I could protect myself until I ran away."

  "How did she manage to get custody?" Jamie inquired as she wiped some drool off Emma’s face.

  "I guess the FBI figured that they owed her and did some digging into my Dad’s past," Stevie explained in strained tone. "Turns out he has a record for indecent assault on a minor. The courtroom was filled with cops from here and Rhode Island and a slew of FBI agents. What judge wouldn’t pay heed to that? CC thinks that the judge wasn’t as biased as he should have been. I don’t care. It got me out of there. What really hurts is that my mother still refuses to believe any of it."

  "Do you here from them?" Jamie inquired carefully.

  "They both tried to get me away from CC’s evil influence." Stevie laughed bitterly. "Especially after Emma was born. Now I have a restraining order and the cops back home keep a careful eye on my father. He’s in prison right now for trying to snatch a kid from a playground."

  Jamie shivered as her stomach turned in disgust. "Let’s talk about something else," Stevie suggested. "So roomie, did you pack your jammies?" Stevie teased as Jamie groaned.

  "Do you mind my staying over?" Jamie asked.

  "No," Stevie responded firmly.

  "I was really unnerved when Dr. Fisher showed up at my house," Jamie finally admitted. "You know, last night was the best sleep I’ve had in ages."

  "Snuggling up to a certain cop wouldn’t have anything to do with that, now would it?" Stevie teased as Jamie blushed.

  "Despite feeling safer over at your place, I have to confess it’s a little hard sharing a bed with your sister," Jamie explained as she tried to hide her blush. "I know we need to take things slow, and in the end we may only end up being friends, but she is so damn attractive."

  "I swear the two of you are just going to spontaneously combust someday," Stevie teased. "But you do need to get to know one another again."

  "I know," Jamie groaned. "My head keeps telling me that, and so does my heart. Now if I could just get my body to listen, everything would be just fine. Speaking of spontaneous combustion, how’s Emma’s room coming along?"

  "Emma’s room is finished and so is the contractor," Stevie growled. "I can’t believe she told you about that."

  "Well, in her defense she had to," Jamie explained quickly. "I went over there one morning and kind of got the wrong impression. CC’s car was there and yours wasn’t and I jumped to the wrong conclusion."

  "Oops," Stevie choked out.

  "Either way, it really isn’t any of my business," Jamie explained quickly. "It just . . ." Jamie hesitated as she tried to understand her emotions. She placed her menu down and began to rub her eyes. Stevie placed her hand over Jamie’s.

  "You’re falling for her again," Stevie said bluntly.

  "A part of me doesn’t want to," Jamie responded in a fearful tone. "And another part of me wonders if I ever stopped loving her."

  "Let’s eat," Stevie said boldly as she gave Jamie’s hand a light squeeze.

  "Excellent idea," Jamie said with relief as she waved the waitress over and Emma cooed happily in agreement.

  They placed their orders quickly and settled into a light chatter about the weather and their jobs. Just as their food arrived, Jamie’s cell phone chirped. She rolled her eyes at the interruption. "Dr. Jameson," she snapped into the telephone.

  "Jamie," the voice said in a strangled tone. A chill ran through her body as she realized who the caller was. "I need to talk to you," he continued.

  "How did you get this number?" Jamie demanded, fighting against the sudden fear that was welling up inside of her.

  "Why are you doing this?" Dr. Fisher demanded.

  "Is this call in regards to a professional matter?" Jamie addressed him sternly.

  Jamie watched as Stevie’s normally dark features paled. She could hear Fisher breathing heavily on the other end. "Is she there?" he spat out like a jealous lover. "That woman from the other night. Who does she think she is?" he demanded.

  "That is none of your business," Jamie said curtly. "Nothing about my personal life is any of your concern. Do you understand that?"

  "Jamie, why?" he pleaded.

  "This conversation is over," she said firmly before disconnecting the call. Her hands were shaking as she set the phone down on the table.

  "Jamie?" Stevie squeaked out nervously.

  "It was him," she responded in an absent tone.


  THE WEASEL FLINCHED slightly when he saw CC watching him and then he ducked into the doctor’s lounge.

  "Okay, Max. Let’s go have some fun," she said with a feral grin.

  "He doesn’t like you." Max snorted as they made their way towards the doctor’s lounge.

  "I’m just going to rattle his cage a little bit and then turn things over to you," CC explained dryly before she slammed the door open. The young doctor squeaked as he quickly pulled up the scrubs he was changing into.

  "Get out of here," Dr. Fisher demanded, his face burning bright red in anger.

  "Relax. Trust me, you’ve got nothing I want to look at." CC snorted indignantly as Max rolled his eyes.

  "If you don’t stop harassing me, I’m going to call the police and have you thrown out," Fisher snarled in an arrogant tone.

  CC and Max smiled as they pulled out their badges. "Too late." She smirked as they flashed their badges at him. She noticed that the bright red color vanished as his face turned ashen.

  "You’re a cop?" He trembled.

  CC looked at her badge before placing it in her pocket and glaring at the nervous young man. "Yup," she snapped as she moved closer to him. She cast an icy glare at him, taking note of the beads of sweat trickling down his forehead. "Yo
u have a problem with that?" she pushed as he took a step back, banging into his locker. "Why so nervous, Doc? Been bothering my girlfriend again?" she taunted him. She watched as his eyes glazed over and his face again turned a brilliant shade of red.

  "Calloway!" Max scolded her. "Back off," he said gruffly.

  CC cast one last menacing glance at Dr. Fisher before taking a step back. "Women," Max sneered in Fisher’s direction. "Must be PMS," he added with a shrug as Fisher glared at her. "Now, Dr. Fisher, we’re just here talking to some of Sandra Bernstein’s co-workers. I don’t know what’s wrong with her. Why don’t you wait outside, Calloway, so I can do my job?" Max said firmly. CC stood her ground. "Get out before I have to put you on report," Max said harshly.

  CC donned a sheepish pout before shuffling out of the room. Once she had closed the door, she smiled brightly. "Oh, that was good, Max." She chuckled softly before seeking out more of Sandra’s friends. After she interviewed everyone she could find, she waited for Max. Her partner seemed to be taking forever. She’d glanced at her watch once again before she saw Max exit the lounge. He had a stony expression on his face as he nodded towards the doorway.

  CC left the hospital and waited for her partner. Max looked back at the hospital as he came out, ensuring that no one was around. Since there were still people milling about, the two didn’t speak until they reached their car. "So are you going to put me on report?" CC teased, trying to lighten the mood.

  "You liked that, did you?" Max smiled slightly. CC noticed that his mood remained somber despite his smile.

  "I was right?" she asked gravely as she leaned against the car.

  "There is something wrong with that boy," Max responded in a heavy tone. "It wasn't so much what he said. There was just something about him that made the hair on my neck stand on end."

  "Tell me everything," CC said firmly.

  "Well, he doesn’t like you and can’t understand why you’re harassing him and his girlfriend," Max explained. CC’s jaw dropped as her chest tightened. "Now everyone we’ve spoken to says that Sandra was the nicest friendliest person they had ever met, but this guy claims that he didn’t really know who she was."

  "Hard to believe." CC grunted as she began to grind her teeth. "They were in the same class and both under Jamie’s supervision; he must have known her. On top of that, Jamie said that he used Sandra’s death as an excuse to visit her. That was an awfully long interview to have with someone who didn’t know the victim."

  "Uh huh," Max grunted. "He had a lot of theories about the crime."

  "That’s interesting since he didn’t know the victim," CC added with a slight sense of panic.

  "Oh yeah." Max sighed. "And he asked a lot of questions about the case. He tried to seem casual about it but he was definitely fishing for information. Plus he loved talking about Dr. Jameson. Apparently they’ve been an item for some time; they just need to keep it quiet since they work together."

  "He’s our boy." CC groaned as her head began to pound. "Did he have an alibi for the night of the murder?"

  "He claims that he was on duty all night," Max informed her. "We need to check him out. In the meantime, perhaps Dr. Jameson should stay away from home," he suggested carefully.

  "She’s staying with me," CC said flatly, trying to sound casual about the situation.

  "Really?" Max said with amusement.

  "Max," she growled at him.

  "I didn’t say anything." He laughed as he unlocked the car. "Calloway, if it is him, you need to back off."

  "Max, I can’t," she protested as she climbed into the car.

  "If this weasel beat that poor girl to death, I don’t want him getting off," Max said, chastising her.

  CC grimaced, knowing he was correct. She reached into her pocket and switched her cell phone back on. They’d both turned their phones off in the hospital since it was unsafe to leave them on. CC’s phone instantly began to vibrate. She checked her messages quickly. Her face turned pale as she listened to Stevie’s frantic message. "Take me home," she snapped at her partner as she dialed Jamie’s cell phone number.

  "What is it?" Max inquired, not accustomed to his normally stoic partner looking so rattled.

  "Just take me home," she choked out. "Come on, Jamie. Pick up," she pleaded as she listened to the ringing at the other end. "He called her," CC explained. "Fisher called Jamie earlier tonight."

  "What did he say?" Max pried as he maneuvered his way through traffic.

  "I have no idea but I'm going to find out," CC snarled as her heart raced. "Now just drive."

  CC rushed into her home to find Jamie sitting on the sofa, calming reading a book. She paused for a moment, wondering when Jamie had started to wear glasses. The blonde peered up at her and gave her a curious look. CC fought back the urge to wrap the smaller woman up in her arms. Jamie looked so sweet and innocent but CC could see the worry brewing in her eyes. "Stevie called you?" Jamie sighed heavily as she placed the book down and removed her glasses. "I asked her not to." She shifted uneasily.

  "Why?" CC spat out as her younger sibling descended the staircase.

  "Sorry, Jamie," Stevie murmured before nodding to Max who was panting heavily from chasing after his partner.

  "It's okay," Jamie addressed her grimly. "Caitlin, I was going to tell you when you got home tonight," Jamie explained. "He didn't threaten me. He just wanted to talk."

  "How did he get your phone number?" CC pressed, unable to keep the frantic tone from her voice.

  "I don't know," Jamie said with a tremble. "I'm going to speak to my supervisor and have him reassigned." Jamie tried to sound calm but CC wasn't swayed.

  "That's it," CC snarled.

  "Yes," Jamie fumed as she jumped off the sofa.

  CC started moving to confront her when she felt Max's hand on her arm. "Calloway, let me conduct the interview," he said in a soft tone.

  "This isn't a police matter," Jamie argued.

  "Perhaps not," Max said in a calm voice. "Why don't you tell me everything that's been happening while Caitlin finds something to keep herself busy." He smirked at CC.

  The tall brunette grumbled under her breath as Stevie approached her. "Come on, tough stuff. Let's go upstairs so you can wake up your niece." CC curled her lip in displeasure as she allowed her sister to lead her away. Once upstairs, CC relaxed as she held Emma tightly to her chest.

  After what seemed like an eternity, CC was allowed to return downstairs. If it hadn’t been for the comfort of holding her niece, the policewoman would have thrown a major fit. Something about holding the cooing infant instantly relaxed her. After carefully placing Emma back in her crib, CC tried to roll the last vestiges of tension from her shoulders. She said goodnight to her sister and made her way back downstairs to her living room. Max looked unconcerned but CC recognized the calm demeanor that they would try to project so they wouldn’t worry someone. She knew instinctively by the way he wouldn’t meet her gaze that he was worried.

  Jamie sat on the sofa absently running her fingers through her short blonde hair. The young doctor looked exhausted but seemed unaffected by the evening’s events. Of course Jamie was unaware of the suspicions that both she and Max were hiding from her. CC swallowed hard, knowing that she would need to tell Jamie soon and that the blonde was going to explode.

  Jamie flashed a captivating smile up at CC that made her heart skip a beat. ‘How do you do that?’ The brunette pondered as she approached the small blonde. ‘You really are the one, aren’t you? How am I going to focus on this case and deal with what’s happening between us?’ CC smiled as Jamie stood. "Wait for me in the car, Max," CC instructed her partner. He simply nodded in response before leaving the two women alone.

  Jamie took CC’s hand and began to gently caress the back of it with her thumb. CC knew that Jamie was unaware of what she was doing. At times, touching like this just happened naturally between the two of them. "I might be late tonight," CC explained softly as she stepped slightly closer to Jamie. />
  "I’ll be here," Jamie responded softly as she wrapped her arms around CC’s waist and nuzzled her head against CC’s chest.

  CC sighed as she wrapped her arms around the smaller woman, allowing her body to absorb the heat from Jamie’s body. As CC inhaled the delicate scent of Jamie’s shampoo, she pulled her even closer. Her heart was beating in a steady comfortable rhythm. The moment wasn’t about sex or desire; it simply felt so right to hold the smaller woman. "Try to get some sleep," CC suggested before placing a kiss on the top of Jamie’s head.

  "I’ll try," Jamie said softly.

  "And lock up everything after I leave," CC continued as she reluctantly released her hold on the smaller woman. Jamie rolled her eyes at the comment. "And call me if anything, and I mean anything, happens." Jamie groaned with displeasure. "Humor me," CC persisted.

  "Okay," Jamie agreed with a slight smile.

  Then, as if the past twelve years had simply vanished, CC did something that felt completely natural. She leaned down and kissed Jamie goodnight. It was a short tender brushing of their lips and it took both women by complete surprise. They stood there for a brief moment, simply looking into one another’s eyes as they both smiled brightly. "That seemed so right," Jamie said in quiet wonderment.

  "It did," CC responded in the same soft tone.

  "Maybe we should do that more often?" Jamie suggested with a hint of playfulness.

  "Oh yeah," CC answered enthusiastically. "I need to get going before Max thinks you kidnapped me or something."

  "That could be arranged," Jamie said in a teasing tone as she ran her hands along CC’s hips in a suggestive manner. "Tell me, Officer, where do you keep your handcuffs?" Jamie’s hands started to run along the sides of CC’s body in a mock attempt to find the handcuffs.

  CC’s eyes darkened with desire as she released a low tempting growl. "Wouldn’t you like to know?" she taunted the blonde. "If you’re good, maybe I’ll show you sometime."

  "I’m always good," Jamie responded in a husky tone.

  "Oh boy," CC choked out. "Is it getting hot in here? I really need to go," she asserted as she maneuvered herself away from Jamie.


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