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Chasing Him

Page 31

by Kennedy Fox

  It took weeks to forgive him for not telling me sooner that Bailey had come to see me. One afternoon, Jackson took me to the side and apologized. He explained how he wanted to protect me and would’ve never turned her away if he’d known. After looking at his face, I knew he was living the same regret I had, but nothing can change what happened. Hindsight is twenty-twenty, as they say. I’ve never seen him be so sincere and serious at the same time. As much as I wanted to stay mad at him forever, I couldn’t, not after he fully explained his intent. The pain, the what-ifs, and the need to know exactly what happened is slowly fading away as I’ve tried to find closure. While it will take time, each day I get to hear my baby girl laugh and see her smile, it gets easier.

  After I’m dressed in a button-up shirt, some slacks, suspenders, and slip on the authentic black-framed glasses I ordered, I grab my keys and phone, then head out the door. I send a selfie to Mila with the glasses on, and she responds with the heart eyes emoji along with the splashing drops emoji—which I’ve learned means she’s aroused—and I laugh at her reaction.

  John: Heading to the auction now. Wish me luck. I’m scared on who’ll bid and win me this year. Apparently being a dad is “hot.”

  * * *

  Mila: Well how do you think the word DILF was penned? So I told Gigi to bid big and demanded Kat back her up if some crazy person is trying to snag you. I said sixty and above only!

  * * *

  John: Those older ladies are the worst sometimes! They get grabby hands like you wouldn’t believe.

  * * *

  Mila: If they know what’s good for them, they’ll BACK OFF. Kat’s got me covered.

  I smile. I don’t doubt she did set up something. Even from Georgia, she’s protective of me.

  John: Wish you were here :(

  * * *

  Mila: I know, baby. I can’t wait to see you again!

  I don’t want to go on a pretend date with anyone. I’d rather sit at home with my baby girl and FaceTime Mila. Unfortunately, the past few weeks she’s been overly busy, and we haven’t been able to talk as much as usual, but we text as much as we can.

  I’ve been sending her photos of Maize every chance I get because I know how much their relationship meant to her. I ask her about work, so she knows I’m still supportive of her goals, but I still wish she was here with me. We’re one-third of the way through her school year commitment, and I’ve begun a countdown of how many days are left until she returns—if she decides to. Only two hundred and thirty-eight days.

  Pretty soon, we’ll be sharing Thanksgiving together since she’ll get an extra few days off, which I can’t wait for. It’ll have been four months since we saw each other, and part of me wants to keep her hostage in my bedroom the entire time without sharing her with anyone else. She’s also promised to come for Christmas and New Year’s while she’s on winter break, which makes me incredibly happy since she’ll have almost two weeks off.

  After I lock up the house, I head to town to the old bank building where the auction is being held. It took the entire summer to renovate it, and I’m actually shocked when I walk in and see how much the place has changed. It went from being an old rustic event center to a building where I expect to be served expensive wine and caviar. It’s entirely too fancy for my blood.

  I look around the room and see Mama went all out with the Halloween themed decorations. Giant eight-foot spiders hang from the ceiling, and black and orange balloons are scattered around the room. She even rented fog machines and has scary music playing in the background to set the mood. Smoky purple drinks with Frankenstein finger straws are served to every guest. I take one, and the first thing I taste is gin. Mama’s already trying to get everyone saucy. Based on the drinks alone, this might be her most successful year yet.

  “There you are!” Jackson flies over to me with his fist out. His red cape flutters as he runs toward me. By the look on his face and the height of the bang curl he has, I know I’m gonna need ten more of these drinks to be able to handle him tonight. “You make a perfect Clark Kent. Nerdy from head to toe. The black glasses and suspenders are a good touch.”

  “You can’t be Clark Kent without the glasses. You’re a poser.” I take a sip of my drink, needing to chug it.

  “No, I’m SUPERMAN!” Jackson looks at the girls walking past us and flexes as they giggle. They’re both dressed like vampires and show their pointed teeth when they smile back at him. “I have something you can suck,” he tells one of them, winking.

  Mama comes out of nowhere and slaps him upside the head, which causes me to burst into laughter.

  “Don’t be disrespectful. I taught you better than that,” she huffs. Mama’s dressed like a Southern belle with a big poofy dress and hat that ties under her chin. It looks as if it’s a period costume, and it wouldn’t surprise me a bit if it’s vintage all the way down to the lace. She takes this as serious as Jackson takes his whiskey parties.

  “You look great, Mama,” I tell her, and she gives me a curtsey.

  “You do too. Emily, Evan, Alex, and River are about to arrive. I can’t wait for you to see their costumes. I reserved y’all a table up in the front by the stage.” She gives me a hug and eyes Jackson before patting him on his back and telling him to behave. “Watch him tonight.”

  I give her nod, and just as I turn, I see Evan walk through the entrance and clap my hands when I recognize all their costumes. River is Tinkerbell, Alex is Mr. Smee, Evan is Peter Pan, and Emily is Wendy.

  “This is great,” I tell Jackson, but I can tell he’s annoyed they one-upped him.

  “It’s dumb. They don’t even have Captain Hook,” he adds, just as Dad walks through the door in full Captain Hook garb, down to the curly black hair, mustache, and burgundy hat with a feather on top.

  They totally nailed it.

  “Fuckin’! Epic!” I go over to them, knowing tonight they’ll steal the show. They’re all smiles, and it seems everyone in the room notices them too. People are pointing, and I’m trying to ignore the whole room looking at us.

  “How’d you talk Dad into it?” I ask Evan.

  “It was his idea, actually. We were all talking about what we were going to wear, and Dad suggested it. Apparently, he’s always wanted to dress up as Hook. Anyway, Alex should’ve been Peter Pan, but he refused. These tights are making my nuts itch.” Evan takes one of the dangerous purple drinks off the tray and downs it in three seconds. “You’d think Mama is trying to get us trashed or something.”

  Emily laughs at him. “The stronger the drinks, the slipperier the wallets. You know how this works. So you’re Clark Kent?”

  “Yeah, and apparently since I’m the boring half, it was fitting.” All eyes glance over at Jackson who’s standing tall in his Superman costume.

  River is staring at Jackson and bursts into laughter. “Did you stuff your crotch?”

  All our heads turn at the same time and look at the bulge in Jackson’s tights.

  “No, I’m just that big, baby,” he tells her while wiggling his eyebrows.

  “I call bullshit. Unless you have elephantiasis or something. Your balls aren’t that big,” I hear Kiera walk up and say.

  “And how would you know?” Jackson’s mouth practically falls to the ground when he sees Kiera dressed like Catwoman in a skintight black suit hugging all her curves. She’s carrying a whip in her right hand, which is the perfect accessory, but what’s scary is she knows how to use it.

  Kiera bursts into laughter and Jackson’s still watching her, that is until Trent walks up wearing a Batman costume. He openly rolls his eyes and walks away mumbling something about how couple costumes make him sick.

  When the lights dim, we make our way past all the tables toward the front of the room. I grab another purple drink, and Evan grabs two because we know what’s about to happen. Jackson flirts with random girls that walk by, and I watch as Kiera watches him. Even with Trent sitting next to her, with his arm wrapped around her, it’s obvious she still has fe
elings for Jackson. One of the vampire girls walks by and whispers something to him, and he pulls her onto his lap where they giggle about something. I see Mama side stage glaring at Jackson who’s making a fool of himself, something he does on the regular to forget about Kiera. River taps him on his shoulder and points over to Mama and Jackson shoos her away. If he doesn’t stop, there’s gonna be a scene like in the grocery store when we were kids, and by the look on Mama’s face, it’s about five seconds from happening.

  “Jackson,” Kiera whispers. “Jackson,” she says even louder.

  He turns and looks at her, a wide smile on his face. “What do you want?”

  “You’re acting like an ass. Stop it.”

  The girl on his lap looks at Kiera, whispers something in his ear, then gets up and walks away. Jackson scowls at Kiera. “Why don’t you mind your own damn business?”

  The look on her face is so fierce, I wouldn’t be surprised if she picked up that whip and gave Jackson a run for his money. Trent rubs her back, calming her, and she turns and looks at him, not paying any mind to Jackson’s antics.

  Jessica, Dylan’s lady, who’s emceeing for the second year in a row, takes the stage with Mama just as the lights in the room dim. I look around the room, and the fake candles on the tables flicker in the low lighting. Just like every year, Mama takes the stage and introduces herself along with everyone else.

  “Last year, we had a record year! So I wanted to give a big thanks to everyone who participated. We were able to earn enough money to help provide food to serve over one hundred thousand meals across the county, which is a huge deal. But I told the director of the food bank that this year will be even better. Prove me right.” She smiles and nods at the audience. “So without further ado, I’ll hand the mic back to our emcee, so she can get to it.”

  Jessica walks across the stage, dressed in a yellow ball gown. Her hair is half pulled up in a bun with a yellow ribbon. She’s even carrying a couple of red roses with her. Before starting, she blows kisses at Dylan, who’s also sitting at our table, and it’s then I realize he’s the Beast, and she’s Belle.

  Ugh, couples costumes. I can’t escape them.

  “Alright, ghouls and ghosts, is everyone ready for the fourteenth annual bachelor auction?” The women in the crowd go wild as the group of men who were threatened to participate line up next to the stage. I follow Jackson, and those who get our costumes laugh, but the Neverland group is getting all the attention, which I’m happy about.

  “First up, we have Dr. Evan Bishop. He’s all about saving lives, and if you’re a good girl, he might give you mouth to mouth,” she continues, and I watch Emily stand and bid five hundred dollars. April, Evan’s stalker from last year, stands up and bids higher. Emily turns and glares at her, giving her a silent warning before bidding again. Though April is still obsessed, she sits down and pouts. I watch Evan mouth a quick, “Thank you,” and walk off the stage shaking his head.

  Alex is bid off to River, who has a bidding war with someone else, and I wonder why Mama just doesn’t let us pay a few thousand dollars to get out of the humiliation.

  Jackson nudges me. “You know I’m gonna bring in the most money like I do every year.”

  “Good for you. Glad you could feed the hungry wolves.” I chuckle.

  “Last year, I got so many phone numbers afterward that I had dates for weeks.” He laughs just as Jessica calls his name.

  “Next up, we’ve got the famous Jackson Bishop. Known for his riding skills, if you know what I mean, ladies, and his smart mouth. He likes to kiss and ain’t afraid to tell, so if you’re ready for a wild ride on the untamed stallion, then get your bids in.” Jackson really plays it up, flexing and acting a fool. Women are literally crowding the stage, fighting over him. Pretty soon, Mama is gonna have to hire bodyguards for Jackson. I’m certain his ego loves it, though.

  “Two thousand dollars,” one of the vampire girls says.

  “Anyone else willing to bid more than that? You’re guaranteed to have a good time with this Bishop brother,” Jessica adds.

  “Twenty-five hundred,” a woman dressed as a mummy says from the side. The bidding eventually ends at three thousand dollars. Jackson flexes, jumps off the stage, and kisses the winning girl right on the lips.

  Knowing I’m next, I suck in a deep breath and walk up the stage. Jessica gives some spiel about me being a new father. “He’ll be your daddy for a night, ladies. He’s the hotter version of Jackson, reserved, and won’t wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am.”

  Just as the bidding starts, I open my button-up shirt, revealing the Superman logo beneath it, and the crowd goes wild. Jackson’s jaw drops open, and he stands, trying to bring the attention back to him, but it’s not working.

  “You can’t be Clark Kent without being Superman, too, you idiot,” I tell him.

  The lights are shining brightly in my eyes, and I think I hear Gigi bid on me. Then a few other ladies join in.

  “We’re up to a thousand dollars, ladies. Dig deep and don’t let this one get away,” Jessica encourages with a smile.

  “Was that two thousand I heard from the back of the room?” Jessica asks.

  “Twenty-five hundred,” another woman says. I place my hand over my eyes, trying to make out who is crazy enough to spend that kind of money on me. I find Kat in the corner, and she’s shrugging her shoulders at me. Gigi is close to the front, and she’s tapped out as well. Great.

  I try to smile as another woman bids. “Five thousand dollars.”

  “Are you serious?” Jessica says into the microphone, then looks around. I hear shuffling in the room, and the mumbles seem to fill the large space. The lights are so damn bright that I can barely see a thing.

  “Whoa, okay. Anyone else want to try to beat that?” Jessica asks, grinning, but she’s just as shocked as I am. “Going once, going twice, and sold to the woman in black.” The crowd applauses, and knowing Jackson, he’s pissed and just as interested to know who outdid his bidding record. “Sweetie, why don’t you come up here and claim your prize.” Jessica tries to block the lights from her eyes as well, but it’s no use. Heads turn, and I’m curious who’d spend that kind of money on me. I’m not Jackson and will not be using the date as a booty call, so it’s almost a waste of money for this poor woman, though it’s going to a good cause.

  A small silhouette walks from the very back of the room, and I hear chatter as the woman walks toward the middle of the room. I go to the edge of the stage and wait to see who’s crazy enough to spend that kind of money. The woman’s wearing a black skintight suit that hugs her in all the places, and she’s holding a red mask over her face as she makes her way to the front. She walks down the middle of the aisle like she’s on a runway, strutting her stuff in the highest high heels I’ve ever seen. Glittery red devil horns sparkle in the light as she twirls the red glitter tail in her hand. Dark brown hair is in big curls, and I cross my arms over my chest and wait.

  Emily and River gasp as she passes, and curiosity has the best of me. I’m actually really fucking confused. When she’s close enough to the stage, she removes the mask from her face and smiles. My knees go weak, and I nearly fall.

  “Mila,” I whisper. My entire body trembles in happiness, and I feel as if my heart may pound out of my chest. I jump off the stage and go to her, placing her face in my hands and smile.

  “You’re really here?” I take a step back, looking at her from head to toe. “You sneaky lil’ devil.”

  “That’s me.” She pops an eyebrow. She’s laughing and crying all at the same time, and I’m so shocked I don’t even know what else to say. I almost pinch her to make sure she’s real, and when she places her arms around my body, I know she is. Not being able to wait any longer, I dip down and kiss her so intimately it causes the crowd to erupt into applause. Everything fades away, and it’s just me and her standing in the spotlight. I’m the happiest I’ve ever been, and my world feels as if it might fall off its axis as we pull apart.

nbsp; Chapter Thirty-Three


  Feeling John’s hands and lips on me for the first time in months has my entire body on fire. I’ve missed him so damn much, and keeping this a secret from him for the past several weeks has been hard but so damn worth it.

  “I can’t believe you tricked me,” John says against my lips. “Did you really spend that much money on me?”

  I nod, laughing. “Sure did, and I expect to get every penny’s worth.”

  He releases a deep, animalistic moan, and the expression on his face tells me how much he plans to make it worth my while.

  Jessica continues the auction, giving John and me the chance to escape for some privacy. He grabs my hand and leads us out until we get to an empty hallway, and then he pins me to the wall with his mouth.

  “John,” I say, laughing as his lips devour mine. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me against his body where I feel his erection. “Ooh, Clark Kent. You’re a dirty boy.”

  “Let’s get out of here so I can show you just how dirty I can be.”

  “Okay, but keep those glasses on,” I tease.

  “As long as you keep those black heels on.” He winks.


  We laugh as he leads us out the door and to his truck. “Don’t you have to tell them you’re leaving?” I ask as he helps me into the passenger seat.

  “My guess is they already know,” he says. “You must’ve had the entire town in on your little secret.”

  “Only a few,” I admit with a cocky grin.

  “You’re a sneaky little devil.” He leans in to kiss me. “Now let me rip this off you.”


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