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Excessive - The Complete Series Box Set (A Single Dad Romance (X Series #1)

Page 15

by Claire Adams

  As soon as we arrived in the Tomms’ convenience store, Vince got out and ran inside to meet Kylie and Mrs. Tomms. Seeing him this gleeful made me forget about my worries for the moment.

  I entered the store to see the two women greeting Vince. Mrs. Tomms was hugging my son.

  “Did you take your medicines on time?” she asked, her face filled with worry. She treated him as a grandson, which left me liking her more than I did upon meeting her. She was a good woman, and we were lucky to have not only Kylie in our lives but her too.

  “Yes, Nana. I also finished the books you gave me! I promised Kylie I would read them all today!” He turned toward Kylie, smiling at her from ear to ear.

  Kylie gave him a high five. “That’s awesome, Vince. I knew you could do it.”

  “Hi, Mrs. Tomms.” I walked over, joining their tiny reunion.

  She turned to face me, smiling as I walked up to meet them. “Hello, Hunter. Thank goodness you came. We needed to lift some boxes from the back, but Kylie and I couldn’t even drag them. Can you help us?” she asked, but Kylie frowned.

  I laughed out loud, ready to help them. “Sure, Mrs. Tomms. Let’s go.” I followed her lead as we walked to the back portion of the store. Several boxes were stacked around the area. I looked around, seeing three huge boxes piled together.

  “The courier left them there without even asking where I wanted to put them. Too bad they were heavy.” From the label on the boxes, they were purified drinking water bottles. I lifted one as she led me through the store, telling me whether to go left or right.

  After managing to put two boxes inside, I caught a glimpse of Vince helping Kylie with refilling the shelves. They looked perfect together. The two most important people in my life together.

  “Come on, Hunter. There’s still one outside.” I nodded at Mrs. Tomms, following her orders.

  As I went out to carry the last box, I spotted someone watching from a little ways away. He wore an all-black shirt and pants, with a black cap to cover his eyes. Even though he wore dark clothes, it was clear who he was.

  He caught my eye as I stared at him. He looked unfazed, as if he was ready to compete with me anytime. His pale face stood out from his dark clothing. I even caught him smirking as we engaged in a standoff.

  “Hey, Hunter, what’s taking so long?” I heard Kylie’s voice calling out to me.

  She had just walked out went out of the back door when the man took off running. I looked at Kylie, who seemed surprised, her mouth open, eyes wide.

  “What’s the matter, Kylie?” I asked, trying to read her mind.

  She didn’t speak but seemed to be having a little trouble breathing.

  I came closer to her, shaking her shoulders to wake her up. “Hey, baby?”

  “That guy looks like the one who broke into my house.” She was still staring at toward where the guy was.

  From the look on her face, she was terrified. I held her in my arms as I took her inside, hoping to give her some sense of security.

  Telling her that the pale scoundrel was looking for an illegal gun would not be the wisest move. She couldn’t handle anything else.

  And besides, I could figure this out and deal with the fucker myself. She was my girl. He’d have to go through me to get to her. Period.

  Chapter 24


  I spent most of the evening trying to shake off the sense of trepidation sitting on my shoulders. It worked when I was deep in conversation with Hunter or Vince, but any time alone, and I found myself terrified. I got into bed with Hunter that night, snuggling up to him and trying to rid myself of the fear that clung to me. He was sweet and checked on me a million times, but there was nothing he could do.

  I wasn’t imagining things. The guy who broke into the house was the one outside of the store. Why though? Was he targeting me? Did he know me? My thoughts stayed with me throughout the night, but finally, sleep overtook me, and I passed out, dreaming of a wedding dress and a handsome guy standing at the end of the aisle, waiting for me to start our forever.

  The morning awakened me with its cool breeze. I squeezed closer to Hunter, pulling my blanket to cover my shoulders, but I guessed I would not be falling back to sleep anytime soon. My mind was wide awake at that point.

  I squinted to find Hunter fast asleep beside me, his eyes closed in peace. His lashes were long and thick, a beautiful complement to his adorable face. His lips were parted a little, showing his perfectly carved, pinkish lips. I stole a kiss from him while he slept.

  I stretched out from under the sheets, sitting up to stare out the window. It was starting to get bright outside. I stood up and yawned, smiling as I watched Hunter sleep comfortably in his bed. I pulled his blanket up, covering him against the cold. He had moved a little before I left the room, changing his position, but he was still lost to the world.

  Despite my shitty night the night before, I had a renewed strength and vigor for the day. It had to be my dreams of marrying the man I loved, but whatever it was, I felt like luck was back on my side. I believed that it would be a great day.

  I proceeded to the kitchen to make some coffee and prepare our breakfast. I hummed joyfully as I fried some eggs and bacon. I fixed the coffee next and then set the table for the three of us.

  About that time, Hunter came in from upstairs and settled into his seat. I brought him a cup of coffee as he watched me, smiling brightly with his eyes still squinted from sleep.

  “Good morning, sleepyhead. You look like you just woke up from a deep sleep.” I laughed at him to which he rolled his eyes. He still looked adorable though.

  “I still look handsome, though.” It was me who then rolled my eyes back at him. I turned my back to get the other cup I had left in the kitchen. He was right; he still looked handsome.

  Coming back with a mug in my hand and a glass of chocolate milk in the other, I returned with a big grin on my face. He looked at me with a teasing glare, mocking me about telling him how good looking he really was.

  “You haven’t answered yet, Miss Early Bird.” he kidded, waiting for me before he ate his breakfast.

  I nodded with a forced expression, pretending to be cocky. “Answered what exactly?”

  He laughed at me, ridiculed by my expression. “Whether you agree that I’m handsome or not.”

  “Was there a question in that?” I licked my fork and gave him a sultry look. He knew exactly how I felt about him. Handsome was an understatement. He was a god.

  As I took an egg, he took his meal as well. Just when we were beginning to eat our breakfast, Vince came from his room, rubbing his eyes as he sat to eat with us.

  “Come on, buddy. Eat up.” Hunter called out to him after taking a bite from his biscuit. Vince dragged his feet, still sleepy, but he sat and ate his breakfast.

  We finished our meal full and happy. I went to clean up and wash the dishes, but Hunter stopped me and volunteered to do the work.

  “Go get dressed. It’s your day off today; you should enjoy it.” I kissed his cheek as a sign of thank you and ran upstairs.

  Vince got ready for our day too, far too happy for our visit. He was beyond stoked to see a baby and to help take care of her. Not that he helped much, but we would make him feel like he did. He needed a sibling. Bad.

  As soon as I finished getting ready, I returned downstairs to meet Vince. He looked cute as always as Hunter tied the shoelaces of his rubber shoes. He gave Vince the insulin kit and reminded him of his rules, telling him he should not forget everything

  “Yes, sir!” Upon seeing me, Hunter stood up and patted Vince’s head.

  He turned to me and held my shoulders before leaning in and kissing my cheek. “Take care of Vince for me, hm?”

  “Of course I will.” We always had this type of sendoff whenever the two were to part. It was sweet and thoughtful, but I memorized it perfectly well. Perhaps every parent should be as overprotective as Hunter was.

  He watched as the two of us left, driving to Bailey’
s house for the whole afternoon. Hunter was smiling as he waved, Vince doing the same to his father.


  We arrived at Bailey’s house faster than I expected. The drive was quick and hassle free. Vince grabbed his backpack after I turned the car’s engine off, staring at me to wait for my signal. I smiled at him and unlocked the doors, nodding at him that he could now get out of the car.

  “Let’s go, buddy!”

  “Yes. I’m so excited!” he squeaked as he got out of the car, eager to see the cute little girl. I got out and took his medicine kit, pocketing the keys to my car. I rang the doorbell and waited for a few seconds before Bailey opened the door.

  “Oh my God, I’ve missed you!” She wrapped her hands around me, hugging me as if she hadn’t seen me in the past few years of her life. I spotted Cat crawling on the floor, looking at who came to visit her and her mother.

  “Oh, there you are, little Cat.” I untangled from Bailey’s tight embrace and went straight to Cat. I carried her in my arms and kissed her cheek, missing the cute little angel for weeks.

  Vince came closer, holding baby Cat’s hand as he stared at her. The little girl smiled at him, revealing her tiny teeth in a cute grin.

  “She’s so cute,” Vince said to me, looking at the baby girl before him. “I want a sister. Do you think Dad will ever have more kids? Like brothers and sisters for me?”

  “I’m sure he will.” I smiled down at him before putting Cat down and urging Vince to go into the living room with her. I turned to Bailey and caught her smiling, mesmerized by the thought that her little girl finally had someone to play with.

  “Come on; I baked some chocolate cupcakes for you two,” she claimed, taking me to the kitchen. I gave her a disappointed look.

  “What?” She gave me a baffled stare.

  “Vince is diabetic. I told you a million times already.” I crossed my arms, dismay on my face as I stared back at her.

  Bailey slapped her forehead. “Oh, shoot. Yeah, I totally forgot. I guess I’ll just be treating him out with pizza. You okay with that?” She looked at me with an apologetic gaze.

  “He can have a piece or two, but I’ll have to give him a shot. Bread turns into sugar in the body too.” Vince would love it, and I’d just count his carbs and keep him safe. Besides, I hadn’t had pizza for quite some time, anyway.

  We left the kitchen and headed to the living room, finding the kids playing great together. Cat was holding a puppet in her hand while Vince was speaking on behalf of one of her stuffed toys. We watched as the two had a blast together, finding it cute to see them enjoy each other’s company.

  “How old is Cat again?” I asked Bailey, teasing her about Cat liking Vince. She rolled her eyes in reply but answered anyway.

  “She’s going to be three on Saturday of next week.” She changed the cartoon channel to the Lifestyle channel as the kids were completely engaged in the game they were playing.

  “Oh, Vince is five. They could be matched together,” I whispered. “Looks like Cat has a new boyfriend.”

  She gave me a shove then laughed out loud. I could not help but laugh as well, getting used to the jokes we always played on each other. The two kids watched as we shared the happiness, clueless as to why we were laughing.

  “Don’t mind us, Vince. It’s okay; we’re just catching up.”

  Vince nodded and smiled, turning his attention back to Cat’s toys. The little girl played with him, thrilled to meet a new playmate.

  “You are so silly. If there’s someone who’s getting a new boyfriend here, that would be none other than you.” She pointed an accusing finger at me. I blushed upon hearing her words as if trapped in the interrogation room and caught in the act I had been hiding. “So, how are things really going right now between you and Mr. Yummy Pants?”

  “I don’t know how to explain it, but I’m really happy with what we have right now. It feels like we’re a family. I know he has feelings for me too, but we have not talked about it yet.” Talking about it caused my heart to race. I could not erase the smile on my face.

  “You are glowing more than ever. I guess you’re the happiest woman on Earth now, right?” She looked at me with a grateful expression. Just before, she was cautioning me to slow things down and distance myself from Hunter. Maybe she realized that he was a great man. The type who did not take the women who helped them for granted.

  “For sure, and you don’t know the half of it,” I answered her with a naughty look. She pushed me once more, knowing what I meant.

  We laughed again, having more fun than we should have.


  I looked at the clock and saw that it was already 11:49 in the morning. We had already talked about a lot of things, and the kids had been starting to feel their tummies growling. Bailey stood up and decided that we should head out to eat some pizza.

  “Who likes to eat pizza? Raise your hands!”

  The two kids shot their hands up into the air. I raised my hand as well, joining them. Bailey was raising her hand as well, causing the kids to giggle happily.

  The four of us left the house and went out to eat, Bailey’s treat. The two were getting along together so well. It made me happy seeing Vince smile and laugh. Bringing him with me was a good decision after all.

  I held his hand as we walked into the restaurant and slid into the booth next to him, my heart overfilled just from being with him. I wanted a family. A son. Being with Vince almost let me pretend that the impossible was suddenly possible. Maybe I wouldn’t end up alone in life.

  “Can I look at the menu?” he asked politely.

  I requested a menu from the waiter and handed it to Vince when it arrived. “Here you go. There’s so many. Good luck.”

  He smiled up at me. “Which is your favorite?”

  “I like them all.” I reached over and rubbed his back. “See which you like and we’ll get that one for sure.”

  “Have you made up your mind?” Bailey glanced our way, waiting for our answer.

  “Cheese please!” Vince and I answered in unison.

  Little Cat laughed heartily upon hearing us, finding it funny that we both had the same interest. Bailey called the waiter and gave him our orders. After the waiter had taken our orders and menus, Bailey stared at me but didn’t say anything.

  As the orders came out, the kids tore the pizza up. They ate with big smiles, grateful to eat something tasty. I enjoyed the treat, adding another restaurant in my got-to-go-back-to list.

  After a few minutes of eating, our table was cleared away. The plates were clean as well as the glasses. It was amazing.

  I made sure Vince took his injection after we ate, being as careful as I possibly could. The cute little guy had completely forgotten about Hunter’s reminders. Maybe because he was busy playing and chatting with a new playmate.

  When it was time to go home, Bailey held my arm and pulled me back. As the two kids held hands and walked to the parking lot, she turned to face me, a smile on her pretty face. “You know, I’ve never seen you be this mature. I’m so proud of you. You’ve become a great mother to Vince.”

  “Thanks, Bailey. That means a lot to me.” I held back tears at the thought of being Vince’s mother in the future. It sounded like bliss, but I hated to get my hopes up. Hunter and I were sleeping together and even living together, but would that end as soon as my place felt safe again?

  “Well, I mean it.” She gave me a quick hug. “Call me. Sooner than later, please.” She walked to Cat and scooped her up as I jogged up and took Vince’s little hand.

  A great mother to Vince.

  It hit me right in the chest, but that was because of how badly I wanted it to be true.

  Chapter 25

  One Week Later


  “So, how many books have you read today?” I walked over to Vince as he read another new book from Mrs. Tomms. He was seated at my desk, quietly enjoying his new set of books.

  “Too soon to ask, Daddy. I just star
ted this new set Mrs. Tomms gave me.” He did not bother to look up at me. His attention was on the new adventures he would be exploring. I gave him a pat on the shoulder as a well-done job sign. Before I could turn my back to him, he finally asked me.

  “Dad, Cat’s having her birthday party tomorrow. Can we go with Kylie?” He put the book down, looking up to stare into my eyes. It was as if he’d wanted to talk about it for a long time, but felt hesitant.

  I recalled how many times I had disappointed him. It might have been the reason why he was pretending to be busy reading all week. It would buy him some time in thinking how to open up about Cat’s birthday celebration tomorrow.

  I thought about my schedule. No clients had called to meet with me, nor previous customers to practice at the gun range. It was a pretty good day to take a rest from work and go spend time with Kylie and Vince.

  “Yeah, buddy. We can go to her party tomorrow.” This time, I was certain I’d be able to keep my promise. I would talk about my plans with Garren and grant him a day off as well. He deserved it for working so hard at the gun shop.

  “Thanks, Daddy! Kylie said she’ll buy something for Cat. I bet she will get the best present for her ever!”

  “I bet so too, buddy.”

  Vince returned to his seat, smiling from ear to ear, which warmed my heart. He was treating Kylie more and more like a mother figure in his life.

  I felt the same. I’d fallen for the beautiful blonde. I just had to get my fear outta the fucking way and step into our relationship fully. Soon. I kept promising myself that I would soon.

  Garren’s warning rose up in my head, reminding me about Linda and forcing me to promise to be careful. It wasn’t just my heart on the line. Kylie would never do that to Vince. She couldn’t break his heart.


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