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Teller of Tales: The Life of Arthur Conan Doyle

Page 54

by Daniel Stashower

spirit photography

  Conan Doyle

  spirit sensitive(s)


  and apocalypse

  fraud, deceit in

  of Lady Jean Conan Doyle

  Society for Psychical Research and

  spiritualism (Conan Doyle)

  and African lecture tour

  alienation through

  belief in fairies and

  crusade in America

  defense of

  in fiction

  and his illness

  and Houdini

  McCabe’s attack on

  paranormal inquiry

  public crusade for

  pubic declaration regarding

  speaking about, in Movietone newsreel

  Spiritualist Church (London)

  spiritualist movement

  Conan Doyle subsidized

  Conan Doyle’s advocacy of/efforts for

  spiritualist works

  profits from, donated to movement


  and funeral of Conan Doyle


  Stanley, Henry

  Stark Munro Letters, The

  Starrett, Vincent

  Stead, W. T.

  Steele, Frederick Dorr

  Stevenson, Frances

  Stevenson, Robert Louis

  Stoddart, Joseph Marshall

  Stoker, Bram

  Stoll Film Company

  Stonor Case, The

  see Speckled Band, The

  Stonyhurst (school)

  stop-action clay animations

  “Story of Mr. George Edalji, The”

  Story of Waterloo, A

  “Straggler of ’15, A”

  Strand, The (magazine)

  Conan Doyle’s autobiography serialized in

  Conan Doyle’s pronouncements on fairies in

  Conan Doyle’s spiritualist ideas published in

  Hound of Baskervilles serialized in

  illustration in

  new series of Sherlock Holmes stories in

  serialization of Land of Mist in

  serialization of Lost World in

  “Uncharted Coast” writings in

  Straus, Ida

  Study in Scarlet, A

  “Styles” (Christie home)



  suffrage movement

  Sullivan, Arthur

  Sunday Express (London)

  Sunday Pictorial

  “Surgeon of Gaster Fell, The”

  Suspense (Conrad)

  “Sussex Vampire, The”

  Swinburne, Algernon

  Symonds, Lily

  see Loder-Symonds, Lily


  Tales of Mystery and Imagination (Poe)

  Tangled Skein, A

  Tappin, Bob

  Temple Bar magazine

  “Tendency of Fiction in England” (lecture)

  “Testing Gas Pipes for Leakage”

  Thackeray, William Makepeace

  Thayer, Ernest Lawrence

  Theosophical movement

  Theosophical Society

  Blavatsky Lodge

  Thomas, C. Drayton

  Thomas Cook travel agency

  Thompson, Eva

  Thompson, William, R.

  Thomson, Professor

  Thomson, Sir Charles Wyville

  “Thor Bridge”

  Through the Magic Door

  “Three Gables, The”

  Three Men in a Boat (Jerome)

  Thurston, Howard

  Time Machine, The (Wells)

  Times (London)

  disappearance of A. Christie in

  obituary of Conan Doyle

  Tit-Bits (magazine)


  Titterton, W. R.

  “To An Undiscerning Critic”

  “To Arms!” (pamphlet)

  “To Sir Arthur Conan Doyle” (Guiterman)

  “To the British Working Man” (Meredith)

  Toledo, Ohio

  Tragedy of the Korosko, The

  Transactions of the Society for Psychical Research

  translations (Conan Doyle)

  Treasure Island (Stevenson)

  Tree, Herbert Beerbohm

  Trench, John

  “Trial of Oscar Slater” (Roughhead)

  Trilby (du Maurier)

  Truth About Oscar Slater, The (Park)

  “Truth of Masks, The” (Wilde)


  new treatment for

  Twain, Mark

  Tweedale, Charles

  Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (Verne)

  “221B” (Starrett)


  “Uncharted Coast” writings

  Uncle Bernac

  Undershaw (Conan Doyle home)

  Undershaw Rifle Club

  Union of Democratic Control

  United States

  and Casement case

  Civil War

  Conan Doyle tours in

  Conan Doyle spiritualist crusade in

  Conan Doyle’s works in

  Sherlock Holmes stories in

  in World War I

  University of Edinburgh

  characters modeled on faculty of

  Medical School

  Unmasking of Robert-Houdin, The (Houdini)

  Utopia, Limited (Gilbert and Sullivan)

  Valley of Fear, The

  Vaughan, Father Bernard

  Verne, Jules

  Victoria, Queen


  Villiers, Frederic

  Visit to Three Fronts, A

  Vital Message, The

  “Voice of Science, The”

  “Von Kempelen and His Discovery” (Poe)

  von Tirpitz, Alfred

  Wadi Halfa

  Wales, Prince of

  Wallace, Alfred Russel

  Wallace, Edgar

  Waller, Bryan Charles

  relationship with Mary Doyle

  Waller, Lewis

  Wanderings of a Spiritualist, The

  “War in South Africa: Its Causes and Conduct”

  War Office

  Ward, Lock and Company

  warfare, new forms of

  “Warning, A” (pamphlet)

  wartime chronicles

  see also history(ies)

  Washington, D.C.

  Watson, James

  Watson, Patrick Heron

  Watt, A. P.

  Webster, H. T.

  Weekly Dispatch

  Weiss, Cecilia

  Weiss, Ehrich

  see Houdini, Harry

  Welden, Elmore (“Elmo”)

  Well-Remembered Voice, A (Barrie)

  Wells, H. G.

  “Werewolf of Trenton, The”

  Westminster Gazette

  Whaling cruise

  When the World Screamed

  White, Arnold

  White Company, The

  established Conan Doyle’s credentials as writer

  White Star line

  Wilde, Oscar

  William J. Burns National Detective Agency

  Wilson, Woodrow

  Windlesham (Conan Doyle home)

  Conan Doyle buried at

  Houdini at

  séances at

  Window in Thrums, A (Barrie)

  Witchcraft Act

  Wodehouse, P. G.

  Woman Who Did, The (Allen)


  in fiction of Conan Doyle

  women’s rights

  women’s suffrage movement

  Wood, Major

  Wood, McKinnon

  Woolley, Sir Leonard

  Woolsey, Robert

  Woolwich Academy

  Wordsworth, Dorothy

  World, The

  World War I

  Conan Doyle’s history of

  and Conan Doyle’s spiritualism

  Doyle family deaths in

  United States in/and

  Wriedt, Mrs.

  Wright, Arthur

  Wright, Elsie (later Elsie Hill)

  Wright, Mrs.

  writing(s) (Conan Doyle)

  autobiographical elements in

  background research

  book rights

  collected works

  creative fatigue

  derived from other writers

  hallmarks of

  history of Boer War

  innovations in thought and style


  plays based on

  plotting skills

  prose style

  serial rights

  sexual themes in

  see also income from writing; literary career

  Yellen, Sherman

  Zancig, Ada

  Zancig, Julius

  Zangwill, Israel


  The Adventure of the Ectoplasmic Man

  Elephants in the Distance

  Henry Holt and Company, Inc.

  Publishers since 1866

  115 West 18th Street

  New York, New York 10011

  Henry Holt is a registered trademark of Henry Holt and Company, Inc.

  Copyright © 1999 by Daniel Stashower

  All rights reserved.

  Published in Canada by Fitzhenry & Whiteside Ltd., 195 Allstate Parkway, Markham, Ontario L3R 4T8.

  First Edition 1999

  eISBN 9781466863156

  First eBook edition: January 2014




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