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RICH BOY BRIT (A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance)

Page 19

by Mia Carson

  It wasn’t until about the third week of living in the mansion that Claire realized Chance’s visits had grown more infrequent. The first week, he came to see her around midnight every night. Now, he was barely around her, and worst of all, she could never catch him during the day to ask him what was going on.

  She sat in the drawing room one afternoon when she saw him come in. She opened her mouth to call to him when she heard laughing and talking. He hadn’t seen her, so she kept herself hidden. She saw him enter, and right on his heels were two girls. One of them seemed more forward, standing directly in front of him as she spoke, as if she wanted to kiss him. They shared an intimacy Claire found unnerving. He laughed with her and moved a wisp of hair from her face, just like he had Claire’s countless times. Claire stared at them, unable to figure out what was happening. The other girl got on her tip toes and whispered something in his ear, and she pinched his ass and giggled. Chance smiled and held her hand, whispering to her as well, before they moved on.

  She sat in the drawing room long after they were gone, her heart beating like crazy. She tried to focus and make sense of what was going on, but all her mind could do was conjure images of Trent with that woman in the hallway. Chance was no different than Trent, and she had been stupid again, falling for a man who didn’t want anything more than sex from her. Enough was enough. She couldn’t torture herself any longer over men like Trent and Chance.

  She clutched her chest and raced up the stairs, barely feeling the ground beneath her feet. She got to her room and pushed the door open, closing it so she could fall against it as her chest heaved and tightened. She felt like she was suffocating, and thoughts of what Chance might be doing with the girls brought on extreme rage and jealousy. She had been a fool to think Chance would stay with her, and she cursed herself for her blind stupidity. She did the one thing she knew how to; she stripped, filled her bath with water, and sank deep into it in an attempt to drown the pain. She was really stupid! Chance was a billionaire’s son, an heir to so much money he could buy all the women on the planet. Why did she think she was any different than other girls? Yes, she was his stepsister but that was where it ended. Chance was never going to see her as much more than a girl he could fuck whenever he wanted.

  Being alone did nothing for her confused mind and spirit in turmoil, and she cried as she sat there. The pain she felt was raw, and she felt utterly useless in trying to escape it. A half an hour later, and in just her robe, she lay on the bed and waited to fall asleep. It was slow in coming, but soon she fell into a troubled sleep. When she woke again, it was night. She lay there in the dark for a considerable time, not feeling the urge for food or company. At midnight, as with every other night, she was awake, waiting to see if Chance would stop by and tell her what was going on. And like so many nights of late, Chance didn’t come to her.


  She didn’t see Chance on the property for a couple days until he showed up at her door at midnight.

  “Chance, what is going on?” she asked him casually, trying to hide her hurt and betrayal. She couldn’t let him see how much he’d hurt her.

  “What do you mean?” he asked, trying to nuzzle her neck.

  “You know what I mean. I’ve seen you with the women,” she told him.

  “What women?” he asked innocently.

  “Don’t play coy with me. I’ve seen you, on more than one occasion, with girls.”

  “Oh, the other day?” he asked, looking at her. “Are you jealous?”

  “Should I be?” she said.

  “No, Claire. You shouldn’t be. Word got around that I was back, and I’ve had to socialize with old friends.”

  “You mean fuck old friends?” Claire let the rage that had been consuming her enter her voice. She almost yelled at him except she remembered their parents might hear her and come to make sure she was okay. She didn’t want them to catch her and Chance in her room.

  “No one’s fucking anyone, Claire. The only people fucking are in this room,” he said, grinning. “I’ve not been with any other woman since I met you. You have to trust me on this.”

  “That’s what they all say,” Claire said. “You know what, Chance? Do whatever you want.”

  Chance walked to her and held her hands. She wanted to push him away, but he persisted. “I’m sorry. It was inconsiderate of me to bring friends home, but please understand that nothing is going on with any of those girls. I didn’t know you had seen me with those girls or I’d have introduced them to you.”

  Claire looked at him. She wanted to believe so badly; in fact, she almost believed him until Trent and his girl flashed in her mind. “My ex called me. He said the girl he was with means nothing to him,” Claire said. “He was ready to leave her for me. Chance, is that what you’re doing?”

  “Claire, no. I’m not trying to leave you for anyone. I had friends before you got here, and I have to break things off smoothly. And you know I can’t tell people I have a girlfriend, but she’s my sister.”

  “Stepsister,” Claire clarified. “Don’t mix things up, Chance.”

  “Sure, stepsister,” Chance replied. “What I’m saying is that I can’t tell them the only girl I want is my stepsister.”

  Claire looked at him and sighed. She understood he had a life before she came into his and that he couldn’t tell people what she meant to him. “I hate this secrecy. I miss our days in St. Lucia when we could run around and do things and go places and no one cared. Now we can’t even look at each other in public because our parents can’t keep their hands off each other.”

  “Just for now,” Chance said, kissing her palm. “We’ll find a way.”

  “How? Make them get a divorce?”

  “Maybe,” Chance said. “Maybe.”

  “It’s never going to happen,” she murmured. “Have you seen the way they look at each other?”

  “I have, which is probably the same way we look at each other.” He reached out to stroke her face. “I’ve missed you so much. I’ve been travelling so much for work, but I’m glad I’m taking a break.”

  “Oh. I thought you got tired of me.”

  “Me, tired of you? That would never happen, Claire,” he said, smiling at her. He pulled her closer to him. “Claire, let’s just live in the moment and enjoy what we have right now.”


  The next morning, Claire approached Bryan while he sat in his study. Her mother was in the garden lounging as she had every morning since they moved into Bryan’s house.

  “Bryan?” Claire called as she knocked on the door.

  “Come on in, Claire,” he said. He removed his glasses and closed the book he held. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes. Well, no. I’ve been here for over a month, and I’m ready to go back to work. Would you…make a call and get me an interview with one of the companies you recommended?”

  “Of course,” he said to her, smiling. “I was waiting for the green light from you.”

  “Oh great,” she told him. “Thank you.”

  “So, what do you want to do?” he asked, looking at her. “I think I know practically every CEO of any company you might want to work for, so don’t hesitate to ask.”

  Claire paused for a second as if she were thinking of her response. “Well, I always did like interior design, but I just couldn’t make any progress in the field because no one was willing to take a chance on me.”

  “Well, I just happen to have a few friends in that industry. I’ll make a few calls.”

  “Thanks again, Bryan. I appreciate it,” she said and left. Later on in the day she received a message from Bryan to come see him. She raced to the study, unable to believe he had worked his magic so quickly. Sure enough, a friend of his just happened to have an opening, and she was welcome to begin as soon as she was ready.

  “I’m ready now,” Claire said excitedly.

  “Then it’s settled,” Bryan smiled. “I’ll tell her to expect you in the morning.”

  Claire ran back t
o her room, excited about getting out of the house. She rummaged through her wardrobe for something to wear and came up blank. But a few hours later, a couple of boxes of professional outfits arrived from one of the most fashionable boutiques in town. She went to find Bryan in his office wearing one of the jackets from the boxes.

  “Bryan, I can’t accept these. It’s too much.” As she spoke the words, her hands caressed the soft jacket she wore.

  “Do you always return gifts?” he asked teasingly. “Fortunately for you, I am not in the habit of taking them back.” He winked at her and went upstairs in the direction of his room.

  Claire wanted to ask him what he meant but smiled as she realized he was talking about the emerald necklace Chance had sent her in St. Lucia. Chance must have told him about it. She wanted to tell Bryan she hadn’t returned it. The emerald necklace lay buried in her jewelry box, a symbol for how deep she had to bury her need for Chance.

  The following day, Claire drove to the office as directed by Bryan and found the CEO happily waiting for her. After some general introductions, she was asked her opinion concerning the décor for a new office space the company had purchased. Claire showed off her expertise, and before the end of the day, she was handed the assignment and given full authority over the alterations she thought necessary. When the day was over, she left the office eager to share her experience with her mom or Chance. As soon as she got home, she went straight to find her mother.

  “Hi, Claire. How was your first day?” Willow asked.

  “Great. Got hired on the spot and already have a few assignments to complete.”

  “That’s great! Bryan and I were hoping you’d like it.”

  “He’s nice,” Claire said, referring to Bryan. “I’m glad you’re happy with him.”

  “Yes, I am, Claire. He’s made me so happy.”

  At that moment, Claire felt terrible about sneaking behind her mother’s back with Chance. Sneaking around was the only way they were going to be together, and she was okay with that, at least for now.


  She was so immersed with work over the following days that she hardly missed Chance until he cornered her one morning in her room before she left for work.

  “Hey, sis,” he said. “Where are you off to?”

  “Work, Chance,” she said as she slipped on her stilettos.

  “May I see you later? I can’t believe I have to make an appointment to be with you,” he said.

  “Maybe, but I have a dinner meeting.”

  “So when, then?” he persisted.

  “Chance, you’ve been ignoring me. Why do you need me all of a sudden?”

  “Has it come to this?” he asked and walked to her. He backed her into a corner, and as much as Claire tried, she couldn’t get around him.

  “Chance, you are going to make me late,” she said, glancing at the clock on the other side of the room.

  “Better late than never,” he said with a mischievous grin.

  “Chance, this is a bad time,” she said as she flattened her palms against his chest and tried to force him away.

  “Just let me give you something,” he told her and kissed her.

  Her voice was muffled against his lips; he clamped down on her lips swiftly. She used what little energy she had against him, but she was no match for a tame Chance, much less an aroused Chance. Eventually she stopped wriggling and relaxed into his kisses. Claire could tell he was determined to take her. Something about the way he displayed forceful aggression always turned Claire on, and this time was no exception. She was ravaged with need.

  She shoved him on the bed. She straddled him, yanked his sweat pants below his waist, and let his cock out. She gripped it in her right hand, hoisted her body, and drove him deep inside her. Chance’s eyes rolled back as Claire sank down on him. He gripped her hips and hoisted his, and in that position he penetrated her warm pussy slowly at first, then faster and with more urgency and need. Claire pressed down hard on his chest and gyrated as he pressed further and further into her, and just as quickly as they had started, she could feel her juices building like a tidal wave. She flooded him with her orgasm. He groaned and muttered something inaudible before she felt him sink his fingers into her hips as he came into her.

  She didn’t linger afterwards. She quickly got up and straightened her skirt. “Look what you did to my makeup,” she smiled.

  “Claire, are you ready?” she heard Willow call from the hall.

  Claire’s eyes widened as she looked at a half-naked Chance lying on her bed. “Quick! Get up!” she urged. He yanked his pants to his waist and rushed around looking for somewhere to hide, but before he could, Willow walked in.

  “Hey, Chance.” She looked suspiciously from one to the other.

  “Hi, Willow,” Chance said.

  “Mom,” Claire said. “Do you need me?”

  “I haven’t seen you in a while. Came to see if you wanted to ride into town with me.”

  “Oh, sure,” Claire said.

  “Well, good luck with your new job,” Chance said to Claire and turned to Willow. “I had to stop by and wish her luck. I haven’t seen her in ages.”

  “I haven’t seen much of her lately either, and that was before this job,” Willow smiled.

  “Well, I better go now,” he said. When he was behind Willow, he blew Claire a kiss and disappeared into the hallway.

  “That was nice of him,” Willow said. With a hint of concern in her voice, she added, “Are you okay, baby?”


  “You and Chance…” Her mom’s voice trailed.

  “You know it’s over, Mom,” Claire said rather quickly. She hated lying to her mother, but the situation left her no choice. “Don’t worry about it.”

  Willow didn’t press it. “Ready to go?”

  “Yes, give me a few more minutes and I’ll be down.”

  Claire breathed a sigh of relief when she closed the door behind her, grateful Willow hadn’t caught them. They had to be more careful!


  Things were more or less the same for Claire and Chance over the next few days. They snuck around and shared stolen moments every chance they got, despite the many close calls.

  However, Bryan was busy entertaining more guests so he could introduce his new family to his friends, which forced Claire and Chance into uncomfortable social gatherings.

  “Oh, another one of Dad’s holiday gatherings,” Chance said as they sat through yet another party “Boring.”

  “It’s not so bad,” Claire shrugged. “I could get used to this.”

  “No. This is one too many for me,” he said, setting his glass down on the counter. “I have an idea.”

  “I don’t think I want to hear it.”

  “I bet you do. Let’s go do something fun.”

  “Not now, Chance,” Claire said, turning her head so Willow couldn’t read her lips. “My mother has been looking at us for a solid minute. “

  “I don’t think we can fool her no matter how we try,” Chance said, smiling.

  “Well, at least I can try,” Claire said. She saw a girl waving at Chance. “I think someone needs you.”

  Chance looked in the direction Claire pointed and groaned. “My dad’s friend’s daughter. She’s a pain. Wait right here. I’ll be right back.”

  “Don’t think I can wait,” she said as she watched Chance walk towards the woman, a pang of jealousy hitting her.

  Claire was forced to watch as the girl drooled over him and playfully run her hands over his chest. She also noticed that Chance was trying to get her off him. Finally, Claire had had enough of the show and disappeared upstairs to her room. For the rest of the day, she didn’t seem him.


  Chance sat as the jet’s engine roared in his ears, drowning all the crazy thoughts he had in his mind. He was on his way to a one-week business conference to represent his dad, who couldn’t make it. His whole mind was focused on Claire. Things had gone too far between them
, and he didn’t know what to do about it. At first she was just another pawn on his chessboard, but almost overnight she had become more. He had tried to resist her by staying away, but that hadn’t worked. He even tried to distance himself from her and pretend he was into other women, but when she seemed like she didn’t care, he had panicked and ran back to her. If only he knew what to feel and how to feel about her. All he knew was that his feelings for her were growing, but he didn’t know how to handle it.

  When he returned a week later, he found Claire in her room going over colored fabrics and matching textures and tones on a wooden surface.

  “Hey,” he said as he leaned against the door jam. “What are you doing?”

  “Hey Chance,” she said and returned her attention to her work. “You’re back.”

  He walked inside and looked over her shoulder at the fabrics she was arranging. “You’re pretty good at this.”

  “Thanks,” Claire said without looking at him.

  Chance pulled the chair up next to the bed and twiddled his thumbs. He sighed and looked everywhere but at Claire. “I don’t know…” he began, but nothing followed.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Claire, I’m sorry, but this…Gosh!” he said. He got up and kicked the chair away from him. He raked his hand through his hair and stood silently, his back to her. “This isn’t going to work.”

  “What isn’t going to work?” she asked.

  “Us!” he said. “I’m not sure if I’m ready for this…for us! Everything has been different since we got back and my life is…I always have to think about what you want or how it will affect you. I can’t live the life I’m used to, and I can’t be with you how I want to be, either.”

  “Are you breaking up with me?” Claire asked gently. “You won’t be the first.”


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